mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 20:02:27 +03:00
bal: option to view one commodity per row
This adds the `--commodity-column` option that displays each commodity on a separate line and the commodities themselves as a separate column. The initial design considerations are at simonmichael.hledger.issues.1559 The single-period balance report with `--commodity-column` does not interoperate with custom formats.
This commit is contained in:
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (find, foldl', intercalate, intersperse, mapAccumL, partition)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing, isJust)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
@ -175,6 +175,9 @@ data AmountDisplayOpts = AmountDisplayOpts
, displayOneLine :: Bool -- ^ Whether to display on one line.
, displayMinWidth :: Maybe Int -- ^ Minimum width to pad to
, displayMaxWidth :: Maybe Int -- ^ Maximum width to clip to
-- | Display amounts in this order (without the commodity symbol) and display
-- a 0 in case a corresponding commodity does not exist
, displayOrder :: Maybe [CommoditySymbol]
} deriving (Show)
-- | Display Amount and MixedAmount with no colour.
@ -186,8 +189,9 @@ noColour = AmountDisplayOpts { displayPrice = True
, displayColour = False
, displayZeroCommodity = False
, displayOneLine = False
, displayMinWidth = Nothing
, displayMinWidth = Just 0
, displayMaxWidth = Nothing
, displayOrder = Nothing
-- | Display Amount and MixedAmount with no prices.
@ -429,14 +433,15 @@ showAmountB :: AmountDisplayOpts -> Amount -> WideBuilder
showAmountB _ Amount{acommodity="AUTO"} = mempty
showAmountB opts a@Amount{astyle=style} =
color $ case ascommodityside style of
L -> c' <> space <> quantity' <> price
R -> quantity' <> space <> c' <> price
L -> showC c' space <> quantity' <> price
R -> quantity' <> showC space c' <> price
quantity = showamountquantity a
(quantity',c) | amountLooksZero a && not (displayZeroCommodity opts) = (WideBuilder (TB.singleton '0') 1,"")
| otherwise = (quantity, quoteCommoditySymbolIfNeeded $ acommodity a)
space = if not (T.null c) && ascommodityspaced style then WideBuilder (TB.singleton ' ') 1 else mempty
c' = WideBuilder (TB.fromText c) (textWidth c)
showC l r = if isJust (displayOrder opts) then mempty else l <> r
price = if displayPrice opts then showAmountPrice a else mempty
color = if displayColour opts && isNegativeAmount a then colorB Dull Red else id
@ -820,13 +825,16 @@ showMixedAmountLinesB :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> [WideBuilder]
showMixedAmountLinesB opts@AmountDisplayOpts{displayMaxWidth=mmax,displayMinWidth=mmin} ma =
map (adBuilder . pad) elided
astrs = amtDisplayList (wbWidth sep) (showAmountB opts) . amounts $
astrs = amtDisplayList (wbWidth sep) (showAmountB opts) . orderedAmounts opts $
if displayPrice opts then ma else mixedAmountStripPrices ma
sep = WideBuilder (TB.singleton '\n') 0
width = maximum $ fromMaybe 0 mmin : map (wbWidth . adBuilder) elided
width = maximum $ map (wbWidth . adBuilder) elided
pad amt = amt{ adBuilder = WideBuilder (TB.fromText $ T.replicate w " ") w <> adBuilder amt }
where w = width - wbWidth (adBuilder amt)
pad amt
| Just mw <- mmin =
let w = (max width mw) - wbWidth (adBuilder amt)
in amt{ adBuilder = WideBuilder (TB.fromText $ T.replicate w " ") w <> adBuilder amt }
| otherwise = amt
elided = maybe id elideTo mmax astrs
elideTo m xs = maybeAppend elisionStr short
@ -843,7 +851,7 @@ showMixedAmountOneLineB opts@AmountDisplayOpts{displayMaxWidth=mmax,displayMinWi
. max width $ fromMaybe 0 mmin
width = maybe 0 adTotal $ lastMay elided
astrs = amtDisplayList (wbWidth sep) (showAmountB opts) . amounts $
astrs = amtDisplayList (wbWidth sep) (showAmountB opts) . orderedAmounts opts $
if displayPrice opts then ma else mixedAmountStripPrices ma
sep = WideBuilder (TB.fromString ", ") 2
n = length astrs
@ -866,6 +874,15 @@ showMixedAmountOneLineB opts@AmountDisplayOpts{displayMaxWidth=mmax,displayMinWi
-- Add the elision strings (if any) to each amount
withElided = zipWith (\num amt -> (amt, elisionDisplay Nothing (wbWidth sep) num amt)) [n-1,n-2..0]
