feat: config file: add a real parser, support command-specific options

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2024-06-18 09:39:02 +01:00
parent 4175dc50ac
commit e1991be46f
6 changed files with 184 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -1275,21 +1275,23 @@ emptyorcommentlinep = do
{-# INLINABLE emptyorcommentlinep #-}
dp :: String -> TextParser m ()
dp = const $ return () -- no-op
-- dp = dbgparse 1 -- trace parse state at this --debug level
-- | A new comment line parser (from TimedotReader).
-- Parse empty lines, all-blank lines, and lines beginning with any of
-- the provided comment-beginning characters.
emptyorcommentlinep' :: [Char] -> TextParser m ()
emptyorcommentlinep' cs =
label ("empty line or comment line beginning with "++cs) $ do
-- traceparse "emptyorcommentlinep" -- XXX possible to combine label and traceparse ?
void newline <|> void commentp
-- traceparse' "emptyorcommentlinep"
commentp = do
choice (map (some.char) cs)
void $ takeWhileP Nothing (/='\n')
void $ optional newline
emptyorcommentlinep' cs = do
dp "emptyorcommentlinep'"
label ("empty line or comment line beginning with "++cs) $
void commentp <|> void (try $ skipNonNewlineSpaces >> newline)
commentp = do
choice (map (some.char) cs)
void $ takeWhileP Nothing (/='\n')
void $ optional newline
{-# INLINABLE emptyorcommentlinep' #-}

View File

@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ shellchars = "<>(){}[]$7?#!~`"
-- NB correctly handles "a'b" but not "''a''". Can raise an error if parsing fails.
words' :: String -> [String]
words' "" = []
words' s = map stripquotes $ fromparse $ parsewithString p s
words' s = map stripquotes $ fromparse $ parsewithString p s -- PARTIAL
p = (singleQuotedPattern <|> doubleQuotedPattern <|> patterns) `sepBy` skipNonNewlineSpaces1
-- eof

View File

@ -1,14 +1,35 @@
# hledger.conf
# Extra general options (for now; and possibly arguments) to be added to hledger commands.
# hledger.conf - extra options(/arguments) to be added to hledger commands.
# This takes effect if found in the current directory when you run hledger.
# 1. This first, unnamed section is typically used for general options.
# These affect all commands, or when not supported will be ignored.
# To see the general options available, run hledger -h
# show prettier tables in terminal reports by default
# don't check balance assertions by default (run with -s to check them)
# don't check these by default (use -s when ready to check)
# always infer these
# infer more stuff by default
# always show prettier tables in terminal reports
# 2. [named] sections define extra command-specific options.
# Options can be written on the same line or separate lines.
# To see a command's options, run hledger CMD -h
# help: prefer man pages, bypassing info
[help] --man
# print: show more info by default
[print] --explicit --show-costs
# balance: use these defaults
[balance] --tree -p 'monthly from 3 months ago' --depth 3
# hledger-ui: reload on change (when started via `hledger ui`).
# A -- is needed before addon-specific flags, as on command line.
[ui] -- --watch

