web: -fweb now builds with simpleserver; the alternate -fwebhappstack builds with happstack

hack-handler-simpleserver is presumably quite a bit easier to install than
happstack, and so far fits hledger's needs just as well, so it is now the
default when installing with -fweb. To build with happstack, use
-fwebhappstack instead.  hledger --version shows which webserver was
built. Also webserver thread management has been simplified so should be
more consistent across platforms.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2010-02-16 03:39:19 +00:00
parent f937f59276
commit d4965b87ff
6 changed files with 103 additions and 85 deletions

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Commands.All (
#ifdef VTY
module Commands.UI,
#ifdef WEB
#if defined(WEB) || defined(WEBHAPPSTACK)
module Commands.Web,
#ifdef CHART
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Commands.Stats
#ifdef VTY
import Commands.UI
#ifdef WEB
#if defined(WEB) || defined(WEBHAPPSTACK)
import Commands.Web
#ifdef CHART

View File

@ -13,36 +13,31 @@ import Control.Applicative.Error (Failing(Success,Failure))
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask)
import Data.IORef (newIORef, atomicModifyIORef)
import HSP hiding (Request,catch)
import HSP.HTML (renderAsHTML)
--import qualified HSX.XMLGenerator (XML)
import Hack.Contrib.Constants (_TextHtmlUTF8)
import Hack.Contrib.Response (set_content_type)
import Hack.Handler.Happstack (runWithConfig,ServerConf(ServerConf))
import Happstack.State.Control (waitForTermination)
import Network.HTTP (urlEncode, urlDecode)
import Network.Loli (loli, io, get, post, html, text, public)
--import Network.Loli.Middleware.IOConfig (ioconfig)
import Network.Loli.Type (AppUnit)
import Network.Loli.Utils (update)
import Options hiding (value)
#ifdef MAKE
import Paths_hledger_make (getDataFileName)
import Paths_hledger (getDataFileName)
import System.Directory (getModificationTime)
import System.IO.Storage (withStore, putValue, getValue)
import System.Process (readProcess)
import System.Time (ClockTime, getClockTime, diffClockTimes, TimeDiff(TimeDiff))
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (parse)
-- import Text.XHtml hiding (dir, text, param, label)
-- import Text.XHtml.Strict ((<<),(+++),(!))
import qualified HSP (Request(..))
import Hack.Contrib.Constants (_TextHtmlUTF8)
import Hack.Contrib.Response (set_content_type)
import qualified Hack (Env, http)
import qualified Hack.Contrib.Request (inputs, params, path)
import qualified Hack.Contrib.Response (redirect)
-- import qualified Text.XHtml.Strict as H
import System.Process (readProcess)
import Hack.Handler.Happstack (runWithConfig,ServerConf(ServerConf))
import Hack.Handler.SimpleServer (run)
import Network.Loli (loli, io, get, post, html, text, public)
import Network.Loli.Type (AppUnit)
import Network.Loli.Utils (update)
import HSP hiding (Request,catch)
import qualified HSP (Request(..))
import HSP.HTML (renderAsHTML)
import Commands.Add (ledgerAddTransaction)
import Commands.Balance
@ -50,33 +45,69 @@ import Commands.Histogram
import Commands.Print
import Commands.Register
import Ledger
import Utils (openBrowserOn)
import Ledger.IO (readLedger)
import Options hiding (value)
#ifdef MAKE
import Paths_hledger_make (getDataFileName)
import Paths_hledger (getDataFileName)
import Utils (openBrowserOn)
-- import Debug.Trace
-- strace :: Show a => a -> a
-- strace a = trace (show a) a
tcpport = 5000 :: Int
homeurl = printf "http://localhost:%d/" tcpport
browserdelay = 100000 -- microseconds
web :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()
web opts args l = do
if Debug `elem` opts
then do
-- just run the server in the foreground
putStrLn $ printf "starting web server on port %d in debug mode" tcpport
server opts args l
else do
-- start the server (in background, so we can..) then start the web browser
printf "starting web interface on port %d\n" tcpport
tid <- forkIO $ server opts args l
putStrLn "starting web browser"
openBrowserOn homeurl
putStrLn "shutting down web server..."
killThread tid
putStrLn "shutdown complete"
unless (Debug `elem` opts) $ forkIO browser >> return ()
server opts args l
browser :: IO ()
browser = putStrLn "starting web browser" >> threadDelay browserdelay >> openBrowserOn homeurl >> return ()
server :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()
server opts args l =
-- server initialisation
withStore "hledger" $ do -- IO ()
printf "starting web server on port %d\n" tcpport
t <- getCurrentLocalTime
webfiles <- getDataFileName "web"
