convert: Adding support for formatting expressions in description-field

This commit is contained in:
Trygve Laugstol 2011-06-27 22:59:07 +00:00
parent 6544ec02fc
commit dca66a63a7
5 changed files with 116 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -674,6 +674,28 @@ Notes:
track the expenses in the currencies there were made, while
keeping your base account in single currency
#### Formatting the description field
If you want to combine more than one field from the CVS row into
the description field you can use an formatting expression for
With this rule:
$ description-field %(1)/%(3)
and this CVS input:
$ 11/2009/09,Flubber Co,50,My comment
you will get this record:
2009/09/11 Flubber Co/My comment
income:unknown $50
Assets:MyAccount $-50
#### Converting streams
The convert command also supports converting standard input if you're
streaming a CSV file from the web or another tool. Use `-` as the input
file and hledger will read from stdin:

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import Prelude hiding (getContents)
import Control.Monad (when, guard, liftM)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Format (parseTime)
import Safe (atDef, maximumDef)
import Safe (atDef, atMay, maximumDef)
import Safe (readDef, readMay)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import Text.CSV (parseCSV, parseCSVFromFile, printCSV, CSV)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Printf (hPrintf)
import Hledger.Cli.Format
import qualified Hledger.Cli.Format as Format
import Hledger.Cli.Version
import Hledger.Cli.Options (Opt(Debug), progname_cli, rulesFileFromOpts)
import Hledger.Data.Amount (nullmixedamt, costOfMixedAmount)
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ import Hledger.Data.Dates (firstJust, showDate, parsedate)
import Hledger.Data (Journal,AccountName,Transaction(..),Posting(..),PostingType(..))
import Hledger.Data.Journal (nullctx)
import Hledger.Read.JournalReader (someamount,ledgeraccountname)
import Hledger.Utils (strip, spacenonewline, restofline, parseWithCtx, assertParse, assertParseEqual, error', regexMatchesCI, regexReplaceCI)
import Hledger.Utils (choice', strip, spacenonewline, restofline, parseWithCtx, assertParse, assertParseEqual, error', regexMatchesCI, regexReplaceCI)
import Hledger.Utils.UTF8 (getContents)
{- |
@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ data CsvRules = CsvRules {
dateFormat :: Maybe String,
statusField :: Maybe FieldPosition,
codeField :: Maybe FieldPosition,
descriptionField :: Maybe FieldPosition,
descriptionField :: [FormatString],
amountField :: Maybe FieldPosition,
inField :: Maybe FieldPosition,
outField :: Maybe FieldPosition,
@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ nullrules = CsvRules {
@ -131,7 +133,6 @@ maxFieldIndex r = maximumDef (-1) $ catMaybes [
dateField r
,statusField r
,codeField r
,descriptionField r
,amountField r
,inField r
,outField r
@ -205,9 +206,6 @@ csvrulesfile = do
return r{accountRules=ars}
-- | Real independent parser choice, even when alternative matches share a prefix.
choice' parsers = choice $ map try (init parsers) ++ [last parsers]
definitions :: GenParser Char CsvRules ()
definitions = do
choice' [
@ -233,100 +231,96 @@ datefield = do
string "date-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{dateField=readMay v}
updateState (\r -> r{dateField=readMay v})
effectivedatefield = do
string "effective-date-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{effectiveDateField=readMay v}
updateState (\r -> r{effectiveDateField=readMay v})
dateformat = do
string "date-format"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{dateFormat=Just v}
updateState (\r -> r{dateFormat=Just v})
codefield = do
string "code-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{codeField=readMay v}
updateState (\r -> r{codeField=readMay v})
statusfield = do
string "status-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{statusField=readMay v}
updateState (\r -> r{statusField=readMay v})
descriptionFieldValue :: GenParser Char st [FormatString]
descriptionFieldValue = do
-- try (fieldNo <* spacenonewline)
try fieldNo
<|> formatStrings
fieldNo = many1 digit >>= \x -> return [FormatField False Nothing Nothing $ FieldNo $ read x]
descriptionfield = do
string "description-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{descriptionField=readMay v}
formatS <- descriptionFieldValue
