lib: support -X/--exchange (direct/reverse prices only) (#131)

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-06-01 16:12:20 -07:00
parent 50a52dd467
commit e24c6292d0
3 changed files with 71 additions and 62 deletions

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@ -334,14 +334,15 @@ reportOptsToggleStatus s ropts@ReportOpts{statuses_=ss}
| otherwise = ropts{statuses_=simplifyStatuses (s:ss)}
-- | Parse the type of valuation to be performed, if any, specified by
-- -B/--cost/-V/--value flags. If there's more than one of these, the
-- rightmost flag wins.
-- -B/--cost, -V, -X/--exchange, or --value flags. If there's more
-- than one of these, the rightmost flag wins.
valuationTypeFromRawOpts :: RawOpts -> Maybe ValuationType
valuationTypeFromRawOpts = lastDef Nothing . filter isJust . map valuationfromrawopt
valuationfromrawopt (n,v) -- option name, value
| n == "B" = Just $ AtCost Nothing
| n == "V" = Just $ AtDefault Nothing
| n == "X" = Just $ AtDefault (Just $ T.pack v)
| n == "value" = Just $ valuation v
| otherwise = Nothing
valuation v
@ -353,12 +354,18 @@ valuationTypeFromRawOpts = lastDef Nothing . filter isJust . map valuationfromra
Just d -> AtDate d mc
Nothing -> usageError $ "could not parse \""++t++"\" as valuation type, should be: cost|end|now|c|e|n|YYYY-MM-DD"
-- parse TYPE[,COMM]
-- parse --value's value: TYPE[,COMM]
(t,c') = break (==',') v
mc = case drop 1 c' of
"" -> Nothing
c -> Just $ T.pack c
valuationTypeIsCost :: ReportOpts -> Bool
valuationTypeIsCost ropts =
case value_ ropts of
Just (AtCost _) -> True
_ -> False
type DisplayExp = String
maybedisplayopt :: Day -> RawOpts -> Maybe DisplayExp
@ -390,12 +397,6 @@ flat_ = (==ALFlat) . accountlistmode_
-- depthFromOpts :: ReportOpts -> Int
-- depthFromOpts opts = min (fromMaybe 99999 $ depth_ opts) (queryDepth $ queryFromOpts nulldate opts)
valuationTypeIsCost :: ReportOpts -> Bool
valuationTypeIsCost ropts =
case value_ ropts of
Just (AtCost _) -> True
_ -> False
-- | Convert this journal's postings' amounts to cost using their
-- transaction prices, if specified by options (-B/--value=cost).
-- Maybe soon superseded by newer valuation code.

View File

@ -154,29 +154,28 @@ reportflags = [
-- valuation
,flagNone ["B","cost"] (setboolopt "B")
"show amounts converted to cost commodity, same as --value=cost"
"show amounts converted to their cost, using the transaction price. Equivalent to --value=cost."
,flagNone ["V","market"] (setboolopt "V")
["show amounts converted to default valuation commodity,"
,"same as --value=now (single period reports)"
,"or --value=end (multiperiod reports)" -- TODO
["show amounts converted to current market value (single period reports)"
,"or period-end market value (multiperiod reports) in their default valuation commodity."
,"Equivalent to --value=now / --value=end."
,flagReq ["X","exchange"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "X" s opts) "COMM"
["show amounts converted to current (single period reports)"
,"or period-end (multiperiod reports) market value in the specified commodity."
,"Equivalent to --value=now,COMM / --value=end,COMM."
-- TODO: -X
-- ,flagReq ["X"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "X" s opts) "COMM"
-- (unwords
-- ["show amounts converted to this commodity"
-- ,"same as --value=now,COMM (single period reports)"
-- ,"or --value=end,COMM (multiperiod reports)"
-- ])
,flagReq ["value"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "value" s opts) "TYPE[,COMM]"
["TYPE is cost, end, now or YYYY-MM-DD."
,"COMM is an optional commodity symbol."
,"Shows amounts converted to:"
,"- cost commodity using transaction prices (then optionally to COMM using market prices at period end(s))"
,"- default valuation commodity (or COMM) using market prices at period end(s)"
,"- default valuation commodity (or COMM) using current market prices"
,"- default valuation commodity (or COMM) using market prices at some date"
,"- cost using transaction prices, then optionally to COMM using period-end market prices"
,"- period-end market value, in default valuation commodity or COMM"
,"- current market value, in default valuation commodity or COMM"
,"- market value on the given date, in default valuation commodity or COMM"
-- generated postings/transactions

