track amount precision, and use the highest precision found for display; parsing fixes

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2007-07-04 01:38:56 +00:00
parent b2b9aba791
commit f0ec7b08a3
10 changed files with 123 additions and 68 deletions

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@ -35,26 +35,28 @@ arithmetic:
tests = runTestTT $ test [
show (dollars 1) ~?= "$1.00"
show (hours 1) ~?= "1h" -- currently h1.00
parseAmount "$1" ~?= dollars 1 -- currently 0
,show (hours 1) ~?= "1h" -- currently h1.00
,parseAmount "$1" ~?= dollars 1 -- currently 0
instance Show Amount where show = showAmountRoundedOrZero
nullamt = dollars 0
parseAmount :: String -> Amount
parseAmount s = nullamt
instance Show Amount where show = showAmountRounded
showAmountRounded :: Amount -> String
showAmountRounded (Amount c q p) =
(symbol c) ++ (punctuatethousands $ printf ("%."++show p++"f") q)
showAmountRoundedOrZero :: Amount -> String
showAmountRoundedOrZero (Amount cur qty) =
let rounded = punctuatethousands $ printf "%.2f" qty in
case rounded of
"0.00" -> "0"
"-0.00" -> "0"
otherwise -> (symbol cur) ++ rounded
showAmountRoundedOrZero a@(Amount c _ _) =
let s = showAmountRounded a
noncurrency = drop (length $ symbol c)
nonnulls = filter (flip notElem "-+,.0")
iszero = (nonnulls $ noncurrency s) == ""
in if iszero then "0" else s
punctuatethousands :: String -> String
punctuatethousands s =
@ -67,17 +69,26 @@ punctuatethousands s =
triples s = [take 3 s] ++ (triples $ drop 3 s)
instance Num Amount where
abs (Amount c q) = Amount c (abs q)
signum (Amount c q) = Amount c (signum q)
fromInteger i = Amount (getcurrency "$") (fromInteger i)
(+) = amountAdd
(-) = amountSub
(*) = amountMul
Amount ac aq `amountAdd` b = Amount ac (aq + (quantity $ toCurrency ac b))
Amount ac aq `amountSub` b = Amount ac (aq - (quantity $ toCurrency ac b))
Amount ac aq `amountMul` b = Amount ac (aq * (quantity $ toCurrency ac b))
abs (Amount c q p) = Amount c (abs q) p
signum (Amount c q p) = Amount c (signum q) p
fromInteger i = Amount (getcurrency "$") (fromInteger i) amtintprecision
(+) = amountop (+)
(-) = amountop (-)
(*) = amountop (*)
-- problem: when an integer is converted to an amount it must pick a
-- precision, which we specify here (should be infinite ?). This can
-- affect amount arithmetic, in particular the sum of a list of amounts.
-- So, we may need to adjust the precision after summing amounts.
amtintprecision = 2
-- apply op to two amounts, adopting a's currency and lowest precision
amountop :: (Double -> Double -> Double) -> Amount -> Amount -> Amount
amountop op (Amount ac aq ap) b@(Amount _ _ bp) =
Amount ac (aq `op` (quantity $ toCurrency ac b)) (min ap bp)
toCurrency :: Currency -> Amount -> Amount
toCurrency newc (Amount oldc q) =
Amount newc (q * (conversionRate oldc newc))
toCurrency newc (Amount oldc q p) =
Amount newc (q * (conversionRate oldc newc)) p

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@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ conversionRate :: Currency -> Currency -> Double
conversionRate oldc newc = (rate newc) / (rate oldc)
-- convenient amount constructors
dollars = Amount $ getcurrency "$"
euro = Amount $ getcurrency "EUR"
pounds = Amount $ getcurrency "£"
hours = Amount $ getcurrency "h"
minutes = Amount $ getcurrency "m"
dollars n = Amount (getcurrency "$") n 2
euro n = Amount (getcurrency "EUR") n 2
pounds n = Amount (getcurrency "£") n 2
hours n = Amount (getcurrency "h") n 2
minutes n = Amount (getcurrency "m") n 2

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
module EntryTransaction
import Utils
@ -22,6 +21,9 @@ amount (e,t) = tamount t
flattenEntry :: Entry -> [EntryTransaction]
flattenEntry e = [(e,t) | t <- etransactions e]
entryTransactionSetPrecision :: Int -> EntryTransaction -> EntryTransaction
entryTransactionSetPrecision p (e, Transaction a amt) = (e, Transaction a amt{precision=p})
accountNamesFromTransactions :: [EntryTransaction] -> [AccountName]
accountNamesFromTransactions ts = nub $ map account ts