orderedAmounts :: AmountDisplayOpts -> MixedAmount -> [Amount]
orderedAmounts AmountDisplayOpts{displayOrder=ord} ma
| Just cs <- ord = fmap pad cs
| otherwise = as
as = amounts ma
pad c = fromMaybe (amountWithCommodity c nullamt) . find ((==) c . acommodity) $ as
data AmountDisplay = AmountDisplay
{ adBuilder :: !WideBuilder -- ^ String representation of the Amount
, adTotal :: !Int -- ^ Cumulative length of MixedAmount this Amount is part of,
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ formatfieldp = do
char '('
f <- fieldp
char ')'
return $ FormatField (isJust leftJustified) (parseDec minWidth) (parseDec maxWidth) f
return $ FormatField (isJust leftJustified) (parseDec minWidth <|> Just 0) (parseDec maxWidth) f
parseDec s = case s of
Just text -> Just m where ((m,_):_) = readDec text
@ -175,20 +175,20 @@ tests_StringFormat = tests "StringFormat" [
in tests "parseStringFormat" [
"" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [])
, "D" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatLiteral "D"])
, "%(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
, "%(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 0) Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 0) Nothing TotalField])
-- , "^%(total)" `gives` (TopAligned [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
-- , "_%(total)" `gives` (BottomAligned [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
-- , ",%(total)" `gives` (OneLine [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
, "Hello %(date)!" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatLiteral "Hello ", FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField, FormatLiteral "!"])
, "%-(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField True Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, "Hello %(date)!" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatLiteral "Hello ", FormatField False (Just 0) Nothing DescriptionField, FormatLiteral "!"])
, "%-(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField True (Just 0) Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%20(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 0) (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%20.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%20(account) %.10(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing AccountField
,FormatLiteral " "
,FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) TotalField
,FormatField False (Just 0) (Just 10) TotalField
, test "newline not parsed" $ assertLeft $ parseStringFormat "\n"
@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ data ReportOpts = ReportOpts {
-- whether stdout is an interactive terminal, and the value of
-- TERM and existence of NO_COLOR environment variables.
,transpose_ :: Bool
,commodity_column_:: Bool
} deriving (Show)
instance Default ReportOpts where def = defreportopts
@ -193,6 +194,7 @@ defreportopts = ReportOpts
, normalbalance_ = Nothing
, color_ = False
, transpose_ = False
, commodity_column_ = False
-- | Generate a ReportOpts from raw command-line input, given a day.
@ -243,6 +245,7 @@ rawOptsToReportOpts d rawopts =
,pretty_tables_ = boolopt "pretty-tables" rawopts
,color_ = useColorOnStdout -- a lower-level helper
,transpose_ = boolopt "transpose" rawopts
,commodity_column_= boolopt "commodity-column" rawopts
-- | The result of successfully parsing a ReportOpts on a particular
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ module Hledger.Utils.Text
-- * wide-character-aware layout
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Hledger.Utils.Test ((@?=), test, tests)
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide
(Align(..), Header(..), Properties(..), TableOpts(..), renderRow, textCell)
import Text.WideString (WideBuilder(..), wbToText, wbUnpack, charWidth, textWidth)
import Text.WideString (WideBuilder(..), wbToText, wbFromText, wbUnpack, charWidth, textWidth)
-- lowercase, uppercase :: String -> String
@ -10,13 +10,16 @@ module Text.Tabular.AsciiWide
, render
, renderTable
, renderTableB
, renderTableByRowsB
, renderRow
, renderRowB
, renderColumns
, Cell(..)
