imp: errors: uniqueleafnames: more precise error message

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Simon Michael 2022-07-13 03:59:48 +01:00
parent 1c67d0860e
commit e172e5dd56

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@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ import Hledger.Data.Errors (makePostingErrorExcerpt)
import Hledger.Data.Journal (journalPostings, journalAccountNamesUsed)
import Hledger.Data.Posting (isVirtual)
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Utils (chomp)
import Hledger.Utils (chomp, textChomp)
-- | Check that all the journal's postings are to accounts with a unique leaf name.
-- Otherwise, return an error message for the first offending posting.
@ -26,9 +26,33 @@ journalCheckUniqueleafnames j = do
-- find all duplicate leafnames, and the full account names they appear in
case finddupes $ journalLeafAndFullAccountNames j of
[] -> Right ()
dupes ->
-- report the first posting that references one of them (and its position), for now
mapM_ (checkposting dupes) $ journalPostings j
-- pick the first duplicated leafname and show the transactions of
-- the first two postings using it, highlighting the second as the error.
(leaf,fulls):_ ->
case filter ((`elem` fulls).paccount) $ journalPostings j of
ps@(p:p2:_) -> Left $ chomp $ printf
("%s:%d:\n%s\nChecking for unique account leaf names is enabled, and\n"
++"account leaf name %s is not unique.\n"
++"It appears in these account names, which are used in %d places:\n%s"
++"\nConsider changing these account names so their last parts are different."
f l ex (show leaf) (length ps) accts
-- t = fromMaybe nulltransaction ptransaction -- XXX sloppy
(_,_,_,ex1) = makePostingErrorExcerpt p (\_ _ _ -> Nothing)
(f,l,_,ex2) = makePostingErrorExcerpt p2 finderrcols
-- separate the two excerpts by a space-beginning line to help flycheck-hledger parse them
ex = T.unlines [textChomp ex1, T.pack " ...", textChomp ex2]
finderrcols p _ _ = Just (col, Just col2)
a = paccount p
alen = T.length a
llen = T.length $ accountLeafName a
col = 5 + (if isVirtual p then 1 else 0) + alen - llen
col2 = col + llen - 1
accts = T.unlines fulls -- $ map (("\""<>).(<>"\"")) fulls
_ -> Right () -- shouldn't happen
finddupes :: (Ord leaf, Eq full) => [(leaf, full)] -> [(leaf, [full])]
finddupes leafandfullnames = zip dupLeafs dupAccountNames
@ -42,26 +66,3 @@ finddupes leafandfullnames = zip dupLeafs dupAccountNames
journalLeafAndFullAccountNames :: Journal -> [(Text, AccountName)]
journalLeafAndFullAccountNames = map leafAndAccountName . journalAccountNamesUsed
where leafAndAccountName a = (accountLeafName a, a)
checkposting :: [(Text,[AccountName])] -> Posting -> Either String ()
checkposting leafandfullnames p@Posting{paccount=a} =
case [lf | lf@(_,fs) <- leafandfullnames, a `elem` fs] of
[] -> Right ()
(leaf,fulls):_ -> Left $ chomp $ printf
("%s:%d:\n%s\nChecking for unique account leaf names is enabled, and\n"
++"account leaf name %s is not unique.\n"
++"It appears in these account names:\n%s"
++"\nConsider changing these account names so their last parts are different."
f l ex (show leaf) accts
-- t = fromMaybe nulltransaction ptransaction -- XXX sloppy
(f,l,_mcols,ex) = makePostingErrorExcerpt p finderrcols
finderrcols p _ _ = Just (col, Just col2)
alen = T.length $ paccount p
llen = T.length $ accountLeafName a
col = 5 + (if isVirtual p then 1 else 0) + alen - llen
col2 = col + llen - 1
accts = T.unlines fulls -- $ map (("\""<>).(<>"\"")) fulls