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synced 2024-12-26 03:42:25 +03:00
fix: check mixed-cost balances correctly again; cleanup (#2150)
The code is a bit clearer, and it no longer discards amounts other than the first when the running balance contains multiple costs. (This bug was exposed by the fix for #2039).
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (fromGregorian)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Safe (headDef)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Hledger.Utils
@ -540,7 +539,7 @@ journalBalanceTransactions bopts' j' =
balanceTransactionAndCheckAssertionsB :: Either Posting Transaction -> Balancing s ()
balanceTransactionAndCheckAssertionsB (Left p@Posting{}) =
-- Update the account's running balance and check the balance assertion if any.
-- Note, cost is ignored when checking balance assertions, currently.
-- Cost is ignored when checking balance assertions currently.
void $ addAmountAndCheckAssertionB $ postingStripCosts p
balanceTransactionAndCheckAssertionsB (Right t@Transaction{tpostings=ps}) = do
-- make sure we can handle the balance assignments
@ -552,7 +551,7 @@ balanceTransactionAndCheckAssertionsB (Right t@Transaction{tpostings=ps}) = do
ps' <- ps
& zip [1..] -- attach original positions
& sortOn (postingDate.snd) -- sort by date
& mapM (addOrAssignAmountAndCheckAssertionB) -- infer amount, check assertion on each one
& mapM addOrAssignAmountAndCheckAssertionB -- infer amount, check assertion on each one
<&> sortOn fst -- restore original order
<&> map snd -- discard positions
@ -616,7 +615,7 @@ addAmountAndCheckAssertionB p = return p
-- are ignored; if it is total, they will cause the assertion to fail.
checkBalanceAssertionB :: Posting -> MixedAmount -> Balancing s ()
checkBalanceAssertionB p@Posting{pbalanceassertion=Just (BalanceAssertion{baamount,batotal})} actualbal =
forM_ (baamount : otheramts) $ \amt -> checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB p amt actualbal
forM_ (baamount : otheramts) $ \amt -> checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB p amt actualbal
assertedcomm = acommodity baamount
otheramts | batotal = map (\a -> a{aquantity=0}) . amountsRaw
@ -625,15 +624,17 @@ checkBalanceAssertionB p@Posting{pbalanceassertion=Just (BalanceAssertion{baamou
checkBalanceAssertionB _ _ = return ()
-- | Does this (single commodity) expected balance match the amount of that
-- commodity in the given (multicommodity) actual balance ? If not, returns a
-- balance assertion failure message based on the provided posting. To match,
-- the amounts must be exactly equal (display precision is ignored here).
-- commodity in the given (multicommodity) actual balance, ignoring costs ?
-- If not, returns a balance assertion failure message based on the provided posting.
-- To match, the amounts must be exactly equal (display precision is ignored here).
-- If the assertion is inclusive, the expected amount is compared with the account's
-- subaccount-inclusive balance; otherwise, with the subaccount-exclusive balance.
checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB :: Posting -> Amount -> MixedAmount -> Balancing s ()
checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB p@Posting{paccount=assertedacct} assertedcommbal actualbal = do
let isinclusive = maybe False bainclusive $ pbalanceassertion p
let istotal = maybe False batotal $ pbalanceassertion p
-- mstyles <- R.reader bsStyles
-- let styled = maybe id styleAmounts mstyles
actualbal' <-
if isinclusive
@ -646,27 +647,31 @@ checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB p@Posting{paccount=assertedacct} assertedcomm
else return actualbal
assertedcomm = acommodity assertedcommbal
assertedcommbalcostless = amountStripCost assertedcommbal
actualcommbalcostless = amountStripCost . headDef nullamt . amountsRaw . filterMixedAmountByCommodity assertedcomm $ actualbal'
assertedcomm = acommodity assertedcommbal
-- test the assertion. Costs are ignored currently.
-- The asserted single-commodity balance, without cost
assertedcommbalcostless = amountStripCost assertedcommbal
-- The balance in this commodity, from the current multi-commodity running balance at this point.