, Align(..)
, emptyCell
, textCell
, textsCell
, cellWidth
) where
@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder, fromString, fromText, singleton, toLazyText)
import Safe (maximumMay)
import Text.Tabular
import Text.WideString (WideBuilder(..), textWidth)
import Text.WideString (WideBuilder(..), wbFromText, textWidth)
-- | The options to use for rendering a table.
@ -60,6 +63,10 @@ emptyCell = Cell TopRight []
textCell :: Align -> Text -> Cell
textCell a x = Cell a . map (\x -> WideBuilder (fromText x) (textWidth x)) $ if T.null x then [""] else T.lines x
-- | Create a multi-line cell from the given contents with its natural width.
textsCell :: Align -> [Text] -> Cell
textsCell a = Cell a . fmap wbFromText
-- | Return the width of a Cell.
cellWidth :: Cell -> Int
cellWidth (Cell _ xs) = fromMaybe 0 . maximumMay $ map wbWidth xs
@ -86,20 +93,31 @@ renderTableB :: TableOpts -- ^ Options controlling Table rendering
-> (a -> Cell) -- ^ Function determining the string and width of a cell
-> Table rh ch a
-> Builder
renderTableB topts@TableOpts{prettyTable=pretty, tableBorders=borders} fr fc f (Table rh ch cells) =
renderTableB topts fr fc f = renderTableByRowsB topts (fmap fc) (\(rh, as) -> (fr rh, fmap f as))
-- | A version of renderTable that operates on rows (including the 'row' of
-- column headers) and returns the underlying Builder.
renderTableByRowsB :: TableOpts -- ^ Options controlling Table rendering
-> ([ch] -> [Cell]) -- ^ Rendering function for column headers
-> ((rh, [a]) -> (Cell, [Cell])) -- ^ Rendering function for row and row header
-> Table rh ch a
-> Builder
renderTableByRowsB topts@TableOpts{prettyTable=pretty, tableBorders=borders} fc f (Table rh ch cells) =
unlinesB . addBorders $
renderColumns topts sizes ch2
: bar VM DoubleLine -- +======================================+
: renderRs (fmap renderR $ zipHeader [] cellContents rowHeaders)
renderR :: ([Cell], Cell) -> Builder
renderR (cs,h) = renderColumns topts sizes $ Group DoubleLine
[ Header h
, fmap fst $ zipHeader emptyCell cs colHeaders
rowHeaders = fmap fr rh
colHeaders = fmap fc ch
cellContents = map (map f) cells
rows = unzip . fmap f $ zip (headerContents rh) cells
rowHeaders = fmap fst $ zipHeader emptyCell (fst rows) rh
colHeaders = fmap fst $ zipHeader emptyCell (fc $ headerContents ch) ch
cellContents = snd rows
-- ch2 and cell2 include the row and column labels
ch2 = Group DoubleLine [Header emptyCell, colHeaders]
@ -162,6 +180,7 @@ renderColumns TableOpts{prettyTable=pretty, tableBorders=borders, borderSpaces=s
padCell (w, Cell TopRight ls) = map (\x -> fromText (T.replicate (w - wbWidth x) " ") <> wbBuilder x) ls
padCell (w, Cell BottomRight ls) = map (\x -> fromText (T.replicate (w - wbWidth x) " ") <> wbBuilder x) ls
-- Pad each cell to have the same number of lines
padRow (Cell TopLeft ls) = Cell TopLeft $ ls ++ replicate (nLines - length ls) mempty
padRow (Cell TopRight ls) = Cell TopRight $ ls ++ replicate (nLines - length ls) mempty
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ module Text.WideString (
-- * Text Builders which keep track of length
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -33,6 +34,10 @@ instance Monoid WideBuilder where
wbToText :: WideBuilder -> Text
wbToText = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder
-- | Convert a WideBuilder to a strict Text.
wbFromText :: Text -> WideBuilder
wbFromText t = WideBuilder (TB.fromText t) (textWidth t)
-- | Convert a WideBuilder to a String.
