imp: partial/inferred dates are flexible, full dates are not (#1982)

DateSpans are now now aware of exact/flexible dates.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2023-01-18 23:02:09 -10:00
parent 032ffd112b
commit fa70f160ae
25 changed files with 300 additions and 261 deletions

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@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ quarterly, etc.
module Hledger.Data.Dates (
-- * Misc date handling utilities
@ -38,7 +40,9 @@ module Hledger.Data.Dates (
@ -118,11 +122,19 @@ instance Show DateSpan where
showDate :: Day -> Text
showDate = T.pack . show
showEFDate :: EFDay -> Text
showEFDate = showDate . fromEFDay
-- | Render a datespan as a display string, abbreviating into a
-- compact form if possible.
-- Warning, hides whether dates are Exact or Flex.
showDateSpan :: DateSpan -> Text
showDateSpan = showPeriod . dateSpanAsPeriod
-- | Show a DateSpan with its begin/end dates, exact or flex.
showDateSpanDebug :: DateSpan -> String
showDateSpanDebug (DateSpan b e)= "DateSpan (" <> show b <> ") (" <> show e <> ")"
-- | Like showDateSpan, but show month spans as just the abbreviated month name
-- in the current locale.
showDateSpanMonthAbbrev :: DateSpan -> Text
@ -144,28 +156,36 @@ elapsedSeconds :: Fractional a => UTCTime -> UTCTime -> a
elapsedSeconds t1 = realToFrac . diffUTCTime t1
spanStart :: DateSpan -> Maybe Day
spanStart (DateSpan d _) = d
spanStart (DateSpan d _) = fromEFDay <$> d
spanEnd :: DateSpan -> Maybe Day
spanEnd (DateSpan _ d) = d
spanEnd (DateSpan _ d) = fromEFDay <$> d
spanStartDate :: DateSpan -> Maybe EFDay
spanStartDate (DateSpan d _) = d
spanEndDate :: DateSpan -> Maybe EFDay
spanEndDate (DateSpan _ d) = d
spanStartYear :: DateSpan -> Maybe Year
spanStartYear (DateSpan d _) = fmap (first3 . toGregorian) d
spanStartYear (DateSpan d _) = fmap (first3 . toGregorian . fromEFDay) d
spanEndYear :: DateSpan -> Maybe Year
spanEndYear (DateSpan d _) = fmap (first3 . toGregorian) d
spanEndYear (DateSpan d _) = fmap (first3 . toGregorian. fromEFDay) d
-- | Get the 0-2 years mentioned explicitly in a DateSpan.
spanYears :: DateSpan -> [Year]
spanYears (DateSpan ma mb) = mapMaybe (fmap (first3 . toGregorian)) [ma,mb]
spanYears (DateSpan ma mb) = mapMaybe (fmap (first3 . toGregorian. fromEFDay)) [ma,mb]
-- might be useful later:
-- | Get overall span enclosing multiple sequentially ordered spans.
-- The start and end date will be exact or flexible depending on
-- the first span's start date and last span's end date.
spansSpan :: [DateSpan] -> DateSpan
spansSpan spans = DateSpan (spanStart =<< headMay spans) (spanEnd =<< lastMay spans)
spansSpan spans = DateSpan (spanStartDate =<< headMay spans) (spanEndDate =<< lastMay spans)
-- | Split a DateSpan into consecutive spans of the specified Interval.
-- | Split a DateSpan into consecutive exact spans of the specified Interval.
-- If the first argument is true and the interval is Weeks, Months, Quarters or Years,
-- the start date will be adjusted backward if needed to nearest natural interval boundary
-- (a monday, first of month, first of quarter or first of year).
@ -174,7 +194,7 @@ spansSpan spans = DateSpan (spanStart =<< headMay spans) (spanEnd =<< lastMay sp
-- If the original span is empty, eg if the end date is <= the start date, no spans are returned.
