tools: new build system for man/web docs


Generate man pages and web docs from one source.

Current plan:

The master docs for each package are now the pandoc-style
manpage-markdown files in the package directories -
hledger/, hledger-lib/, etc.

Parts of these will be marked as web-only, and parts as man-only, using
divs recognisable by custom pandoc filters.

When generating man pages we strip the web-only parts, and all html
blocks, inline html and hyperlinks.

When generating web docs we strip the man-only parts and apply any other
tweaks needed for easy presentation, perhaps combining them into a
single web page similar to the old user manual.


This was hard to do with GNU Make, and so I've introduced Shake, which
is working very well. Both coexist for now but it's probably time to
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2016-02-21 02:21:41 -08:00
parent ed0ec6d849
commit e1c9e51775
11 changed files with 287 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -1041,6 +1041,9 @@ haddock: \
# in subsequent rules, allow automatic variables to be used in prerequisites (use $$)
# man pages
hledger-lib/hledger_csv.5 \
hledger-lib/hledger_journal.5 \
@ -1053,6 +1056,18 @@ MANPAGES=\
manpages: $(MANPAGES) \
$(call def-help,manpages, generate man pages )
# %.1 %.5: $$ doc/manpage.template
# pandoc $< -t man -s --template doc/manpage.template -o $@ \
# --filter tools/pandocCapitalizeHeaders.hs \
# --filter tools/pandocRemoveNotes.hs \
# --filter tools/pandocRemoveLinks.hs \
# --filter tools/pandocRemoveHtmlBlocks.hs \
# --filter tools/pandocRemoveHtmlInlines.hs \
# much faster when compiled
# but note, filters need to be compiled with a version of
# pandoc-types compatible with the pandoc you run them with
# (filters compiled for pandoc 1.15 broke with pandoc 1.16)
%.1 %.5: $$ doc/manpage.template
pandoc $< -t man -s --template doc/manpage.template -o $@ \
--filter tools/pandocCapitalizeHeaders \
@ -1060,26 +1075,45 @@ manpages: $(MANPAGES) \
--filter tools/pandocRemoveLinks \
--filter tools/pandocRemoveHtmlBlocks \
--filter tools/pandocRemoveHtmlInlines \
# faster when compiled
# --filter tools/pandocCapitalizeHeaders.hs \
# --filter tools/pandocRemoveNotes.hs \
# --filter tools/pandocRemoveLinks.hs \
# --filter tools/pandocRemoveHtmlBlocks.hs \
# --filter tools/pandocRemoveHtmlInlines.hs \
rm -f $(MANPAGES)
site/ site/ site/ $(MANPAGES) \
# web manual 2, man page synced
# how to generate the web-based user manual and man pages from one source ?
# plan 1:
# core docs are maintained as multiple pandoc-style man-markdown files
# eg hledger/, hledger-ui/, hledger-lib/ etc.
# to generate a man page, apply filters:
# strip html blocks and inline html
# to generate web manual content,
# extract marked content (inside <div class="userguide">)
# and apply filters:
# demote headings 4 steps
site/ site/ site/ $(MANPAGES) \
$(call def-help,site/, generate combined user manual )
cat site/ >site/ && \
cat site/ >$@ && \
pandoc \
--filter tools/pandocRemoveManpageBlocks \
hledger-ui/ -w markdown >>site/ && \
cat site/ >>site/
hledger-ui/ -w markdown >>$@ && \
cat site/ >>$@
#--template doc/userguide.template \
# plan 2:
# split web manual into pages corresponding to man pages, at least initially
# %.1.html %.5: $$ doc/webmanual.template
# echo pandoc $< -t man -s --template doc/webmanual.template -o $@
# too hard, see Shake.hs
$(call def-help-subsection,RELEASING:)
#$(call def-help-subsection,see also developer guide -> how to -> do a release)

doc/manpage.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
"$title$" "$section$" "$date$" "$footer$" "hledger User Manuals"
<!-- * toc -->
$for(author)$$author$$sep$; $endfor$.
Simon Michael <>
Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Simon Michael.
Released under GNU GPLv3+.
hledger(1), hledger\-ui(1), hledger\-web(1), ledger(1)
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timelog(5)