View File

@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Control.Monad.Extra (unless)
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
-- | The overall cmdargs mode describing hledger's command-line options and subcommands.
@ -211,7 +212,8 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
-- If no command was provided, or if the command line contains a bad flag
-- or a wrongly present/missing flag argument, cmd will be "".
cmd = parseArgsWithCmdargs cliargswithcmdfirst addons & either (const "") (stringopt "command")
cmd = cmdargsParse cliargswithcmdfirst addons & stringopt "command"
-- XXX may need a better error message when cmdargs fails to parse (eg spaced/quoted/malformed flag values)
badcmdprovided = null cmd && not nocmdprovided
isaddoncmd = not (null cmd) && cmd `elem` addons
-- isbuiltincmd = cmd `elem` builtinCommandNames
@ -225,21 +227,21 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
-- And insert them before the user's args, with adjustments, to get the final args.
conf <- getConf
genargsfromconf = confArgsFor "general" conf
cmdargsfromconf = if null cmd then [] else confArgsFor cmd conf
genargsfromconf = confLookup "general" conf
cmdargsfromconf = if null cmd then [] else confLookup cmd conf
argsfromcli = drop 1 cliargswithcmdfirst
finalargs = -- (avoid breaking vs code haskell highlighting..)
(if null clicmdarg then [] else [clicmdarg]) <> genargsfromconf <> cmdargsfromconf <> argsfromcli
& replaceNumericFlags -- convert any -NUM opts from the config file
-- finalargs' <- expandArgsAt finalargs -- expand any @ARGFILEs from the config file ? don't bother
unless (null genargsfromconf) $ dbgIO ("extra general args from config file") genargsfromconf
unless (null cmdargsfromconf) $ dbgIO ("extra "<>cmd<>" args from config file") cmdargsfromconf
unless (null genargsfromconf) $ dbgIO ("extra general args from config file") genargsfromconf
unless (null cmdargsfromconf) $ dbgIO ("extra command args from config file") cmdargsfromconf
dbgIO "final args" finalargs
-- Now parse these in full, first to RawOpts with cmdargs, then to hledger CliOpts.
-- At this point a bad flag or flag argument will cause the program to exit with an error.
let rawopts = either usageError id $ parseArgsWithCmdargs finalargs addons
let rawopts = cmdargsParse finalargs addons
opts0 <- rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts
let opts = opts0{progstarttime_=starttime}
@ -318,7 +320,7 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
| otherwise -> usageError $
"could not understand the arguments "++show finalargs
<> if null genargsfromconf then "" else "\ngeneral arguments added from config file: "++show genargsfromconf
<> if null cmdargsfromconf then "" else "\ncommand "<>cmd<>" arguments added from config file: "++show cmdargsfromconf
<> if null cmdargsfromconf then "" else "\ncommand arguments added from config file: "++show cmdargsfromconf
-- And we're done.
-- Give ghc-debug a final chance to take control.
@ -327,7 +329,6 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
-- | A helper for addons/scripts: this parses hledger CliOpts from these
-- command line arguments and add-on command names, roughly how hledger main does.
-- If option parsing/validating fails, it exits the program with usageError.
@ -336,14 +337,31 @@ main = withGhcDebug' $ do
argsToCliOpts :: [String] -> [String] -> IO CliOpts
argsToCliOpts args addons = do
let args' = args & moveFlagsAfterCommand & replaceNumericFlags
let rawopts = either usageError id $ parseArgsWithCmdargs args' addons
let rawopts = cmdargsParse args' addons
rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts
-- | Parse these command line arguments/options with cmdargs using mainmode.
-- The names of known addon commands are provided so they too can be recognised.
-- If it fails, exit the program with usageError.
parseArgsWithCmdargs :: [String] -> [String] -> Either String RawOpts
parseArgsWithCmdargs args addons = CmdArgs.process (mainmode addons) args
-- If names of addon commands are provided, those too will be recognised.
-- Also, convert a valueless --debug flag to one with a value.
-- If parsing fails, exit the program with an informative error message.
cmdargsParse :: [String] -> [String] -> RawOpts
cmdargsParse args0 addons =
CmdArgs.process (mainmode addons) args & either
(\err -> error' $ unlines [
"cmdargs: " <> err
,"while processing arguments:"
,show args
where args = ensureDebugHasVal args0
-- Convert a valueless --debug flag to one with a value.
-- See also the --debug flag definition in CliOptions.hs.
-- This makes an equals sign unnecessary with this optional-value flag.
ensureDebugHasVal as = case break (=="--debug") as of
(bs,"--debug":c:cs) | null c || not (all isDigit c) -> bs++"--debug=1":c:cs
(bs,["--debug"]) -> bs++["--debug=1"]
_ -> as
-- | cmdargs does not allow flags (options) to appear before the subcommand name.
-- We prefer to hide this restriction from the user, making the CLI more forgiving.

