balance: elide boring accounts properly, cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2007-03-11 00:55:53 +00:00
parent ee8ac17909
commit de4dd43007
4 changed files with 118 additions and 158 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import Ledger
-- an Account caches an account's name, balance (including sub-accounts)
-- and transactions (not including sub-accounts)
-- and transactions (excluding sub-accounts)
data Account = Account {
aname :: AccountName,
atransactions :: [EntryTransaction],
@ -24,13 +24,15 @@ instance Show Account where
nullacct = Account "" [] nullamt
mkAccount :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Account
mkAccount l a =
ledgerAccount :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Account
ledgerAccount l a =
(transactionsInAccountNamed l a)
(aggregateBalanceInAccountNamed l a)
-- queries
balanceInAccountNamed :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Amount
balanceInAccountNamed l a =
sumEntryTransactions (transactionsInAccountNamed l a)
@ -47,64 +49,58 @@ aggregateTransactionsInAccountNamed :: Ledger -> AccountName -> [EntryTransactio
aggregateTransactionsInAccountNamed l a =
ledgerTransactionsMatching (["^" ++ a ++ "(:.+)?$"], []) l
-- a tree of Accounts
-- build a tree of Accounts
addDataToAccountNameTree :: Ledger -> Tree AccountName -> Tree Account
addDataToAccountNameTree l ant =
(mkAccount l $ root ant)
(ledgerAccount l $ root ant)
(map (addDataToAccountNameTree l) $ branches ant)
-- would be straightforward except we want to elide boring accounts when
-- displaying account trees:
-- a (0 txns, only 1 subacct)
-- b (another boring acct.)
-- c
-- d
-- becomes:
-- a:b:c
-- d
showAccountTree :: Ledger -> Int -> Int -> Tree Account -> String
showAccountTree _ 0 _ _ = ""
showAccountTree l maxdepth indentlevel t
-- if this acct is boring, don't show it (unless this is as deep as we're going)
-- | (boringacct && (maxdepth > 1)) = subacctsindented 0
-- balance report support
-- some examples, ignoring the issue of eliding boring accounts
-- here is a sample account tree:
-- assets
-- cash
-- checking
-- saving
-- equity
-- expenses
-- food
-- shelter
-- income
-- salary
-- liabilities
-- debts
-- standard balance command shows all top-level accounts:
-- > ledger bal
-- $ assets
-- $ equity
-- $ expenses
-- $ income
-- $ liabilities
-- with an account pattern, show only the ones with matching names:
-- > ledger bal asset
-- $ assets
-- with -s, show all subaccounts of matched accounts:
-- > ledger -s bal asset
-- $ assets
-- $ cash
-- $ checking
-- $ saving
-- otherwise show normal indented account name with balance
-- if this acct has one or more boring parents, prepend their names
| otherwise =
bal ++ " " ++ indent ++ parentnames ++ leafname ++ "\n" ++ (subacctsindented 1)
boringacct = isBoringAccount2 l name
boringparents = takeWhile (isBoringAccount2 l) $ parentAccountNames name
bal = printf "%20s" $ show $ abalance $ root t
indent = replicate (indentlevel * 2) ' '
parentnames = concatMap (++ ":") $ map accountLeafName boringparents
leafname = accountLeafName name
name = aname $ root t
subacctsindented i =
case maxdepth > 1 of
True -> concatMap (showAccountTree l (maxdepth-1) (indentlevel+i)) $ branches t
False -> ""
isBoringAccount :: Tree Account -> Bool
isBoringAccount at =
(length txns == 0) && ((length subaccts) == 1) && (not $ name == "top")
a = root at
name = aname a
txns = atransactions a
subaccts = branches at
isBoringAccount2 :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Bool
isBoringAccount2 l a
| a == "top" = False
| (length txns == 0) && ((length subs) == 1) = True
| otherwise = False
txns = transactionsInAccountNamed l a
subs = subAccountNamesFrom (ledgerAccountNames l) a
showLedgerAccounts :: Ledger -> [String] -> Bool -> Int -> String
showLedgerAccounts l acctpats showsubs maxdepth =
(showAccountTree l)
(branches (ledgerAccountTreeMatching l acctpats showsubs maxdepth))
ledgerAccountTreeMatching :: Ledger -> [String] -> Bool -> Int -> Tree Account
ledgerAccountTreeMatching l [] showsubs maxdepth =
@ -114,8 +110,65 @@ ledgerAccountTreeMatching l acctpats showsubs maxdepth =
filterAccountNameTree acctpats showsubs maxdepth $
ledgerAccountNameTree l
showLedgerAccounts :: Ledger -> [String] -> Bool -> Int -> String
showLedgerAccounts l acctpats showsubs maxdepth =
(showAccountTree l 999 0)
(branches (ledgerAccountTreeMatching l acctpats showsubs maxdepth))
-- when displaying an account tree, we elide boring accounts.
-- 1. leaf accounts and branches with 0 balance or 0 transactions are omitted
-- 2. inner accounts with 0 transactions and 1 subaccount are displayed as
-- a prefix of the sub
-- so, for example:
-- a (0 txns)
-- b (0 txns)
-- c
-- d
-- e (0 txns)
-- f
-- g
-- h (0 txns)
-- i (0 balance)
-- displays as:
-- a:b:c
-- d
-- e
-- f
-- g
showAccountTree :: Ledger -> Tree Account -> String
showAccountTree l = showAccountTree' l 0 . interestingAccountsFrom
interestingAccountsFrom :: Tree Account -> Tree Account
interestingAccountsFrom =
treefilter hastxns . treefilter hasbalance
hasbalance = (/= 0) . abalance
hastxns = (> 0) . length . atransactions
showAccountTree' l indentlevel t
-- if this acct is boring, don't show it (unless this is as deep as we're going)
| isBoringAccount l name = subacctsindented 0
-- otherwise show normal indented account name with balance
-- if this acct has one or more boring parents, prepend their names
| otherwise =
bal ++ " " ++ indent ++ prefix ++ leafname ++ "\n" ++ (subacctsindented 1)
subacctsindented i =
concatMap (showAccountTree' l (indentlevel+i)) $ branches t
bal = printf "%20s" $ show $ abalance $ root t
indent = replicate (indentlevel * 2) ' '
prefix = concatMap (++ ":") $ map accountLeafName boringparents
boringparents = takeWhile (isBoringAccount l) $ parentAccountNames name
leafname = accountLeafName name
name = aname $ root t
isBoringAccount :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Bool
isBoringAccount l a
| a == "top" = False
| (length txns == 0) && ((length subs) == 1) = True
| otherwise = False
txns = transactionsInAccountNamed l a
subs = subAccountNamesFrom (ledgerAccountNames l) a

