New ledger parser with file inclusion

This commit is contained in:
nick 2008-12-08 01:49:31 +00:00
parent 157f47c592
commit ee4a2a1c1e
3 changed files with 139 additions and 134 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ Parsers for standard ledger and timelog files.
module Ledger.Parse
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Char
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
@ -20,51 +22,71 @@ import Ledger.Amount
import Ledger.Entry
import Ledger.Commodity
import Ledger.TimeLog
import Ledger.RawLedger
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Data.Time.Calendar
-- utils
parseLedgerFile :: String -> IO (Either ParseError RawLedger)
parseLedgerFile "-" = fmap (parse ledgerfile "-") $ hGetContents stdin
parseLedgerFile f = parseFromFile ledgerfile f
parseLedgerFile :: FilePath -> ErrorT String IO RawLedger
parseLedgerFile "-" = liftIO (hGetContents stdin) >>= parseLedger "-"
parseLedgerFile f = liftIO (readFile f) >>= parseLedger f
printParseError :: (Show a) => a -> IO ()
printParseError e = do putStr "ledger parse error at "; print e
-- set up token parsing, though we're not yet using these much
ledgerLanguageDef = LanguageDef {
commentStart = ""
, commentEnd = ""
, commentLine = ";"
, nestedComments = False
, identStart = letter <|> char '_'
, identLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "_':"
, opStart = opLetter emptyDef
, opLetter = oneOf "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
, reservedOpNames= []
, reservedNames = []
, caseSensitive = False
lexer = P.makeTokenParser ledgerLanguageDef
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer
lexeme = P.lexeme lexer
--symbol = P.symbol lexer
natural = P.natural lexer
parens = P.parens lexer
semi = P.semi lexer
identifier = P.identifier lexer
reserved = P.reserved lexer
reservedOp = P.reservedOp lexer
-- Default accounts "nest" hierarchically
data LedgerFileCtx = Ctx { ctxYear :: !(Maybe Integer)
, ctxCommod :: !(Maybe String)
, ctxAccount :: ![String]
} deriving (Read, Show)
emptyCtx :: LedgerFileCtx
emptyCtx = Ctx { ctxYear = Nothing, ctxCommod = Nothing, ctxAccount = [] }
parseLedger :: FilePath -> String -> ErrorT String IO RawLedger
parseLedger inname intxt = case runParser ledgerFile emptyCtx inname intxt of
Right m -> m `ap` (return rawLedgerEmpty)
Left err -> throwError $ show err
ledgerFile :: GenParser Char LedgerFileCtx (ErrorT String IO (RawLedger -> RawLedger))
ledgerFile = do entries <- many1 ledgerAnyEntry
return $ liftM (foldr1 (.)) $ sequence entries
where ledgerAnyEntry = choice [ ledgerInclude
, liftM (return . addEntry) ledgerEntry
, liftM (return . addModifierEntry) ledgerModifierEntry
, liftM (return . addPeriodicEntry) ledgerPeriodicEntry
, blankline >> return (return id)
, commentline >> return (return id)
ledgerInclude :: GenParser Char LedgerFileCtx (ErrorT String IO (RawLedger -> RawLedger))
ledgerInclude = do string "!include"
many1 spacenonewline
filename <- restofline
outerState <- getState
outerPos <- getPosition
let inIncluded = show outerPos ++ " in included file " ++ show filename ++ ":\n"
return $ do contents <- readFileE outerPos filename
case runParser ledgerFile outerState filename contents of
Right l -> l `catchError` (\err -> throwError $ inIncluded ++ err)
Left perr -> throwError $ inIncluded ++ show perr
where readFileE outerPos filename = ErrorT $ do (liftM Right $ readFile filename) `catch` leftError
where leftError err = return $ Left $ currentPos ++ whileReading ++ show err
currentPos = show outerPos
whileReading = " reading " ++ show filename ++ ":\n"
--ledgerEntry = return $ throwError "unimplemented"
-- parsers
-- | Parse a RawLedger from either a ledger file or a timelog file.