-- ==== Examples:
-- >>> let t i y1 m1 d1 y2 m2 d2 = splitSpan True i $ DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian y1 m1 d1) (Just $ fromGregorian y2 m2 d2)
-- >>> let t i y1 m1 d1 y2 m2 d2 = splitSpan True i $ DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian y1 m1 d1) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian y2 m2 d2)
-- >>> t NoInterval 2008 01 01 2009 01 01
-- [DateSpan 2008]
-- >>> t (Quarters 1) 2008 01 01 2009 01 01
@ -228,29 +248,29 @@ splitSpan _ (DaysOfWeek days@(n:_)) ds = spansFromBoundaries e bdrys
-- The first representative of each weekday
starts = map (\d -> addDays (toInteger $ d - n) $ nthdayofweekcontaining n s) days
-- Split the given span using the provided helper functions:
-- start is applied to the span's start date to get the first sub-span's start date
-- addInterval is applied to an integer n (multiplying it by mult) and the span's start date to get the nth sub-span's start date
-- Split the given span into exact spans using the provided helper functions:
-- the start function is applied to the span's start date to get the first sub-span's start date
-- the addInterval function is applied to an integer n (multiplying it by mult) and the span's start date to get the nth sub-span's start date
splitspan :: (Day -> Day) -> (Integer -> Day -> Day) -> Int -> DateSpan -> [DateSpan]
splitspan start addInterval mult ds = spansFromBoundaries e bdrys
(s, e) = dateSpanSplitLimits start (addInterval $ toInteger mult) ds
(s, e) = dateSpanSplitLimits start (addInterval (toInteger mult)) ds
bdrys = mapM (addInterval . toInteger) [0,mult..] $ start s
-- | Fill in missing endpoints for calculating 'splitSpan'.
-- | Fill in missing start/end dates for calculating 'splitSpan'.
dateSpanSplitLimits :: (Day -> Day) -> (Day -> Day) -> DateSpan -> (Day, Day)
dateSpanSplitLimits start _ (DateSpan (Just s) (Just e)) = (start s, e)
dateSpanSplitLimits start next (DateSpan (Just s) Nothing) = (start s, next $ start s)
dateSpanSplitLimits start next (DateSpan Nothing (Just e)) = (start e, next $ start e)
dateSpanSplitLimits _ _ (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) = error "dateSpanSplitLimits: Should not be nulldatespan" -- PARTIAL: This case should have been handled in splitSpan
dateSpanSplitLimits start _ (DateSpan (Just s) (Just e)) = (start $ fromEFDay s, fromEFDay e)
dateSpanSplitLimits start next (DateSpan (Just s) Nothing) = (start $ fromEFDay s, next $ start $ fromEFDay s)
dateSpanSplitLimits start next (DateSpan Nothing (Just e)) = (start $ fromEFDay e, next $ start $ fromEFDay e)
dateSpanSplitLimits _ _ (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) = error "dateSpanSplitLimits: should not be nulldatespan" -- PARTIAL: This case should have been handled in splitSpan
-- | Construct a list of 'DateSpan's from a list of boundaries, which fit within a given range.
-- | Construct a list of exact 'DateSpan's from a list of boundaries, which fit within a given range.
spansFromBoundaries :: Day -> [Day] -> [DateSpan]
spansFromBoundaries e bdrys = zipWith (DateSpan `on` Just) (takeWhile (< e) bdrys) $ drop 1 bdrys
spansFromBoundaries e bdrys = zipWith (DateSpan `on` (Just . Exact)) (takeWhile (< e) bdrys) $ drop 1 bdrys
-- | Count the days in a DateSpan, or if it is open-ended return Nothing.
daysInSpan :: DateSpan -> Maybe Integer
daysInSpan (DateSpan (Just d1) (Just d2)) = Just $ diffDays d2 d1
daysInSpan (DateSpan (Just d1) (Just d2)) = Just $ diffDays (fromEFDay d2) (fromEFDay d1)
daysInSpan _ = Nothing
-- | Is this an empty span, ie closed with the end date on or before the start date ?
@ -261,9 +281,9 @@ isEmptySpan _ = False
-- | Does the span include the given date ?
spanContainsDate :: DateSpan -> Day -> Bool
spanContainsDate (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) _ = True
spanContainsDate (DateSpan Nothing (Just e)) d = d < e
spanContainsDate (DateSpan (Just b) Nothing) d = d >= b
spanContainsDate (DateSpan (Just b) (Just e)) d = d >= b && d < e
spanContainsDate (DateSpan Nothing (Just e)) d = d < fromEFDay e
spanContainsDate (DateSpan (Just b) Nothing) d = d >= fromEFDay b
spanContainsDate (DateSpan (Just b) (Just e)) d = d >= fromEFDay b && d < fromEFDay e
-- | Does the period include the given date ?
-- (Here to avoid import cycle).
@ -294,7 +314,7 @@ spansIntersect (d:ds) = d `spanIntersect` (spansIntersect ds)
-- | Calculate the intersection of two datespans.