putValue "hledger" "ledger" l
hostname <- readProcess "hostname" [] "" `catch` \_ -> return "hostname"
runWithConfig (ServerConf tcpport hostname) $ -- (Env -> IO Response) -> IO ()
run tcpport $ -- (Env -> IO Response) -> IO ()
\env -> do -- IO Response
-- general request handler
let a = intercalate "+" $ reqparam env "a"
p = intercalate "+" $ reqparam env "p"
opts' = opts ++ [Period p]
args' = args ++ (map urlDecode $ words a)
l' <- fromJust `fmap` getValue "hledger" "ledger"
l'' <- reloadIfChanged opts' args' l'
-- declare path-specific request handlers
let command :: [String] -> ([Opt] -> FilterSpec -> Ledger -> String) -> AppUnit
command msgs f = string msgs $ f opts' (optsToFilterSpec opts' args' t) l''
(loli $ -- State Loli () -> (Env -> IO Response)
get "/balance" $ command [] showBalanceReport -- String -> ReaderT Env (StateT Response IO) () -> State Loli ()
get "/register" $ command [] showRegisterReport
get "/histogram" $ command [] showHistogram
get "/transactions" $ ledgerpage [] l'' (showTransactions (optsToFilterSpec opts' args' t))
post "/transactions" $ handleAddform l''
get "/env" $ getenv >>= (text . show)
get "/params" $ getenv >>= (text . show . Hack.Contrib.Request.params)
get "/inputs" $ getenv >>= (text . show . Hack.Contrib.Request.inputs)
public (Just webfiles) ["/style.css"]
get "/" $ redirect ("transactions") Nothing
) env
getenv = ask
response = update
@ -115,41 +146,6 @@ reloadIfChanged opts _ l = do
-- refilter :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> LocalTime -> IO Ledger
-- refilter opts args l t = return $ filterAndCacheLedgerWithOpts opts args t (jtext $ journal l) (journal l)
server :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()
server opts args l =
-- server initialisation
withStore "hledger" $ do -- IO ()
t <- getCurrentLocalTime
webfiles <- getDataFileName "web"
putValue "hledger" "ledger" l
-- XXX hack-happstack abstraction leak
hostname <- readProcess "hostname" [] "" `catch` \_ -> return "hostname"
runWithConfig (ServerConf tcpport hostname) $ -- (Env -> IO Response) -> IO ()
\env -> do -- IO Response
-- general request handler
let a = intercalate "+" $ reqparam env "a"
p = intercalate "+" $ reqparam env "p"
opts' = opts ++ [Period p]
args' = args ++ (map urlDecode $ words a)
l' <- fromJust `fmap` getValue "hledger" "ledger"
l'' <- reloadIfChanged opts' args' l'
-- declare path-specific request handlers
let command :: [String] -> ([Opt] -> FilterSpec -> Ledger -> String) -> AppUnit
command msgs f = string msgs $ f opts' (optsToFilterSpec opts' args' t) l''
(loli $ -- State Loli () -> (Env -> IO Response)
get "/balance" $ command [] showBalanceReport -- String -> ReaderT Env (StateT Response IO) () -> State Loli ()
get "/register" $ command [] showRegisterReport
get "/histogram" $ command [] showHistogram
get "/transactions" $ ledgerpage [] l'' (showTransactions (optsToFilterSpec opts' args' t))
post "/transactions" $ handleAddform l''
get "/env" $ getenv >>= (text . show)
get "/params" $ getenv >>= (text . show . Hack.Contrib.Request.params)
get "/inputs" $ getenv >>= (text . show . Hack.Contrib.Request.inputs)
public (Just webfiles) ["/style.css"]
get "/" $ redirect ("transactions") Nothing
) env
ledgerpage :: [String] -> Ledger -> (Ledger -> String) -> AppUnit
ledgerpage msgs l f = do
env <- getenv

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ main = do
#ifdef VTY
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "ui" = withLedgerDo opts args cmd ui
#ifdef WEB
#if defined(WEB) || defined(WEBHAPPSTACK)
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "web" = withLedgerDo opts args cmd web
#ifdef CHART

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
# hledger project makefile
# optional features described in MANUAL, comment out if you don't have the libs
# command to run during "make ci"

View File

@ -61,13 +61,15 @@ versionmsg = progname ++ "-" ++ versionstr ++ configmsg :: String
| otherwise = " with " ++ intercalate ", " configflags
configflags = tail [""
#ifdef VTY
#ifdef WEB
#ifdef CHART
#ifdef VTY
#if defined(WEB)
,"web (using simpleserver)"
#else if defined(WEBHAPPSTACK)
,"web (using happstack)"

View File

@ -35,7 +35,11 @@ flag vty
default: False
flag web
description: enable the web ui
description: enable the web ui (using simpleserver)
default: False
flag webhappstack
description: enable the web ui (using happstack)
default: False
flag chart
@ -105,6 +109,21 @@ executable hledger
if flag(web)
cpp-options: -DWEB
,xhtml >= 3000.2
,HTTP >= 4000.0
if flag(webhappstack)
cpp-options: -DWEBHAPPSTACK