imp: ui: improve debug logging helpers, log screen stack on each event

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2022-11-07 14:51:45 -10:00
parent 6d2687e67d
commit da569e51e1

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@ -33,12 +33,15 @@ module Hledger.UI.UIUtils (
@ -84,33 +87,39 @@ suspendSignal = raiseSignal sigSTOP
-- A good place to log things of interest while debugging, see commented examples below.
get' = do
x <- get
dbguiEv $ "getting state: " ++ (head $ lines $ pshow $ aScreen x)
ui <- get
dbguiEv $ "getting state: " ++
showScreenStack "" showScreenSelection ui
-- (head $ lines $ pshow $ aScreen x)
-- ++ " " ++ (show $ map tdescription $ jtxns $ ajournal x)
-- dbguiEv $ ("query: "++) $ pshow' $ x & aopts & uoCliOpts & reportspec_ & _rsQuery
-- dbguiScreensEv "getting" screenId x
-- dbguiScreensEv "getting, with register descriptions" screenRegisterDescriptions x
return x
-- dbguiScreensEv "getting" showScreenId x
-- dbguiScreensEv "getting, with register descriptions" showScreenRegisterDescriptions x
return ui
put' x = do
dbguiEv $ "putting state: " ++ (head $ lines $ pshow $ aScreen x)
put' ui = do
dbguiEv $ "putting state: " ++
showScreenStack "" showScreenSelection ui
-- (head $ lines $ pshow $ aScreen x)
-- ++ " " ++ (show $ map tdescription $ jtxns $ ajournal x)
-- dbguiEv $ ("query: "++) $ pshow' $ x & aopts & uoCliOpts & reportspec_ & _rsQuery
-- dbguiScreensEv "putting" screenId x
-- dbguiScreensEv "putting, with register descriptions" screenRegisterDescriptions x
put x
-- dbguiScreensEv "putting" showScreenId x
-- dbguiScreensEv "putting, with register descriptions" showScreenRegisterDescriptions x
put ui
modify' f = do
x <- get
let x' = f x
dbguiEv $ "modifying state: " ++ (head $ lines $ pshow $ aScreen x')
ui <- get
let ui' = f ui
dbguiEv $ "getting state: " ++ (showScreenStack "" showScreenSelection ui)
dbguiEv $ "putting state: " ++ (showScreenStack "" showScreenSelection ui')
-- (head $ lines $ pshow $ aScreen x')
-- ++ " " ++ (show $ map tdescription $ jtxns $ ajournal x')
-- dbguiEv $ ("from: "++) $ pshow' $ x & aopts & uoCliOpts & reportspec_ & _rsQuery
-- dbguiEv $ ("to: "++) $ pshow' $ x' & aopts & uoCliOpts & reportspec_ & _rsQuery
-- dbguiScreensEv "getting" screenId x
-- dbguiScreensEv "putting" screenId x'
-- dbguiScreensEv "getting, with register descriptions" screenRegisterDescriptions x
-- dbguiScreensEv "putting, with register descriptions" screenRegisterDescriptions x'
-- dbguiScreensEv "getting" showScreenId x
-- dbguiScreensEv "putting" showScreenId x'
-- dbguiScreensEv "getting, with register descriptions" showScreenRegisterDescriptions x
-- dbguiScreensEv "putting, with register descriptions" showScreenRegisterDescriptions x'
modify f
-- | On posix platforms, suspend the program using the STOP signal,
@ -444,42 +453,48 @@ listScrollPushingSelection name listheight scrollamt = do
dbgui :: String -> a -> a
dbgui = traceLogAt 1
-- | Like dbgui, but convenient to use in IO.
dbguiIO :: String -> IO ()
dbguiIO = traceLogAtIO 1
-- | Like dbgui, but convenient to use in EventM handlers.
dbguiEv :: String -> EventM Name s ()
dbguiEv s = dbgui s $ return ()
-- | Like dbguiEv, but log a compact view of the current screen stack,
-- | Like dbguiEv, but log a compact view of the current screen stack.
