tests cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2008-10-10 07:39:20 +00:00
parent 688f2447a5
commit d98643a364
4 changed files with 208 additions and 199 deletions

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@ -38,15 +38,28 @@ currencies can be converted to a simple amount. Arithmetic examples:
module Ledger.Amount module Ledger.Amount
where where
import Test.HUnit
import Ledger.Utils import Ledger.Utils
import Ledger.Types import Ledger.Types
import Ledger.Currency import Ledger.Currency
tests = runTestTT $ test [ amounttests = TestList [
show (dollars 1) ~?= "$1.00" show (dollars 1) ~?= "$1.00"
,show (hours 1) ~?= "1h" -- currently h1.00 ,show (hours 1) ~?= "h1.00" -- should be 1.0h
] ,"precision subtleties" ~: do
let a1 = Amount (getcurrency "$") 1.23 1
let a2 = Amount (getcurrency "$") (-1.23) 2
let a3 = Amount (getcurrency "$") (-1.23) 3
assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") 0 1) (a1 + a2)
assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") 0 1) (a1 + a3)
assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 2) (a2 + a3)
assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 3) (a3 + a3)
-- sum adds 0, with Amount fromIntegral's default precision of 2
assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") 0 1) (sum [a1,a2])
assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 2) (sum [a2,a3])
assertequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 2) (sum [a3,a3])
instance Show Amount where show = showAmountRounded instance Show Amount where show = showAmountRounded

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@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ module Data.Tree,
module Debug.Trace, module Debug.Trace,
module Ledger.Utils, module Ledger.Utils,
module System.Locale, module System.Locale,
module Test.HUnit,
module Test.QuickCheck,
module Text.Printf, module Text.Printf,
module Text.Regex, module Text.Regex,
) )
@ -32,10 +30,18 @@ import Data.Time.Format (ParseTime, parseTime, formatTime)
import Data.Tree import Data.Tree
import Debug.Trace import Debug.Trace
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale) import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
import Test.HUnit import Test.HUnit (assertEqual)
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (test, Testable) import Test.QuickCheck hiding (test, Testable)
import Text.Printf import Text.Printf
import Text.Regex import Text.Regex
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (parse)
-- testing
assertequal e a = assertEqual "" e a
parsewith p ts = parse p "" ts
-- regexps -- regexps

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@ -2,60 +2,81 @@ module Tests
where where
import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Test.HUnit
import Ledger import Ledger
import BalanceCommand import BalanceCommand
-- utils
assertEqual' e a = assertEqual "" e a -- import Test.QuickCheck
-- quickcheck = mapM quickCheck ([
-- ] :: [Bool])
parse' p ts = parse p "" ts hunit = runTestTT $ concattests [
concattests = foldr addtests (TestList [])
addtests (TestList as) (TestList bs) = TestList (as ++ bs)
tests = TestList [
"punctuatethousands" ~: punctuatethousands "" @?= ""
,"punctuatethousands" ~: punctuatethousands "1234567.8901" @?= "1,234,567.8901"
,"punctuatethousands" ~: punctuatethousands "-100" @?= "-100"
,"test_ledgertransaction" ~: do
assertparseequal rawtransaction1 (parsewith ledgertransaction rawtransaction1_str)
,"test_ledgerentry" ~: do
assertparseequal entry1 (parsewith ledgerentry entry1_str)
,"test_autofillEntry" ~: do
(Amount (getcurrency "$") (-47.18) 2)
(tamount $ last $ etransactions $ autofillEntry entry1)
,"test_timelogentry" ~: do
assertparseequal timelogentry1 (parsewith timelogentry timelogentry1_str)
assertparseequal timelogentry2 (parsewith timelogentry timelogentry2_str)
,"test_timelog" ~:
assertparseequal timelog1 (parsewith timelog timelog1_str)
,"test_expandAccountNames" ~: do
(expandAccountNames ["assets:cash","assets:checking","expenses:vacation"])
,"test_ledgerAccountNames" ~: do
["assets","assets:cash","assets:checking","assets:saving","equity","equity:opening balances",
"liabilities","liabilities:credit cards","liabilities:credit cards:discover"]
(accountnames ledger7)
,"test_cacheLedger" ~: do
assertequal 15 (length $ Map.keys $ accounts $ cacheLedger wildcard rawledger7 )
,"test_showLedgerAccounts" ~: do
assertequal 4 (length $ lines $ showLedgerAccountBalances ledger7 1)
,"test_ledgeramount" ~: do
assertparseequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") 47.18 2) (parsewith ledgeramount " $47.18")
assertparseequal (Amount (getcurrency "$") 1 0) (parsewith ledgeramount " $1.")