-- It tries first the timelog parser then the ledger parser; this means
-- parse errors for ledgers are useful while those for timelogs are not.
ledgerfile :: Parser RawLedger
ledgerfile = try ledgerfromtimelog <|> ledger
{-| Parse a ledger file. Here is the ledger grammar from the ledger 2.5 manual:
@ -166,38 +188,18 @@ i, o, b, h
See "Tests" for sample data.
ledger :: Parser RawLedger
ledger = do
-- we expect these to come first, unlike ledger
modifier_entries <- many ledgermodifierentry
periodic_entries <- many ledgerperiodicentry
entries <- (many $ try ledgerentry) <?> "entry"
final_comment_lines <- ledgernondatalines
return $ RawLedger modifier_entries periodic_entries entries (unlines final_comment_lines)
blankline :: GenParser Char st String
blankline = (do { s <- many spacenonewline; newline; return s }) <?> "blank line"
ledgernondatalines :: Parser [String]
ledgernondatalines = many (try ledgerdirective <|> -- treat as comments
try commentline <|>
ledgerdirective :: Parser String
ledgerdirective = char '!' >> restofline <?> "directive"
blankline :: Parser String
blankline =
do {s <- many1 spacenonewline; newline; return s} <|>
do {newline; return ""} <?> "blank line"
commentline :: Parser String
commentline :: GenParser Char st String
commentline = do
many spacenonewline
char ';' <?> "comment line"
l <- restofline
return $ ";" ++ l
ledgercomment :: Parser String
ledgercomment :: GenParser Char st String
ledgercomment =
try (do
char ';'
@ -206,25 +208,24 @@ ledgercomment =
<|> return "" <?> "comment"
ledgermodifierentry :: Parser ModifierEntry
ledgermodifierentry = do
char '=' <?> "entry"
ledgerModifierEntry :: GenParser Char LedgerFileCtx ModifierEntry
ledgerModifierEntry = do
char '=' <?> "modifier entry"
many spacenonewline
valueexpr <- restofline
transactions <- ledgertransactions
return (ModifierEntry valueexpr transactions)
return $ ModifierEntry valueexpr transactions
ledgerperiodicentry :: Parser PeriodicEntry
ledgerperiodicentry = do
ledgerPeriodicEntry :: GenParser Char LedgerFileCtx PeriodicEntry
ledgerPeriodicEntry = do
char '~' <?> "entry"
many spacenonewline
periodexpr <- restofline
transactions <- ledgertransactions
return (PeriodicEntry periodexpr transactions)
return $ PeriodicEntry periodexpr transactions
ledgerentry :: Parser Entry
ledgerentry = do
preceding <- ledgernondatalines
ledgerEntry :: GenParser Char LedgerFileCtx Entry
ledgerEntry = do
date <- ledgerdate <?> "entry"
status <- ledgerstatus
code <- ledgercode
@ -235,9 +236,9 @@ ledgerentry = do
comment <- ledgercomment
transactions <- ledgertransactions
return $ balanceEntry $ Entry date status code description comment transactions (unlines preceding)
return $ balanceEntry $ Entry date status code description comment transactions ""
ledgerdate :: Parser Day
ledgerdate :: GenParser Char st Day
ledgerdate = do
y <- many1 digit
char '/'
@ -247,7 +248,7 @@ ledgerdate = do
many spacenonewline
return (fromGregorian (read y) (read m) (read d))
ledgerdatetime :: Parser UTCTime
ledgerdatetime :: GenParser Char st UTCTime
ledgerdatetime = do
day <- ledgerdate
h <- many1 digit
@ -260,20 +261,20 @@ ledgerdatetime = do
return $ mkUTCTime day (TimeOfDay (read h) (read m) (maybe 0 ( s))
ledgerstatus :: Parser Bool
ledgerstatus :: GenParser Char st Bool
ledgerstatus = try (do { char '*'; many1 spacenonewline; return True } ) <|> return False
ledgercode :: Parser String
ledgercode :: GenParser Char st String
ledgercode = try (do { char '('; code <- anyChar `manyTill` char ')'; many1 spacenonewline; return code } ) <|> return ""