-- This is unnormalised, and could include one or more different costs.
actualcommbal = filterMixedAmountByCommodity assertedcomm $ actualbal'
-- The above balance without costs, as a single Amount (Amount's + discards costs).
actualcommbalcostless = sum $ amountsRaw actualcommbal
-- test the assertion
pass =
aquantity (
-- traceWith (("asserted:"++).showAmountDebug)
aquantity assertedcommbalcostless
aquantity (
-- traceWith (("actual:"++).showAmountDebug)
aquantity actualcommbalcostless
errmsg = chomp $ printf (unlines
[ "%s:",
"Balance assertion failed in %s",
"%s at this point, %s, ignoring costs,",
"the expected balance is: %s", -- (at display precision: %s)",
"but the calculated balance is: %s", -- (at display precision: %s)",
"the expected balance is: %s",
"but the calculated balance is: %s",
"(difference: %s)",
"To troubleshoot, check this account's running balance with assertions disabled, eg:",
"hledger reg -I '%s'%s"
@ -675,11 +680,12 @@ checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB p@Posting{paccount=assertedacct} assertedcomm
(sourcePosPretty pos) -- position
(textChomp ex) -- journal excerpt
acct -- asserted account
(if istotal then "Across all commodities" else "In commodity " <> assertedcommstr) -- asserted commodity (partial assertion) or all commodities (total assertion)
(if istotal then "Across all commodities" else "In commodity " <> assertedcommstr) -- asserted commodity or all commodities ?
(if isinclusive then "including subaccounts" else "excluding subaccounts" :: String) -- inclusive or exclusive balance asserted ?
diffstr -- diff
(pad assertedstr) -- asserted amount, without cost
(pad actualstr) -- actual amount, without cost
-- <> " (with costs: " <> T.pack (showMixedAmountWith fmt actualcommbal) <> ")" -- debugging
diffstr -- their difference
(acct ++ if isinclusive then "" else "$") -- query matching the account(s) postings
(if istotal then "" else (" cur:" ++ quoteForCommandLine (T.unpack assertedcomm))) -- query matching the commodity(ies)
@ -689,17 +695,12 @@ checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB p@Posting{paccount=assertedacct} assertedcomm
pos = baposition ass
(_,_,_,ex) = makeBalanceAssertionErrorExcerpt p
assertedcommstr = if T.null assertedcomm then "\"\"" else assertedcomm
showamt = showAmountWithZeroCommodity
assertedcommbalstr = showamt assertedcommbalcostless
actualcommbalstr = showamt actualcommbalcostless
amtswidth = max (length assertedcommbalstr) (length actualcommbalstr)
assertedcommbalstrpadded = fitText (Just amtswidth) Nothing False False $ T.pack assertedcommbalstr
actualcommbalstrpadded = fitText (Just amtswidth) Nothing False False $ T.pack actualcommbalstr
-- diffstr = show $ aquantity assertedcommbal - aquantity actualcommbalcostless
diffstr = showamt $ assertedcommbal - actualcommbalcostless
fmt = oneLineFmt{displayZeroCommodity=True}
assertedstr = showAmountWith fmt assertedcommbalcostless
actualstr = showAmountWith fmt actualcommbalcostless
diffstr = showAmountWith fmt $ assertedcommbalcostless - actualcommbalcostless
pad = fitText (Just w) Nothing False False . T.pack where w = max (length assertedstr) (length actualstr)
-- (showDate $ postingDate p)
-- (asprecision $ astyle actualcommbalodity) -- should be the standard display precision I think
unless pass $ throwError errmsg
{- XXX
@ -488,3 +488,21 @@ $ hledger -f- print -x date:2022-01-02
assets:usd €10
# ** 29. -10 A should be inferred for a.
# And the 0 B balaance assertion should ignore costs and succeed,
# even though the balance is 1 B @@ 10 A - 1 B. (#2150)
a 10 A
b 1 B @@ 10 A
a = 0 A
b -1 B = 0 B
$ hledger -f - check
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