web: separate period and acct/desc filtering a bit

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2010-08-01 16:35:54 +00:00
parent cf62482102
commit f3ffef2d8a
2 changed files with 63 additions and 56 deletions

View File

@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ getAccountsPage = do
balanceReportAsHtml :: [Opt] -> TemplateData -> BalanceReport -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
balanceReportAsHtml _ td@TD{here=here,a=a,p=p} (items,total) = [$hamlet|
$forall items i
^itemAsHtml' i^
@ -254,39 +254,33 @@ balanceReportAsHtml _ td@TD{here=here,a=a,p=p} (items,total) = [$hamlet|
%td!align=right $mixedAmountAsHtml.total$
filtering = not $ null a && null p
showmore = if filtering then [$hamlet|
\ | $
%a!href=@here@ show all
|] else nulltemplate
showmore' = case (filtering, items) of
-- cunning parent account logic
(True, ((acct, _, _, _):_)) ->
let a' = if isAccountRegex a then a else acct
a'' = accountNameToAccountRegex $ parentAccountName $ accountRegexToAccountName a'
parenturl = (here, [("a",a''), ("p",p)])
in [$hamlet|
\ | $
%a!href=@?parenturl@ show more ↑
_ -> nulltemplate
allacctslink = True
allaccts = if allacctslink
then -- [$hamlet|%tr.$current$
-- %td
-- %a!href=@?u@ all accounts
-- %td
\ $
%span#showmoreaccounts ^showmore^
<br />
<br />
else nulltemplate
-- where u = (here, [("a",".*"),("p",p)])
-- current = "" -- if a == ".*" then "current" else ""
accountsheading = [$hamlet|
\ $
%span#showmoreaccounts ^showmore^ ^showall^
<br />
<br />
filteringaccts = not $ null a
showmore = case (filteringaccts, items) of
-- cunning parent account logic
(True, ((acct, _, _, _):_)) ->
let a' = if isAccountRegex a then a else acct
a'' = accountNameToAccountRegex $ parentAccountName $ accountRegexToAccountName a'
parenturl = (here, [("a",a''), ("p",p)])
in [$hamlet|
\ | $
%a!href=@?parenturl@ show more &uarr;
_ -> nulltemplate
showall = if filteringaccts
then [$hamlet|
\ | $
%a!href=@?allurl@ show all
else nulltemplate
where allurl = (here, [("p",p)])
itemAsHtml' = itemAsHtml td
itemAsHtml :: TemplateData -> BalanceReportItem -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
itemAsHtml TD{p=p} (acct, adisplay, adepth, abal) = [$hamlet|
@ -297,7 +291,7 @@ accounts
%td.balance!align=right $mixedAmountAsHtml.abal$
|] where
current = "" -- if not (null a) && containsRegex a acct then "current" else ""
indent = preEscapedString $ concat $ replicate (2 * (adepth + if allacctslink then 1 else 0)) "&nbsp;"
indent = preEscapedString $ concat $ replicate (2 * adepth) "&nbsp;"
aurl = printf ".?a=%s%s" (accountNameToAccountRegex acct) p' :: String
p' = if null p then "" else printf "&p=%s" p
@ -806,7 +800,7 @@ navbar TD{p=p,j=j,today=today} = [$hamlet|
journaltitle = printf "%s" (takeFileName $ filepath j) :: String
journalinfo = printf "%s" (showspan span) :: String
showspan (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) = ""
showspan s = " (showing " ++ dateSpanAsText s ++ ")"
showspan s = " (" ++ dateSpanAsText s ++ ")"
span = either (const $ DateSpan Nothing Nothing) snd (parsePeriodExpr today p)
navlinks :: TemplateData -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
@ -817,11 +811,11 @@ navlinks td = [$hamlet|
\ | $
%a#addformlink!href!onclick="return addformToggle()" add transaction
%a#importformlink!href!onclick="return importformToggle()"!style=display:none; import transactions
\ | $
%a#editformlink!href!onclick="return editformToggle()" edit journal
-- \ | $
-- %a#importformlink!href!onclick="return importformToggle()" import transactions
-- \ | $
accountsjournallink = navlink td "journal" AccountsJournalPage
accountsregisterlink = navlink td "register" AccountsRegisterPage
@ -837,28 +831,40 @@ filterform :: TemplateData -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
filterform TD{here=here,a=a,p=p} = [$hamlet|
filter by account/description:
\ $
\ $
in period:
\ $
\ $
%input!type=submit!value=filter $
\ $
filter by period:
\ $
\ $
filter by account/description:
\ $
\ $
%input!type=submit!value=filter $
\ $
ahelp = helplink "filter-patterns" "?"
phelp = helplink "period-expressions" "?"
(filtering, visible, _, stopfiltering)
| null a && null p = ("", defaultdisplay, [$hamlet|%a#filterformlink!href!onclick="return filterformToggle()" filter...|], nulltemplate) -- [$hamlet|filter by $|])
| otherwise = ("filtering", defaultdisplay, [$hamlet|filtering...|], [$hamlet|%a#stopfilterlink!href=@here@ stop filtering|])
defaultdisplay = "block"
filtering = not $ null a
filteringperiod = not $ null p
visible = "block"
filteringclass = if filtering then "filtering" else ""
filteringperiodclass = if filteringperiod then "filtering" else ""
stopfiltering = if filtering then [$hamlet|%a#stopfilterlink!href=@here@ stop filtering acct/desc|] else nulltemplate
stopfilteringperiod = if filteringperiod then [$hamlet|%a#stopfilterlink!href=@here@ stop filtering period|] else nulltemplate
helplink :: String -> String -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoute
helplink topic label = [$hamlet|%a!href=$u$!target=hledgerhelp $label$|]

View File

@ -80,3 +80,4 @@ table.registerreport { border-spacing:0; }
#addform #addbuttonrow { text-align:right; }
/* #editform { width:95%; } */
#editform textarea { width:100%; background-color:#eee; padding:4px; }
#filterform table { border-spacing:0; padding-left:1em; }