imp: lib,cli: Implement gain report for balance reports.

A gain report will report on unrealised gains by looking at the
difference between the valuation of an amount (by default, --value=end),
and the valuation of the cost of the amount.
This commit is contained in:
Stephen Morgan 2021-07-23 15:35:26 +10:00 committed by Simon Michael
parent 90612c1444
commit ddba9f6ce4
7 changed files with 171 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ module Hledger.Data.Valuation (
-- ,priceLookup
@ -114,28 +116,24 @@ amountToCost NoCost _ = id
amountToCost Cost styles = styleAmount styles . amountCost
-- | Apply a specified valuation to this amount, using the provided
-- price oracle, reference dates, and whether this is for a
-- multiperiod report or not. Also fix up its display style using the
-- provided commodity styles.
-- price oracle, and reference dates. Also fix up its display style
-- using the provided commodity styles.
-- When the valuation requires converting to another commodity, a
-- valuation (conversion) date is chosen based on the valuation type,
-- the provided reference dates, and whether this is for a
-- single-period or multi-period report. It will be one of:
-- valuation (conversion) date is chosen based on the valuation type
-- and the provided reference dates. It will be one of:
-- - a fixed date specified by the ValuationType itself
-- (--value=DATE).
-- - the date of the posting itself (--value=then)
-- - the provided "period end" date - this is typically the last day
-- of a subperiod (--value=end with a multi-period report), or of
-- the specified report period or the journal (--value=end with a
-- single-period report).
-- - the provided "report end" date - the last day of the specified
-- report period, if any (-V/-X with a report end date).
-- - the provided "today" date (--value=now).
-- - the provided "today" date - (--value=now, or -V/X with no report
-- end date).
-- - a fixed date specified by the ValuationType itself
-- (--value=DATE).
-- This is all a bit complicated. See the reference doc at
@ -180,6 +178,29 @@ amountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mto d a =
styleAmount styles
amount{acommodity=comm, aquantity=rate * aquantity a}
-- | Calculate the gain of each component amount, that is the difference
-- between the valued amount and the value of the cost basis (see
-- mixedAmountApplyValuation).
-- If the commodity we are valuing in is not the same as the commodity of the
-- cost, this will value the cost at the same date as the primary amount. This
-- may not be what you want; for example you may want the cost valued at the
-- posting date. If so, let us know and we can change this behaviour.
mixedAmountApplyGain :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Day -> Day -> Day -> ValuationType -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountApplyGain priceoracle styles periodlast today postingdate v ma =
mixedAmountApplyValuation priceoracle styles periodlast today postingdate v $ ma `maMinus` mixedAmountCost ma
-- | Calculate the gain of each component amount, that is the
-- difference between the valued amount and the value of the cost basis.
-- If the commodity we are valuing in is not the same as the commodity of the
-- cost, this will value the cost at the same date as the primary amount. This
-- may not be what you want; for example you may want the cost valued at the
-- posting date. If so, let us know and we can change this behaviour.
mixedAmountGainAtDate :: PriceOracle -> M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> Maybe CommoditySymbol -> Day -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountGainAtDate priceoracle styles mto d ma =
mixedAmountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mto d $ ma `maMinus` mixedAmountCost ma
-- Market price lookup

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@ -303,6 +303,7 @@ calculateReportMatrix rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts} j priceoracle startb
CalcChange -> M.mapWithKey avalue changes
CalcBudget -> M.mapWithKey avalue changes
CalcValueChange -> periodChanges valuedStart historical
CalcGain -> periodChanges valuedStart historical
cumulative = cumulativeSum avalue nullacct changeamts
historical = cumulativeSum avalue startingBalance changes
startingBalance = HM.lookupDefault nullacct name startbals

