fix: cli: posting comment lines no longer disturb the error marker (fix #1927)

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Simon Michael 2023-04-26 22:40:41 -10:00
parent 8b3b63b495
commit f5c3bbcaf0

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@ -118,9 +118,17 @@ makePostingErrorExcerpt p findpostingerrorcolumns =
Just t -> (f, errabsline, merrcols, ex)
(SourcePos f tl _) = fst $ tsourcepos t
tcommentlines = max 0 (length (T.lines $ tcomment t) - 1)
mpindex = transactionFindPostingIndex (==p) t
errrelline = maybe 0 (tcommentlines+) mpindex -- XXX doesn't count posting coment lines
errrelline = case mpindex of
Nothing -> 0
Just pindex ->
commentExtraLines (tcomment t) +
sum (map postingLines $ take pindex $ tpostings t)
postingLines p' = 1 + commentExtraLines (pcomment p')
-- How many extra lines does this possibly multi-line
-- transaction/posting comment add when rendered ?
commentExtraLines c = max 0 (length (T.lines c) - 1)
errabsline = unPos tl + errrelline
txntxt = showTransaction t & textChomp & (<>"\n")
merrcols = findpostingerrorcolumns p t txntxt