make: TESTING cleanup, more thorough and fine-grained test rules


allsnapshotstest -> allghcstest

[ci skip]
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2018-05-17 18:09:54 -07:00
parent d897bacdfe
commit d1b9d9dfe6

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@ -284,15 +284,6 @@ build: \
$(call def-help,build, download dependencies and build hledger executables (with stack))
$(STACK) build
# XXX currently always fails on hledger nonportable include path warning
build-check-warnings: \
$(call def-help,build-check-warnings, repeatedly build all hledger executables quickly ensuring no warnings)
stack build --fast --force-dirty --ghc-options=-fforce-recomp --ghc-options=-Werror --file-watch
addons: \
$(call def-help,addons, compile the experimental add-on commands, required for functional tests )
# check-setup: \
# $(call def-help,check-setup,\
# run some tests to validate the development environment\
@ -563,100 +554,39 @@ tools/generatejournal: tools/generatejournal.hs \
$(call def-help,tools/generatejournal, build the generatejournal tool )
$(GHC) tools/generatejournal.hs
$(call def-help-subheading,TESTING:)
# packdeps: \
# $(call def-help,packdeps,\
# run packdeps on each package to check for disallowed newer dependencies\
# )
# for p in $(PACKAGES); do packdeps $$p/$$p.cabal; done
test: pkgtest functest \
$(call def-help,test, run default tests )
$(call def-help,test, run default tests: package tests plus functional tests)
travistest: $(call def-help,travistest, run tests similar to the most thorough travis tests)
stack clean
stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger-lib
stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger
stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger-ui
stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger-web
stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger-api
sh -e bin/
make functest
# When running code tests, also fail if we notice GHC warnings.
# We don't force a rebuild of all files, so might not catch all warnings;
# use make warningstest-watch or make allghcstest for a thorough warnings check.
# For quieter tests add --silent. It may hide troubleshooting info.
STACKTEST=$(STACK) test --ghc-options="$(WARNINGS) -Werror"
# test-ghc-%: # bin/hledgerdev.ghc-$* \
# $(call def-help,test-ghc-%,\
# run default tests with a specific GHC version\
# some functional tests (add, include, read-csv..) have bin/hledgerdev hard coded - might need to symlink it\
# )
# @echo; echo testing hledger built with ghc-$*
# @(echo unit tests: \
# && bin/hledgerdev.ghc-$* test \
# && echo functional tests: \
# && $(SHELLTEST) tests -w bin/hledgerdev.ghc-$* \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
warningstest: $(call def-help,warningstest-watch, build all hledger executables quickly from scratch ensuring no warnings with default snapshot)
stack build --fast --force-dirty --ghc-options=-fforce-recomp --ghc-options=-Werror
# test-ghcall: bin/hledgerdev.ghcall \
# test-ghc-7.6.1 \
# test-ghc-7.4.1 \
# test-ghc-7.2.2 \
# test-ghc-7.0.4 \
# $(call def-help,test-ghcall,\
# run default tests with all supported GHC versions\
# )
pkgtest: $(call def-help,pkgtest, run the test suites in each package )
@($(STACKTEST) && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false)
# codetest: unittest functest \
# $(call def-help,codetest,\
# quick code tests, to be run frequently\
# )
hunittest: $(call def-help,hunittest, run just the hunit tests in hledger-lib )
@($(STACKTEST) hledger-lib:test:hunittests && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false)
# committest: hlinttest unittest doctest functest haddocktest warningstest quickcabaltest \
# $(call def-help,committest,\
# more thorough pre-commit/pre-push tests\
# )
# doctests don't run with ghc 8.4 on mac, see package.yaml
doctest: $(call def-help,doctest, run just the doctest tests in hledger-lib )
@($(STACKTEST) --stack-yaml stack-ghc8.2.yaml hledger-lib:test:doctests && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false)
# # releasetest: Clean unittest functest fullcabaltest haddocktest #warningstest doctest \
# # $(call def-help,releasetest,\
# # pre-release tests\
# # )
easytest: $(call def-help,easytest, run just the easytest tests in hledger-lib )
@($(STACKTEST) hledger-lib:test:easytests && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false)
# hlinttest hlint: \
# $(call def-help,hlinttest (or hlint),\
# generate a hlint report\
# )
# hlint --hint=hlint --report=hlint.html $(SOURCEFILES)
#@echo package tests:
pkgtest: \
$(call def-help,pkgtest, run the test suites for each package )
@($(STACK) test --silent \
&& echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false)
# NB ensure hledger executable is current (eg do pkgtest first)
#@echo "built-in tests (hledger cli unit tests)":
builtintest: \
$(call def-help,builtintest, run tests built in to the hledger executable (these are also run by pkg tests) )
@($(STACK) exec hledger test \
&& echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false)
# builtintestghc: bin/hledgerdev \
# $(call def-help,builtintest, run built-in unit tests with ghc build )
# @(bin/hledgerdev test \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# builtintestghc-%: bin/hledgerdev \
# $(call def-help,builtintest-PAT, run built-in unit tests whose name contains PAT )
# @(bin/hledgerdev test $* \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# builtintestghc-interpreted: \
# $(call def-help,builtintest-interpreted,\
# run built-in unit tests without waiting for compilation\
# )
# @echo "builtin tests (interpreted)":
# @(run$(GHC) $(MAIN) test \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# NB ensure an up to date hledger executable is built (eg make hunittest).
# I think we don't do it automatically to minimise unnecessary rebuilding.
builtintest: $(call def-help,builtintest, run hledgers built in test command)
@($(STACK) exec hledger test && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false)
# assumes hledger is built and uses whatever build is there, avoiding excessive rebuilding
#functest: addons tests/addons/hledger-addon
@ -679,64 +609,43 @@ tests/addons/hledger-addon: \
mkdir tests/addons/hledger-addondir
chmod +x tests/addons/hledger-*
# hledger/Hledger/Cli/Tests.hs
# doctest: tools/doctest \
# $(call def-help,doctest,\
# run doc tests\
# )
# @for f in $(DOCTESTFILES); do \
# (tools/doctest $$f && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED ; done
# hlinttest hlint: $(call def-help,hlinttest (or hlint),generate a hlint report)
# hlint --hint=hlint --report=hlint.html $(SOURCEFILES)
haddocktest: \
$(call def-help,haddocktest, run haddock and make sure it succeeds )
@(make --quiet haddock \
&& echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false)
haddocktest: $(call def-help,haddocktest, run haddock and make sure it succeeds )
@(make --quiet haddock && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false)
# warningstest: \
# $(call def-help,warningstest,\
# make sure the normal build has no warnings XXX needs updating\
# )
# @(make -s clean \
# && make --no-print-directory -s hledgernowarnings \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
cabalfiletest: $(call def-help,cabalfiletest, run cabal check to test cabal file syntax )
@(make --no-print-directory cabalcheck && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false)
cabalfiletest: \
$(call def-help,cabalfiletest, run cabal check to test cabal file syntax )
@(make --no-print-directory cabalcheck \
&& echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false)
# quickcabaltest: \
# $(call def-help,quickcabaltest,\
# make sure cabal is reasonably happy\
# )
# @(make --no-print-directory cabalclean cabalcheck cabalconfigure \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# fullcabaltest: \
# $(call def-help,fullcabaltest,\
# make sure cabal is happy in all possible ways\
# )
# (for p in $(PACKAGES); do ( \
# printf "\ntesting $$p package\n" \
# && cd $$p \
# && cabal clean \
# && cabal check \
# && cabal sdist \
# ); done \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# # && cabal upload dist/$$p-$(VERSION).tar.gz --check -v3 \
allsnapshotstest: $(call def-help,allsnapshotstest, try a build/test/bench with each supported stackage snapshot/GHC version) \
allghcstest: $(call def-help,allghcstest, build/test/benchmark with all supported GHC versions/stackage snapshots and warning-free) \
test-stack-ghc7.10.yaml \
test-stack-ghc8.0.yaml \
test-stack-ghc8.2.yaml \
test-stack.yaml \
stack --stack-yaml stack$*yaml clean
stack --stack-yaml stack$*yaml --install-ghc build --test --bench --haddock --no-haddock-deps
$(STACK) --stack-yaml stack$*yaml clean
$(STACK) --stack-yaml stack$*yaml build --ghc-options="$(WARNINGS) -Werror" --test --bench --haddock --no-haddock-deps
travistest: $(call def-help,travistest, run tests similar to our travis CI tests)
stack clean
stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger-lib
stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger
stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger-ui
stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger-web
stack build --ghc-options=-Werror --test --haddock --no-haddock-deps hledger-api
make functest
# committest: hlinttest unittest doctest functest haddocktest warningstest quickcabaltest \
# $(call def-help,committest,more thorough pre-commit/pre-push tests)
# releasetest: Clean unittest functest fullcabaltest haddocktest #warningstest doctest \
# $(call def-help,releasetest,pre-release tests)
$(call def-help-subheading,BENCHMARKING:)
# or, eg: BENCHEXES=ledger,hledger-1.4,hledger
@ -1552,6 +1461,9 @@ cloc: $(call def-help,cloc, count lines of source code )
$(call def-help-subheading,MISCELLANEOUS:)
watch-%: $(call def-help,watchRULE, run make RULE repeatedly when any committed file changes eg: make watch-warningstest)
@git ls | entr -r make $*
Shake: Shake.hs $(call def-help,Shake, ensure the Shake script is compiled )