just: port BUILDING make rules

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2023-12-09 10:47:16 -10:00
parent 9430ca5109
commit e1711f613f

View File

@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
#!/usr/bin/env just
# * Light project scripts, without file dependendencies, using https://github.com/casey/just.
# * Light project scripts, without file dependendencies
# using https://github.com/casey/just 0.16.
# https://docs.rs/regex/1.5.4/regex/#syntax Regexps
# https://just.systems/man/en/chapter_31.html Functions
# See also Makefile, Shake.hs..
# https://cheatography.com/linux-china/cheat-sheets/justfile Cheatsheet
# https://github.com/casey/just/discussions
# See also Makefile, Shake.hs.
# ** prelude
just -lu
@ -13,11 +19,395 @@
just -q _check || just --fmt --unstable
# ** dev
# push to github CI branch, wait for CI tests to pass, then push to master
tools/push {{ INTERVALSECS }}
# ** vars
# GHC-compiled executables require a locale (and not just C) or they
# will die on encountering non-ascii data. Set LANG to something if not already set.
# export LANG? := 'en_US.UTF-8'
# command to run during profiling (time and heap)
PROFCMD := 'stack exec --profile -- hledger balance -f examples/10000x1000x10.journal >/dev/null'
# # command to run during "make coverage"
# COVCMD := 'test'
# COVCMD := '-f test-wf.csv print'
# misc. system tools
BROWSE := 'open'
# VIEWHTML := '{{ BROWSE }}'
# VIEWPDF := '{{ BROWSE }}'
# PRINT := 'lpr'
#GHC := 'ghc'
GHCI := 'ghci' #-package ghc-datasize #-package ghc-heap-view
# GHCPKG := 'ghc-pkg'
# HADDOCK := 'haddock'
# CABAL := 'cabal'
# CABALINSTALL := 'cabal install -w {{ GHC }}'
# Which stack command (and in particular, stack yaml/GHC version) to use for building etc. ?
STACK := 'stack'
#STACK := 'stack --stack-yaml=stack8.10.yaml'
# Or override temporarily with an env var:
# STACK := '"stack --stack-yaml=stack8.10.yaml" make functest'
# Which stack command (stack yaml, GHC version) to use for ghci[d] operations ?
#STACKGHCI := 'stack --stack-yaml=stack9.2.yaml'
# if using an unreleased stack with a newer hpack than the one mentioned in */*.cabal,
# it will give warnings. To silence these, put the old hpack-X.Y in $PATH and uncomment:
#STACK := 'stack --with-hpack=hpack-0.20'
# --threads := '16 sometimes gives "commitAndReleaseBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)" but seems harmless'
# --timeout := 'N is not much use here - can be defeated by multiple threads, unoptimised builds, '
# slow hackage index or compiler setup on first build, etc.
SHELLTESTOPTS := '--execdir --threads=64 --exclude=/_'
# make sure shelltest is a released version of shelltestrunner
# run shell tests using the executable specified in tests
# SHELLTEST := 'COLUMNS=80 PATH=~/.local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin shelltest {{ SHELLTESTOPTS }}'
# run shell tests using the stack build of hledger
#SHELLTESTSTK := 'shelltest -w `stack exec which hledger` {{ SHELLTESTOPTS }}'
SHELLTESTSTK := 'COLUMNS=80 ' + STACK + ' exec -- shelltest ' + SHELLTESTOPTS
WATCHEXEC := 'watchexec'
hledger-lib \
hledger \
hledger-ui \
hledger-web \
hledger \
hledger-ui \
-ihledger-lib \
-ihledger \
-ihledger-ui \
-ihledger-web \
-ihledger-web/app \
MAIN := 'hledger/app/hledger-cli.hs'