wbUnpack :: WideBuilder -> String
wbUnpack = TL.unpack . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder
@ -244,6 +244,7 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance (
@ -255,14 +256,17 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance (
) where
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (intersperse, transpose)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
import Data.List (intersperse, transpose, foldl', transpose)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time (fromGregorian)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import Lucid as L
import Safe (headMay, maximumMay)
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide as Tab
import Hledger
@ -306,6 +310,8 @@ balancemode = hledgerCommandMode
,flagNone ["percent", "%"] (setboolopt "percent") "express values in percentage of each column's total"
,flagNone ["invert"] (setboolopt "invert") "display all amounts with reversed sign"
,flagNone ["transpose"] (setboolopt "transpose") "transpose rows and columns"
,flagNone ["commodity-column"] (setboolopt "commodity-column")
"shows each commodity in its own automatically-generated subaccount, for tidier reports"
,outputFormatFlag ["txt","html","csv","json"]
@ -385,31 +391,65 @@ balance opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j = case balancecalc_ of
-- | Render a single-column balance report as CSV.
balanceReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> CSV
balanceReportAsCsv opts (items, total) =
["account","balance"] :
[[accountNameDrop (drop_ opts) a, wbToText $ showMixedAmountB (balanceOpts False opts) b] | (a, _, _, b) <- items]
if no_total_ opts
then []
else [["total", wbToText $ showMixedAmountB (balanceOpts False opts) total]]
("account" : ((if commodity_column_ opts then (:) "commodity" else id) $ "balance" : []))
: (concatMap (\(a, _, _, b) -> rows a b) items)
++ if no_total_ opts then [] else rows "total" total
rows :: AccountName -> MixedAmount -> [[T.Text]]
rows name ma
| commodity_column_ opts =
fmap (\(k, a) -> [showName name, k, renderAmount . mixedAmount . amountStripPrices $ a])
. M.toList . foldl' sumAmounts mempty . amounts $ ma
| otherwise = [[showName name, renderAmount ma]]
showName = accountNameDrop (drop_ opts)
renderAmount amt = wbToText $ showMixedAmountB bopts amt
where bopts = (balanceOpts False opts){displayOrder = order}
order = if commodity_column_ opts then Just (commodities [amt]) else Nothing
sumAmounts mp am = M.insertWith (+) (acommodity am) am mp
-- | Render a single-column balance report as plain text.
balanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> TB.Builder
balanceReportAsText opts ((items, total)) =
unlinesB lines
<> unlinesB (if no_total_ opts then [] else [overline, totalLines])
balanceReportAsText opts ((items, total))
| not (commodity_column_ opts) =
unlinesB lines
<> unlinesB (if no_total_ opts then [] else [overline, totalLines])
| iscustom = error' "Custom format not supported with --commodity-column" -- PARTIAL:
| otherwise = balanceReportAsText' opts ((items, total))
(lines, sizes) = unzip $ map (balanceReportItemAsText opts) items
-- abuse renderBalanceReportItem to render the total with similar format
(totalLines, _) = renderBalanceReportItem opts ("",0,total)
-- with a custom format, extend the line to the full report width;
-- otherwise show the usual 20-char line for compatibility
overlinewidth = case format_ opts of
OneLine ((FormatField _ _ _ TotalField):_) -> 20
TopAligned ((FormatField _ _ _ TotalField):_) -> 20
BottomAligned ((FormatField _ _ _ TotalField):_) -> 20
_ -> sum (map maximum' $ transpose sizes)
iscustom = case format_ opts of
OneLine ((FormatField _ _ _ TotalField):_) -> False
TopAligned ((FormatField _ _ _ TotalField):_) -> False
BottomAligned ((FormatField _ _ _ TotalField):_) -> False