-- See showScreenStack.
-- To just log the stack: @dbguiScreensEv "" showScreenId ui@
dbguiScreensEv :: String -> (Screen -> String) -> UIState -> EventM Name UIState ()
dbguiScreensEv postfix showscr ui = dbguiEv $ showScreenStack postfix showscr ui
-- Render a compact labelled view of the current screen stack,
-- adding the given postfix to the label (can be empty),
-- from topmost screen to currently-viewed screen,
-- from the topmost screen to the currently-viewed screen,
-- with each screen rendered by the given rendering function.
-- Useful for inspecting states across the whole screen stack.
-- Some screen rendering functions are @screenId@ and @screenRegisterDescriptions@.
-- To just show the stack: @dbguiScreensEv "" screenId ui@
dbguiScreensEv :: String -> (Screen -> String) -> UIState -> EventM Name UIState ()
dbguiScreensEv postfix showscr ui =
dbguiEv $ concat [
"screen stack"
,if null postfix then "" else " (" ++ postfix ++ ")"
,": "
,unwords $ mapScreens showscr ui
-- Some screen rendering functions are
-- @showScreenId@, @showScreenSelection@, @showScreenRegisterDescriptions@.
-- Eg to just show the stack: @showScreenStack "" showScreenId ui@
-- To to show the stack plus selected item indexes: @showScreenStack "" showScreenSelection ui@
showScreenStack :: String -> (Screen -> String) -> UIState -> String
showScreenStack postfix showscr ui = concat [
"screen stack"
,if null postfix then "" else ", " ++ postfix
,": "
,unwords $ mapScreens showscr ui
-- | Run a function on each screen in a UIState's screen "stack",
-- from topmost screen down to currently-viewed screen.
mapScreens :: (Screen -> a) -> UIState -> [a]
mapScreens f UIState{aPrevScreens, aScreen} = map f $ reverse $ aScreen : aPrevScreens
-- Show a screen's compact id, plus for register screens, the transaction descriptions.
screenRegisterDescriptions :: Screen -> String
screenRegisterDescriptions scr = case scr of
RS sst -> ((screenId scr ++ ":") ++) $ -- menu
intercalate "," $ map (T.unpack . rsItemDescription) $
takeWhile (not . T.null . rsItemDate) $ V.toList $ listElements $ _rssList sst
_ -> screenId scr
-- Show a screen's compact id (first letter of its constructor).
screenId :: Screen -> String
screenId = \case
showScreenId :: Screen -> String
showScreenId = \case
MS _ -> "M" -- menu
AS _ -> "A" -- all accounts
BS _ -> "B" -- bs accounts
@ -488,6 +503,25 @@ screenId = \case
TS _ -> "T" -- transaction
ES _ -> "E" -- error
-- Show a screen's compact id, plus for register screens, the transaction descriptions.
showScreenRegisterDescriptions :: Screen -> String
showScreenRegisterDescriptions scr = case scr of
RS sst -> ((showScreenId scr ++ ":") ++) $ -- menu
intercalate "," $ map (T.unpack . rsItemDescription) $
takeWhile (not . T.null . rsItemDate) $ V.toList $ listElements $ _rssList sst
_ -> showScreenId scr
-- Show a screen's compact id, plus index of its selected list item if any.
showScreenSelection :: Screen -> String
showScreenSelection = \case
MS MSS{_mssList} -> "M" ++ (maybe "" show $ listSelected _mssList) -- menu
AS ASS{_assList} -> "A" ++ (maybe "" show $ listSelected _assList) -- all accounts
BS ASS{_assList} -> "B" ++ (maybe "" show $ listSelected _assList) -- bs accounts
IS ASS{_assList} -> "I" ++ (maybe "" show $ listSelected _assList) -- is accounts
RS RSS{_rssList} -> "R" ++ (maybe "" show $ listSelected _rssList) -- menu
TS _ -> "T" -- transaction
ES _ -> "E" -- error
-- | How many blank items to add to lists to fill the full window height.
uiNumBlankItems :: Int