ledgertransactions :: Parser [RawTransaction]
ledgertransactions =
((try virtualtransaction <|> try balancedvirtualtransaction <|> ledgertransaction) <?> "transaction")
`manyTill` (do {newline <?> "blank line"; return ()} <|> eof)
ledgertransactions :: GenParser Char st [RawTransaction]
ledgertransactions = many $ try ledgertransaction
ledgertransaction :: Parser RawTransaction
ledgertransaction = do
many1 spacenonewline
ledgertransaction :: GenParser Char st RawTransaction
ledgertransaction = many1 spacenonewline >> choice [ normaltransaction, virtualtransaction, balancedvirtualtransaction ]
normaltransaction :: GenParser Char st RawTransaction
normaltransaction = do
account <- ledgeraccountname
amount <- transactionamount
many spacenonewline
@ -281,9 +282,8 @@ ledgertransaction = do
return (RawTransaction account amount comment RegularTransaction)
virtualtransaction :: Parser RawTransaction
virtualtransaction :: GenParser Char st RawTransaction
virtualtransaction = do
many1 spacenonewline
char '('
account <- ledgeraccountname
char ')'
@ -293,9 +293,8 @@ virtualtransaction = do
return (RawTransaction account amount comment VirtualTransaction)
balancedvirtualtransaction :: Parser RawTransaction
balancedvirtualtransaction :: GenParser Char st RawTransaction
balancedvirtualtransaction = do
many1 spacenonewline
char '['
account <- ledgeraccountname
char ']'
@ -306,7 +305,7 @@ balancedvirtualtransaction = do
return (RawTransaction account amount comment BalancedVirtualTransaction)
-- | account names may have single spaces inside them, and are terminated by two or more spaces
ledgeraccountname :: Parser String
ledgeraccountname :: GenParser Char st String
ledgeraccountname = do
accountname <- many1 (accountnamechar <|> singlespace)
return $ striptrailingspace accountname
@ -318,7 +317,7 @@ ledgeraccountname = do
accountnamechar = notFollowedBy (oneOf "()[]") >> nonspace
<?> "account name character (non-bracket, non-parenthesis, non-whitespace)"
transactionamount :: Parser MixedAmount
transactionamount :: GenParser Char st MixedAmount
transactionamount =
try (do
many1 spacenonewline
@ -328,7 +327,7 @@ transactionamount =
someamount = try leftsymbolamount <|> try rightsymbolamount <|> nosymbolamount
leftsymbolamount :: Parser MixedAmount
leftsymbolamount :: GenParser Char st MixedAmount
leftsymbolamount = do
sym <- commoditysymbol
sp <- many spacenonewline
@ -338,7 +337,7 @@ leftsymbolamount = do
return $ Mixed [Amount c q pri]
<?> "left-symbol amount"
rightsymbolamount :: Parser MixedAmount
rightsymbolamount :: GenParser Char st MixedAmount
rightsymbolamount = do
(q,p,comma) <- amountquantity
sp <- many spacenonewline
@ -348,7 +347,7 @@ rightsymbolamount = do
return $ Mixed [Amount c q pri]
<?> "right-symbol amount"
nosymbolamount :: Parser MixedAmount
nosymbolamount :: GenParser Char st MixedAmount
nosymbolamount = do
(q,p,comma) <- amountquantity
pri <- priceamount
@ -356,10 +355,10 @@ nosymbolamount = do
return $ Mixed [Amount c q pri]
<?> "no-symbol amount"
commoditysymbol :: Parser String
commoditysymbol :: GenParser Char st String
commoditysymbol = many1 (noneOf "-.0123456789;\n ") <?> "commodity symbol"
priceamount :: Parser (Maybe MixedAmount)
priceamount :: GenParser Char st (Maybe MixedAmount)
priceamount =
try (do
many spacenonewline
@ -374,7 +373,7 @@ priceamount =
-- | parse a ledger-style numeric quantity and also return the number of
-- digits to the right of the decimal point and whether thousands are
-- separated by comma.