_ -> True
overlinewidth = if iscustom then sum (map maximum' $ transpose sizes) else 20
overline = TB.fromText $ T.replicate overlinewidth "-"
-- | Render a single-column balance report as plain text in commodity-column mode
balanceReportAsText' :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> TB.Builder
balanceReportAsText' opts ((items, total)) =
unlinesB . fmap (renderColumns def{tableBorders=False} sizes . Tab.Group NoLine . fmap Header) $
lines ++ concat [[[overline], totalline] | not (no_total_ opts)]
render (_, acctname, depth, amt) =
[ Cell TopRight damts
, Cell TopLeft (fmap wbFromText cs)
, Cell TopLeft (replicate (length damts - 1) mempty ++ [wbFromText dispname]) ]
where dopts = (balanceOpts True opts){displayOrder=Just cs}
cs = commodities [amt]
dispname = T.replicate ((depth - 1) * 2) " " <> acctname
damts = showMixedAmountLinesB dopts amt
lines = fmap render items
totalline = render ("", "", 0, total)
sizes = fmap (fromMaybe 0 . maximumMay . map cellWidth) $
transpose ([totalline | not (no_total_ opts)] ++ lines)
overline = Cell TopLeft . pure . wbFromText . flip T.replicate "-" . fromMaybe 0 $ headMay sizes
This implementation turned out to be a bit convoluted but implements the following algorithm for formatting:
@ -468,56 +508,64 @@ renderComponent topaligned opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust mmin
-- The CSV will always include the initial headings row,
-- and will include the final totals row unless --no-total is set.
multiBalanceReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> CSV
multiBalanceReportAsCsv opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_}
(PeriodicReport colspans items (PeriodicReportRow _ coltotals tot avg)) =
maybetranspose $
("account" : map showDateSpan colspans
multiBalanceReportAsCsv opts@ReportOpts{..} =
(if transpose_ then transpose else id) . uncurry (++) . multiBalanceReportAsCsv' opts
multiBalanceReportAsCsv' :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> (CSV, CSV)
multiBalanceReportAsCsv' opts@ReportOpts{..}
(PeriodicReport colspans items tr) =
flip (,) totalrows $
("account" : ["commodity" | commodity_column_] ++ map showDateSpan colspans
++ ["total" | row_total_]
++ ["average" | average_]
) :
[accountNameDrop (drop_ opts) (displayFull a) :
map (wbToText . showMixedAmountB (balanceOpts False opts))
++ [rowtot | row_total_]
++ [rowavg | average_])
| PeriodicReportRow a amts rowtot rowavg <- items]
if no_total_ opts
then []
else ["total" :
map (wbToText . showMixedAmountB (balanceOpts False opts)) (
++ [tot | row_total_]
++ [avg | average_]
concatMap (rowAsTexts (accountNameDrop drop_ . prrFullName)) items
maybetranspose | transpose_ opts = transpose
| otherwise = id
rowAsTexts render row@(PeriodicReportRow _ as rowtot rowavg)
| not commodity_column_ = [render row : fmap (wbToText . showMixedAmountB bopts) all]
| otherwise =
joinNames . zipWith (:) cs -- add symbols and names
. transpose -- each row becomes a list of Text quantities
. fmap (fmap wbToText . showMixedAmountLinesB bopts{displayOrder=Just cs, displayMinWidth=Nothing})
$ all
bopts = balanceOpts False opts
cs = commodities $ rowtot : rowavg : as
all = as
++ [rowtot | row_total_]
++ [rowavg | average_]
joinNames = fmap ((:) (render row))
totalrows :: [[T.Text]]
| no_total_ = mempty
| otherwise = rowAsTexts (const "total") tr
-- | Render a multi-column balance report as HTML.
multiBalanceReportAsHtml :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportAsHtml ropts mbr =
(headingsrow,bodyrows,mtotalsrow) = multiBalanceReportHtmlRows ropts mbr
(headingsrow,bodyrows,mtotalsrows) = multiBalanceReportHtmlRows ropts mbr
table_ $ mconcat $
++ bodyrows
++ maybeToList mtotalsrow
++ mtotalsrows
-- | Render the HTML table rows for a MultiBalanceReport.