# All source files in the project (plus a few strays like Setup.hs & hlint.hs).
# Used eg for building tags. Doesn't reliably catch all source files.
dev.hs \
hledger/*hs \
hledger/app/*hs \
hledger/bench/*hs \
hledger/test/*hs \
hledger/Hledger/*hs \
hledger/Hledger/*/*hs \
hledger/Hledger/*/*/*hs \
hledger-*/*hs \
hledger-*/app/*hs \
hledger-*/test/*hs \
hledger-*/Hledger/*hs \
hledger-*/Hledger/*/*hs \
hledger-*/Hledger/*/*/*hs \
hledger-lib/Text/*/*hs \
# hledger-*/src/*hs \
hledger/*package.yaml \
hledger-*/*package.yaml \
hledger/hledger.cabal \
hledger-*/*.cabal \
doc/common.m4 \
*/*.m4.md \
hledger*/hledger*.{1,5,info,txt} \
hledger/Hledger/Cli/Commands/*.md \
hledger-web/templates/* \
hledger-web/static/*.js \
hledger-web/static/*.css \
hledger/test/*.test \
hledger/test/*/*.test \
hledger/test/*/*/*.test \
# # file(s) which require recompilation for a build to have an up-to-date version string
# VERSIONSOURCEFILE := 'hledger/Hledger/Cli/Version.hs'
# Two or three-part version string, set as program version in builds made by this makefile.
# We use hledger CLI's current version (XXX for all packages, which isn't quite right).
export VERSION := `cat hledger/.version`
# Flags for ghc builds.
# Warnings to see during dev tasks like make ghci*. See also the warnings in package.yamls.
# XXX redundant with package.yamls ?
-Wall \
-Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns \
-Wno-missing-signatures \
-Wno-orphans \
-Wno-type-defaults \
-Wno-unused-do-bind \
# if you have need to try building in less memory
# ghc-only builds need the macro definitions generated by cabal
# from cabal's dist or dist-sandbox dir, hopefully there's just one:
#CABALMACROSFLAGS := '-optP-include -optP hledger/dist*/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h'
# or from stack's dist dir:
#CABALMACROSFLAGS := '-optP-include -optP hledger/.stack-work/dist/*/*/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h'
'-rtsopts ' \
+ ' -DVERSION=\"'+VERSION+'\"' \
# -fplugin Debug.Breakpoint \
# -fhide-source-paths \
# PROFBUILDFLAGS := '-prof -fprof-auto -osuf hs_p'
TIME := "{{ shell date +'%Y%m%d%H%M' }}"
MONTHYEAR := "{{ shell date +'%B %Y' }}"
# ** misc
# sym-link some directories required by hledger-web dev builds
echo "#ln -sf hledger-web/config # disabled, causes makeinfo warnings"
ln -sf hledger-web/messages
ln -sf hledger-web/static
ln -sf hledger-web/templates
# ** GHCI
# run GHCI on hledger-lib + hledger
{{ STACKGHCI }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} hledger/Hledger/Cli.hs
# run GHCI on hledger-lib + hledger with profiling/call stack information
stack build --profile hledger --only-dependencies
{{ STACKGHCI }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} -fexternal-interpreter -prof -fprof-auto hledger/Hledger/Cli.hs
# # run GHCI on hledger-lib + hledger + dev.hs script
# @ghci-dev:
# {{ STACKGHCI }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-unused-binds dev.hs
# run GHCI on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-ui
{{ STACKGHCI }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} hledger-ui/Hledger/UI/Main.hs
# run GHCI on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-web
{{ STACKGHCI }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} hledger-web/app/main.hs
# run GHCI on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-web + hledger-web test suite
{{ STACKGHCI }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} hledger-web/test/test.hs