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@ -443,22 +443,32 @@ $ hledger balance --pivot member acct:.
-2 EUR
## Cost
## Valuation
The `-B/--cost` flag converts amounts to their cost at transaction time,
### -B: Cost
The `-B/--cost` flag converts amounts to their cost (or selling price) at transaction time,
if they have a [transaction price](/journal.html#transaction-prices) specified.
This flag is equivalent to `--value=cost`, described below.
## Market value
### -V: Market value
The `-V/--market` flag converts reported amounts to their market value in another commodity.
It uses the default valuation commodity referenced in the latest [market price](journal.html#market-prices) (P directive)
dated on or before the default valuation date, which is:
The `-V/--market` flag converts reported amounts to their market value in a default valuation commodity,
using the [historical market prices](journal.html#market-prices) in effect on a default valuation date.
- today for single period reports (equivalent to `--value=now`)
- the end of each subperiod for multiperiod reports, ie reports with a [report interval](#report-intervals) (equivalent to `--value=end`).
For single period reports, the valuation date is today.
For [multiperiod reports](#report-intervals), it is the last day of each subperiod.
A quick example of `-V`:
The valuation commodity will be the one referenced in the latest
applicable market price dated on or before the valuation date.
If most of your P declarations lead to a single home currency, this will usually be what you want.
`-V/--market` is similar to the same flag in Ledger, except
unlike Ledger it does not infer market prices from [transaction prices](/manual.html#transaction-prices).
(Mnemonic: in hledger, -B uses transaction prices, -V and -X use market prices.)
It is equivalent to `--value=now` or `--value=end`.
Here's a quick example:
# one euro is worth this many dollars from nov 1
@ -488,15 +498,18 @@ $ hledger -f t.j bal -N euros -V
$103.00 assets:euros
Ledger users: Ledger's -V also infers market prices from journal entries,
but we don't do that. hledger's -V uses only market prices declared explicitly, with P directives.
(Mnemonic: -B/--cost uses transaction prices, -V/--market uses market prices.)
### -X: Market value in specified commodity
### More control over valuation
The `-X/--exchange` option is like `-V/--market` except it takes a
commodity symbol argument, so that you can select a different target commodity.
It is similar to the same option in Ledger, with the same caveat mentioned for `-V`/`--value` above.
It is equivalent to `--value=now,COMM` or `--value=end,COMM`; for more details, read on.
### --value
*(experimental, added 201905)*
You can control valuation more precisely with the `--value` option:
`-B`, `-V` and `-X` are special cases of the more general `--value` option:
--value=TYPE[,COMM] TYPE is cost, end, now or YYYY-MM-DD.
COMM is an optional commodity symbol.
@ -506,20 +519,21 @@ You can control valuation more precisely with the `--value` option:
- default valuation commodity (or COMM) using current market prices
- default valuation commodity (or COMM) using market prices at some date
TYPE is one of the keywords shown, or their first letter, or a date
(which must be 8 digits with `-` or `/` or `.` separators).
Here they are in more detail:
#### Valuation type
`--value=cost` (or `c`)
TYPE is one of these keywords, or their first letter, or a date (which
must be 8 digits with `-` or `/` or `.` separators):
: Convert amounts to cost, using the prices recorded in transactions.
`-B`/`--cost` is equivalent to this.
`--value=end` (or `e`)
: Convert amounts to their value in default valuation commodity using market prices
on the last day of the report period (or of each subperiod in a multiperiod report).
When no report period is specified, uses the journal's last transaction date.
`--value=now` (or `n`)
: Convert amounts to their value in default valuation commodity using current market prices
(as of when report is generated). `-V`/`--market` is equivalent to this.
@ -527,17 +541,20 @@ Here they are in more detail:
: Convert amounts to their value in default valuation commodity using market prices
on this date. Eg `--value=2019-04-25`.
#### Valuation commodity
The default valuation commodity is the commodity mentioned in the most
recent applicable market price declaration. When all your price
declarations lead to a single home currency, that will be the default
valuation currency, which is generally what you want.
declarations lead to a single home currency, this will usually do what
you want.
To select a different valuation currency, you can write a comma and
the commodity symbol after the valuation type above.
<!-- This is like the `-X`/`--exchange` flag. -->
Note this does not yet follow chains of market prices;
it can only use market prices leading directly from A to B,
or prices from B to A (which will be inverted).
To select a different valuation commodity: write the commodity symbol
after the valuation type, separated by a comma (eg: **`--value=now,EUR`**).
Currently this will only use market prices leading directly from A to
B, or (after inverting them) prices from B to A;
it does not yet follow chains of market prices.
#### --value examples
Here are the effects of `--value` as seen with `print`:
@ -624,7 +641,7 @@ $ hledger -f- print --value=2000-01-15
### Effect of --value on reports
#### Effect of --value on reports
Below is how `--value` affects each of hledger's reports, currently.
You're not expected to remember all this, but when troubleshooting a report, look here.
@ -649,15 +666,7 @@ messages being printed - please report them (with reproducible examples) eg at
| budget amounts with --budget | costs of budget amounts | budget-setting periodic txns are valued at period end | budget-setting periodic txns are valued at DATE |
| column/row/grand totals/averages | sum/average of the displayed values | market value at period end of sum/average of postings | market value at DATE of sum/average of postings |
### Some useful value reports
Here are some probably useful reports, please send suggestions if you find more:
| Command: | Description of report: | Could answer: |
| `hledger bs -M --value=e` | Monthly historical value of assets/liabilities | How are my investments performing ? |
### Combining -B, -V, --value
### Combining -B, -V, -X, --value
The rightmost of these flags wins.