-- For non-intersecting spans, gives an empty span beginning on the second's start date:
-- >>> DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 01 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 01 03) `spanIntersect` DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 01 03) (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 01 05)
-- >>> DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 01 01) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 01 03) `spanIntersect` DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 01 03) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 01 05)
-- DateSpan 2018-01-03..2018-01-02
spanIntersect (DateSpan b1 e1) (DateSpan b2 e2) = DateSpan b e
@ -330,7 +350,7 @@ earliest (Just d1) (Just d2) = Just $ min d1 d2
-- usual exclusive-end-date sense: beginning on the earliest, and ending on
-- the day after the latest).
daysSpan :: [Day] -> DateSpan
daysSpan ds = DateSpan (minimumMay ds) (addDays 1 <$> maximumMay ds)
daysSpan ds = DateSpan (Exact <$> minimumMay ds) (Exact . addDays 1 <$> maximumMay ds)
-- | Select the DateSpan containing a given Day, if any, from a given list of
-- DateSpans.
@ -352,7 +372,7 @@ latestSpanContaining datespans = go
return spn
-- The smallest DateSpan larger than any DateSpan containing day.
supSpan = DateSpan (Just $ addDays 1 day) Nothing
supSpan = DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ addDays 1 day) Nothing
spanSet = Set.fromList $ filter (not . isEmptySpan) datespans
@ -388,17 +408,17 @@ spanFromSmartDate refdate sdate = DateSpan (Just b) (Just e)
(ry,rm,_) = toGregorian refdate
(b,e) = span' sdate
span' :: SmartDate -> (Day,Day)
span' (SmartCompleteDate day) = (day, nextday day)
span' (SmartAssumeStart y Nothing) = (startofyear day, nextyear day) where day = fromGregorian y 1 1
span' (SmartAssumeStart y (Just m)) = (startofmonth day, nextmonth day) where day = fromGregorian y m 1
span' (SmartFromReference m d) = (day, nextday day) where day = fromGregorian ry (fromMaybe rm m) d
span' (SmartMonth m) = (startofmonth day, nextmonth day) where day = fromGregorian ry m 1
span' (SmartRelative n Day) = (addDays n refdate, addDays (n+1) refdate)
span' (SmartRelative n Week) = (addDays (7*n) d, addDays (7*n+7) d) where d = thisweek refdate
span' (SmartRelative n Month) = (addGregorianMonthsClip n d, addGregorianMonthsClip (n+1) d) where d = thismonth refdate
span' (SmartRelative n Quarter) = (addGregorianMonthsClip (3*n) d, addGregorianMonthsClip (3*n+3) d) where d = thisquarter refdate
span' (SmartRelative n Year) = (addGregorianYearsClip n d, addGregorianYearsClip (n+1) d) where d = thisyear refdate
span' :: SmartDate -> (EFDay, EFDay)
span' (SmartCompleteDate day) = (Exact day, Exact $ nextday day)
span' (SmartAssumeStart y Nothing) = (Flex $ startofyear day, Flex $ nextyear day) where day = fromGregorian y 1 1
span' (SmartAssumeStart y (Just m)) = (Flex $ startofmonth day, Flex $ nextmonth day) where day = fromGregorian y m 1
span' (SmartFromReference m d) = (Exact day, Exact $ nextday day) where day = fromGregorian ry (fromMaybe rm m) d
span' (SmartMonth m) = (Flex $ startofmonth day, Flex $ nextmonth day) where day = fromGregorian ry m 1
span' (SmartRelative n Day) = (Exact $ addDays n refdate, Exact $ addDays (n+1) refdate)
span' (SmartRelative n Week) = (Flex $ addDays (7*n) d, Flex $ addDays (7*n+7) d) where d = thisweek refdate
span' (SmartRelative n Month) = (Flex $ addGregorianMonthsClip n d, Flex $ addGregorianMonthsClip (n+1) d) where d = thismonth refdate
span' (SmartRelative n Quarter) = (Flex $ addGregorianMonthsClip (3*n) d, Flex $ addGregorianMonthsClip (3*n+3) d) where d = thisquarter refdate
span' (SmartRelative n Year) = (Flex $ addGregorianYearsClip n d, Flex $ addGregorianYearsClip (n+1) d) where d = thisyear refdate
-- showDay :: Day -> String
-- showDay day = printf "%04d/%02d/%02d" y m d where (y,m,d) = toGregorian day
@ -412,15 +432,17 @@ fixSmartDateStr d s =
-- | A safe version of fixSmartDateStr.
fixSmartDateStrEither :: Day -> Text -> Either HledgerParseErrors Text
fixSmartDateStrEither d = fmap showDate . fixSmartDateStrEither' d
fixSmartDateStrEither d = fmap showEFDate . fixSmartDateStrEither' d
:: Day -> Text -> Either HledgerParseErrors Day
:: Day -> Text -> Either HledgerParseErrors EFDay
fixSmartDateStrEither' d s = case parsewith smartdateonly (T.toLower s) of
Right sd -> Right $ fixSmartDate d sd
Left e -> Left e
-- | Convert a SmartDate to an absolute date using the provided reference date.
