fix a splitAtElement bug with adjacent separators

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2014-10-24 14:29:34 -07:00
parent c1c9a989be
commit f064ecf138

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@ -259,12 +259,14 @@ difforzero a b = maximum [(a - b), 0]
-- lists
splitAtElement :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitAtElement e l =
case dropWhile (e==) l of
[] -> []
l' -> first : splitAtElement e rest
(first,rest) = break (e==) l'
splitAtElement x l =
case l of
[] -> []
e:es | e==x -> split es
es -> split es
split es = let (first,rest) = break (x==) es
in first : splitAtElement x rest
-- trees
@ -388,6 +390,8 @@ ptrace msg = do
-- unsafePerformIO and can be accessed from anywhere and before normal
-- command-line processing. After command-line processing, it is also
-- available as the @debug_@ field of 'Hledger.Cli.Options.CliOpts'.
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-}
-- {-# NOINLINE debugLevel #-}
debugLevel :: Int
debugLevel = case snd $ break (=="--debug") args of
"--debug":[] -> 1