-- | Assert a parsed thing equals some expected thing, or print a parse error. -- | Assert a parsed thing equals some expected thing, or print a parse error.
assertParseEqual :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> (Either ParseError a) -> Assertion assertparseequal :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> (Either ParseError a) -> Assertion
assertParseEqual expected parsed = either printParseError (assertEqual " " expected) parsed assertparseequal expected parsed = either printParseError (assertequal expected) parsed
-- find tests with template haskell
-- import Language.Haskell.Parser
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports -no-recomp -fth #-}
-- {- ghc --make Unit.hs -main-is Unit.runTests -o unit -}
-- runTests :: IO ()
-- runTests = $(mkChecks props)
-- mkChecks [] = undefined
-- mkChecks [name] = mkCheck name
-- mkChecks (name:ns) = [| $(mkCheck name) >> $(mkChecks ns) |]
-- mkCheck name = [| putStr (name ++ ": ") >> quickCheck $(varE (mkName name)) |]
-- {- | looks in Tests.hs for functions like prop_foo and returns
-- the list. Requires that Tests.hs be valid Haskell98. -}
-- props :: [String]
-- props = unsafePerformIO $
-- do h <- openFile "Tests.hs" ReadMode
-- s <- hGetContents h
-- case parseModule s of
-- (ParseOk (HsModule _ _ _ _ ds)) -> return (map declName (filter isProp ds))
-- (ParseFailed loc s') -> error (s' ++ " " ++ show loc)
-- {- | checks if function binding name starts with @prop_@ indicating
-- that it is a quickcheck property -}
-- isProp :: HsDecl -> Bool
-- isProp d@(HsFunBind _) = "prop_" `isPrefixOf` (declName d)
-- isProp _ = False
-- {- | takes an HsDecl and returns the name of the declaration -}
-- declName :: HsDecl -> String
-- declName (HsFunBind (HsMatch _ (HsIdent name) _ _ _:_)) = name
-- declName _ = undefined
-- test data -- test data
transaction1_str = " expenses:food:dining $10.00\n" rawtransaction1_str = " expenses:food:dining $10.00\n"
transaction1 = RawTransaction "expenses:food:dining" (dollars 10) "" rawtransaction1 = RawTransaction "expenses:food:dining" (dollars 10) ""
entry1_str = "\ entry1_str = "\
\2007/01/28 coopportunity\n\ \2007/01/28 coopportunity\n\
@ -65,8 +86,8 @@ entry1_str = "\
entry1 = entry1 =
(Entry "2007/01/28" False "" "coopportunity" "" (Entry "2007/01/28" False "" "coopportunity" ""
[RawTransaction "expenses:food:groceries" (Amount (getcurrency "$") 47.18 2) "", [RawTransaction "expenses:food:groceries" (Amount (getcurrency "$") 47.18 2) "",
RawTransaction "assets:checking" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-47.18) 2) ""] "") RawTransaction "assets:checking" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-47.18) 2) ""] "")
entry2_str = "\ entry2_str = "\
\2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\ \2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\
@ -196,91 +217,139 @@ ledger7_str = "\
\ assets:checking \n\ \ assets:checking \n\
\\n" --" \\n" --"
ledger7 = RawLedger rawledger7 = RawLedger
[] []
[] []
[ [
Entry { Entry {
edate="2007/01/01", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="opening balance", ecomment="", edate="2007/01/01",
etransactions=[ estatus=False,
RawTransaction {taccount="assets:cash", ecode="*",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=4.82, precision=2}, edescription="opening balance",
tcomment=""}, ecomment="",
RawTransaction {taccount="equity:opening balances", etransactions=[
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-4.82), precision=2}, RawTransaction {
tcomment=""} taccount="assets:cash",
], tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=4.82, precision=2},
epreceding_comment_lines="" tcomment=""
} },
RawTransaction {
taccount="equity:opening balances",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-4.82), precision=2},