-- | Convert a SmartDate to a specific date using the provided reference date.
-- This date will be exact or flexible depending on whether the day was
-- specified exactly. (Missing least-significant parts produces a flex date.)
-- ==== Examples:
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
@ -503,19 +525,19 @@ fixSmartDateStrEither' d s = case parsewith smartdateonly (T.toLower s) of
-- "2008-07-01"
-- >>> t "1 week ahead"
-- "2008-12-01"
fixSmartDate :: Day -> SmartDate -> Day
fixSmartDate :: Day -> SmartDate -> EFDay
fixSmartDate refdate = fix
fix :: SmartDate -> Day
fix (SmartCompleteDate d) = d
fix (SmartAssumeStart y m) = fromGregorian y (fromMaybe 1 m) 1
fix (SmartFromReference m d) = fromGregorian ry (fromMaybe rm m) d
fix (SmartMonth m) = fromGregorian ry m 1
fix (SmartRelative n Day) = addDays n refdate
fix (SmartRelative n Week) = addDays (7*n) $ thisweek refdate
fix (SmartRelative n Month) = addGregorianMonthsClip n $ thismonth refdate
fix (SmartRelative n Quarter) = addGregorianMonthsClip (3*n) $ thisquarter refdate
fix (SmartRelative n Year) = addGregorianYearsClip n $ thisyear refdate
fix :: SmartDate -> EFDay
fix (SmartCompleteDate d) = Exact d
fix (SmartAssumeStart y m) = Flex $ fromGregorian y (fromMaybe 1 m) 1
fix (SmartFromReference m d) = Exact $ fromGregorian ry (fromMaybe rm m) d
fix (SmartMonth m) = Flex $ fromGregorian ry m 1
fix (SmartRelative n Day) = Exact $ addDays n refdate
fix (SmartRelative n Week) = Flex $ addDays (7*n) $ thisweek refdate
fix (SmartRelative n Month) = Flex $ addGregorianMonthsClip n $ thismonth refdate
fix (SmartRelative n Quarter) = Flex $ addGregorianMonthsClip (3*n) $ thisquarter refdate
fix (SmartRelative n Year) = Flex $ addGregorianYearsClip n $ thisyear refdate
(ry, rm, _) = toGregorian refdate
prevday :: Day -> Day
@ -551,8 +573,8 @@ startofyear day = fromGregorian y 1 1 where (y,_,_) = toGregorian day
-- when applicable. Works for Weeks, Months, Quarters, Years, eg.
intervalBoundaryBefore :: Interval -> Day -> Day
intervalBoundaryBefore i d =
case splitSpan True i (DateSpan (Just d) (Just $ addDays 1 d)) of
(DateSpan (Just start) _:_) -> start
case splitSpan True i (DateSpan (Just $ Exact d) (Just $ Exact $ addDays 1 d)) of
(DateSpan (Just start) _:_) -> fromEFDay start
_ -> d
-- | For given date d find year-long interval that starts on given
@ -1050,9 +1072,9 @@ justdatespanp rdate =
nulldatespan :: DateSpan
nulldatespan = DateSpan Nothing Nothing
-- | A datespan of zero length, that matches no date.
-- | An exact datespan of zero length, that matches no date.