amountquantity :: Parser (Double, Int, Bool)
amountquantity :: GenParser Char st (Double, Int, Bool)
amountquantity = do
sign <- optionMaybe $ string "-"
(intwithcommas,frac) <- numberparts
@ -392,10 +391,10 @@ amountquantity = do
-- | parse the two strings of digits before and after a possible decimal
-- point. The integer part may contain commas, or either part may be
-- empty, or there may be no point.
numberparts :: Parser (String,String)
numberparts :: GenParser Char st (String,String)
numberparts = numberpartsstartingwithdigit <|> numberpartsstartingwithpoint
numberpartsstartingwithdigit :: Parser (String,String)
numberpartsstartingwithdigit :: GenParser Char st (String,String)
numberpartsstartingwithdigit = do
let digitorcomma = digit <|> char ','
first <- digit
@ -403,7 +402,7 @@ numberpartsstartingwithdigit = do
frac <- try (do {char '.'; many digit >>= return}) <|> return ""
return (first:rest,frac)
numberpartsstartingwithpoint :: Parser (String,String)
numberpartsstartingwithpoint :: GenParser Char st (String,String)
numberpartsstartingwithpoint = do
char '.'
frac <- many1 digit
@ -446,13 +445,13 @@ i 2007/03/10 12:26:00 hledger
o 2007/03/10 17:26:02
timelog :: Parser TimeLog
timelog :: GenParser Char st TimeLog
timelog = do
entries <- many timelogentry <?> "timelog entry"
return $ TimeLog entries
timelogentry :: Parser TimeLogEntry
timelogentry :: GenParser Char st TimeLogEntry
timelogentry = do
many (commentline <|> blankline)
code <- oneOf "bhioO"
@ -461,17 +460,17 @@ timelogentry = do
comment <- restofline
return $ TimeLogEntry code datetime comment
ledgerfromtimelog :: Parser RawLedger
ledgerfromtimelog = do
tl <- timelog
return $ ledgerFromTimeLog tl
--ledgerfromtimelog :: GenParser Char st RawLedger
--ledgerfromtimelog = do
-- tl <- timelog
-- return $ ledgerFromTimeLog tl
-- misc parsing
-- | Parse a --display expression which is a simple date predicate, like
-- "d>[DATE]" or "d<=[DATE]", and return a transaction-matching predicate.
datedisplayexpr :: Parser (Transaction -> Bool)
datedisplayexpr :: GenParser Char st (Transaction -> Bool)
datedisplayexpr = do
char 'd'
op <- compareop

View File

@ -55,10 +55,10 @@ misc_tests = TestList [
assertequal (Amount (comm "$") 0 Nothing) (sum [a1,a2,a3,-a3])
"ledgertransaction" ~: do
assertparseequal rawtransaction1 (parsewith ledgertransaction rawtransaction1_str)
assertparseequal rawtransaction1 (parseWithCtx ledgertransaction rawtransaction1_str)
"ledgerentry" ~: do
assertparseequal entry1 (parsewith ledgerentry entry1_str)
assertparseequal entry1 (parseWithCtx ledgerEntry entry1_str)
"balanceEntry" ~: do
@ -87,15 +87,15 @@ misc_tests = TestList [
assertequal 15 (length $ Map.keys $ accountmap $ cacheLedger [] rawledger7)
"transactionamount" ~: do
assertparseequal (Mixed [dollars 47.18]) (parsewith transactionamount " $47.18")
assertparseequal (Mixed [Amount (Commodity {symbol="$",side=L,spaced=False,comma=False,precision=0}) 1 Nothing]) (parsewith transactionamount " $1.")
assertparseequal (Mixed [dollars 47.18]) (parseWithCtx transactionamount " $47.18")
assertparseequal (Mixed [Amount (Commodity {symbol="$",side=L,spaced=False,comma=False,precision=0}) 1 Nothing]) (parseWithCtx transactionamount " $1.")
