dev:close: refactor

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2024-01-20 21:53:46 -10:00
parent 38d9f1760e
commit f53f3a0194

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@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Close (
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (groupBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
@ -20,6 +19,7 @@ import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Safe (lastDef, readMay)
defretaindesc = "retain earnings"
defclosedesc = "closing balances"
@ -54,25 +54,20 @@ closemode = hledgerCommandMode
([], Just $ argsFlag "[--close | --open | --migrate | --retain] [ACCTQUERY]")
-- | The close command's mode. Really a subcommand.
data CloseMode = Migrate | Close | Open | Assert | Assign | Retain deriving (Eq,Show,Read,Enum)
-- | Pick the rightmost flag spelled like a CloseMode (--migrate, --close, --open, etc), or default to Close.
closeModeFromRawOpts :: RawOpts -> CloseMode
closeModeFromRawOpts rawopts = lastDef Close $ collectopts (\(name,_) -> readMay (capitalise name)) rawopts
-- Debugger, beware: close is incredibly devious; simple rules combine to make a horrid maze.
-- Tests are in hledger/test/close.test.
-- This code is also used by the close command.
close copts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec0} j = do
-- currently only one of the six mode flags takes effect at a time (hledger close --close --open only does --open).
(close_, open_, assert_, assign_, defclosedesc_, defopendesc_, defcloseacct_, defacctsq_) = if
| boolopt "retain" rawopts -> (True, False, False, False, defretaindesc, undefined, defretainacct, Type [Revenue, Expense])
| boolopt "migrate" rawopts -> (True, True, False, False, defclosedesc, defopendesc, defcloseacct, Type [Asset, Liability])
| boolopt "assign" rawopts -> (False, False, False, True, undefined, defopendesc, defcloseacct, Type [Asset, Liability])
| boolopt "assert" rawopts -> (False, False, True, False, defclosedesc, undefined, defcloseacct, Type [Asset, Liability])
| boolopt "open" rawopts -> (False, True, False, False, undefined, defopendesc, defcloseacct, Type [Asset, Liability])
| otherwise {- close -} -> (True, False, False, False, defclosedesc, undefined, defcloseacct, Type [Asset, Liability])
-- descriptions to use for the closing/opening transactions
closedesc = T.pack $ fromMaybe defclosedesc_ $ maybestringopt "close-desc" rawopts
opendesc = T.pack $ fromMaybe defopendesc_ $ maybestringopt "open-desc" rawopts
-- equity/balancing accounts to use
mode_ = closeModeFromRawOpts rawopts
defacctsq_ = if mode_ == Retain then Type [Revenue, Expense] else Type [Asset, Liability]
defcloseacct_ = if mode_ == Retain then defretainacct else defcloseacct
closeacct = T.pack $ fromMaybe defcloseacct_ $ maybestringopt "close-acct" rawopts
openacct = maybe closeacct T.pack $ maybestringopt "open-acct" rawopts
@ -115,100 +110,110 @@ close copts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec0} j = do
interleaved = boolopt "interleaved" rawopts
-- the closing (balance-asserting or balance-zeroing) transaction
closetxn = nulltransaction{tdate=closedate, tdescription=closedesc, tpostings=closeps}
-- XXX some duplication
| assert_ =
[ posting{
paccount = a
,pamount = mixedAmount $ precise b{aquantity=0, aprice=Nothing}
-- after each commodity's last posting, assert 0 balance (#1035)
-- balance assertion amounts are unpriced (#824)
,pbalanceassertion =
if islast
then Just nullassertion{baamount=precise b}
else Nothing
| -- get the balances for each commodity and transaction price
(a,mb) <- acctbals
, let bs0 = amounts mb
-- mark the last balance in each commodity with True
, let bs2 = concat [reverse $ zip (reverse bs1) (True : repeat False)
| bs1 <- groupBy ((==) `on` acommodity) bs0]
, (b, islast) <- bs2
| mode_ `notElem` [Migrate, Close, Assert, Retain] = Nothing
| otherwise = Just nulltransaction{tdate=closedate, tdescription=closedesc, tpostings=closeps}
closedesc = T.pack $ fromMaybe defclosedesc_ $ maybestringopt "close-desc" rawopts
where defclosedesc_ = if mode_ == Retain then defretaindesc else defclosedesc
-- XXX some duplication
| mode_ == Assert =
[ posting{
paccount = a
,pamount = mixedAmount $ precise b{aquantity=0, aprice=Nothing}
-- after each commodity's last posting, assert 0 balance (#1035)
-- balance assertion amounts are unpriced (#824)
,pbalanceassertion =
if islast
then Just nullassertion{baamount=precise b}
else Nothing
| -- get the balances for each commodity and transaction price
(a,mb) <- acctbals
, let bs0 = amounts mb
-- mark the last balance in each commodity with True
, let bs2 = concat [reverse $ zip (reverse bs1) (True : repeat False)
| bs1 <- groupBy ((==) `on` acommodity) bs0]
, (b, islast) <- bs2
| otherwise =
concat [
posting{paccount = a
,pamount = mixedAmount . precise $ negate b
-- after each commodity's last posting, assert 0 balance (#1035)
-- balance assertion amounts are unpriced (#824)
,pbalanceassertion =
if islast
then Just nullassertion{baamount=precise b{aquantity=0, aprice=Nothing}}
else Nothing
| otherwise =
concat [
posting{paccount = a
,pamount = mixedAmount . precise $ negate b
-- after each commodity's last posting, assert 0 balance (#1035)
