feat:print: add a basic beancount output format

This prints journal output more likely (but not guaranteed) to
be readable by Beancount.

All packages now require text or greater.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2023-11-22 21:11:59 -10:00
parent 606d99834a
commit e2cc2d7e24
13 changed files with 187 additions and 60 deletions

View File

@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ module Hledger.Data.AccountName (
@ -346,6 +348,22 @@ accountNameToAccountOnlyRegexCI a = toRegexCI' $ "^" <> escapeName a <> "$" -- P
--isAccountRegex :: String -> Bool
--isAccountRegex s = take 1 s == "^" && take 5 (reverse s) == ")$|:("
type BeancountAccountName = AccountName
-- Convert a hledger account name to a valid Beancount account name.
-- It capitalises each part, and if the first part is not one of
-- Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income, Expenses, it prepends Equity:.
accountNameToBeancount :: AccountName -> BeancountAccountName
accountNameToBeancount a =
-- https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_language_syntax.html#accounts
accountNameFromComponents $
case map textCapitalise $ accountNameComponents a of
[] -> []
c:cs | c `elem` beancountTopLevelAccounts -> c:cs
cs -> "Equity" : cs
beancountTopLevelAccounts = ["Assets", "Liabilities", "Equity", "Income", "Expenses"]
tests_AccountName = testGroup "AccountName" [
testCase "accountNameTreeFrom" $ do
accountNameTreeFrom ["a"] @?= Node "root" [Node "a" []]

View File

@ -60,7 +60,10 @@ module Hledger.Data.Posting (
-- * misc.
@ -317,6 +320,84 @@ showAccountName w = fmt
fmt VirtualPosting = wrap "(" ")" . maybe id (T.takeEnd . subtract 2) w
fmt BalancedVirtualPosting = wrap "[" "]" . maybe id (T.takeEnd . subtract 2) w
-- | Like postingsAsLines but generates Beancount journal format.
postingsAsLinesBeancount :: [Posting] -> [Text]
postingsAsLinesBeancount ps = concatMap first3 linesWithWidths
linesWithWidths = map (postingAsLinesBeancount False maxacctwidth maxamtwidth) ps
maxacctwidth = maximumBound 0 $ map second3 linesWithWidths
maxamtwidth = maximumBound 0 $ map third3 linesWithWidths
-- | Like postingAsLines but generates Beancount journal format.
postingAsLinesBeancount :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> Posting -> ([Text], Int, Int)
postingAsLinesBeancount elideamount acctwidth amtwidth p =
(concatMap (++ newlinecomments) postingblocks, thisacctwidth, thisamtwidth)
-- This needs to be converted to strict Text in order to strip trailing
-- spaces. This adds a small amount of inefficiency, and the only difference
-- is whether there are trailing spaces in print (and related) reports. This
-- could be removed and we could just keep everything as a Text Builder, but
-- would require adding trailing spaces to 42 failing tests.
postingblocks = [map T.stripEnd . T.lines . TL.toStrict $
render [ textCell BottomLeft statusandaccount
, textCell BottomLeft " "
, Cell BottomLeft [pad amt]
, Cell BottomLeft [assertion]
, textCell BottomLeft samelinecomment
| (amt,assertion) <- shownAmountsAssertions]
render = renderRow def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False} . Group NoLine . map Header
pad amt = WideBuilder (TB.fromText $ T.replicate w " ") w <> amt
where w = max 12 amtwidth - wbWidth amt -- min. 12 for backwards compatibility
pacct = showAccountNameBeancount Nothing $ paccount p
pstatusandacct p' = if pstatus p' == Pending then "! " else "" <> pacct
-- currently prices are considered part of the amount string when right-aligning amounts
-- Since we will usually be calling this function with the knot tied between
-- amtwidth and thisamtwidth, make sure thisamtwidth does not depend on
-- amtwidth at all.
| elideamount = [mempty]
| otherwise = showMixedAmountLinesB displayopts a'
displayopts = noColour{ displayZeroCommodity=True, displayAddDecimalMark=True }
a' = mapMixedAmount amountToBeancount $ pamount p
thisamtwidth = maximumBound 0 $ map wbWidth shownAmounts
-- when there is a balance assertion, show it only on the last posting line
shownAmountsAssertions = zip shownAmounts shownAssertions
shownAssertions = replicate (length shownAmounts - 1) mempty ++ [assertion]
assertion = maybe mempty ((WideBuilder (TB.singleton ' ') 1 <>).showBalanceAssertion) $ pbalanceassertion p
-- pad to the maximum account name width, plus 2 to leave room for status flags, to keep amounts aligned
statusandaccount = lineIndent . fitText (Just $ 2 + acctwidth) Nothing False True $ pstatusandacct p
thisacctwidth = realLength pacct
(samelinecomment, newlinecomments) =
case renderCommentLines (pcomment p) of [] -> ("",[])
c:cs -> (c,cs)
type BeancountAmount = Amount
-- | Do some best effort adjustments to make an amount that renders
-- in a way that Beancount can read: forces the commodity symbol to the right,
-- converts $ to USD.
amountToBeancount :: Amount -> BeancountAmount
amountToBeancount a@Amount{acommodity=c,astyle=s} = a{acommodity=c', astyle=s'}
-- https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_language_syntax.html#commodities-currencies
s' = s{ascommodityside=R, ascommodityspaced=True}
c' | c=="$" = "USD"
| otherwise = c
-- | Like showAccountName for Beancount journal format.
-- Calls accountNameToBeancount first.
showAccountNameBeancount :: Maybe Int -> AccountName -> Text
showAccountNameBeancount w = maybe id T.take w . accountNameToBeancount
-- | Render a transaction or posting's comment as indented, semicolon-prefixed comment lines.
-- The first line (unless empty) will have leading space, subsequent lines will have a larger indent.
renderCommentLines :: Text -> [Text]