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@ -78,10 +78,11 @@ import Hledger.Utils
-- | What to calculate for each cell in a balance report.
-- "Balance report types -> Calculation type" in the hledger manual.
data BalanceCalculation =
data BalanceCalculation =
CalcChange -- ^ Sum of posting amounts in the period.
| CalcBudget -- ^ Sum of posting amounts and the goal for the period.
| CalcValueChange -- ^ Change from previous period's historical end value to this period's historical end value.
| CalcGain -- ^ Change from previous period's gain, i.e. valuation minus cost basis.
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Default BalanceCalculation where def = CalcChange
@ -319,6 +320,7 @@ balancecalcopt =
parse = \case
"sum" -> Just CalcChange
"valuechange" -> Just CalcValueChange
"gain" -> Just CalcGain
"budget" -> Just CalcBudget
_ -> Nothing
@ -454,16 +456,16 @@ reportOptsToggleStatus s ropts@ReportOpts{statuses_=ss}
-- to --value, or if --valuechange is called with a valuation type
-- other than -V/--value=end.
valuationTypeFromRawOpts :: RawOpts -> (Costing, Maybe ValuationType)
valuationTypeFromRawOpts rawopts = (costing, valuation)
valuationTypeFromRawOpts rawopts = case (balancecalcopt rawopts, directcost, directval) of
(CalcValueChange, _, Nothing ) -> (directcost, Just $ AtEnd Nothing) -- If no valuation requested for valuechange, use AtEnd
(CalcValueChange, _, Just (AtEnd _)) -> (directcost, directval) -- If AtEnd valuation requested, use it
(CalcValueChange, _, _ ) -> usageError "--valuechange only produces sensible results with --value=end"
(CalcGain, Cost, _ ) -> usageError "--gain cannot be combined with --cost"
(CalcGain, NoCost, Nothing ) -> (directcost, Just $ AtEnd Nothing) -- If no valuation requested for gain, use AtEnd
(_, _, _ ) -> (directcost, directval) -- Otherwise, use requested valuation
costing = if (any ((Cost==) . fst) valuationopts) then Cost else NoCost
valuation = case balancecalcopt rawopts of
CalcValueChange -> case directval of
Nothing -> Just $ AtEnd Nothing -- If no valuation requested for valuechange, use AtEnd
Just (AtEnd _) -> directval -- If AtEnd valuation requested, use it
Just _ -> usageError "--valuechange only produces sensible results with --value=end"
_ -> directval -- Otherwise, use requested valuation
where directval = lastMay $ mapMaybe snd valuationopts
directcost = if any (== Cost) (map fst valuationopts) then Cost else NoCost
directval = lastMay $ mapMaybe snd valuationopts
valuationopts = collectopts valuationfromrawopt rawopts
valuationfromrawopt (n,v) -- option name, value
@ -524,9 +526,12 @@ journalApplyValuationFromOpts rspec j =
-- | Like journalApplyValuationFromOpts, but takes PriceOracle as an argument.
journalApplyValuationFromOptsWith :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> PriceOracle -> Journal
journalApplyValuationFromOptsWith rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts} j priceoracle =
journalMapPostings valuation $ costing j
case balancecalc_ ropts of
CalcGain -> journalMapPostings (\p -> postingTransformAmount (gain p) p) j
_ -> journalMapPostings (\p -> postingTransformAmount (valuation p) p) $ costing j
valuation p = maybe id (postingApplyValuation priceoracle styles (periodEnd p) (_rsDay rspec)) (value_ ropts) p
valuation p = maybe id (mixedAmountApplyValuation priceoracle styles (periodEnd p) (_rsDay rspec) (postingDate p)) (value_ ropts)
gain p = maybe id (mixedAmountApplyGain priceoracle styles (periodEnd p) (_rsDay rspec) (postingDate p)) (value_ ropts)
costing = case cost_ ropts of
Cost -> journalToCost
NoCost -> id
@ -545,24 +550,29 @@ mixedAmountApplyValuationAfterSumFromOptsWith :: ReportOpts -> Journal -> PriceO
-> (DateSpan -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount)
mixedAmountApplyValuationAfterSumFromOptsWith ropts j priceoracle =
case valuationAfterSum ropts of
Just mc -> \span -> valuation mc span . costing
Nothing -> const id
Just mc -> case balancecalc_ ropts of
CalcGain -> \span -> gain mc span
_ -> \span -> valuation mc span . costing
Nothing -> \_span -> id
valuation mc span = mixedAmountValueAtDate priceoracle styles mc (maybe err (addDays (-1)) $ spanEnd span)
where err = error "mixedAmountApplyValuationAfterSumFromOptsWith: expected all spans to have an end date"
gain mc span = mixedAmountGainAtDate priceoracle styles mc (maybe err (addDays (-1)) $ spanEnd span)
costing = case cost_ ropts of
Cost -> styleMixedAmount styles . mixedAmountCost
NoCost -> id
styles = journalCommodityStyles j
err = error "mixedAmountApplyValuationAfterSumFromOptsWith: expected all spans to have an end date"
-- | If the ReportOpts specify that we are performing valuation after summing amounts,
-- return Just the commodity symbol we're converting to, otherwise return Nothing.
-- return Just of the commodity symbol we're converting to, Just Nothing for the default,
-- and otherwise return Nothing.
-- Used for example with historical reports with --value=end.
valuationAfterSum :: ReportOpts -> Maybe (Maybe CommoditySymbol)
valuationAfterSum ropts = case value_ ropts of
Just (AtEnd mc) | valueAfterSum -> Just mc
_ -> Nothing
where valueAfterSum = balancecalc_ ropts == CalcValueChange
|| balancecalc_ ropts == CalcGain
|| balanceaccum_ ropts /= PerPeriod