, ,
Entry { Entry {
edate="2007/02/01", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="ayres suites", ecomment="", edate="2007/02/01",
etransactions=[ estatus=False,
RawTransaction {taccount="expenses:vacation", ecode="*",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=179.92, precision=2}, edescription="ayres suites",
tcomment=""}, ecomment="",
RawTransaction {taccount="assets:checking", etransactions=[
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-179.92), precision=2}, RawTransaction {
tcomment=""} taccount="expenses:vacation",
], tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=179.92, precision=2},
epreceding_comment_lines="" tcomment=""
} },
RawTransaction {
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-179.92), precision=2},
, ,
Entry { Entry {
edate="2007/01/02", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="auto transfer to savings", ecomment="", edate="2007/01/02",
etransactions=[ estatus=False,
RawTransaction {taccount="assets:saving", ecode="*",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=200, precision=2}, edescription="auto transfer to savings",
tcomment=""}, ecomment="",
RawTransaction {taccount="assets:checking", etransactions=[
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-200), precision=2}, RawTransaction {
tcomment=""} taccount="assets:saving",
], tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=200, precision=2},
epreceding_comment_lines="" tcomment=""
} },
RawTransaction {
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-200), precision=2},
, ,
Entry { Entry {
edate="2007/01/03", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="poquito mas", ecomment="", edate="2007/01/03",
etransactions=[ estatus=False,
RawTransaction {taccount="expenses:food:dining", ecode="*",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=4.82, precision=2}, edescription="poquito mas",
tcomment=""}, ecomment="",
RawTransaction {taccount="assets:cash", etransactions=[
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-4.82), precision=2}, RawTransaction {
tcomment=""} taccount="expenses:food:dining",
], tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=4.82, precision=2},
epreceding_comment_lines="" tcomment=""
} },
RawTransaction {
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-4.82), precision=2},
, ,
Entry { Entry {
edate="2007/01/03", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="verizon", ecomment="", edate="2007/01/03",
etransactions=[ estatus=False,
RawTransaction {taccount="expenses:phone", ecode="*",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=95.11, precision=2}, edescription="verizon",
tcomment=""}, ecomment="",
RawTransaction {taccount="assets:checking", etransactions=[
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-95.11), precision=2}, RawTransaction {
tcomment=""} taccount="expenses:phone",
], tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=95.11, precision=2},
epreceding_comment_lines="" tcomment=""
} },
RawTransaction {
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-95.11), precision=2},
, ,
Entry { Entry {
edate="2007/01/03", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="discover", ecomment="", edate="2007/01/03",
etransactions=[ estatus=False,
RawTransaction {taccount="liabilities:credit cards:discover", ecode="*",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=80, precision=2}, edescription="discover",
tcomment=""}, ecomment="",
RawTransaction {taccount="assets:checking", etransactions=[
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-80), precision=2}, RawTransaction {
tcomment=""} taccount="liabilities:credit cards:discover",
], tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=80, precision=2},