View File

@ -234,9 +234,10 @@ reportflags = [
,flagOpt "yes" ["pretty"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "pretty" s opts) "YN"
"Use box-drawing characters in text output? Can be\n'y'/'yes' or 'n'/'no'.\nIf YN is specified, the equals is required."
-- ,flagOpt "1" ["debug"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "debug" s opts) "LVL" "show debug output (levels 1-9, default: 1)"
-- flagOpt would be more correct for --debug, showing --debug[=LVL] rather than --debug=[LVL].
-- But because we handle --debug specially, flagReq also works, and it does not need =, removing a source of confusion.
-- ,flagOpt "1" ["debug"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "debug" s opts) "LVL" "show debug output (levels 1-9, default: 1)"
-- (This involves specially adding the flag value if missing in Cli.hs.)
,flagReq ["debug"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "debug" s opts) "[1-9]" "show this level of debug output (default: 1)"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
Read extra CLI arguments from a hledger config file.
Currently this reads only general options from ./hledger.conf if it exists.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
@ -8,19 +7,23 @@ Currently this reads only general options from ./hledger.conf if it exists.
module Hledger.Cli.Conf (
import Control.Exception (IOException, catch, tryJust)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Control.Monad (guard, void)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack)
import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
import Text.Megaparsec -- hiding (parse)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Hledger (error', strip)
import Hledger (error', strip, words')
import Hledger.Read.Common
import Hledger.Utils.Parse
localConfPath = "hledger.conf"
@ -39,7 +42,12 @@ data ConfSection = ConfSection {
,csArgs :: [Arg]
} deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | The name of a config file section, with surrounding brackets and whitespace removed.
type SectionName = String
-- | A command line argument to be passed to CmdArgs.process.
-- It seems this should be a single command line argument (or flag or flag value).
-- If it contains spaces, those are treated as part of a single argument, as with CMD a "b c".
type Arg = String
nullconf = Conf {
@ -49,40 +57,104 @@ nullconf = Conf {
,confSections = []
-- config reading
-- | Fetch all the arguments/options defined in a section with this name, if it exists.
-- This should be "general" for the unnamed first section, or a hledger command name.
confLookup :: SectionName -> Conf -> [Arg]
confLookup cmd Conf{confSections} =
maybe [] (concatMap words') $ -- XXX PARTIAL
M.lookup cmd $
M.fromList [(csName,csArgs) | ConfSection{csName,csArgs} <- confSections]
-- | Try to read a hledger config file.
-- If none is found, this returns a null Conf.
-- Any other IO error will cause an exit.
getConf :: IO Conf
getConf = (do
let f = localConfPath
et <- tryJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) $ readFile f
let f' = either (const "") (const f) et
let t = fromRight "" et
return $ nullconf {
confFile = f'
,confText = t
,confFormat = 1
,confSections = parseConf t
es <- tryJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) $ readFile f
case es of
Left _ -> return nullconf
Right s ->
case parseConf f (T.pack s) of
Left err -> error' $ errorBundlePretty err -- customErrorBundlePretty err
Right ss -> return nullconf{
confFile = f
,confText = s
,confFormat = 1
,confSections = ss
) `catch` \(e :: IOException) -> error' $ show e
-- | Parse the content of a hledger config file
-- (a limited prototype, only reads general options until the first [sectionheading]).
parseConf :: String -> [ConfSection]
parseConf s =
conflines = filter (\l -> not $ null l || "#" `isPrefixOf` l) $ map strip $ lines s
(ls1,rest) = break (("[" `isPrefixOf`)) conflines -- XXX also breaks on lines like " [..."
ConfSection "general" ls1 : parseConfSections rest
-- config file parsing
parseConfSections :: [String] -> [ConfSection]
parseConfSections _ = []
parseConf :: FilePath -> Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle Text HledgerParseErrorData) [ConfSection]
parseConf = runParser confp
-- | Fetch all the arguments/options defined in a section with this name, if it exists.
-- This should be "general" for the unnamed first section, or a hledger command name.
confArgsFor :: SectionName -> Conf -> [Arg]
confArgsFor cmd Conf{confSections} =
fromMaybe [] $
M.lookup cmd $
M.fromList [(csName,csArgs) | ConfSection{csName,csArgs} <- confSections]
dp :: String -> TextParser m ()
dp = const $ return () -- no-op
-- dp = dbgparse 1 -- trace parse state at this --debug level
whitespacep, commentlinesp, restoflinep :: TextParser Identity ()
whitespacep = void $ {- dp "whitespacep" >> -} many spacenonewline
commentlinesp = void $ {- dp "commentlinesp" >> -} many (emptyorcommentlinep' "#")
restoflinep = void $ {- dp "restoflinep" >> -} whitespacep >> emptyorcommentlinep' "#"
confp :: TextParser Identity [ConfSection] -- a monadic TextParser to allow reusing other hledger parsers
confp = do
dp "confp"
genas <- many arglinep
let s = ConfSection "general" genas
ss <- many $ do
(n, ma) <- sectionstartp
as <- many arglinep
return $ ConfSection n (maybe as (:as) ma)
return $ s:ss
-- parse a section name and possibly arguments written on the same line
sectionstartp :: TextParser Identity (String, Maybe String)
sectionstartp = do
dp "sectionstartp"
char '['
n <- fmap strip $ some $ noneOf "]#\n"
char ']'
-- dp "sectionstartp2"
-- dp "sectionstartp3"
ma <- fmap (fmap strip) $ optional $ some $ noneOf "#\n"
-- dp "sectionstartp4"
-- dp "sectionstartp5"
-- dp "sectionstartp6"
return (n, ma)
arglinep :: TextParser Identity String
arglinep = do
dp "arglinep"
notFollowedBy $ char '['
-- dp "arglinep2"
-- dp "arglinep3"
a <- some $ noneOf "#\n"
-- dp "arglinep4"
return $ strip a
-- initialiseAndParseJournal :: ErroringJournalParser IO ParsedJournal -> InputOpts
-- -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT String IO Journal
-- initialiseAndParseJournal parser iopts f txt =
-- prettyParseErrors $ runParserT (evalStateT parser initJournal) f txt
-- where
-- y = first3 . toGregorian $ _ioDay iopts
-- initJournal = nulljournal{jparsedefaultyear = Just y, jincludefilestack = [f]}
-- -- Flatten parse errors and final parse errors, and output each as a pretty String.
-- prettyParseErrors :: ExceptT FinalParseError IO (Either (ParseErrorBundle Text HledgerParseErrorData) a)
-- -> ExceptT String IO a
-- prettyParseErrors = withExceptT customErrorBundlePretty . liftEither
-- <=< withExceptT (finalErrorBundlePretty . attachSource f txt)