;shake: help, cleanups

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2020-09-05 18:21:09 -07:00
parent 5c86e0bdbd
commit f8a57dae51

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@ -66,22 +66,23 @@ usage =
,"./Shake.hs [CMD [ARGS]] run CMD, compiling this script first if needed"
,"./Shake [CMD [ARGS]] run CMD, using the compiled version of this script"
,"./Shake list commands"
,"./Shake [help] show this help"
,"./Shake commandhelp build plain text help for hledger CLI commands"
,"./Shake manuals build txt/man/info/web manuals for all packages"
,"./Shake webmanuals build web manuals (in site/) for all packages"
-- TODO: commit, show commit
,"./Shake setversion [VER] [PKGS] set version strings from */.version (or VER)"
-- TODO: commit, show commit
,"./Shake changelogs[-dry] add new commits, headings to */CHANGES.md"
-- ,"./Shake [PKG/]CHANGES.md[-dry] update (or preview) one changelog"
,"./Shake PKG build a single hledger package and its embedded docs"
,"./Shake build build all hledger packages and their embedded docs"
,"./Shake setversion [VER] [PKGS] set version strings from */.version (or VER)"
,"./Shake changelogs add any new non-boring commits to */CHANGES.md"
,"./Shake [PKG/]CHANGES.md-finalise add version/date heading in this changelog"
-- ,"./Shake [PKG/]CHANGES.md[-dry] update (or preview) one changelog"
-- ,"./Shake site/doc/VERSION/.snapshot save current web manuals as this snapshot"
-- ,"./Shake hledgerorg update the hledger.org website (when run on prod)"
,"./Shake clean clean help texts, manuals, staged site content"
,"./Shake clean clean generated help texts, manuals"
,"./Shake Clean also clean object files, Shake's cache"
,"./Shake FILE build any individual file"
,"./Shake --help list Shake options (--color, --rebuild, ...)"
,"Option arguments should be adjacent to their flag."
-- groff = "groff -c" ++ " -Wall" -- see "groff" below
@ -334,15 +335,18 @@ main = do
-- -- but I don't know how to do that for the Shake rules.
-- -- Instead we'll do the logging in "make site".
-- cmd_ Shell
-- -- print timestamp. On mac, use brew-installed GNU date.
-- "PATH=\"/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH\" date --rfc-3339=seconds"
-- -- pull latest code and site repos - sometimes already done by webhook, not always
-- "&& printf 'code repo: ' && git pull"
-- "&& printf 'site repo: ' && git -C site pull"
-- -- Shake.hs might have been updated, but we won't execute the
-- -- new one, too insecure. Continue with this one.
-- Help:
-- ,"./Shake hledgerorg update the hledger.org website (when run on prod)"
@ -593,6 +597,8 @@ main = do
-- cmd_ Shell "cp" f (snapshot </> takeFileName f)
-- cmd_ Shell "cp -r site/images" snapshot
-- cmd_ Shell "touch" out
-- Help:
-- ,"./Shake site/doc/VERSION/.snapshot save current web manuals as this snapshot"
-- Cleanup.