# # better than stack exec ?
# # XXX does not see changes to files
# # run GHCI on hledger-lib + test runner
# ghci-lib-test:
# {{ STACKGHCI }} ghci --ghc-options="\'-rtsopts {{ WARNINGS }} -ihledger-lib -DDEVELOPMENT -DVERSION=\"1.26.99\"\'" hledger-lib/test/unittest.hs
# run GHCI on all the hledger
# ghci-all:
# {{ STACK }} exec -- {{ GHCI }} {{ BUILDFLAGS }} \
# hledger-ui/Hledger/UI/Main.hs \
# hledger-web/app/main.hs \
# run GHCI on hledger-lib doctests
cd hledger-lib; {{ STACKGHCI }} ghci hledger-lib:test:doctest
# run GHCI on Shake.hs
{{ STACK }} exec {{ SHAKEDEPS }} -- ghci Shake.hs
# ** ghcid
# run ghcid on hledger-lib + hledger
ghcid -c 'just ghci'
# run ghcid autobuilder on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-ui
ghcid -c 'just ghci-ui'
# run ghcid autobuilder on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-web
ghcid -c 'just ghci-web'
# run ghcid autobuilding and running hledger-web with sample journal on port 5001
ghcid -c 'just ghci-web' --test ':main -f examples/sample.journal --port 5001 --serve'
# # run ghcid autobuilding and running the test command
# ghcid-test:
# ghcid -c 'just ghci' --test ':main test -- --color=always'
# # run ghcid autobuilding and running the test command with this TESTPATTERN
# ghcid-test-%:
# ghcid -c 'just ghci' --test ':main test -- --color=always -p$*'
# run ghcid autobuilding and running hledger-lib doctests
ghcid -c 'cd hledger-lib; {{ STACK }} ghci hledger-lib:test:doctest' --test ':main' --reload hledger-lib
GHCIDRESTART := '--restart Makefile --restart Makefile.local'
GHCIDRELOAD := '--reload t.j --reload t.timedot'
GHCIDCMD := ':main -f t.j bal date:today -S'
# # run ghcid autobuilding and running a custom GHCI command with reload/restart on certain files - customise this
# ghcid-watch watch:
# ghcid -c 'just ghci' --test '{{ GHCIDCMD }}' {{ GHCIDRELOAD }} {{ GHCIDRESTART }}
# keep synced with Shake.hs header
--package base-prelude \
--package directory \
--package extra \
--package process \
--package regex \
--package safe \
--package shake \
--package time \
# --package hledger-lib \ # for Hledger.Utils.Debug
# run ghcid autobuilder on Shake.hs
stack exec {{ SHAKEDEPS }} -- ghcid Shake.hs
# ** dev.hs script
# # hledger-lib/Hledger/Read/TimeclockReaderPP.hs
# # build the dev.hs script for quick experiments (with ghc)
# dev:
# {{ STACK }} ghc -- {{ CABALMACROSFLAGS }} -ihledger-lib dev.hs \
# # to get profiling deps installed, first do something like:
# # stack build --library-profiling hledger-lib timeit criterion
# # build the dev.hs script with profiling support
# devprof:
# {{ STACK }} ghc -- {{ CABALMACROSFLAGS }} -ihledger-lib dev.hs -rtsopts -prof -fprof-auto -osuf p_o -o devprof
# # get a time & space profile of the dev.hs script
# dev-profile:
# time ./devprof +RTS -P \
# && cp devprof.prof devprof.prof.{{ TIME }} \
# && profiterole devprof.prof
# # get heap profiles of the dev.hs script
# dev-heap:
# time ./devprof +RTS -hc -L1000 && cp devprof.hp devprof-hc.hp && hp2ps devprof-hc.hp
# time ./devprof +RTS -hr -L1000 && cp devprof.hp devprof-hr.hp && hp2ps devprof-hr.hp
# dev-heap-upload:
# curl -F "file=@devprof-hc.hp" -F "title='hledger parser'" http://heap.ezyang.com/upload
# curl -F "file=@devprof-hr.hp" -F "title='hledger parser'" http://heap.ezyang.com/upload
# ** special builds
# build the hledger package showing GHC codegen times/allocations
time ({{ STACK }} build hledger --force-dirty --ghc-options='-fforce-recomp -ddump-timings' 2>&1 | grep -E '\bCodeGen \[.*time=')