emptydatespan :: DateSpan
emptydatespan = DateSpan (Just $ addDays 1 nulldate) (Just nulldate)
emptydatespan = DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ addDays 1 nulldate) (Just $ Exact nulldate)
nulldate :: Day
nulldate = fromGregorian 0 1 1
@ -1062,23 +1084,23 @@ nulldate = fromGregorian 0 1 1
tests_Dates = testGroup "Dates"
[ testCase "weekday" $ do
splitSpan False (DaysOfWeek [1..5]) (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 08))
@?= [ (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 06 28) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 06 29))
, (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 06 29) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 06 30))
, (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 06 30) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 01))
, (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 02))
, (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 02) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 05))
splitSpan False (DaysOfWeek [1..5]) (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 01) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 08))
@?= [ (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 06 28) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 06 29))
, (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 06 29) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 06 30))
, (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 06 30) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 01))
, (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 01) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 02))
, (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 02) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 05))
-- next week
, (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 05) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 06))
, (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 06) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 07))
, (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 07) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 08))
, (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 05) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 06))
, (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 06) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 07))
, (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 07) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 08))
splitSpan False (DaysOfWeek [1, 5]) (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 08))
@?= [ (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 06 28) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 02))
, (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 02) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 05))
splitSpan False (DaysOfWeek [1, 5]) (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 01) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 08))
@?= [ (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 06 28) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 02))
, (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 02) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 05))
-- next week
, (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 05) (Just $ fromGregorian 2021 07 09))
, (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 05) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2021 07 09))
, testCase "match dayOfWeek" $ do
@ -1087,14 +1109,14 @@ tests_Dates = testGroup "Dates"
ys2021 = fromGregorian 2021 01 01
ye2021 = fromGregorian 2021 12 31
ys2022 = fromGregorian 2022 01 01
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan (Just ys2021) (Just ye2021))) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan (Just ys2021) (Just ys2022))) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan (Just ye2021) (Just ys2022))) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan (Just $ Exact ys2021) (Just $ Exact ye2021))) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan (Just $ Exact ys2021) (Just $ Exact ys2022))) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan (Just $ Exact ye2021) (Just $ Exact ys2022))) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan (Just ye2021) Nothing)) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan (Just ys2022) Nothing)) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan (Just $ Exact ye2021) Nothing)) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan (Just $ Exact ys2022) Nothing)) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan Nothing (Just ye2021))) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan Nothing (Just ys2022))) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan Nothing (Just $ Exact ye2021))) [1..7]
mapM_ (matchdow (DateSpan Nothing (Just $ Exact ys2022))) [1..7]

View File

@ -1002,7 +1002,7 @@ journalStyleInfluencingAmounts j =
-- pamt g p = (\amt -> p {pamount =amt}) <$> g (pamount p)
-- amts g (Mixed as) = Mixed <$> g as
-- | The fully specified date span enclosing the dates (primary or secondary)
-- | The fully specified exact date span enclosing the dates (primary or secondary)
-- of all this journal's transactions and postings, or DateSpan Nothing Nothing
-- if there are none.
journalDateSpan :: Bool -> Journal -> DateSpan
@ -1019,7 +1019,7 @@ journalDateSpanBothDates = journalDateSpanHelper Nothing
-- uses both primary and secondary dates.
journalDateSpanHelper :: Maybe WhichDate -> Journal -> DateSpan
journalDateSpanHelper whichdate j =
DateSpan (minimumMay dates) (addDays 1 <$> maximumMay dates)
DateSpan (Exact <$> minimumMay dates) (Exact . addDays 1 <$> maximumMay dates)
dates = pdates ++ tdates
tdates = concatMap gettdate ts
@ -1037,12 +1037,12 @@ journalDateSpanHelper whichdate j =
-- | The earliest of this journal's transaction and posting dates, or
-- Nothing if there are none.
journalStartDate :: Bool -> Journal -> Maybe Day
journalStartDate secondary j = b where DateSpan b _ = journalDateSpan secondary j
journalStartDate secondary j = fromEFDay <$> b where DateSpan b _ = journalDateSpan secondary j
-- | The "exclusive end date" of this journal: the day following its latest transaction
-- or posting date, or Nothing if there are none.
journalEndDate :: Bool -> Journal -> Maybe Day
journalEndDate secondary j = e where DateSpan _ e = journalDateSpan secondary j
journalEndDate secondary j = fromEFDay <$> e where DateSpan _ e = journalDateSpan secondary j
-- | The latest of this journal's transaction and posting dates, or
-- Nothing if there are none.
@ -1254,5 +1254,5 @@ tests_Journal = testGroup "Journal" [
@?= (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2014 1 10) (Just $ fromGregorian 2014 10 11))
@?= (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2014 1 10) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2014 10 11))

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@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ instance ToJSON TransactionModifier
instance ToJSON TMPostingRule
instance ToJSON PeriodicTransaction
instance ToJSON PriceDirective
instance ToJSON EFDay
instance ToJSON DateSpan
instance ToJSON Interval
instance ToJSON Period

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@ -44,38 +44,38 @@ import Text.Printf
import Hledger.Data.Types
-- | Convert Periods to DateSpans.
-- | Convert Periods to exact DateSpans.