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@ -33,12 +33,13 @@ cacheLedger l =
txns a = tmap ! a
subaccts a = filter (isAccountNamePrefixOf a) ans
subtxns a = concat [txns a | a <- [a] ++ subaccts a]
lprecision = maximum $ map (precision . tamount . transaction) ts
bmap = Map.union
(Map.fromList [(a, sumEntryTransactions $ subtxns a) | a <- ans])
(Map.fromList [(a, (sumEntryTransactions $ subtxns a){precision=lprecision}) | a <- ans])
(Map.fromList [(a,nullamt) | a <- ans])
amap = Map.fromList [(a, Account a (tmap ! a) (bmap ! a)) | a <- ans]
Ledger l ant amap
Ledger l ant amap lprecision
accountnames :: Ledger -> [AccountName]
accountnames l = flatten $ accountnametree l
@ -46,8 +47,15 @@ accountnames l = flatten $ accountnametree l
ledgerAccount :: Ledger -> AccountName -> Account
ledgerAccount l a = (accounts l) ! a
-- This sets all amount precisions to that of the highest-precision
-- amount, to help with report output. It should perhaps be done in the
-- display functions, but those are far removed from the ledger. Keep in
-- mind if doing more arithmetic with these.
ledgerTransactions :: Ledger -> [EntryTransaction]
ledgerTransactions l = concatMap atransactions $ Map.elems $ accounts l
ledgerTransactions l =
setprecisions $ rawLedgerTransactions $ rawledger l
setprecisions = map (entryTransactionSetPrecision (lprecision l))
ledgerTransactionsMatching :: ([String],[String]) -> Ledger -> [EntryTransaction]
ledgerTransactionsMatching ([],[]) l = ledgerTransactionsMatching ([".*"],[".*"]) l

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@ -2,10 +2,11 @@ hledger project notes
** bugs
*** unclear parse error when only one space before amount
unexpected "$"
expecting letter or digit, ":", "/", "_", amount, comment or new-line
*** handle unknown currencies
** compatibility
*** use greatest precision in register
*** abbreviate 0
*** don't combine entries so much in register
** basic features
*** print
*** !include
@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ hledger project notes
** advanced features
*** handle mixed amounts
*** 3.0-style elision
*** ledger 3.0-style elision
*** -p period expressions
*** -d display expressions
*** read gnucash files
@ -48,6 +49,9 @@ hledger project notes
** documentation
*** literate docs
*** better use of haddock
*** differences
**** ledger shows comments after descriptions as part of description
**** ledger does not sort register by date
** marketing
*** set up as a cabal/hackage project following wiki howto

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@ -222,18 +222,23 @@ ledgeraccount :: Parser String
ledgeraccount = many1 (alphaNum <|> char ':' <|> char '/' <|> char '_' <|> try (do {spacenonewline; do {notFollowedBy spacenonewline; return ' '}}))
ledgeramount :: Parser Amount
ledgeramount = try (do
many1 spacenonewline
currency <- many (noneOf "-.0123456789;\n") <?> "currency"
quantity <- many1 (oneOf "-.,0123456789") <?> "quantity"
return (Amount (getcurrency currency) (read $ stripcommas quantity))
) <|>
return (Amount (Currency "AUTO" 0) 0)
stripcommas = filter (',' /=)
ledgeramount =
try (do
many1 spacenonewline
c <- many (noneOf "-.0123456789;\n") <?> "currency"
q <- many1 (oneOf "-.,0123456789") <?> "quantity"
let q' = stripcommas $ striptrailingpoint q
let (int,frac) = break (=='.') q'
let precision = length $ dropWhile (=='.') frac
return (Amount (getcurrency c) (read q') precision)
<|> return (Amount (Currency "AUTO" 0) 0 0)
stripcommas = filter (',' /=)
striptrailingpoint = reverse . dropWhile (=='.') . reverse
ledgereol :: Parser String
ledgereol = ledgercomment <|> do {newline; return []} -- XXX problem, a transaction comment containing a digit fails
ledgereol = ledgercomment <|> do {newline; return []}
spacenonewline :: Parser Char
spacenonewline = satisfy (\c -> c `elem` " \v\f\t")