# # build an unoptimised hledger at bin/hledger.EXT.unopt (default: git describe)
# build-unopt *EXT:
# #!/usr/bin/env bash
# ext={{ if EXT == '' { `git describe --tags` } else { EXT } }}
# exe="bin/hledger.$ext.unopt"
# {{ STACK }} --verbosity=error install --ghc-options=-O0 hledger --local-bin-path=bin
# mv bin/hledger "$exe"
# echo "$exe"
# # build hledger with profiling enabled at bin/hledgerprof
# hledgerprof:
# # {{ STACK }} --verbosity=error install --local-bin-path=bin hledger
# {{ STACK }} build --profile hledger
# # hledger-lib --ghc-options=-fprof-auto
# # @echo "to profile, use {{ STACK }} exec --profile -- hledger ..."
# # build "bin/hledgercov" for coverage reports (with ghc)
# hledgercov:
# {{ STACK }} ghc {{ MAIN }} -fhpc -o bin/hledgercov -outputdir .hledgercovobjs {{ BUILDFLAGS }}
# ** installing
# # copy the current ~/.local/bin/hledger to bin/old/hledger-VER
# @copy-as VER:
# cp ~/.local/bin/hledger bin/old/hledger-{{ VER }}; echo "bin/hledger-{{ VER }}"
# stack install, then copy the hledger executables to bin/old/hledger*-VER
@installas VER:
{{ STACK }} install --local-bin-path bin/old
for e in hledger hledger-ui hledger-web ; do cp bin/old/$e bin/old/$e-{{ VER }}; echo "bin/$e-{{ VER }}"; done
# # make must be GNU Make 4.3+
# .PHONY: shellcompletions
# # update shell completions in hledger package
# shellcompletions:
# make -C hledger/shell-completion/ clean-all all
# ** pushing
# push to github CI, wait for tests to pass, then push to master
# ** releasing
@ -68,7 +458,9 @@ relprep VER:
# assumes the github remote is named "github"
git push -f github HEAD:binaries
# *** hledger version numbers
# *** hledger version number helpers
# (as hidden recipes, since just doesn't support global custom functions)
# See doc/RELEASING.md > Glossary.
# First 0-2 parts of a dotted version number.
@ -110,7 +502,8 @@ _versionReleaseBranch VER:
echo "$MAJOR-branch"
# *** git
# *** git helpers
# Does the named branch exist in this git repo ?
@_gitBranchExists BRANCH:
@ -125,25 +518,25 @@ _gitSwitchAutoCreate BRANCH:
git switch -c {{ BRANCH }}
# ** installing
STACK := 'stack'
# stack install, then move the hledger executables to bin/old/hledger*-VER
@install-as VER:
{{ STACK }} install --local-bin-path bin/old
for e in hledger hledger-ui hledger-web ; do mv bin/old/$e bin/old/$e-{{ VER }}; echo "bin/$e-{{ VER }}"; done
# copy the hledger executables from ~/.local/bin to bin/old/hledger*-VER
@copy-as VER:
for e in hledger hledger-ui hledger-web ; do cp ~/.local/bin/$e bin/old/$e-{{ VER }}; echo "bin/$e-{{ VER }}"; done
# copy just the hledger executable from ~/.local/bin to bin/old/hledger-VER
copy1-as VER:
cp ~/.local/bin/hledger bin/old/hledger-{{ VER }}; echo "bin/hledger-{{ VER }}"
# ** misc
# run some tests to validate the development environment
# check-setup:
# run some tests to validate the development environment\
# )
# @echo sanity-checking developer environment:
# @({{ SHELLTEST }} checks \
# && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED
# show the sorted, unique files matched by SOURCEFILES
for f in {{ SOURCEFILES }}; do echo $f; done | sort | uniq
# show the sorted, unique subdirectories containing hs files
find . -name '*hs' | sed -e 's%[^/]*hs$%%' | sort | uniq
# Show last week's activity, for TWIH
echo "hledger time last 7 days including today (this should be run on a Friday):"