updateState (\x -> x{descriptionField=formatS})
amountfield = do
string "amount-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{amountField=readMay v}
x <- updateState (\r -> r{amountField=readMay v})
return x
infield = do
string "in-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{inField=readMay v}
updateState (\r -> r{inField=readMay v})
outfield = do
string "out-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{outField=readMay v}
updateState (\r -> r{outField=readMay v})
currencyfield = do
string "currency-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{currencyField=readMay v}
updateState (\r -> r{currencyField=readMay v})
accountfield = do
string "account-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{accountField=readMay v}
updateState (\r -> r{accountField=readMay v})
account2field = do
string "account2-field"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{account2Field=readMay v}
updateState (\r -> r{account2Field=readMay v})
basecurrency = do
string "currency"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- restofline
r <- getState
setState r{baseCurrency=Just v}
updateState (\r -> r{baseCurrency=Just v})
baseaccount = do
string "base-account"
many1 spacenonewline
v <- ledgeraccountname
optional newline
r <- getState
setState r{baseAccount=v}
updateState (\r -> r{baseAccount=v})
accountrule :: GenParser Char CsvRules AccountRule
accountrule = do
@ -339,7 +333,7 @@ accountrule = do
return (pats',acct)
<?> "account rule"
blanklines = many1 blankline >> return ()
blanklines = many1 blankline
blankline = many spacenonewline >> newline >> return () <?> "blank line"
@ -362,6 +356,24 @@ printTxn debug rules rec = do
putStr $ show $ transactionFromCsvRecord rules rec
-- csv record conversion
formatD :: CsvRecord -> Bool -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Field -> String
formatD record leftJustified min max f = case f of
FieldNo n -> maybe "" show $ atMay record n
-- Some of these might in theory in read from fields
Format.Account -> ""
DepthSpacer -> ""
Total -> ""
DefaultDate -> ""
Description -> ""
show = formatValue leftJustified min max
formatDescription :: CsvRecord -> [FormatString] -> String
formatDescription _ [] = ""
formatDescription record (f:fs) = s ++ (formatDescription record fs)
where s = case f of
FormatLiteral l -> l
FormatField leftJustified min max field -> formatD record leftJustified min max field
transactionFromCsvRecord :: CsvRules -> CsvRecord -> Transaction
transactionFromCsvRecord rules fields =
@ -371,7 +383,7 @@ transactionFromCsvRecord rules fields =
return $ parsedate $ normaliseDate (dateFormat rules) $ (atDef "" fields) idx
status = maybe False (null . strip . (atDef "" fields)) (statusField rules)
code = maybe "" (atDef "" fields) (codeField rules)
desc = maybe "" (atDef "" fields) (descriptionField rules)
desc = formatDescription fields (descriptionField rules)
comment = ""
precomment = ""
baseacc = maybe (baseAccount rules) (atDef "" fields) (accountField rules)
@ -466,7 +478,29 @@ getAmount rules fields = case (accountField rules) of
c = maybe "" (atDef "" fields) (inField rules)
d = maybe "" (atDef "" fields) (outField rules)
tests_Hledger_Cli_Convert = TestList [
tests_Hledger_Cli_Convert = TestList (test_parser ++ test_description_parsing)
test_description_parsing = [
"description-field 1" ~: assertParseDescription "description-field 1\n" [FormatField False Nothing Nothing (FieldNo 1)]
, "description-field 1 " ~: assertParseDescription "description-field 1 \n" [FormatField False Nothing Nothing (FieldNo 1)]
, "description-field %(1)" ~: assertParseDescription "description-field %(1)\n" [FormatField False Nothing Nothing (FieldNo 1)]
, "description-field %(1)/$(2)" ~: assertParseDescription "description-field %(1)/%(2)\n" [
FormatField False Nothing Nothing (FieldNo 1)
, FormatLiteral "/"
, FormatField False Nothing Nothing (FieldNo 2)
assertParseDescription string expected = do assertParseEqual (parseDescription string) (nullrules {descriptionField = expected})
parseDescription :: String -> Either ParseError CsvRules
parseDescription x = runParser descriptionfieldWrapper nullrules "(unknown)" x
descriptionfieldWrapper :: GenParser Char CsvRules CsvRules
descriptionfieldWrapper = do
r <- getState
return r
test_parser = [
"convert rules parsing: empty file" ~: do
-- let assertMixedAmountParse parseresult mixedamount =