-- >>> periodAsDateSpan (MonthPeriod 2000 1) == DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2000 1 1) (Just $ fromGregorian 2000 2 1)
-- >>> periodAsDateSpan (MonthPeriod 2000 1) == DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2000 1 1) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2000 2 1)
-- True
periodAsDateSpan :: Period -> DateSpan
periodAsDateSpan (DayPeriod d) = DateSpan (Just d) (Just $ addDays 1 d)
periodAsDateSpan (WeekPeriod b) = DateSpan (Just b) (Just $ addDays 7 b)
periodAsDateSpan (MonthPeriod y m) = DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian y m 1) (Just $ fromGregorian y' m' 1)
periodAsDateSpan (DayPeriod d) = DateSpan (Just $ Exact d) (Just $ Exact $ addDays 1 d)
periodAsDateSpan (WeekPeriod b) = DateSpan (Just $ Flex b) (Just $ Flex $ addDays 7 b)
periodAsDateSpan (MonthPeriod y m) = DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian y m 1) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian y' m' 1)
(y',m') | m==12 = (y+1,1)
| otherwise = (y,m+1)
periodAsDateSpan (QuarterPeriod y q) = DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian y m 1) (Just $ fromGregorian y' m' 1)
periodAsDateSpan (QuarterPeriod y q) = DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian y m 1) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian y' m' 1)
(y', q') | q==4 = (y+1,1)
| otherwise = (y,q+1)
quarterAsMonth q2 = (q2-1) * 3 + 1
m = quarterAsMonth q
m' = quarterAsMonth q'
periodAsDateSpan (YearPeriod y) = DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian y 1 1) (Just $ fromGregorian (y+1) 1 1)
periodAsDateSpan (PeriodBetween b e) = DateSpan (Just b) (Just e)
periodAsDateSpan (PeriodFrom b) = DateSpan (Just b) Nothing
periodAsDateSpan (PeriodTo e) = DateSpan Nothing (Just e)
periodAsDateSpan (YearPeriod y) = DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian y 1 1) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian (y+1) 1 1)
periodAsDateSpan (PeriodBetween b e) = DateSpan (Just $ Exact b) (Just $ Exact e)
periodAsDateSpan (PeriodFrom b) = DateSpan (Just $ Exact b) Nothing
periodAsDateSpan (PeriodTo e) = DateSpan Nothing (Just $ Exact e)
periodAsDateSpan (PeriodAll) = DateSpan Nothing Nothing
-- | Convert DateSpans to Periods.
-- >>> dateSpanAsPeriod $ DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2000 1 1) (Just $ fromGregorian 2000 2 1)
-- >>> dateSpanAsPeriod $ DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2000 1 1) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2000 2 1)
-- MonthPeriod 2000 1
dateSpanAsPeriod :: DateSpan -> Period
dateSpanAsPeriod (DateSpan (Just b) (Just e)) = simplifyPeriod $ PeriodBetween b e
dateSpanAsPeriod (DateSpan (Just b) Nothing) = PeriodFrom b
dateSpanAsPeriod (DateSpan Nothing (Just e)) = PeriodTo e
dateSpanAsPeriod (DateSpan (Just b) (Just e)) = simplifyPeriod $ PeriodBetween (fromEFDay b) (fromEFDay e)
dateSpanAsPeriod (DateSpan (Just b) Nothing) = PeriodFrom (fromEFDay b)
dateSpanAsPeriod (DateSpan Nothing (Just e)) = PeriodTo (fromEFDay e)
dateSpanAsPeriod (DateSpan Nothing Nothing) = PeriodAll
-- | Convert PeriodBetweens to a more abstract period where possible.
@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ showPeriodMonthAbbrev (MonthPeriod _ m) -- Jan
showPeriodMonthAbbrev p = showPeriod p
periodStart :: Period -> Maybe Day
periodStart p = mb
periodStart p = fromEFDay <$> mb
DateSpan mb _ = periodAsDateSpan p
periodEnd :: Period -> Maybe Day
periodEnd p = me
periodEnd p = fromEFDay <$> me
DateSpan _ me = periodAsDateSpan p
@ -231,11 +231,12 @@ periodPrevious p = p
-- | Move a standard period to the following period of same duration, staying within enclosing dates.
-- Non-standard periods are unaffected.
periodNextIn :: DateSpan -> Period -> Period
periodNextIn (DateSpan _ (Just e)) p =
periodNextIn (DateSpan _ (Just e0)) p =
case mb of
Just b -> if b < e then p' else p
_ -> p
e = fromEFDay e0
p' = periodNext p
mb = periodStart p'
periodNextIn _ p = periodNext p
@ -243,11 +244,12 @@ periodNextIn _ p = periodNext p
-- | Move a standard period to the preceding period of same duration, staying within enclosing dates.