"canonicaliseAmounts" ~: do
-- all amounts use the greatest precision
assertequal [2,2] (rawLedgerPrecisions $ canonicaliseAmounts False $ rawLedgerWithAmounts ["1","2.00"])
"timeLog" ~: do
assertparseequal timelog1 (parsewith timelog timelog1_str)
assertparseequal timelog1 (parseWithCtx timelog timelog1_str)
"smart dates" ~: do
let todaysdate = parsedate "2008/11/26" -- wednesday
@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ balancereportacctnames_tests = TestList
,"balancereportacctnames8" ~: ("-s",["-e"]) `gives` []
] where
gives (opt,pats) e = do
let l = sampleledger
l <- sampleledger
let t = pruneZeroBalanceLeaves $ ledgerAccountTree 999 l
assertequal e (balancereportacctnames l (opt=="-s") pats t)
@ -375,15 +375,15 @@ balancecommand_tests = TestList [
"balance report with cost basis" ~: do
let l = cacheLedger [] $
filterRawLedger (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) [] False False $
canonicaliseAmounts True $ -- enable cost basis adjustment
rawl <- rawledgerfromstring
("" ++
"2008/1/1 test \n" ++
" a:b 10h @ $50\n" ++
" c:d \n" ++
let l = cacheLedger [] $
filterRawLedger (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) [] False False $
canonicaliseAmounts True rawl -- enable cost basis adjustment
(" $500 a\n" ++
" $-500 c\n" ++
@ -392,14 +392,14 @@ balancecommand_tests = TestList [
(showBalanceReport [] [] l)
] where
gives (opts,args) e = do
let l = sampleledgerwithopts [] args
l <- sampleledgerwithopts [] args
assertequal e (showBalanceReport opts args l)
printcommand_tests = TestList [
"print with account patterns" ~:
let args = ["expenses"]
let l = sampleledgerwithopts [] args
l <- sampleledgerwithopts [] args
assertequal (
"2008/06/03 * eat & shop\n" ++
" expenses:food $1\n" ++
@ -412,6 +412,7 @@ printcommand_tests = TestList [
registercommand_tests = TestList [
"register report" ~:
l <- sampleledger
assertequal (
"2008/01/01 income assets:checking $1 $1\n" ++
" income:salary $-1 0\n" ++
@ -425,17 +426,21 @@ registercommand_tests = TestList [
"2008/12/31 pay off liabilities:debts $1 $1\n" ++
" assets:checking $-1 0\n" ++
$ showRegisterReport [] [] sampleledger
$ showRegisterReport [] [] l
"register report with account pattern" ~:
l <- sampleledger
assertequal (
"2008/06/03 eat & shop assets:cash $-2 $-2\n" ++
$ showRegisterReport [] ["cash"] sampleledger
$ showRegisterReport [] ["cash"] l
"register report with display expression" ~:
l <- sampleledger
let expr `displayexprgives` dates = assertequal dates (datesfromregister r)
where r = showRegisterReport [Display expr] [] l
"d<[2008/6/2]" `displayexprgives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01"]
"d<=[2008/6/2]" `displayexprgives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/06/02"]
"d=[2008/6/2]" `displayexprgives` ["2008/06/02"]
@ -444,12 +449,14 @@ registercommand_tests = TestList [
"register report with period expression" ~:
l <- sampleledger
let expr `displayexprgives` dates = assertequal dates (datesfromregister r)
where r = showRegisterReport [Display expr] [] l
"" `periodexprgives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/06/02","2008/06/03","2008/12/31"]
"2008" `periodexprgives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/06/02","2008/06/03","2008/12/31"]
"2007" `periodexprgives` []
"june" `periodexprgives` ["2008/06/01","2008/06/02","2008/06/03"]
"monthly" `periodexprgives` ["2008/01/01","2008/06/01","2008/12/01"]
assertequal (
"2008/01/01 - 2008/12/31 assets:cash $-2 $-2\n" ++
" assets:saving $1 $-1\n" ++
@ -459,25 +466,18 @@ registercommand_tests = TestList [
" income:salary $-1 $-1\n" ++
" liabilities:debts $1 0\n" ++
(showRegisterReport [Period "yearly"] [] sampleledger)