shake.hs Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --package shake
import Development.Shake
import Development.Shake.FilePath
import Data.List
import System.Directory as S (getDirectoryContents)
manpages :: [String]
manpages = [
manpageDir :: String -> FilePath
manpageDir p
| '_' `elem` p = "hledger-lib"
| otherwise = dropExtension p
buildDir :: FilePath
buildDir = ".build"
main :: IO ()
main = do
pandocFilters <-
map ("tools" </>). nub . sort . map (-<.> "") . filter ("pandoc" `isPrefixOf`)
<$> S.getDirectoryContents "tools"
-- man pages, still markdown but with man-only sections removed.
-- (We let hakyll do the html rendering since it's good
-- at applying the site style, table of contents etc.)
let manpageFilteredMds = ["site" </> p <.>".md" | p <- manpages]
-- man pages, converted to man nroff with web-only sections removed
let manpageNroffs = [manpageDir p </> p | p <- manpages]
shakeArgs shakeOptions{shakeFiles=buildDir} $ do
want $ manpageNroffs ++ manpageFilteredMds
manpageNroffs |%> \out -> do
md = out <.> "md"
tmpl = "doc/manpage.nroff"
need $ md : tmpl : pandocFilters
cmd "pandoc" md "--to man -s --template" tmpl
-- XXX assume these are compiled
"--filter tools/pandocRemoveHtmlBlocks"
"--filter tools/pandocRemoveHtmlInlines"
"--filter tools/pandocRemoveLinks"
"--filter tools/pandocRemoveNotes"
"--filter tools/pandocCapitalizeHeaders"
"-o" out
manpageFilteredMds |%> \out -> do
p = dropExtension $ takeFileName out
md = manpageDir p </> p <.> "md"
tmpl = "doc/manpage.html"
need $ md : tmpl : pandocFilters
cmd "pandoc" md "--to markdown"
-- XXX assume this is compiled
"--filter tools/pandocRemoveManonlyBlocks"
"-o" out
pandocFilters |%> \out -> do
need [out <.> "hs"]
cmd "stack ghc" out
phony "clean" $ do
putNormal "Cleaning generated files"
removeFilesAfter "" manpageNroffs
removeFilesAfter "" manpageFilteredMds
putNormal "Cleaning object files"
removeFilesAfter "tools" ["*.o","*.p_o","*.hi"]
putNormal "Cleaning shake build files"
removeFilesAfter buildDir ["//*"]
-- manpageHtmls |%> \out -> do
-- let
-- p = dropExtension $ takeFileName out
-- md = manpageDir p </> p <.> "md"
-- tmpl = "doc/manpage.html"
-- need [md, tmpl]
-- cmd "pandoc" md "--to html --filter tools/pandocRemoveManpageBlocks.hs --template" tmpl "-o" out
-- "site/manual2.html" %> \out -> do
-- need ["site/"]
-- cmd "pandoc site/ -o" out
-- "_build//*.o" %> \out -> do
-- let c = dropDirectory1 $ out -<.> "c"
-- let m = out -<.> "m"
-- () <- cmd "gcc -c" [c] "-o" [out] "-MMD -MF" [m]
-- needMakefileDependencies m

site/.gitignore vendored
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@ -2,3 +2,11 @@ _cache

site/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* toc
# hledger man pages
These are the main content of hledger's unix manual pages, cleaned
and converted back to web format.
The current plan is to reassemble them into something like the
original [user&nbsp;manual](manual.html), but we're not there yet.
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-4">
## Tools
### [hledger(1)](hledger.1.html)
### [hledger-api(1)](hledger-api.1.html)
### [hledger-ui(1)](hledger-ui.1.html)
### [hledger-web(1)](hledger-web.1.html)
<div class="col-md-4">
## File formats
### [hledger_csv(5)](hledger_csv.5.html)
### [hledger_journal(5)](hledger_journal.5.html)
### [hledger_timelog(5)](hledger_timelog.5.html)
### [hledger_timedot(5)](hledger_timedot.5.html)

tools/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

tools/pandocRemoveHtmlBlocks.hs Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --package pandoc-types
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter removeHtmlBlocks
removeHtmlBlocks :: Block -> Block
removeHtmlBlocks (RawBlock (Format "html") _) = Plain []
removeHtmlBlocks x = x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --package pandoc-types
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter removeHtmlInlines
removeHtmlInlines :: Inline -> Inline
removeHtmlInlines (RawInline (Format "html") _) = Str ""
removeHtmlInlines x = x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --package pandoc-types
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter removeManonlyBlocks
removeManonlyBlocks :: Block -> Block
removeManonlyBlocks (Div ("",["manonly"],[]) _) = Plain []
removeManonlyBlocks x = x

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack runghc --package pandoc-types
import Text.Pandoc.Builder
import Text.Pandoc.JSON
main :: IO ()
main = toJSONFilter removeWebonlyBlocks
removeWebonlyBlocks :: Block -> Block
removeWebonlyBlocks (Div ("",["webonly"],[]) _) = Plain []
removeWebonlyBlocks x = x