epreceding_comment_lines="" tcomment=""
} },
RawTransaction {
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-80), precision=2},
] ]
"" ""
l7 = cacheLedger wildcard ledger7 ledger7 = cacheLedger wildcard rawledger7
timelogentry1_str = "i 2007/03/11 16:19:00 hledger\n" timelogentry1_str = "i 2007/03/11 16:19:00 hledger\n"
timelogentry1 = TimeLogEntry 'i' "2007/03/11 16:19:00" "hledger" timelogentry1 = TimeLogEntry 'i' "2007/03/11 16:19:00" "hledger"
@ -297,82 +366,3 @@ timelog1 = TimeLog [
timelogentry2 timelogentry2
] ]
-- tests
quickcheck = mapM quickCheck ([
] :: [Bool])
hunit = runTestTT $ "hunit" ~: test ([
"punctuatethousands" ~: punctuatethousands "" @?= ""
,"punctuatethousands" ~: punctuatethousands "1234567.8901" @?= "1,234,567.8901"
,"punctuatethousands" ~: punctuatethousands "-100" @?= "-100"
,"test_ledgertransaction" ~: test_ledgertransaction
,"test_ledgerentry" ~: test_ledgerentry
,"test_autofillEntry" ~: test_autofillEntry
,"test_timelogentry" ~: test_timelogentry
,"test_timelog" ~: test_timelog
,"test_expandAccountNames" ~: test_expandAccountNames
,"test_ledgerAccountNames" ~: test_ledgerAccountNames
,"test_cacheLedger" ~: test_cacheLedger
,"test_showLedgerAccounts" ~: test_showLedgerAccounts
,"test_Amount" ~: test_Amount
,"test_ledgeramount" ~: test_ledgeramount
] :: [Test])
test_ledgeramount :: Assertion
test_ledgeramount = do
assertParseEqual (Amount (getcurrency "$") 47.18 2)
(parse' ledgeramount " $47.18")
assertParseEqual (Amount (getcurrency "$") 1 0)
(parse' ledgeramount " $1.")
test_Amount = do
-- precision subtleties
let a1 = Amount (getcurrency "$") 1.23 1
let a2 = Amount (getcurrency "$") (-1.23) 2
let a3 = Amount (getcurrency "$") (-1.23) 3
assertEqual "1" (Amount (getcurrency "$") 0 1) (a1 + a2)
assertEqual "2" (Amount (getcurrency "$") 0 1) (a1 + a3)
assertEqual "3" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 2) (a2 + a3)
assertEqual "4" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 3) (a3 + a3)
-- sum adds 0, with Amount fromIntegral's default precision of 2
assertEqual "5" (Amount (getcurrency "$") 0 1) (sum [a1,a2])
assertEqual "6" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 2) (sum [a2,a3])
assertEqual "7" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 2) (sum [a3,a3])
test_ledgertransaction =
assertParseEqual transaction1 (parse' ledgertransaction transaction1_str)
test_ledgerentry =
assertParseEqual entry1 (parse' ledgerentry entry1_str)
test_autofillEntry =
(Amount (getcurrency "$") (-47.18) 2)
(tamount $ last $ etransactions $ autofillEntry entry1)
test_timelogentry = do
assertParseEqual timelogentry1 (parse' timelogentry timelogentry1_str)
assertParseEqual timelogentry2 (parse' timelogentry timelogentry2_str)
test_timelog =
assertParseEqual timelog1 (parse' timelog timelog1_str)
test_expandAccountNames =
(expandAccountNames ["assets:cash","assets:checking","expenses:vacation"])
test_ledgerAccountNames =
["assets","assets:cash","assets:checking","assets:saving","equity","equity:opening balances",
"liabilities","liabilities:credit cards","liabilities:credit cards:discover"]
(accountnames l7)
test_cacheLedger =
assertEqual' 15 (length $ Map.keys $ accounts $ cacheLedger wildcard ledger7 )
test_showLedgerAccounts =
assertEqual' 4 (length $ lines $ showLedgerAccountBalances l7 1)

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Cabal-Version: >= 1.2
Executable hledger Executable hledger
Build-Depends: base, containers, haskell98, directory, parsec, regex-compat, Build-Depends: base, containers, haskell98, directory, parsec, regex-compat,
old-locale, time, HUnit, QuickCheck >= 1 && < 2 old-locale, time, HUnit #, QuickCheck >= 1 && < 2
Main-Is: hledger.hs Main-Is: hledger.hs
Other-Modules: Other-Modules:
BalanceCommand BalanceCommand