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@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ entry1_str = "\
entry1 =
(Entry "2007/01/28" False "" "coopportunity"
[Transaction "expenses:food:groceries" (Amount (getcurrency "$") 47.18),
Transaction "assets:checking" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-47.18))])
[Transaction "expenses:food:groceries" (Amount (getcurrency "$") 47.18 2),
Transaction "assets:checking" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-47.18) 2)])
entry2_str = "\
\2007/01/27 * joes diner\n\
@ -214,9 +214,9 @@ ledger7 = RawLedger
edate="2007/01/01", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="opening balance",
Transaction {taccount="assets:cash",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=4.82}},
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=4.82, precision=2}},
Transaction {taccount="equity:opening balances",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-4.82)}}
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-4.82), precision=2}}
@ -224,9 +224,9 @@ ledger7 = RawLedger
edate="2007/02/01", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="ayres suites",
Transaction {taccount="expenses:vacation",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=179.92}},
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=179.92, precision=2}},
Transaction {taccount="assets:checking",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-179.92)}}
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-179.92), precision=2}}
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@ ledger7 = RawLedger
edate="2007/01/02", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="auto transfer to savings",
Transaction {taccount="assets:saving",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=200}},
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=200, precision=2}},
Transaction {taccount="assets:checking",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-200)}}
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-200), precision=2}}
@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ ledger7 = RawLedger
edate="2007/01/03", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="poquito mas",
Transaction {taccount="expenses:food:dining",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=4.82}},
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=4.82, precision=2}},
Transaction {taccount="assets:cash",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-4.82)}}
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-4.82), precision=2}}
@ -254,9 +254,9 @@ ledger7 = RawLedger
edate="2007/01/03", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="verizon",
Transaction {taccount="expenses:phone",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=95.11}},
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=95.11, precision=2}},
Transaction {taccount="assets:checking",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-95.11)}}
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-95.11), precision=2}}
@ -264,9 +264,9 @@ ledger7 = RawLedger
edate="2007/01/03", estatus=False, ecode="*", edescription="discover",
Transaction {taccount="liabilities:credit cards:discover",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=80}},
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=80, precision=2}},
Transaction {taccount="assets:checking",
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-80)}}
tamount=Amount {currency=(getcurrency "$"), quantity=(-80), precision=2}}
@ -313,9 +313,30 @@ hunit = runTestTT $ "hunit" ~: test ([
,"" ~: test_ledgerAccountNames
,"" ~: test_cacheLedger
,"" ~: test_showLedgerAccounts
,"" ~: test_Amount
] :: [Test])
test_ledgertransaction :: Assertion
test_ledgeramount :: Assertion
test_ledgeramount = do
assertParseEqual (Amount (getcurrency "$") 47.18 2)
(parse' ledgeramount " $47.18")
assertParseEqual (Amount (getcurrency "$") 1 0)
(parse' ledgeramount " $1.")
test_Amount = do
-- precision subtleties
let a1 = Amount (getcurrency "$") 1.23 1
let a2 = Amount (getcurrency "$") (-1.23) 2
let a3 = Amount (getcurrency "$") (-1.23) 3
assertEqual "1" (Amount (getcurrency "$") 0 1) (a1 + a2)
assertEqual "2" (Amount (getcurrency "$") 0 1) (a1 + a3)
assertEqual "3" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 2) (a2 + a3)
assertEqual "4" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 3) (a3 + a3)
-- sum adds 0, with Amount fromIntegral's default precision of 2
assertEqual "5" (Amount (getcurrency "$") 0 1) (sum [a1,a2])
assertEqual "6" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 2) (sum [a2,a3])
assertEqual "7" (Amount (getcurrency "$") (-2.46) 2) (sum [a3,a3])
test_ledgertransaction =
assertParseEqual transaction1 (parse' ledgertransaction transaction1_str)
@ -324,7 +345,7 @@ test_ledgerentry =
test_autofillEntry =
(Amount (getcurrency "$") (-47.18))
(Amount (getcurrency "$") (-47.18) 2)
(tamount $ last $ etransactions $ autofillEntry entry1)
test_timelogentry = do

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@ -9,9 +9,11 @@ import Amount
instance Show Transaction where show = showTransaction
showTransaction t = (showAccountName $ taccount t) ++ " " ++ (showAmount $ tamount t)
showAmount amt = printf "%11s" (show amt)
showAccountName s = printf "%-22s" (elideRight 22 s)
showTransaction :: Transaction -> String
showTransaction t = (showaccountname $ taccount t) ++ " " ++ (showamount $ tamount t)
showaccountname = printf "%-22s" . elideRight 22
showamount = printf "%11s" . showAmountRoundedOrZero
elideRight width s =
case length s > width of

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@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ data Currency = Currency {
-- some amount of money, time, stock, oranges, etc.
data Amount = Amount {
currency :: Currency,
quantity :: Double
quantity :: Double,
precision :: Int -- number of significant decimal places
} deriving (Eq)
-- AccountNames are strings like "assets:cash:petty"; from these we build
@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ data Account = Account {
data Ledger = Ledger {
rawledger :: RawLedger,
accountnametree :: Tree AccountName,
accounts :: Map.Map AccountName Account
accounts :: Map.Map AccountName Account,
lprecision :: Int

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ register opts acctpats descpats = do
printRegister l =
putStr $ showTransactionsWithBalances
(sortBy (comparing date) (ledgerTransactionsMatching (acctpats,descpats) l))
nullamt{precision=lprecision l}
balance :: [Flag] -> [String] -> [String] -> IO ()
balance opts acctpats _ = do