@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import Data.Time.Calendar
import System.FilePath (takeFileName, (</>))
import System.IO.Storage (putValue, getValue)
import Text.Hamlet hiding (hamletFile)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec -- hiding (string)
import Text.Printf
import Text.RegexPR
import Yesod.Form
@ -56,9 +55,9 @@ getRootR = redirect RedirectTemporary defaultroute where defaultroute = Register
-- | The main journal view, with accounts sidebar.
getJournalR :: Handler RepHtml
getJournalR = do
vd@VD{opts=opts,fspec=fspec,j=j} <- getViewData
let sidecontent = balanceReportAsHtml opts vd $ balanceReport opts fspec j
maincontent = journalReportAsHtml opts vd $ journalReport opts fspec j
vd@VD{opts=opts,m=m,j=j} <- getViewData
let sidecontent = balanceReportAsHtml opts vd{q=""} $ balanceReport opts nullfilterspec j
maincontent = journalReportAsHtml opts vd $ journalReport opts nullfilterspec $ filterJournalTransactions2 m j
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "hledger-web journal"
addHamlet $(Settings.hamletFile "journal")
@ -69,9 +68,9 @@ postJournalR = handlePost
-- | The main register view, with accounts sidebar.
getRegisterR :: Handler RepHtml
getRegisterR = do
vd@VD{opts=opts,fspec=fspec,m=m,j=j} <- getViewData
let sidecontent = balanceReportAsHtml opts vd $ balanceReport opts fspec $ filterJournalPostings2 m j
maincontent = registerReportAsHtml opts vd $ registerReport opts fspec $ filterJournalPostings2 m j
vd@VD{opts=opts,m=m,j=j} <- getViewData
let sidecontent = balanceReportAsHtml opts vd{q=""} $ balanceReport opts nullfilterspec j
maincontent = registerReportAsHtml opts vd $ registerReport opts nullfilterspec $ filterJournalPostings2 m j
editform' = editform vd
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "hledger-web register"
@ -83,10 +82,10 @@ postRegisterR = handlePost
-- | A simple journal view, like hledger print (with editing.)
getJournalOnlyR :: Handler RepHtml
getJournalOnlyR = do
vd@VD{opts=opts,fspec=fspec,j=j} <- getViewData
vd@VD{opts=opts,m=m,j=j} <- getViewData
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "hledger-web journal only"
addHamlet $ journalReportAsHtml opts vd $ journalReport opts fspec j
addHamlet $ journalReportAsHtml opts vd $ journalReport opts nullfilterspec $ filterJournalTransactions2 m j
postJournalOnlyR :: Handler RepPlain
postJournalOnlyR = handlePost
@ -94,63 +93,60 @@ postJournalOnlyR = handlePost
-- | A simple postings view, like hledger register (with editing.)
getRegisterOnlyR :: Handler RepHtml
getRegisterOnlyR = do
vd@VD{opts=opts,fspec=fspec,j=j} <- getViewData
vd@VD{opts=opts,m=m,j=j} <- getViewData
defaultLayout $ do
setTitle "hledger-web register only"
addHamlet $ registerReportAsHtml opts vd $ registerReport opts fspec j
addHamlet $ registerReportAsHtml opts vd $ registerReport opts nullfilterspec $ filterJournalPostings2 m j
postRegisterOnlyR :: Handler RepPlain
postRegisterOnlyR = handlePost
-- | A simple accounts view, like hledger balance. If the Accept header
-- specifies json, returns the chart of accounts as json.
getAccountsOnlyR :: Handler RepHtmlJson
getAccountsOnlyR = do
vd@VD{opts=opts,fspec=fspec,j=j,a=a} <- getViewData
let accountNames = journalAccountNames j :: [AccountName]
accountNames' = filter (matchpats [a]) $ accountNames
json = jsonMap [("accounts", toJSON $ accountNames')]
getAccountsR :: Handler RepHtmlJson
getAccountsR = do
vd@VD{opts=opts,m=m,j=j} <- getViewData
let j' = filterJournalPostings2 m j
html = do
setTitle "hledger-web accounts"
addHamlet $ balanceReportAsHtml opts vd $ balanceReport opts fspec j
addHamlet $ balanceReportAsHtml opts vd $ balanceReport opts nullfilterspec j'
json = jsonMap [("accounts", toJSON $ journalAccountNames j')]
defaultLayoutJson html json
-- | Return the chart of accounts as json, without needing a special Accept header.
getAccountsJsonR :: Handler RepJson
getAccountsJsonR = do
VD{a=a,j=j} <- getViewData
let accountNames = journalAccountNames j :: [AccountName]
accountNames' = filter (matchpats [a]) $ accountNames
jsonToRepJson $ jsonMap [("accounts", toJSON $ accountNames')]
VD{m=m,j=j} <- getViewData
let j' = filterJournalPostings2 m j
jsonToRepJson $ jsonMap [("accounts", toJSON $ journalAccountNames j')]
-- helpers
-- | Render a balance report as HTML.
