;just: updates, cleanups

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2023-12-22 17:12:40 -10:00
parent 6a2e30897f
commit e45f09f99c

View File

@ -23,43 +23,53 @@
# ))
# This file is formatted by `just _fmt`, which currently eats blank lines a bit.
# ** Prelude
# Reference:
# https://docs.rs/regex/1.5.4/regex/#syntax Regexps
# https://just.systems/man/en/chapter_31.html Functions
# https://cheatography.com/linux-china/cheat-sheets/justfile Cheatsheet
# https://github.com/casey/just/discussions
# Invocations of just in this file assume you are in this justfile's directory,
# since otherwise we must write --justfile {{ justfile() }} or {{ just }} everywhere.
# ** Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------
# just := "just -f " + justfile()
# Use this justfile from within its directory, otherwise we must write {{ just }} everywhere.
# list this justfile's recipes, optionally filtered by REGEX
@help *REGEX:
if [[ '{{ REGEX }}' =~ '' ]]; then just -lu; else just -lu | rg -i '{{ REGEX }}'; fi
# if [[ "$REGEX" =~ "" ]]; then just -lu; else just -lu | rg -i "$REGEX"; true; fi
if [[ '{{ REGEX }}' =~ '' ]]; then just -lu; else just -lu | rg -i '{{ REGEX }}'; true; fi
# check this justfile for errors and non-standard format
just --fmt --unstable --check
just -q _check || just --fmt --unstable
# keep checking this justfile
watchexec -q -w {{ justfile() }} -- 'just; just -q _check && echo format ok || (echo non-standard format; false)'
watchexec -w {{ justfile() }} -- 'just; just -q _check && echo format ok || echo non-standard format'
# if this justfile is error free but in non-standard format, reformat and commit it
just -q check || just --fmt --unstable && git commit -m 'just: fmt' -- {{ justfile() }}
# rerun RECIPE when any git-committed file changes
watchgit RECIPE *OPTS:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
watchexec -r --filter-file <(git ls-files) -- just $RECIPE
watchexec -q -r --filter-file <(git ls-files) -- just $RECIPE
# show watchexec env vars when any git-committed file changes
watchgitdbg *OPTS:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
watchexec -r --filter-file <(git ls-files) {{ OPTS }} -- 'env | rg "WATCHEXEC\w*"; true'
watchexec -q -r --filter-file <(git ls-files) {{ OPTS }} -- 'env | rg "WATCHEXEC\w*"; true'
# rerun RECIPE when any watched-by-default file changes
#!/usr/bin/env bash
watchexec -q -r --filter-file <(git ls-files) -- just $RECIPE
# show watchexec env vars when any file changes, printing events and ignoring nothing
watchdbg *OPTS:
watchexec --ignore-nothing --print-events {{ OPTS }} -- 'env | rg "WATCHEXEC\w*"; true'
watchexec -q --ignore-nothing --print-events {{ OPTS }} -- 'env | rg "WATCHEXEC\w*"; true'
# Constants and recipe arguments will also be available as environment variables
# in recipes, making just code easier to convert to and from shell, so you can
@ -69,7 +79,8 @@ watchdbg *OPTS:
set export := true
# ** Constants
# ** Constants ------------------------------------------------------------
# GHC-compiled executables require a locale (and not just C) or they
# will die on encountering non-ascii data. Set LANG to something if not already set.
# export LANG? := 'en_US.UTF-8'
@ -118,7 +129,7 @@ STACKGHCI := STACK
# --timeout := 'N is not much use here - can be defeated by multiple threads, unoptimised builds, '
# slow hackage index or compiler setup on first build, etc.
WATCHEXEC := 'watchexec'
# WATCHEXEC := 'watchexec -q'
hledger-lib \
hledger \
TIME := "{{ shell date +'%Y%m%d%H%M' }}"
MONTHYEAR := "{{ shell date +'%B %Y' }}"
# ** ghci
# ** ghci ------------------------------------------------------------
# run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger
@ -301,8 +311,7 @@ GHCI:
{{ STACK }} exec {{ SHAKEDEPS }} -- ghci Shake.hs
# ** ghcid
# ** ghcid ------------------------------------------------------------
# run ghcid on hledger-lib + hledger
@ -358,7 +367,7 @@ SHAKEDEPS := '\
stack exec {{ SHAKEDEPS }} -- ghcid Shake.hs
# ** dev.hs script
# ** dev.hs script ------------------------------------------------------------
# # hledger-lib/Hledger/Read/TimeclockReaderPP.hs
# # build the dev.hs script for quick experiments (with ghc)
# dev:
@ -380,8 +389,7 @@ ghcid-shake:
# dev-heap-upload:
# curl -F "file=@devprof-hc.hp" -F "title='hledger parser'" http://heap.ezyang.com/upload
# curl -F "file=@devprof-hr.hp" -F "title='hledger parser'" http://heap.ezyang.com/upload
# ** Building
# ** Building ------------------------------------------------------------
# build the hledger package showing ghc codegen times/allocations
@ -405,8 +413,7 @@ BUILDING:
# # build "bin/hledgercov" for coverage reports (with ghc)
# hledgercov:
# {{ STACK }} ghc {{ MAIN }} -fhpc -o bin/hledgercov -outputdir .hledgercovobjs {{ BUILDFLAGS }}
# ** Testing
# ** Testing ------------------------------------------------------------
# run tests that are reasonably quick (files, unit, functional) and benchmarks
@ -522,8 +529,7 @@ ADDONEXTS := 'pl py rb sh hs lhs rkt exe com bat'
cd; {{ justfile_directory() }}/hledger-install/hledger-install.sh
# ** Benchmarking
# ** Benchmarking ------------------------------------------------------------
# generate standard sample journals in examples/
@ -656,8 +662,7 @@ BENCHEXES := 'hledger'
# # view the last html code coverage report\
# # )
# # $(VIEWHTML) doc/profs/coverage/index.html
# ** Documenting
# ** Documenting ------------------------------------------------------------
# see also Shake.hs
@ -749,8 +754,7 @@ haddock-open:
# @make -s Shake
# @(printf "\nbrowser will open in $(BROWSEDELAY)s (adjust BROWSE in Makefile if needed)...\n\n"; sleep $(BROWSEDELAY); $(BROWSE) $(LOCALSITEURL)) &
# @$(WATCHEXEC) --print-events -e md,m4 -i hledger.md -i hledger-ui.md -i hledger-web.md -r './Shake webmanuals && ./Shake orgfiles && make -sC site serve'
# ** Installing
# ** Installing ------------------------------------------------------------
# # copy the current ~/.local/bin/hledger to bin/old/hledger-VER
@ -767,8 +771,7 @@ INSTALLING:
# # update shell completions in hledger package
# shellcompletions:
# make -C hledger/shell-completion/ clean-all all
# ** Releasing
# ** Releasing ------------------------------------------------------------
# Symlink/copy important files temporarily in .relfiles/.
@ -1054,8 +1057,7 @@ sccv:
# @open 'https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commits/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix'
# list-commits: $(call def-help,list-commits, list all commits chronologically and numbered)
# @git log --format='%ad %h %s (%an)' --date=short --reverse | cat -n
# ** Misc
# ** Misc ------------------------------------------------------------
# push to github CI, wait for tests to pass, then push to master
@ -1077,25 +1079,25 @@ mkwebdirs:
ln -sf hledger-web/static
ln -sf hledger-web/templates
# Show last week's activity, for TWIH
echo "hledger time last 7 days including today (this should be run on a Friday):"
tt bal hledger -DTS -b '6 days ago' --drop 2
# Show activity over the last N days (eg 7), for This Week In Hledger.
@_lastweek DAYS:
echo "hledger time last $DAYS days including today (this should be run on a Friday):"
tt bal hledger -DTS -b "$DAYS days ago" --drop 2
echo "By activity type, percentage:"
tt bal hledger -DTS -b '6 days ago' --pivot t -% -c 1% | tail +1
tt bal hledger -DTS -b "$DAYS days ago" --pivot t -% -c 1% | tail +1
echo "Time log details:"
tt print hledger -b '6 days ago' | grep -E '^[^ ]|hledger'
tt print hledger -b "$DAYS days ago" | grep -E '^[^ ]|hledger'
echo "main repo:"
git log --format='%C(yellow)%cd %ad %Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an)%Creset%C(bold blue)%d%Creset' --date=short --since="6 days ago" --reverse
git log --format='%C(yellow)%cd %ad %Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an)%Creset%C(bold blue)%d%Creset' --date=short --since="$DAYS days ago" --reverse
echo "site repo:"
git -C site log --format='%C(yellow)%cd %ad %Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an)%Creset%C(bold blue)%d%Creset' --date=short --since="6 days ago" --reverse
git -C site log --format='%C(yellow)%cd %ad %Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an)%Creset%C(bold blue)%d%Creset' --date=short --since="$DAYS days ago" --reverse
echo "finance repo:"
git -C finance log --format='%C(yellow)%cd %ad %Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an)%Creset%C(bold blue)%d%Creset' --date=short --since="6 days ago" --reverse
git -C finance log --format='%C(yellow)%cd %ad %Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an)%Creset%C(bold blue)%d%Creset' --date=short --since="$DAYS days ago" --reverse
# show the sorted, unique files matched by SOURCEFILES