;doc: update changelogs

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2022-01-01 15:55:08 -10:00
parent 0317f71c05
commit d1bc3bbb32
5 changed files with 62 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
General changes in the hledger project (and notable all-package releases).
For package-specific changes and minor releases, see the hledger package changelogs.
# a98e6125f
# 0317f71c0
@ -19,8 +19,18 @@ Software
- examples: multicurrency.journal
- Move hie.yaml out of the way; for all except arm mac users, hls
probably works better without it.
- Make hackageupload: this now only works from a branch named
VERSION-branch or (possible future naming) VERSION-release. Ie,
major releases from master are no longer allowed; a release branch
is always required,
- ci: more consistent workflow, branch, binary names
- ci: linux-x64: try ghc 8.10.4 -> 9.0.1

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@ -9,10 +9,19 @@
Internal/api/developer-ish changes in the hledger-lib (and hledger) packages.
For user-visible changes, see the hledger package changelog.
# a98e6125f
# e9dd77e82
- Costing has been changed to ConversionOp with three options:
NoConversionOp, ToCost, and InferEquity.
The first correspond to the previous NoCost and Cost options, while the
third corresponds to the --infer-equity flag. This converts transactions with costs
(one or more transaction prices) to transactions with equity:conversion postings.
It is in ConversionOp because converting to cost with -B/--cost and inferring conversion
equity postings with --infer-equity are mutually exclusive.
The cost_ record of ReportOpts has been changed to conversionop_.
- hledger-lib now builds with GHC 9.2 and newer libs (#1774).
- Renamed: CommodityLayout to Layout.

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
User-visible changes in hledger-ui.
See also the hledger changelog.
# a98e6125f
# 8eedbbbe8
# 1.24.1 2021-12-10

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ __ _____| |__
User-visible changes in hledger-web.
See also the hledger changelog.
# a98e6125f
# 45db32b84
# 1.24.1 2021-12-10

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@ -9,10 +9,34 @@
User-visible changes in the hledger command line tool and library.
# a98e6125f
# 326b2309b
- The new --infer-equity flag replaces @/@@ prices in commodity
conversion transactions with equity postings, making them fully
balanced and preserving the accounting equation. (When not doing
cost reporting; --cost/-B overrides and disables --infer-equity.)
For example, `hledger print --infer-equity` will show:
a 1 AAA @@ 2 BBB
b -2 BBB
a 1 AAA
equity:conversion:AAA-BBB:AAA -1 AAA
equity:conversion:AAA-BBB:BBB 2 BBB
b -2 BBB
The `equity:conversion` account name is used by default. You can use
another account by declaring it with the new `Conversion`/`V`
account type (a subtype of `Equity`/`E`), eg:
account Equity:Currency Conversions ; type: V
- Normalised, easy-to-process "tidy" CSV data can now be generated with `--layout tidy -O csv`.
In tidy data, every variable is a column and each row represents a single data point
(cf <https://vita.had.co.nz/papers/tidy-data.html>).
@ -21,9 +45,19 @@ Features
- CSV output now always disables digit group marks (eg, thousands separators),
for better machine readability.
making it more machine readable by default.
(#1771) (Stephen Morgan)
- ;roi: fixes #1791 (fix TWR when investment=0, several pnls per day) (Dmitry Astapov)
- Account aliases' ability to cause malformed account names is noted. (#1788)
- There is a new CONVERSION & COST section, replacing COSTING. (#1554)
# 1.24.1 2021-12-10
@ -35,9 +69,9 @@ Fixes
API changes:
- new type synonyms ProgramName, PackageVersion, VersionString
- versionStringForProgname -> versionString with extra argument
- versionStringFor -> versionStringWith with extra argument
- new type synonyms ProgramName, PackageVersion, VersionString
- versionStringForProgname -> versionString with extra argument
- versionStringFor -> versionStringWith with extra argument
# 1.24 2021-12-01