balanceReportAsHtml :: [Opt] -> ViewData -> BalanceReport -> Hamlet AppRoute
balanceReportAsHtml _ vd@VD{here=here,a=a,p=p} (items,total) = $(Settings.hamletFile "balancereport")
balanceReportAsHtml _ vd@VD{here=here,q=q} (items,total) = $(Settings.hamletFile "balancereport")
itemAsHtml :: ViewData -> BalanceReportItem -> Hamlet AppRoute
itemAsHtml VD{p=p} (acct, adisplay, adepth, abal) = $(Settings.hamletFile "balancereportitem")
itemAsHtml VD{here=here,q=q} (acct, adisplay, adepth, abal) = $(Settings.hamletFile "balancereportitem")
indent = preEscapedString $ concat $ replicate (2 * adepth) " "
acctpat = accountNameToAccountRegex acct
pparam = if null p then "" else "&p="++p
accturl = (here, [("q", pack $ "otheracct:" ++ quoteIfSpaced (accountNameToAccountRegex acct))])
accountsheading = $(Settings.hamletFile "accountsheading")
filteringaccts = not $ null a
showlinks = $(Settings.hamletFile "accountsheadinglinks")
showmore = case (filteringaccts, items) of
-- cunning parent account logic
(True, ((acct, _, _, _):_)) ->
let a' = if isAccountRegex a then a else acct
a'' = accountNameToAccountRegex $ parentAccountName $ accountRegexToAccountName a'
parenturl = (here, [("a",pack a''), ("p",pack p)])
in $(Settings.hamletFile "accountsheadinglinksmore")
_ -> nulltemplate
showall = if filteringaccts
then $(Settings.hamletFile "accountsheadinglinksall")
else nulltemplate
where allurl = (here, [("p",pack p)])
filtering = not $ null q
-- showlinks = $(Settings.hamletFile "accountsheadinglinks")
-- showmore = case (filteringaccts, items) of
-- -- cunning parent account logic
-- (True, ((acct, _, _, _):_)) ->
-- let a' = if isAccountRegex a then a else acct
-- a'' = accountNameToAccountRegex $ parentAccountName $ accountRegexToAccountName a'
-- parenturl = (here, [("a",pack a''), ("p",pack p)])
-- in $(Settings.hamletFile "accountsheadinglinksmore")
-- _ -> nulltemplate
-- showall = if filteringaccts
-- then $(Settings.hamletFile "accountsheadinglinksall")
-- else nulltemplate
-- where allurl = (here, [])
-- | Render a journal report as HTML.
journalReportAsHtml :: [Opt] -> ViewData -> JournalReport -> Hamlet AppRoute
@ -167,14 +163,13 @@ registerReportAsHtml :: [Opt] -> ViewData -> RegisterReport -> Hamlet AppRoute
registerReportAsHtml _ vd items = $(Settings.hamletFile "registerreport")
itemAsHtml :: ViewData -> (Int, RegisterReportItem) -> Hamlet AppRoute
itemAsHtml VD{here=here,p=p} (n, (ds, posting, b)) = $(Settings.hamletFile "registerreportitem")
itemAsHtml VD{here=here} (n, (ds, posting, b)) = $(Settings.hamletFile "registerreportitem")
evenodd = if even n then "even" else "odd" :: String
(firstposting, date, desc) = case ds of Just (da, de) -> ("firstposting", show da, de)
Nothing -> ("", "", "") :: (String,String,String)
acct = paccount posting
acctpat = accountNameToAccountRegex acct
pparam = if null p then "" else "&p="++p
accturl = (here, [("q", pack $ "otheracct:" ++ quoteIfSpaced (accountNameToAccountRegex acct))])
mixedAmountAsHtml b = preEscapedString $ addclass $ intercalate "<br>" $ lines $ show b
where addclass = printf "<span class=\"%s\">%s</span>" (c :: String)
@ -318,20 +313,9 @@ handleImport = do
-- | Global toolbar/heading area.
topbar :: ViewData -> Hamlet AppRoute
topbar VD{p=p,j=j,msg=msg,today=today} = $(Settings.hamletFile "topbar")
topbar VD{j=j,msg=msg,today=today} = $(Settings.hamletFile "topbar")
(title, desc) = journalTitleDesc j p today
-- | Generate a title and description for the given journal, period
-- expression, and date.
journalTitleDesc :: Journal -> String -> Day -> (String, String)
journalTitleDesc j p today = (title, desc)
title = printf "%s" (takeFileName $ journalFilePath j) :: String
desc = printf "%s" (showspan span) :: String
span = either (const $ DateSpan Nothing Nothing) snd (parsePeriodExpr today p)
showspan (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) = ""
showspan s = " (" ++ dateSpanAsText s ++ ")"
title = takeFileName $ journalFilePath j
-- | Links to navigate between the main views.
