;doc: regular expressions: add examples (hledger_site#224)

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Simon Michael 2023-11-09 12:04:33 -08:00
parent c8484b5792
commit fa40077ebf

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@ -384,11 +384,82 @@ This requires a well-configured environment. Here are some tips:
## Regular expressions
hledger uses [regular expressions](http://www.regular-expressions.info) in a number of places:
A [regular expression](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/regular_expression) (regexp)
is a small piece of text where certain characters
(like `.`, `^`, `$`, `+`, `*`, `()`, `|`, `[]`, `\`) have special meanings,
forming a tiny language for matching text precisely - very useful in hledger and elsewhere.
To learn all about them, visit [regular-expressions.info](https://www.regular-expressions.info).
- [query terms](#queries), on the command line and in the hledger-web search form: `REGEX`, `desc:REGEX`, `cur:REGEX`, `tag:...=REGEX`
- [CSV rules](#csv-rules) conditional blocks: `if REGEX ...`
- [account alias directive](#alias-directive) and `--alias` option: `alias /REGEX/ = REPLACEMENT`, `--alias /REGEX/=REPLACEMENT`
hledger supports regexps whenever you are entering a pattern to match something, eg in
[query arguments](#queries),
[account aliases](#alias-directive),
[CSV if rules](#if-block),
hledger-web's search form,
hledger-ui's `/` search,
You may need to wrap them in quotes, especially at the command line (see [Special characters](#special-characters) above).
Here are some examples:
Account name queries (quoted for command line use):
Regular expression: Matches:
------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------
bank assets:bank, assets:bank:savings, expenses:art:banksy, ...
:bank assets:bank:savings, expenses:art:banksy
:bank: assets:bank:savings
'^bank' none of those ( ^ matches beginning of text )
'bank$' assets:bank ( $ matches end of text )
'big \$ bank' big $ bank ( \ disables following character's special meaning )
'\bbank\b' assets:bank, assets:bank:savings ( \b matches word boundaries )
'(sav|check)ing' saving or checking ( (|) matches either alternative )
'saving|checking' saving or checking ( outer parentheses are not needed )
'savings?' saving or savings ( ? matches 0 or 1 of the preceding thing )
'my +bank' my bank, my bank, ... ( + matches 1 or more of the preceding thing )
'my *bank' mybank, my bank, my bank, ... ( * matches 0 or more of the preceding thing )
'b.nk' bank, bonk, b nk, ... ( . matches any character )
Some other queries:
desc:'amazon|amzn|audible' Amazon transactions
cur:EUR amounts with commodity symbol containing EUR
cur:'\$' amounts with commodity symbol containing $
cur:'^\$$' only $ amounts, not eg AU$ or CA$
cur:....? amounts with 4-or-more-character symbols
tag:.=202[1-3] things with any tag whose value contains 2021, 2022 or 2023
Account name aliases: accept `.` instead of `:` as account separator:
alias /\./=: replaces all periods in account names with colons
Show multiple top-level accounts combined as one:
--alias='/^[^:]+/=combined' ( [^:] matches any character other than : )
Show accounts with the second-level part removed:
--alias '/^([^:]+):[^:]+/ = \1'
match a top-level account and a second-level account
and replace those with just the top-level account
( \1 in the replacement text means "whatever was matched
by the first parenthesised part of the regexp"
CSV rules: match CSV records containing dining-related MCC codes:
if \?MCC581[124]
Match CSV records with a specific amount around the end/start of month:
if %amount \b3\.99
& %date (29|30|31|01|02|03)$
### hledger's regular expressions
hledger's regular expressions come from the