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@ -288,9 +288,11 @@ balancemode = hledgerCommandMode
, "transactions. With a DESCPAT argument (must be separated by = not space),"
, "use only periodic transactions with matching description"
, "(case insensitive substring match)."
,flagNone ["valuechange"] (setboolopt "valuechange")
"show change of value of period-end historical balances"
"show total change of value of period-end historical balances (caused by deposits, withdrawals, market price fluctuations)"
,flagNone ["gain"] (setboolopt "gain")
"show unrealised capital gain/loss (historical balance value minus cost basis)"
,flagNone ["change"] (setboolopt "change")
"accumulate amounts from column start to column end (in multicolumn reports, default)"
,flagNone ["cumulative"] (setboolopt "cumulative")
@ -639,6 +641,9 @@ multiBalanceReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} r = TB.toLazyText $
mtitle = case (balancecalc_, balanceaccum_) of
(CalcValueChange, PerPeriod ) -> "Period-end value changes"
(CalcValueChange, Cumulative ) -> "Cumulative period-end value changes"
(CalcGain, PerPeriod ) -> "Incremental gain"
(CalcGain, Cumulative ) -> "Cumulative gain"
(CalcGain, Historical ) -> "Historical gain"
(_, PerPeriod ) -> "Balance changes"
(_, Cumulative ) -> "Ending balances (cumulative)"
(_, Historical) -> "Ending balances (historical)"

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Many of these work with the higher-level commands as well.
- or actual and planned balance changes ([`--budget`](#budget-report))
- or value of balance changes ([`-V`](#valuation-type))
- or change of balance values ([`--valuechange`](#balance-report-types))
- or unrealised capital gain/loss ([`--gain`](#balance-report-types))
@ -419,7 +420,9 @@ It is one of:
- `--sum` : sum the posting amounts (**default**)
- `--budget` : like --sum but also show a goal amount
- `--valuechange` : show the change in period-end historical balance values
<!-- - `--gain` : show the change in period-end historical balances values caused by market price fluctuations -->
(caused by deposits, withdrawals, and/or market price fluctuations)
- `--gain` : show the unrealised capital gain/loss, (the current valued balance
minus each amount's original cost)
**Accumulation type:**\
Which postings should be included in each cell's calculation.
@ -445,7 +448,7 @@ It is one of:
- no valuation, show amounts in their original commodities (**default**)
- `--value=cost[,COMM]` : no valuation, show amounts converted to cost
- `--value=then[,COMM]` : show value at transaction dates
- `--value=end[,COMM]` : show value at period end date(s) (**default with `--valuechange`**)
- `--value=end[,COMM]` : show value at period end date(s) (**default with `--valuechange`, `--gain`**)
- `--value=now[,COMM]` : show value at today's date
- `--value=YYYY-MM-DD[,COMM]` : show value at another date