-- Non-standard periods are unaffected.
periodPreviousIn :: DateSpan -> Period -> Period
periodPreviousIn (DateSpan (Just b) _) p =
periodPreviousIn (DateSpan (Just b0) _) p =
case me of
Just e -> if e > b then p' else p
_ -> p
b = fromEFDay b0
p' = periodPrevious p
me = periodEnd p'
periodPreviousIn _ p = periodPrevious p

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@ -186,17 +186,17 @@ instance Show PeriodicTransaction where
-- a $1.00
-- >>> let reportperiod="daily from 2018/01/03" in let (i,s) = parsePeriodExpr' nulldate reportperiod in runPeriodicTransaction (nullperiodictransaction{ptperiodexpr=reportperiod, ptspan=s, ptinterval=i, ptpostings=["a" `post` usd 1]}) (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 01 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 01 03))
-- >>> let reportperiod="daily from 2018/01/03" in let (i,s) = parsePeriodExpr' nulldate reportperiod in runPeriodicTransaction (nullperiodictransaction{ptperiodexpr=reportperiod, ptspan=s, ptinterval=i, ptpostings=["a" `post` usd 1]}) (DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 01 01) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 01 03))
-- []
-- >>> _ptgenspan "every 3 months from 2019-05" (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2020 01 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2020 02 01))
-- >>> _ptgenspan "every 3 months from 2019-05" (DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2020 01 01) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2020 02 01))
-- >>> _ptgenspan "every 3 months from 2019-05" (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2020 02 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2020 03 01))
-- >>> _ptgenspan "every 3 months from 2019-05" (DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2020 02 01) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2020 03 01))
-- 2020-02-01
-- ; generated-transaction: ~ every 3 months from 2019-05
-- a $1.00
-- >>> _ptgenspan "every 3 days from 2018" (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 01 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 01 05))
-- >>> _ptgenspan "every 3 days from 2018" (DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 01 01) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 01 05))
-- 2018-01-01
-- ; generated-transaction: ~ every 3 days from 2018
-- a $1.00
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ instance Show PeriodicTransaction where
-- ; generated-transaction: ~ every 3 days from 2018
-- a $1.00
-- >>> _ptgenspan "every 3 days from 2018" (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 01 02) (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 01 05))
-- >>> _ptgenspan "every 3 days from 2018" (DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 01 02) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 01 05))
-- 2018-01-04
-- ; generated-transaction: ~ every 3 days from 2018
-- a $1.00
@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ instance Show PeriodicTransaction where
runPeriodicTransaction :: PeriodicTransaction -> DateSpan -> [Transaction]
runPeriodicTransaction PeriodicTransaction{..} requestedspan =
[ t{tdate=d} | (DateSpan (Just d) _) <- alltxnspans, spanContainsDate requestedspan d ]
[ t{tdate=d} | (DateSpan (Just efd) _) <- alltxnspans, let d = fromEFDay efd, spanContainsDate requestedspan d ]
t = nulltransaction{
tsourcepos = ptsourcepos
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ checkPeriodicTransactionStartDate i s periodexpr =
_ -> Nothing
checkStart d x =
let firstDate = fixSmartDate d $ SmartRelative 0 x
let firstDate = fromEFDay $ fixSmartDate d $ SmartRelative 0 x
if d == firstDate
then Nothing

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Most data types are defined here to avoid import cycles.
Here is an overview of the hledger data model:
@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ type WeekDay = Int -- 1-7
-- containing the reference date.
data SmartDate
= SmartCompleteDate Day
| SmartAssumeStart Year (Maybe Month)
| SmartFromReference (Maybe Month) MonthDay
| SmartAssumeStart Year (Maybe Month) -- XXX improve these constructor names
| SmartFromReference (Maybe Month) MonthDay --
| SmartMonth Month
| SmartRelative Integer SmartInterval
deriving (Show)
@ -92,7 +92,27 @@ data SmartInterval = Day | Week | Month | Quarter | Year deriving (Show)
data WhichDate = PrimaryDate | SecondaryDate deriving (Eq,Show)
data DateSpan = DateSpan (Maybe Day) (Maybe Day) deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic)
-- | A date which is either exact or flexible.
