ui: drop unneeded args field, use opts instead

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2015-08-28 06:36:07 -07:00
parent 898b0ec82a
commit d1467d7967
5 changed files with 9 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ screen = AccountsScreen{
initAccountsScreen :: Maybe AccountName -> Day -> AppState -> AppState
initAccountsScreen mselacct d st@AppState{aopts=opts, aargs=args, ajournal=j, aScreen=s@AccountsScreen{}} =
initAccountsScreen mselacct d st@AppState{aopts=opts, ajournal=j, aScreen=s@AccountsScreen{}} =
is' = list (Name "accounts") (V.fromList items) 1
@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ initAccountsScreen mselacct d st@AppState{aopts=opts, aargs=args, ajournal=j, aS
--{query_=unwords' $ locArgs l}
ropts = (reportopts_ cliopts)
query_=unwords' args,
balancetype_=HistoricalBalance -- XXX balanceReport doesn't respect this yet
cliopts = cliopts_ opts
@ -131,7 +130,7 @@ drawAccountsItem fmt _sel item =
render $ str $ showitem item
handleAccountsScreen :: AppState -> Vty.Event -> EventM (Next AppState)
handleAccountsScreen st@AppState{aargs=args, aScreen=scr@AccountsScreen{asState=is}} e = do
handleAccountsScreen st@AppState{aScreen=scr@AccountsScreen{asState=is}} e = do
d <- liftIO getCurrentDay
-- c <- getContext
-- let h = c^.availHeightL
@ -155,7 +154,7 @@ handleAccountsScreen st@AppState{aargs=args, aScreen=scr@AccountsScreen{asState=
Vty.EvKey (Vty.KChar '9') [] -> continue $ initAccountsScreen (Just acct) d $ setDepth 9 st
Vty.EvKey (Vty.KLeft) [] -> continue $ popScreen st
Vty.EvKey (Vty.KRight) [] -> do
let st' = screenEnter d args RS.screen{rsAcct=acct} st
let st' = screenEnter d RS.screen{rsAcct=acct} st
vScrollToBeginning $ viewportScroll "register"
continue st'

View File

@ -62,12 +62,10 @@ runBrickUi opts j = do
theme = maybe defaultTheme (fromMaybe defaultTheme . getTheme) $
maybestringopt "theme" $ rawopts_ $ cliopts_ opts
args = words' $ query_ $ reportopts_ $ cliopts_ opts
scr = AS.screen
st = (sInitFn scr) d

View File

@ -38,14 +38,13 @@ screen = RegisterScreen{
initRegisterScreen :: Day -> AppState -> AppState
initRegisterScreen d st@AppState{aargs=args, aopts=opts, ajournal=j, aScreen=s@RegisterScreen{rsAcct=acct}} =
initRegisterScreen d st@AppState{aopts=opts, ajournal=j, aScreen=s@RegisterScreen{rsAcct=acct}} =
-- gather arguments and queries
ropts = (reportopts_ $ cliopts_ opts)
query_=unwords' args,
-- XXX temp

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import Hledger.UI.Options
-- from, brick's App.
data AppState = AppState {
aopts :: UIOpts -- ^ command-line options at startup
,aargs :: [String] -- ^ command-line arguments at startup
-- ,aargs :: [String] -- ^ command-line arguments at startup
,ajournal :: Journal -- ^ the parsed journal
,aScreen :: Screen -- ^ the currently active screen
,aPrevScreens :: [Screen] -- ^ previously visited screens

View File

@ -45,12 +45,10 @@ popScreen st = st
-- | Enter a new screen, saving the old screen & state in the
-- navigation history and initialising the new screen's state.
-- Extra args can be passed to the new screen's init function,
-- these can be eg query arguments.
screenEnter :: Day -> [String] -> Screen -> AppState -> AppState
screenEnter d args scr st = (sInitFn scr) d $
pushScreen scr
screenEnter :: Day -> Screen -> AppState -> AppState
screenEnter d scr st = (sInitFn scr) d $
pushScreen scr
-- | In the EventM monad, get the named current viewport's width and height,
-- or (0,0) if the named viewport is not found.