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@ -60,7 +60,9 @@ compoundBalanceCommandMode CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} =
([flagNone ["sum"] (setboolopt "sum")
"show sum of posting amounts (default)"
,flagNone ["valuechange"] (setboolopt "valuechange")
"show change of value of period-end historical balances"
"show total change of period-end historical balance value (caused by deposits, withdrawals, market price fluctuations)"
,flagNone ["gain"] (setboolopt "gain")
"show unrealised capital gain/loss (historical balance value minus cost basis)"
,flagNone ["budget"] (setboolopt "budget")
"show sum of posting amounts compared to budget goals defined by periodic transactions\n "
@ -123,18 +125,23 @@ compoundBalanceCommand CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=r
-- "2008/01/01-2008/12/31", not "2008").
titledatestr = case balanceaccumulation of
Historical -> showEndDates enddates
_ -> showDateSpan requestedspan
_ -> showDateSpan requestedspan
enddates = map (addDays (-1)) . mapMaybe spanEnd $ cbrDates cbr -- these spans will always have a definite end date
requestedspan = reportSpan j rspec
-- when user overrides, add an indication to the report title
-- Do we need to deal with overridden BalanceCalculation?
mtitleclarification = flip fmap mbalanceAccumulationOverride $ \case
PerPeriod | changingValuation -> "(Period-End Value Changes)"
PerPeriod -> "(Balance Changes)"
Cumulative -> "(Cumulative Ending Balances)"
Historical -> "(Historical Ending Balances)"
mtitleclarification = case (balancecalc_, balanceaccumulation, mbalanceAccumulationOverride) of
(CalcValueChange, PerPeriod, _ ) -> Just "(Period-End Value Changes)"
(CalcValueChange, Cumulative, _ ) -> Just "(Cumulative Period-End Value Changes)"
(CalcGain, PerPeriod, _ ) -> Just "(Incremental Gain)"
(CalcGain, Cumulative, _ ) -> Just "(Cumulative Gain)"
(CalcGain, Historical, _ ) -> Just "(Historical Gain)"
(_, _, Just PerPeriod ) -> Just "(Balance Changes)"
(_, _, Just Cumulative) -> Just "(Cumulative Ending Balances)"
(_, _, Just Historical) -> Just "(Historical Ending Balances)"
_ -> Nothing
valuationdesc =
(case cost_ of
@ -149,9 +156,9 @@ compoundBalanceCommand CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=r
Nothing -> "")
changingValuation = case (balancecalc_, balanceaccum_) of
(CalcValueChange, PerPeriod) -> True
(CalcValueChange, PerPeriod) -> True
(CalcValueChange, Cumulative) -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
-- make a CompoundBalanceReport.
cbr' = compoundBalanceReport rspec{_rsReportOpts=ropts'} j cbcqueries

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@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
P 1999/12/01 stock 1 A
P 2000/01/01 stock 2 A
P 2000/02/01 stock 3 A
P 1999/12/01 B 1 A
P 2000/01/01 B 5 A
P 2000/02/01 B 6 A
(assets:fake) 1 stock
(assets:fake) 1 A
(assets:fake) 1 B
(assets:old) 2 stock @ 2 A
(assets:new) 1 stock @ 3 A
(assets:b) 1 stock @ 3 B
# 1. multicolumn balance report showing changes in gain
$ hledger -f- bal -M --gain --no-total
Incremental gain in 1999-12-01..2000-02-29, valued at period ends:
|| 1999-12 2000-01 2000-02
assets:b || 0 -13 A -2 A
assets:new || 0 -1 A 1 A
assets:old || -2 A 2 A 2 A
# 2. multibalance report showing changes in gain including some historical postings
$ hledger -f- bal -M --gain -b 2000 --no-total
Incremental gain in 2000-01-01..2000-02-29, valued at period ends:
|| Jan Feb
assets:b || -13 A -2 A
assets:new || -1 A 1 A
assets:old || 2 A 2 A
# 3. historical gain report
$ hledger -f- bal -M --gain -b 2000 --no-total --historical
Historical gain in 2000-01-01..2000-02-29, valued at period ends:
|| 2000-01-31 2000-02-29
assets:b || -13 A -15 A
assets:new || -1 A 0
assets:old || 0 2 A
# 4. use a different valuation strategy
$ hledger -f- bal -M --gain --no-total --value=2000-02-01
Incremental gain in 1999-12-01..2000-01-31, valued at 2000-02-01:
|| 1999-12 2000-01
assets:b || 0 -15 A
assets:old || 2 A 0
# 5. use a different valuation strategy for historical
$ hledger -f- bal -M --gain --no-total --value=2000-02-01 -b 2000 --historical
Historical gain in 2000-01, valued at 2000-02-01:
|| 2000-01-31
assets:b || -15 A
assets:old || 2 A
# 6. also works in balancesheet
$ hledger -f- bs -M --gain --no-total
Balance Sheet 1999-12-31..2000-02-29 (Historical Gain), valued at period ends
|| 1999-12-31 2000-01-31 2000-02-29
Assets ||
assets:b || 0 -13 A -15 A
assets:new || 0 -1 A 0
assets:old || -2 A 0 2 A
Liabilities ||