navlinks :: ViewData -> Hamlet AppRoute
@ -340,9 +324,8 @@ navlinks vd = $(Settings.hamletFile "navlinks")
accountsjournallink = navlink vd "transactions" JournalR
accountsregisterlink = navlink vd "postings" RegisterR
navlink :: ViewData -> String -> AppRoute -> Hamlet AppRoute
navlink VD{here=here,a=a,p=p} s dest = $(Settings.hamletFile "navlink")
where u = (dest, concat [(if null a then [] else [("a", pack a)])
,(if null p then [] else [("p", pack p)])])
navlink VD{here=here,q=q} s dest = $(Settings.hamletFile "navlink")
where u = (dest, if null q then [] else [("q", pack q)])
style | dest == here = "navlinkcurrent"
| otherwise = "navlink" :: Text
@ -357,10 +340,10 @@ helplink topic label = $(Settings.hamletFile "helplink")
-- | Form controlling journal filtering parameters.
filterform :: ViewData -> Hamlet AppRoute
filterform VD{here=here,a=a,p=p,q=q} = $(Settings.hamletFile "filterform")
filterform VD{here=here,q=q} = $(Settings.hamletFile "filterform")
ahelp = helplink "filter-patterns" "?"
phelp = helplink "period-expressions" "?"
-- ahelp = helplink "filter-patterns" "?"
-- phelp = helplink "period-expressions" "?"
filtering = not $ null q
visible = "block" :: String
filteringclass = if filtering then "filtering" else "" :: String
@ -413,17 +396,14 @@ journalselect journalfiles = $(Settings.hamletFile "journalselect")
-- utilities
nulltemplate :: Hamlet AppRoute
nulltemplate = [$hamlet||]
nulltemplate = [hamlet||]
-- | A bundle of data useful for handlers and their templates.
data ViewData = VD {
opts :: [Opt] -- ^ command-line options at startup
,a :: String -- ^ current a (query) parameter
,p :: String -- ^ current p (query) parameter
,q :: String -- ^ current q (query) parameter
,fspec :: FilterSpec -- ^ a journal filter specification based on the above
,m :: Matcher -- ^ a search/filter expression based on the above
,j :: Journal -- ^ an up-to-date parsed journal
,j :: Journal -- ^ the up-to-date parsed unfiltered journal
,today :: Day -- ^ the current day
,here :: AppRoute -- ^ the current route
,msg :: Maybe Html -- ^ the current UI message if any, possibly from the current request
@ -432,10 +412,7 @@ data ViewData = VD {
mkvd :: ViewData
mkvd = VD {
opts = []
,a = ""
,p = ""
,q = ""
,fspec = nullfilterspec
,m = MatchOr []
,j = nulljournal
,today = ModifiedJulianDay 0
@ -446,25 +423,16 @@ mkvd = VD {
-- | Gather data useful for a hledger-web request handler and its templates.
getViewData :: Handler ViewData
getViewData = do
Just here' <- getCurrentRoute
(q, opts, fspec, m) <- getCurrentParameters
(j, err) <- getCurrentJournal opts
msg <- getMessageOr err
today <- liftIO getCurrentDay
return mkvd{opts=opts, q=q, fspec=fspec, m=m, j=j, today=today, here=here', msg=msg}
app <- getYesod
let opts = appOpts app
(j, err) <- getCurrentJournal opts
msg <- getMessageOr err
Just here' <- getCurrentRoute
today <- liftIO getCurrentDay
q <- getParameter "q"
let m = parseMatcher today q
return mkvd{opts=opts, q=q, m=m, j=j, today=today, here=here', msg=msg}
-- | Get current report parameters for this request.
getCurrentParameters :: Handler (String, [Opt], FilterSpec, Matcher)
getCurrentParameters = do
app <- getYesod
t <- liftIO $ getCurrentLocalTime
q <- unpack `fmap` fromMaybe "" <$> lookupGetParam "q"
let opts = appOpts app -- ++ [Period p']
args = appArgs app -- ++ words' a'
fspec = optsToFilterSpec opts args t
m = parseMatcher q
return (q, opts, fspec, m)
-- | Update our copy of the journal if the file changed. If there is an
-- error while reloading, keep the old one and return the error, and set a
-- ui message.
@ -480,18 +448,9 @@ getViewData = do
Left e -> do setMessage $ "error while reading" {- ++ ": " ++ e-}
return (j, Just e)
parseMatcher :: String -> Matcher
parseMatcher s = MatchOr $ map (MatchAcct True) $ words' s
parseMatcher2 :: String -> Matcher
parseMatcher2 s = either (const (MatchOr [])) id $ runParser matcher () "" $ lexmatcher s
lexmatcher :: String -> [String]
lexmatcher s = words' s
matcher :: GenParser String () Matcher
matcher = undefined
-- | Get the named request parameter.
getParameter :: String -> Handler String
getParameter p = unpack `fmap` fromMaybe "" <$> lookupGetParam (pack p)
-- | Get the message set by the last request, or the newer message provided, if any.
getMessageOr :: Maybe String -> Handler (Maybe Html)