balance: ledger compatibility fix: don't elide parent accounts with multiple displayed subaccounts

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2011-09-22 20:40:06 +00:00
parent ea0cbaea40
commit f79b272ff3
4 changed files with 50 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ isInteresting :: ReportOpts -> Ledger -> AccountName -> Bool
isInteresting opts l a | flat_ opts = isInterestingFlat opts l a
| otherwise = isInterestingIndented opts l a
-- | Determine whether an account should get its own line in the --flat balance report.
isInterestingFlat :: ReportOpts -> Ledger -> AccountName -> Bool
isInterestingFlat opts l a = notempty || emptyflag
@ -546,16 +547,19 @@ isInterestingFlat opts l a = notempty || emptyflag
notempty = not $ isZeroMixedAmount $ exclusiveBalance acct
emptyflag = empty_ opts
-- | Determine whether an account should get its own line in the indented
-- balance report. Cf Balance module doc.
isInterestingIndented :: ReportOpts -> Ledger -> AccountName -> Bool
isInterestingIndented opts l a
| numinterestingsubs==1 && not atmaxdepth = notlikesub
| otherwise = notzero || emptyflag
| numinterestingsubs == 1 && samebalanceassub && not atmaxdepth = False
| numinterestingsubs < 2 && zerobalance && not emptyflag = False
| otherwise = True
atmaxdepth = isJust d && Just (accountNameLevel a) == d where d = depth_ opts
emptyflag = empty_ opts
acct = ledgerAccount l a
notzero = not $ isZeroMixedAmount inclbalance where inclbalance = abalance acct
notlikesub = not $ isZeroMixedAmount exclbalance where exclbalance = sumPostings $ apostings acct
zerobalance = isZeroMixedAmount inclbalance where inclbalance = abalance acct
samebalanceassub = isZeroMixedAmount exclbalance where exclbalance = sumPostings $ apostings acct
numinterestingsubs = length $ filter isInterestingTree subtrees
isInterestingTree = treeany (isInteresting opts l . aname)

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@ -249,20 +249,6 @@ tests_Hledger_Cli = TestList
," 0"
,"balance report elides zero-balance root account(s)" ~: do
j <- readJournal'
["2008/1/1 one"
," test:a 1"
," test:b"
accountsReportAsText defreportopts (accountsReport defreportopts nullfilterspec j) `is`
[" 1 test:a"
," -1 test:b"
," 0"
,"journalCanonicaliseAmounts" ~:

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@ -82,15 +82,14 @@ Also, the balance report shows the total of all displayed accounts, when
that is non-zero. Here, it is displayed because the accounts shown add up
to $-1.
Here is a more precise definition of \"interesting\" accounts in ledger's
balance report:
- an account which has just one interesting subaccount branch, and which
is not at the report's maximum depth, is interesting if the balance is
different from the subaccount's, and otherwise boring.
- any other account is interesting if it has a non-zero balance, or the -E
flag is used.
Also, non-interesting accounts may be elided. Here's an imperfect
description of the ledger balance command's eliding behaviour:
\"Interesting\" accounts are displayed on their own line. An account less
deep than the report's max depth, with just one interesting subaccount,
and the same balance as the subaccount, is non-interesting, and prefixed
to the subaccount's line, unless (hledger's) --no-elide is in effect.
An account with a zero inclusive balance and less than two interesting
subaccounts is not displayed at all, unless --empty is in effect.

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env shelltest
# 1. One commodity. Zero accounts should be elided but the final total should not.
bin/hledger -f - balance
@ -12,3 +13,36 @@ bin/hledger -f - balance
# 2. An uninteresting parent account (with same balance as its single subaccount) is elided by default, like ledger
bin/hledger -f - balance --no-total
(a:b) 1
1 a:b
# 3. But not with --no-elide
bin/hledger -f - balance --no-total --no-elide
(a:b) 1
1 a
1 b
# 4. Nor when it has more than one subaccount
bin/hledger -f - balance --no-total
(a:b) 1
(a:c) -1
0 a
1 b
-1 c