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@ -76,12 +76,6 @@ accountNameTreeFrom accts =
accountsFrom as = [Node a (accountsFrom $ subs a) | a <- as]
subs = (subAccountNamesFrom accts)
showAccountNameTree :: Tree AccountName -> String
showAccountNameTree t =
topacct ++ "\n" ++ concatMap showAccountNameTree (branches t)
topacct = indentAccountName 0 $ root t
filterAccountNameTree :: [String] -> Bool -> Int -> Tree AccountName -> Tree AccountName
filterAccountNameTree pats keepsubs maxdepth =
treefilter (\a -> matchpats a || (keepsubs && issubofmatch a)) .

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@ -1,102 +1,11 @@
* feature: balance report account matching
sample account tree:
standard balance command shows all top-level accounts:
> ledger bal
$ assets
$ equity
$ expenses
$ income
$ liabilities
with an account pattern, show only the ones with matching names:
> ledger bal asset
$ assets
with -s, show all subaccounts of matched accounts:
> ledger -s bal asset
$ assets
$ cash
$ checking
$ saving
> ledger bal a
$ assets
$ cash
$ saving
$ income
$ salary
$ liabilities
and including subaccounts:
> ledger -s bal a
$ assets
$ cash
$ checking
$ saving
$ income
$ salary
$ liabilities
$ debts
but also, elide boring accounts whenever possible, so if savings is 0 and
income/liabilities have no transactions the above would be displayed as:
> ledger -s bal a
$ assets
$ cash
$ checking
$ income:salary
$ liabilities:debts
1 filter account tree by name, keeping any necessary parents
2 add subaccounts if -s
3 display account tree, eliding boring accounts
elide boring accounts
optimization: add CookedLedger caching acct txns, boring status etc.
refactor apis
profile, refactor, optimize
basic features
, in thousands
-f -
-j and -J graph data output

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@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ ledger7_str = "\
\ assets:cash $4.82\n\
\ equity:opening balances \n\
\2007/01/01 * opening balance\n\
\ income:interest $-4.82\n\
\ equity:opening balances \n\
\2007/01/02 * ayres suites\n\
\ expenses:vacation $179.92\n\
\ assets:checking \n\