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Hledger.Cli.Format (
, formatStrings
, formatValue
, FormatString(..)
, Field(..)
@ -7,19 +8,12 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Format (
) where
import Numeric
import Data.Char (isPrint)
import Data.Maybe
import Test.HUnit
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Printf
%-P a transaction's payee, left justified
%20P The same, right justified, at least 20 chars wide
%.20P The same, no more than 20 chars wide
%-.20P Left justified, maximum twenty chars wide
data Field =
@ -27,6 +21,7 @@ data Field =
| Description
| Total
| DepthSpacer
| FieldNo Int
deriving (Show, Eq)
data FormatString =
@ -47,7 +42,7 @@ formatValue leftJustified min max value = printf formatS value
formatS = "%" ++ l ++ min' ++ max' ++ "s"
parseFormatString :: String -> Either String [FormatString]
parseFormatString input = case parse formatStrings "(unknown)" input of
parseFormatString input = case (runParser formatStrings () "(unknown)") input of
Left y -> Left $ show y
Right x -> Right x
@ -55,42 +50,45 @@ parseFormatString input = case parse formatStrings "(unknown)" input of
field :: Parser Field
field :: GenParser Char st Field
field = do
try (string "account" >> return Account)
-- <|> try (string "date" >> return DefaultDate)
-- <|> try (string "description" >> return Description)
<|> try (string "depth_spacer" >> return DepthSpacer)
<|> try (string "date" >> return Description)
<|> try (string "description" >> return Description)
<|> try (string "total" >> return Total)
<|> try (many1 digit >>= (\s -> return $ FieldNo $ read s))
formatField :: Parser FormatString
formatField :: GenParser Char st FormatString
formatField = do
char '%'
leftJustified <- optionMaybe (char '-')
minWidth <- optionMaybe (many1 $ digit)
maxWidth <- optionMaybe (do char '.'; many1 $ digit)
maxWidth <- optionMaybe (do char '.'; many1 $ digit) -- TODO: Can this be (char '1') *> (many1 digit)
char '('
field <- field
f <- field
char ')'
return $ FormatField (isJust leftJustified) (parseDec minWidth) (parseDec maxWidth) field
return $ FormatField (isJust leftJustified) (parseDec minWidth) (parseDec maxWidth) f
parseDec s = case s of
Just text -> Just m where ((m,_):_) = readDec text
_ -> Nothing
formatLiteral :: Parser FormatString
formatLiteral :: GenParser Char st FormatString
formatLiteral = do
s <- many1 c
return $ FormatLiteral s
c = noneOf "%"
isPrintableButNotPercentage x = isPrint x && (not $ x == '%')
c = (satisfy isPrintableButNotPercentage <?> "printable character")
<|> try (string "%%" >> return '%')
formatString :: Parser FormatString
formatString :: GenParser Char st FormatString
formatString =
<|> formatLiteral
formatStrings :: GenParser Char st [FormatString]
formatStrings = many formatString
testFormat :: FormatString -> String -> String -> Assertion

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Conversion from CSV to Ledger with in-field and out-field
rm -rf unused.journal convert.rules; printf 'base-account Assets:MyAccount\ndate-field 0\ndate-format %%d/%%Y/%%m\ndescription-field 1\nin-field 2\nout-field 3\ncurrency $\n' >convert.rules ; touch unused.journal ; bin/hledger -f unused.journal convert --rules convert.rules - ; rm -rf unused.journal convert.rules
rm -rf unused.journal$$ convert.rules$$; printf 'base-account Assets:MyAccount\ndate-field 0\ndate-format %%d/%%Y/%%m\ndescription-field 1\nin-field 2\nout-field 3\ncurrency $\n' >convert.rules$$ ; touch unused.journal$$ ; bin/hledger -f unused.journal$$ convert --rules convert.rules$$ - ; rm -rf *$$
10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50,
11/2009/09,Flubber Co,,50
@ -12,6 +12,5 @@ rm -rf unused.journal convert.rules; printf 'base-account Assets:MyAccount\ndate
income:unknown $-50
Assets:MyAccount $50
using conversion rules file convert.rules
>>>2 /using conversion rules file convert.rules[0-9]*.$/

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Conversion from CSV to Ledger
rm -rf unused.journal input.csv input.rules; printf 'base-account Assets:MyAccount\ndate-field 0\ndate-format %%d/%%Y/%%m\ndescription-field 1\namount-field 2\ncurrency $\n' > input.rules ; printf '10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50' > input.csv ; touch unused.journal ; bin/hledger -f unused.journal convert input.csv ; rm -rf unused.journal input.csv input.rules
rm -rf input.rules; printf 'base-account Assets:MyAccount\ndate-field 0\ndate-format %%d/%%Y/%%m\ndescription-field 1\namount-field 2\ncurrency $\n' > input.rules ; printf '10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50' > input.csv$$ ; touch unused.journal$$ ; bin/hledger -f unused.journal$$ convert input.csv$$ ; rm -rf input.rules *$$
2009/09/10 Flubber Co
income:unknown $-50