mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 03:42:25 +03:00
budget: bucketing
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,14 +5,22 @@
--package text
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import System.Console.CmdArgs
import Hledger.Cli
import Hledger.Cli.Main (mainmode)
import Hledger.Data.AutoTransaction
budgetFlags :: [Flag RawOpts]
budgetFlags =
[ flagNone ["no-buckets"] (setboolopt "no-buckets") "show all accounts besides mentioned in periodic transactions"
, flagNone ["no-offset"] (setboolopt "no-offset") "do not add up periodic transactions"
actions :: [(Mode RawOpts, CliOpts -> IO ())]
actions =
actions = first injectBudgetFlags <$>
[ (manmode, man)
, (infomode, info')
, (balancemode, flip withJournalDo' balance)
@ -23,6 +31,21 @@ actions =
, (printmode, flip withJournalDo' print')
injectBudgetFlags :: Mode RawOpts -> Mode RawOpts
injectBudgetFlags = injectFlags "\nBudgeting" budgetFlags
-- maybe lenses will help...
injectFlags :: String -> [Flag RawOpts] -> Mode RawOpts -> Mode RawOpts
injectFlags section flags mode0 = mode' where
mode' = mode0 { modeGroupFlags = groupFlags' }
groupFlags0 = modeGroupFlags mode0
groupFlags' = groupFlags0 { groupNamed = namedFlags' }
namedFlags0 = groupNamed groupFlags0
namedFlags' =
case ((section ==) . fst) `partition` namedFlags0 of
([g], gs) -> (fst g, snd g ++ flags) : gs
_ -> (section, flags) : namedFlags0
cmdmode :: Mode RawOpts
cmdmode = (mainmode [])
{ modeNames = ["hledger-budget"]
@ -47,21 +70,41 @@ withJournalDo' opts = withJournalDo opts . wrapper where
mtxns = jmodifiertxns j
dates = jdatespan j
ts' = map modifier $ jtxns j
ts'' = [makeBudget t | pt <- jperiodictxns j, t <- runPeriodicTransaction pt dates] ++ ts'
ts'' | boolopt "no-offset" $ rawopts_ opts' = ts'
| otherwise= [makeBudget t | pt <- jperiodictxns j, t <- runPeriodicTransaction pt dates] ++ ts'
makeBudget t = txnTieKnot $ t
{ tdescription = "Budget transaction"
, tpostings = map makeBudgetPosting $ tpostings t
makeBudgetPosting p = p { pamount = negate $ pamount p }
j' <- journalBalanceTransactions' opts' j{ jtxns = ts'' }
f opts' j'
-- re-map account names into buckets from periodic transaction
let buckets = budgetBuckets j
remapAccount "" = "<unbucketed>"
remapAccount an
| an `elem` buckets = an
| otherwise = remapAccount (parentAccountName an)
remapPosting p = p { paccount = remapAccount $ paccount p, porigin = Just . fromMaybe p $ porigin p }
remapTxn = mapPostings (map remapPosting)
let j'' | boolopt "no-buckets" $ rawopts_ opts' = j'
| null buckets = j'
| otherwise = j' { jtxns = remapTxn <$> jtxns j' }
-- finally feed to real command
f opts' j''
budgetBuckets :: Journal -> [AccountName]
budgetBuckets = nub . map paccount . concatMap ptpostings . jperiodictxns
mapPostings :: ([Posting] -> [Posting]) -> (Transaction -> Transaction)
mapPostings f t = txnTieKnot $ t { tpostings = f $ tpostings t }
main :: IO ()
main = do
rawopts <- fmap decodeRawOpts . processArgs $ cmdmode
opts <- rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts
let cmd = command_ opts
case find (\e -> cmd `elem` modeNames (fst e)) actions of
case find (\e -> command_ opts `elem` modeNames (fst e)) actions of
Just (amode, _) | "h" `elem` map fst (rawopts_ opts) -> print amode
Just (_, action) -> action opts
Nothing -> print cmdmode
@ -115,6 +115,7 @@ runghc ../../bin/hledger-budget.hs reg -f -
# Periodical transactions within journal being applied with inverted sign in amounts
# As well, accounts from periodic transaction being used for bucketing
runghc ../../bin/hledger-budget.hs bal -f - --no-total -DH expenses
~ daily from 2016/12/31
@ -133,7 +134,7 @@ runghc ../../bin/hledger-budget.hs bal -f - --no-total -DH expenses
expenses:fee *-0.008 ; cash withdraw fee
expenses:housing $600
expenses:housing:rent $600
@ -162,3 +163,103 @@ Ending balances (historical) in 2016/12/26-2017/01/04:
# We still can disable bucketing keeping rewrites and budget offset
runghc ../../bin/hledger-budget.hs bal -f - --no-total --no-buckets -DH expenses
~ daily from 2016/12/31
expenses:food $8
= ^assets:bank$ date:2017/1 amt:<0
assets:bank *0.008
expenses:fee *-0.008 ; cash withdraw fee
expenses:housing:rent $600
expenses:food $20
expenses:leisure $15
expenses:grocery $30
Ending balances (historical) in 2016/12/31-2017/01/01:
|| 2016/12/31 2017/01/01
expenses:fee || 0 $1
expenses:food || $-8 $4
expenses:grocery || 0 $30
expenses:housing:rent || $600 $600
expenses:leisure || 0 $15
# We can disable offset keeping rewrites and bucketing
# Note that original account names used for query
runghc ../../bin/hledger-budget.hs bal -f - --no-total --no-offset -DH expenses
~ daily from 2016/12/31
expenses:food $8
= ^assets:bank$ date:2017/1 amt:<0
assets:bank *0.008
expenses:fee *-0.008 ; cash withdraw fee
expenses:housing:rent $600
expenses:food $20
expenses:leisure $15
expenses:grocery $30
Ending balances (historical) in 2016/12/31-2017/01/01:
|| 2016/12/31 2017/01/01
<unbucketed> || $600 $646
expenses:food || 0 $20
# We can keep just rewrites
runghc ../../bin/hledger-budget.hs bal -f - --no-total --no-buckets --no-offset -DH expenses
~ daily from 2016/12/31
expenses:food $8
= ^assets:bank$ date:2017/1 amt:<0
assets:bank *0.008
expenses:fee *-0.008 ; cash withdraw fee
expenses:housing:rent $600
expenses:food $20
expenses:leisure $15
expenses:grocery $30
Ending balances (historical) in 2016/12/31-2017/01/01:
|| 2016/12/31 2017/01/01
expenses:fee || 0 $1
expenses:food || 0 $20
expenses:grocery || 0 $30
expenses:housing:rent || $600 $600
expenses:leisure || 0 $15
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