-- Returns the heading row, 0 or more body rows, and the totals row if enabled.
multiBalanceReportHtmlRows :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> (Html (), [Html ()], Maybe (Html ()))
multiBalanceReportHtmlRows :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> (Html (), [Html ()], [Html ()])
multiBalanceReportHtmlRows ropts mbr =
headingsrow:rest | transpose_ ropts = error' "Sorry, --transpose with HTML output is not yet supported" -- PARTIAL:
| otherwise = multiBalanceReportAsCsv ropts mbr
(bodyrows, mtotalsrow) | no_total_ ropts = (rest, Nothing)
| otherwise = (init rest, Just $ last rest)
-- TODO: should the commodity_column be displayed as a subaccount in this case as well?
(headingsrow:bodyrows, mtotalsrows)
| transpose_ ropts = error' "Sorry, --transpose with HTML output is not yet supported" -- PARTIAL:
| otherwise = multiBalanceReportAsCsv' ropts mbr
(multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow ropts headingsrow
,map (multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow ropts) bodyrows
,multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow ropts <$> mtotalsrow -- TODO pad totals row with zeros when there are
,multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow ropts <$> mtotalsrows -- TODO pad totals row with zeros when there are
-- | Render one MultiBalanceReport heading row as a HTML table row.
@ -627,7 +675,8 @@ balanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_, balanceaccum_}
(map rowvals items)
totalscolumn = row_total_ && balanceaccum_ `notElem` [Cumulative, Historical]
colheadings = map (reportPeriodName balanceaccum_ spans) spans
colheadings = ["Commodity" | commodity_column_ opts]
++ map (reportPeriodName balanceaccum_ spans) spans
++ [" Total" | totalscolumn]
++ ["Average" | average_]
accts = map renderacct items
@ -651,9 +700,28 @@ balanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_, balanceaccum_}
-- unless --no-elide is used.
balanceReportTableAsText :: ReportOpts -> Table T.Text T.Text MixedAmount -> TB.Builder
balanceReportTableAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} =
Tab.renderTableB def{tableBorders=False, prettyTable=pretty_tables_}
(Tab.textCell TopLeft) (Tab.textCell TopRight) $
Cell TopRight . pure . showMixedAmountB (balanceOpts True ropts)
Tab.renderTableByRowsB def{tableBorders=False, prettyTable=pretty_tables_} renderCh renderRow
| not commodity_column_ = fmap (Tab.textCell TopRight)
| otherwise = zipWith ($) (Tab.textCell TopLeft : repeat (Tab.textCell TopRight))
renderRow :: (T.Text, [MixedAmount]) -> (Cell, [Cell])
renderRow (rh, row)
| not commodity_column_ =
(Tab.textCell TopLeft rh, fmap (Cell TopRight . pure . showMixedAmountB bopts) row)
| otherwise =
( Tab.textsCell TopLeft (replicate (length cs) rh)
, Tab.textsCell TopLeft cs
: fmap (Cell TopRight . showMixedAmountLinesB bopts{displayOrder = Just cs}) row)
bopts = balanceOpts True ropts
cs = commodities row
commodities :: [MixedAmount] -> [CommoditySymbol]
commodities = filter (not . T.null) . S.toList
. foldl' S.union mempty
. fmap (S.fromList . fmap acommodity . amounts)
-- | Amount display options to use for balance reports
balanceOpts :: Bool -> ReportOpts -> AmountDisplayOpts
@ -297,11 +297,11 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsHtml ropts cbr =
subreportrows :: (T.Text, MultiBalanceReport, Bool) -> [Html ()]
subreportrows (subreporttitle, mbr, _increasestotal) =
(_,bodyrows,mtotalsrow) = multiBalanceReportHtmlRows ropts mbr
(_,bodyrows,mtotalsrows) = multiBalanceReportHtmlRows ropts mbr
[tr_ $ th_ [colspanattr, leftattr] $ toHtml subreporttitle]
++ bodyrows
++ maybe [] (:[]) mtotalsrow
++ mtotalsrows
++ [blankrow]
totalrows | no_total_ ropts || length subreports == 1 = []
Reference in New Issue
Block a user