View File

@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Transaction
, showTransaction
, showTransactionOneLineAmounts
, showTransactionLineFirstPart
, showTransactionBeancount
, transactionFile
-- * transaction errors
, annotateErrorWithTransaction
@ -114,6 +115,12 @@ payeeAndNoteFromDescription t
(p, n) = T.span (/= '|') t
-- | Like payeeAndNoteFromDescription, but if there's no | then payee is empty.
payeeAndNoteFromDescription' :: Text -> (Text,Text)
payeeAndNoteFromDescription' t =
if isJust $ T.find (=='|') t then payeeAndNoteFromDescription t else ("",t)
Render a journal transaction as text similar to the style of Ledger's print command.
@ -169,6 +176,33 @@ showTransactionLineFirstPart t = T.concat [date, status, code]
| otherwise = ""
code = if T.null (tcode t) then "" else wrap " (" ")" $ tcode t
-- | Like showTransaction, but generates Beancount journal format.
showTransactionBeancount :: Transaction -> Text
showTransactionBeancount t =
-- https://beancount.github.io/docs/beancount_language_syntax.html
-- similar to showTransactionHelper, but I haven't bothered with Builder
firstline <> nl
<> foldMap ((<> nl)) newlinecomments
<> foldMap ((<> nl)) (postingsAsLinesBeancount $ tpostings t)
<> nl
nl = "\n"
firstline = T.concat [date, status, payee, note, tags, samelinecomment]
date = showDate $ tdate t
status = if tstatus t == Pending then " !" else " *"
(payee,note) =
case payeeAndNoteFromDescription' $ tdescription t of
("","") -> ("", "" )
(p ,"") -> (wrapq p, wrapq "")
("",n ) -> ("" , wrapq n )
(p ,n ) -> (wrapq p, wrapq n )
wrapq = wrap " \"" "\""
tags = T.concat $ map ((" #"<>).fst) $ ttags t
(samelinecomment, newlinecomments) =
case renderCommentLines (tcomment t) of [] -> ("",[])
c:cs -> (c,cs)
hasRealPostings :: Transaction -> Bool
hasRealPostings = not . null . realPostings

