test: run some easytests as well; print test output on stdout

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Simon Michael 2018-08-15 11:14:06 +01:00
parent ab7dc3294e
commit ed15ebd70e
3 changed files with 106 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ hledger's built-in commands, and helpers for printing the commands list.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
@ -36,8 +37,11 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands (
-- import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
-- import Data.CallStack
import Data.List
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
@ -49,6 +53,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import System.Exit
import System.IO (stdout)
import EasyTest
import Test.HUnit
import Hledger
@ -233,17 +239,108 @@ testmode = (defCommandMode ["test"]) {
-- Unlike other hledger commands, this one does not operate on the user's Journal.
-- For ease of implementation the Journal parameter remains in the type signature,
-- but it will not be valid and should not be used.
-- but it will raise an error if used.
testcmd :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
testcmd opts _donotuse = do
putStrLn "\n=== easytest tests: ===\n"
runEasyTests opts
putStrLn "\n\n=== hunit tests: ===\n"
runHunitTests opts
-- hide exit exception output when running tests from ghci/ghcid
`catch` (\(_::ExitCode) -> return ())
-- whitespace to separate test results from ghcid status
putStrLn ""
-- | Run some easytests.
-- XXX Just duplicates the ones in hledger-lib/tests/easytest.hs for now.
runEasyTests _opts = do
-- rerun "journal.standard account types.queries.assets"
-- rerunOnly 2686786430487349354 "journal.standard account types.queries.assets"
$ tests [
scope "journal.standard account types.queries" $
j = samplejournal
journalAccountNamesMatching :: Query -> Journal -> [AccountName]
journalAccountNamesMatching q = filter (q `matchesAccount`) . journalAccountNames
namesfrom qfunc = journalAccountNamesMatching (qfunc j) j
[ scope "assets" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalAssetAccountQuery) ["assets","assets:bank","assets:bank:checking","assets:bank:saving","assets:cash"]
, scope "liabilities" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalLiabilityAccountQuery) ["liabilities","liabilities:debts"]
, scope "equity" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalEquityAccountQuery) []
, scope "income" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalIncomeAccountQuery) ["income","income:gifts","income:salary"]
, scope "expenses" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalExpenseAccountQuery) ["expenses","expenses:food","expenses:supplies"]
runHunitTests opts = do
let ts =
(if tree_ $ reportopts_ opts then matchedTestsTree else matchedTestsFlat)
opts tests_Hledger_Cli_Commands
results <- liftM (fst . flip (,) 0) $ runTestTT ts
results <- liftM (fst . flip (,) 0) $ runTestTTStdout ts
if errors results > 0 || failures results > 0
then exitFailure
else exitWith ExitSuccess
-- | Like runTestTT but prints to stdout.
runTestTTStdout t = do
(counts, 0) <- runTestText (putTextToHandle stdout True) t
return counts
-- -- | Like runTestTT but can optionally not erase progress output.
-- runTestTT' verbose t = do
-- (counts, 0) <- runTestText' (f stderr True) t
-- return counts
-- where f | verbose = putTextToHandle'
-- | otherwise = putTextToHandle
-- -- | Like runTestText but also prints test names if any.
-- runTestText' :: PutText st -> Test -> IO (Counts, st)
-- runTestText' _pt _t@(TestLabel _label _) = error "HERE" -- hPutStrLn stderr label >> runTestText pt t
-- runTestText' pt t = runTestText pt t
-- -- runTestText' (PutText put us0) t = do
-- -- (counts', us1) <- trace "XXX" $ performTest reportStart reportError reportFailure us0 t
-- -- us2 <- put (showCounts counts' ++ " :::: " ++ testName t) True us1
-- -- return (counts', us2)
-- -- where
-- -- reportStart ss us = put (showCounts (counts ss)) False us
-- -- reportError = reportProblem "Error:" "Error in: "
-- -- reportFailure = reportProblem "Failure:" "Failure in: "
-- -- reportProblem p0 p1 loc msg ss us = put line True us
-- -- where line = "### " ++ kind ++ path' ++ "\n" ++ formatLocation loc ++ msg
-- -- kind = if null path' then p0 else p1
-- -- path' = showPath (path ss)
-- -- formatLocation :: Maybe SrcLoc -> String
-- -- formatLocation Nothing = ""
-- -- formatLocation (Just loc) = srcLocFile loc ++ ":" ++ show (srcLocStartLine loc) ++ "\n"
-- -- | Like putTextToHandle but does not erase progress lines.
-- putTextToHandle'
-- :: Handle
-- -> Bool -- ^ Write progress lines to handle?
-- -> PutText Int
-- putTextToHandle' handle showProgress = PutText put initCnt
-- where
-- initCnt = if showProgress then 0 else -1
-- put line pers (-1) = do when pers (hPutStrLn handle line); return (-1)
-- put line True cnt = do hPutStrLn handle (erase cnt ++ line); return 0
-- put line False _ = do hPutStr handle ('\n' : line); return (length line)
-- -- The "erasing" strategy with a single '\r' relies on the fact that the
-- -- lengths of successive summary lines are monotonically nondecreasing.
-- erase cnt = if cnt == 0 then "" else "\r" ++ replicate cnt ' ' ++ "\r"
-- | All or pattern-matched tests, as a flat list to show simple names.
matchedTestsFlat opts = TestList .
filter (matchesAccount (queryFromOpts nulldate $ reportopts_ opts) . T.pack . testName) .
@ -256,7 +353,7 @@ matchedTestsTree opts =
-- collected hledger-lib + hledger unit tests
tests_Hledger_Cli_Commands :: Test
tests_Hledger_Cli_Commands :: Test.HUnit.Test
tests_Hledger_Cli_Commands = TestList [

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
-- hash: fc9d50bfd8e455c344f6ba60fd05358537cb2f3a6bc968eca7e554364f4cc1fe
-- hash: 3be7e8745a826dbfc9d0007b9b37c3962486573614267365e6dafb8f7079ece6
name: hledger
version: 1.10.99
@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ library
, csv
, data-default >=0.5
, directory
, easytest
, file-embed >=0.0.10
, filepath
, hashable >=1.2.4
@ -175,6 +176,7 @@ executable hledger
, csv
, data-default >=0.5
, directory
, easytest
, file-embed >=0.0.10
, filepath
, haskeline >=0.6
@ -229,6 +231,7 @@ test-suite test
, csv
, data-default >=0.5
, directory
, easytest
, file-embed >=0.0.10
, filepath
, haskeline >=0.6
@ -283,6 +286,7 @@ benchmark bench
, csv
, data-default >=0.5
, directory
, easytest
, file-embed >=0.0.10
, filepath
, haskeline >=0.6

View File

@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ dependencies:
- data-default >=0.5
- Decimal
- directory
- easytest
- file-embed >=0.0.10
- filepath
- haskeline >=0.6