(showRegisterReport [Period "yearly"] [] l)
assertequal ["2008/01/01","2008/04/01","2008/10/01"]
(datesfromregister $ showRegisterReport [Period "quarterly"] [] sampleledger)
(datesfromregister $ showRegisterReport [Period "quarterly"] [] l)
assertequal ["2008/01/01","2008/04/01","2008/07/01","2008/10/01"]
(datesfromregister $ showRegisterReport [Period "quarterly",Empty] [] sampleledger)
(datesfromregister $ showRegisterReport [Period "quarterly",Empty] [] l)
expr `displayexprgives` dates =
assertequal dates (datesfromregister r)
r = showRegisterReport [Display expr] [] sampleledger
expr `periodexprgives` dates =
assertequal dates (datesfromregister r)
r = showRegisterReport [Period expr] [] l
l = sampleledgerwithopts [Period expr] []
datesfromregister = filter (not . null) . map (strip . take 10) . lines
where datesfromregister = filter (not . null) . map (strip . take 10) . lines
expr `periodexprgives` dates = do lopts <- sampleledgerwithopts [Period expr] []
let r = showRegisterReport [Period expr] [] lopts
assertequal dates (datesfromregister r)
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ registercommand_tests = TestList [
refdate = parsedate "2008/11/26"
sampleledger = ledgerfromstringwithopts [] [] refdate sample_ledger_str
sampleledgerwithopts opts args = ledgerfromstringwithopts opts args refdate sample_ledger_str
sampleledgerwithoptsanddate opts args date = ledgerfromstringwithopts opts args date sample_ledger_str
--sampleledgerwithoptsanddate opts args date = unsafePerformIO $ ledgerfromstringwithopts opts args date sample_ledger_str
sample_ledger_str = (
"; A sample ledger file.\n" ++
@ -816,6 +816,7 @@ rawledger7 = RawLedger
ledger7 = cacheLedger [] rawledger7
@ -878,6 +879,7 @@ rawLedgerWithAmounts as =
[nullentry{edescription=a,etransactions=[nullrawtxn{tamount=parse a}]} | a <- as]
where parse = fromparse . parsewith transactionamount . (" "++)
where parse = fromparse . parseWithCtx transactionamount . (" "++)

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ Utilities for top-level modules and/or ghci. See also "Ledger.Utils".
module Utils
import Control.Monad.Error
import qualified Data.Map as Map (lookup)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import System.IO
@ -26,18 +27,18 @@ prepareLedger opts args refdate rl =
cb = CostBasis `elem` opts
-- | Get a RawLedger from the given string, or raise an error.
rawledgerfromstring :: String -> RawLedger
rawledgerfromstring = fromparse . parsewith ledgerfile
rawledgerfromstring :: String -> IO RawLedger
rawledgerfromstring = liftM (either error id) . runErrorT . parseLedger "(string)"
-- | Get a Ledger from the given string and options, or raise an error.
ledgerfromstringwithopts :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Day -> String -> Ledger
ledgerfromstringwithopts :: [Opt] -> [String] -> Day -> String -> IO Ledger
ledgerfromstringwithopts opts args refdate s =
prepareLedger opts args refdate $ rawledgerfromstring s
liftM (prepareLedger opts args refdate) $ rawledgerfromstring s
-- | Get a Ledger from the given file path and options, or raise an error.
ledgerfromfilewithopts :: [Opt] -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO Ledger
ledgerfromfilewithopts opts args f = do
rl <- readFile f >>= return . rawledgerfromstring
rl <- readFile f >>= rawledgerfromstring
refdate <- today
return $ prepareLedger opts args refdate rl
@ -45,3 +46,6 @@ ledgerfromfilewithopts opts args f = do
-- Assumes no options.
myledger :: IO Ledger
myledger = ledgerFilePathFromOpts [] >>= ledgerfromfilewithopts [] []
parseWithCtx :: GenParser Char LedgerFileCtx a -> String -> Either ParseError a
parseWithCtx p ts = runParser p emptyCtx "" ts