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
module Hledger.Utils.String (
-- * misc
@ -56,6 +57,10 @@ takeEnd n l = go (drop n l) l
go [] r = r
go _ [] = []
capitalise :: String -> String
capitalise (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs
capitalise s = s
lowercase, uppercase :: String -> String
lowercase = map toLower
uppercase = map toUpper

View File

@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
module Hledger.Utils.Text
-- * misc
-- lowercase,
-- uppercase,
-- underline,
-- stripbrackets,
@ -67,9 +66,8 @@ import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide
import Text.WideString (WideBuilder(..), wbToText, wbFromText, wbUnpack)
-- lowercase, uppercase :: String -> String
-- lowercase = map toLower
-- uppercase = map toUpper
textCapitalise :: Text -> Text
textCapitalise t = T.toTitle c <> cs where (c,cs) = T.splitAt 1 t
-- stripbrackets :: String -> String
-- stripbrackets = dropWhile (`elem` "([") . reverse . dropWhile (`elem` "])") . reverse :: String -> String

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@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ dependencies:
- tasty-hunit >=
- template-haskell
- terminal-size >=0.3.3
- text >=1.2
- text >=
- text-ansi >=0.2.1
- time >=1.5
- timeit

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ library:
- process >=1.2
- safe >=0.3.19
- split >=0.1
- text >=1.2
- text >=
- text-zipper >=0.4
- time >=1.5
- transformers

View File

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ library:
- safe >=0.3.19
- shakespeare >=
- template-haskell
- text >=1.2
- text >=
- time >=1.5
- transformers
- unix-compat

View File

@ -642,7 +642,7 @@ defaultOutputFormat = "txt"
-- | All the output formats known by any command, for outputFormatFromOpts.
-- To automatically infer it from -o/--output-file, it needs to be listed here.
outputFormats :: [String]
outputFormats = [defaultOutputFormat, "csv", "json", "html", "sql", "tsv"]
outputFormats = [defaultOutputFormat, "beancount", "csv", "json", "html", "sql", "tsv"]
-- | Get the output format from the --output-format option,
-- otherwise from a recognised file extension in the --output-file option,

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Check (
) where
import Data.Char (toLower,toUpper)
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, find)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
@ -80,10 +80,6 @@ parseCheck s =
s' = capitalise $ map toLower s
checknames = map show [minBound..maxBound::Check]
capitalise :: String -> String
capitalise (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs
capitalise s = s
-- | Parse a check argument: a string which is the lower-case name of an error check,
-- or a prefix thereof, followed by zero or more space-separated arguments for that check.
parseCheckArgument :: String -> Either String (Check,[String])