-- balance assertion amounts are unpriced (#824)
,pbalanceassertion =
if islast
then Just nullassertion{baamount=precise b{aquantity=0, aprice=Nothing}}
else Nothing
-- maybe an interleaved posting transferring this balance to equity
: [posting{paccount=closeacct, pamount=mixedAmount $ precise b} | interleaved]
-- maybe an interleaved posting transferring this balance to equity
: [posting{paccount=closeacct, pamount=mixedAmount $ precise b} | interleaved]
| -- get the balances for each commodity and transaction price
(a,mb) <- acctbals
, let bs0 = amounts mb
-- mark the last balance in each commodity with True
, let bs2 = concat [reverse $ zip (reverse bs1) (True : repeat False)
| bs1 <- groupBy ((==) `on` acommodity) bs0]
, (b, islast) <- bs2
| -- get the balances for each commodity and transaction price
(a,mb) <- acctbals
, let bs0 = amounts mb
-- mark the last balance in each commodity with True
, let bs2 = concat [reverse $ zip (reverse bs1) (True : repeat False)
| bs1 <- groupBy ((==) `on` acommodity) bs0]
, (b, islast) <- bs2
-- or a final multicommodity posting transferring all balances to equity
-- (print will show this as multiple single-commodity postings)
++ [posting{paccount=closeacct, pamount=if explicit then mixedAmountSetFullPrecision totalamt else missingmixedamt} | not interleaved]
-- or a final multicommodity posting transferring all balances to equity
-- (print will show this as multiple single-commodity postings)
++ [posting{paccount=closeacct, pamount=if explicit then mixedAmountSetFullPrecision totalamt else missingmixedamt} | not interleaved]
-- the opening (balance-assigning or balance-unzeroing) transaction
opentxn = nulltransaction{tdate=opendate, tdescription=opendesc, tpostings=openps}
| assign_ =
[ posting{paccount = a
,pamount = missingmixedamt
,pbalanceassertion = Just nullassertion{baamount=b}
-- case mcommoditysum of
-- Just s -> Just nullassertion{baamount=precise s}
-- Nothing -> Nothing
| mode_ `notElem` [Migrate, Open, Assign] = Nothing
| otherwise = Just nulltransaction{tdate=opendate, tdescription=opendesc, tpostings=openps}
opendesc = T.pack $ fromMaybe defopendesc $ maybestringopt "open-desc" rawopts
| mode_ == Assign =
[ posting{paccount = a
,pamount = missingmixedamt
,pbalanceassertion = Just nullassertion{baamount=b}
-- case mcommoditysum of
-- Just s -> Just nullassertion{baamount=precise s}
-- Nothing -> Nothing
| (a,mb) <- acctbals
, let bs0 = amounts mb
-- mark the last balance in each commodity with the unpriced sum in that commodity (for a balance assertion)
, let bs2 = concat [reverse $ zip (reverse bs1) (Just commoditysum : repeat Nothing)
| bs1 <- groupBy ((==) `on` acommodity) bs0
, let commoditysum = (sum bs1)]
, (b, _mcommoditysum) <- bs2
++ [posting{paccount=openacct, pamount=if explicit then mixedAmountSetFullPrecision (maNegate totalamt) else missingmixedamt} | not interleaved]
| (a,mb) <- acctbals
, let bs0 = amounts mb
-- mark the last balance in each commodity with the unpriced sum in that commodity (for a balance assertion)
, let bs2 = concat [reverse $ zip (reverse bs1) (Just commoditysum : repeat Nothing)
| bs1 <- groupBy ((==) `on` acommodity) bs0
, let commoditysum = (sum bs1)]
, (b, _mcommoditysum) <- bs2
++ [posting{paccount=openacct, pamount=if explicit then mixedAmountSetFullPrecision (maNegate totalamt) else missingmixedamt} | not interleaved]
| otherwise =
concat [
posting{paccount = a
,pamount = mixedAmount $ precise b
,pbalanceassertion =
case mcommoditysum of
Just s -> Just nullassertion{baamount=precise s{aprice=Nothing}}
Nothing -> Nothing
: [posting{paccount=openacct, pamount=mixedAmount . precise $ negate b} | interleaved]
| otherwise =
concat [
posting{paccount = a
,pamount = mixedAmount $ precise b
,pbalanceassertion =
case mcommoditysum of
Just s -> Just nullassertion{baamount=precise s{aprice=Nothing}}
Nothing -> Nothing
: [posting{paccount=openacct, pamount=mixedAmount . precise $ negate b} | interleaved]
| (a,mb) <- acctbals
, let bs0 = amounts mb
-- mark the last balance in each commodity with the unpriced sum in that commodity (for a balance assertion)
, let bs2 = concat [reverse $ zip (reverse bs1) (Just commoditysum : repeat Nothing)
| bs1 <- groupBy ((==) `on` acommodity) bs0
, let commoditysum = (sum bs1)]
, (b, mcommoditysum) <- bs2
++ [posting{paccount=openacct, pamount=if explicit then mixedAmountSetFullPrecision (maNegate totalamt) else missingmixedamt} | not interleaved]
| (a,mb) <- acctbals
, let bs0 = amounts mb
-- mark the last balance in each commodity with the unpriced sum in that commodity (for a balance assertion)
, let bs2 = concat [reverse $ zip (reverse bs1) (Just commoditysum : repeat Nothing)
| bs1 <- groupBy ((==) `on` acommodity) bs0
, let commoditysum = (sum bs1)]
, (b, mcommoditysum) <- bs2
++ [posting{paccount=openacct, pamount=if explicit then mixedAmountSetFullPrecision (maNegate totalamt) else missingmixedamt} | not interleaved]
-- print them
when (close_ || assert_) . T.putStr $ showTransaction closetxn
when (open_ || assign_) . T.putStr $ showTransaction opentxn
maybe (pure ()) (T.putStr . showTransaction) mclosetxn
maybe (pure ()) (T.putStr . showTransaction) mopentxn