View File

@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ import Hledger.Read.CsvUtils (CSV, printCSV, printTSV)
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.Cli.Utils
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import Safe (lastMay)
import Safe (lastMay, minimumDef)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
printmode = hledgerCommandMode
@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ printmode = hledgerCommandMode
,let arg = "DESC" in
flagReq ["match","m"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "match" s opts) arg
("fuzzy search for one recent transaction with description closest to "++arg)
,outputFormatFlag ["txt","csv","tsv","json","sql"]
,outputFormatFlag ["txt","beancount","csv","tsv","json","sql"]
@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ printEntries opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec} j =
fmt = outputFormatFromOpts opts
render | fmt=="txt" = entriesReportAsText opts . styleAmounts styles
| fmt=="beancount" = entriesReportAsBeancount opts . styleAmounts styles
| fmt=="csv" = printCSV . entriesReportAsCsv . styleAmounts styles
| fmt=="tsv" = printTSV . entriesReportAsCsv . styleAmounts styles
| fmt=="json" = toJsonText . styleAmounts styles
@ -120,8 +122,11 @@ printEntries opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec} j =
| otherwise = error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
entriesReportAsText :: CliOpts -> EntriesReport -> TL.Text
entriesReportAsText opts =
TB.toLazyText . foldMap (TB.fromText . showTransaction . txntransform)
entriesReportAsText = entriesReportAsTextHelper showTransaction
entriesReportAsTextHelper :: (Transaction -> T.Text) -> CliOpts -> EntriesReport -> TL.Text
entriesReportAsTextHelper showtxn opts =
TB.toLazyText . foldMap (TB.fromText . showtxn . txntransform)
-- Use the fully inferred and amount-styled/rounded transaction in the following situations:
@ -149,46 +154,24 @@ postingMostlyOriginal p = orig
orig = originalPosting p
isGenerated = "_generated-posting" `elem` map fst (ptags p)
-- XXX
-- tests_showTransactions = [
-- "showTransactions" ~: do
-- -- "print expenses" ~:
-- do
-- let opts = defreportopts{query_="expenses"}
-- d <- getCurrentDay
-- showTransactions opts (queryFromOpts d opts) samplejournal `is` unlines
-- ["2008/06/03 * eat & shop"
-- ," expenses:food $1"
-- ," expenses:supplies $1"
-- ," assets:cash $-2"
-- ,""
-- ]
-- -- , "print report with depth arg" ~:
-- do
-- let opts = defreportopts{depth_=Just 2}
-- d <- getCurrentDay
-- showTransactions opts (queryFromOpts d opts) samplejournal `is` unlines
-- ["2008/01/01 income"
-- ," assets:bank:checking $1"
-- ," income:salary $-1"
-- ,""
-- ,"2008/06/01 gift"
-- ," assets:bank:checking $1"
-- ," income:gifts $-1"
-- ,""
-- ,"2008/06/03 * eat & shop"
-- ," expenses:food $1"
-- ," expenses:supplies $1"
-- ," assets:cash $-2"
-- ,""
-- ,"2008/12/31 * pay off"
-- ," liabilities:debts $1"
-- ," assets:bank:checking $-1"
-- ,""
-- ]
-- ]
-- In addition to rendering the transactions in (best effort) Beancount format,
-- this generates an account open directive for each account name used
-- (using the earliest transaction date).
entriesReportAsBeancount :: CliOpts -> EntriesReport -> TL.Text
entriesReportAsBeancount opts ts =
-- PERF: gathers and converts all account names, then repeats that work when showing each transaction
opendirectives <> "\n" <>
entriesReportAsTextHelper showTransactionBeancount opts ts
| null ts = ""
| otherwise = TL.fromStrict $ T.unlines [
firstdate <> " open " <> accountNameToBeancount a
| a <- nubSort $ concatMap (map paccount.tpostings) ts
firstdate = showDate $ minimumDef err $ map tdate ts
where err = error' "entriesReportAsBeancount: should not happen"
entriesReportAsSql :: EntriesReport -> TL.Text
entriesReportAsSql txns = TB.toLazyText $ mconcat

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@ -115,7 +115,19 @@ This command also supports the
[output destination](hledger.html#output-destination) and
[output format](hledger.html#output-format) options
The output formats supported are
`txt`, `csv`, `tsv`, and (experimental) `json` and `sql`.
`txt`, `beancount`, `csv`, `tsv`, `json` and `sql`.
The `beancount` format tries to produce Beancount-compatible output.
It is very basic and may require additional manual fixups:
- Transaction and postings with unmarked status are converted to cleared (`*``) status.
- Transactions' payee and or note are wrapped in double quotes.
- Transaction tags are copied to Beancount #tag format.
- Account name parts are capitalised, and if the first account name part
is not one of Assets, Liabilities, Equity, Income, or Expenses, "Equity:" is prepended.
- The `$` commodity symbol is converted to `USD`.
- An `open` directive is generated for each account used, on the earliest transaction date.
Here's an example of print's CSV output:

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@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ dependencies:
- tabular >=0.2
- tasty >=1.2.3
- temporary
- text >=0.11
- text >=
- text-ansi >=0.2.1
- time >=1.5
- timeit