-- Flexible dates are allowed to be adjusted in certain situations.
data EFDay = Exact Day | Flex Day deriving (Eq,Generic,Show)
-- EFDay's Ord instance treats them like ordinary dates, ignoring exact/flexible.
instance Ord EFDay where compare d1 d2 = compare (fromEFDay d1) (fromEFDay d2)
-- instance Ord EFDay where compare = maCompare
fromEFDay :: EFDay -> Day
fromEFDay (Exact d) = d
fromEFDay (Flex d) = d
modifyEFDay :: (Day -> Day) -> EFDay -> EFDay
modifyEFDay f (Exact d) = Exact $ f d
modifyEFDay f (Flex d) = Flex $ f d
-- | A possibly open-ended span of time, from an optional inclusive start date
-- to an optional exclusive end date. Each date can be either exact or flexible.
-- An "exact date span" is a Datepan with exact start and end dates.
data DateSpan = DateSpan (Maybe EFDay) (Maybe EFDay) deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic)
instance Default DateSpan where def = DateSpan Nothing Nothing

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@ -571,8 +571,8 @@ p ||| q = \v -> p v || q v
queryStartDate :: Bool -> Query -> Maybe Day
queryStartDate secondary (Or ms) = earliestMaybeDate $ map (queryStartDate secondary) ms
queryStartDate secondary (And ms) = latestMaybeDate $ map (queryStartDate secondary) ms
queryStartDate False (Date (DateSpan (Just d) _)) = Just d
queryStartDate True (Date2 (DateSpan (Just d) _)) = Just d
queryStartDate False (Date (DateSpan (Just d) _)) = Just $ fromEFDay d
queryStartDate True (Date2 (DateSpan (Just d) _)) = Just $ fromEFDay d
queryStartDate _ _ = Nothing
-- | What end date (or secondary date) does this query specify, if any ?
@ -580,8 +580,8 @@ queryStartDate _ _ = Nothing
queryEndDate :: Bool -> Query -> Maybe Day
queryEndDate secondary (Or ms) = latestMaybeDate' $ map (queryEndDate secondary) ms
queryEndDate secondary (And ms) = earliestMaybeDate' $ map (queryEndDate secondary) ms
queryEndDate False (Date (DateSpan _ (Just d))) = Just d
queryEndDate True (Date2 (DateSpan _ (Just d))) = Just d
queryEndDate False (Date (DateSpan _ (Just d))) = Just $ fromEFDay d
queryEndDate True (Date2 (DateSpan _ (Just d))) = Just $ fromEFDay d
queryEndDate _ _ = Nothing
queryTermDateSpan (Date spn) = Just spn
@ -835,8 +835,8 @@ tests_Query = testGroup "Query" [
(simplifyQuery $ And [Any,Any]) @?= (Any)
(simplifyQuery $ And [Acct $ toRegex' "b",Any]) @?= (Acct $ toRegex' "b")
(simplifyQuery $ And [Any,And [Date (DateSpan Nothing Nothing)]]) @?= (Any)
(simplifyQuery $ And [Date (DateSpan Nothing (Just $ fromGregorian 2013 01 01)), Date (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2012 01 01) Nothing)])
@?= (Date (DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2012 01 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2013 01 01)))
(simplifyQuery $ And [Date (DateSpan Nothing (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2013 01 01)), Date (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2012 01 01) Nothing)])
@?= (Date (DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2012 01 01) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2013 01 01)))
(simplifyQuery $ And [Or [],Or [Desc $ toRegex' "b b"]]) @?= (Desc $ toRegex' "b b")
,testCase "parseQuery" $ do
@ -875,9 +875,9 @@ tests_Query = testGroup "Query" [
parseQueryTerm nulldate "payee:x" @?= Left <$> payeeTag (Just "x")
parseQueryTerm nulldate "note:x" @?= Left <$> noteTag (Just "x")
parseQueryTerm nulldate "real:1" @?= Right (Left $ Real True)
parseQueryTerm nulldate "date:2008" @?= Right (Left $ Date $ DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2008 01 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2009 01 01))
parseQueryTerm nulldate "date:from 2012/5/17" @?= Right (Left $ Date $ DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2012 05 17) Nothing)
parseQueryTerm nulldate "date:20180101-201804" @?= Right (Left $ Date $ DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 01 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 04 01))
parseQueryTerm nulldate "date:2008" @?= Right (Left $ Date $ DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2008 01 01) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2009 01 01))
parseQueryTerm nulldate "date:from 2012/5/17" @?= Right (Left $ Date $ DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2012 05 17) Nothing)
parseQueryTerm nulldate "date:20180101-201804" @?= Right (Left $ Date $ DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2018 01 01) (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 04 01))
parseQueryTerm nulldate "inacct:a" @?= Right (Right $ QueryOptInAcct "a")
parseQueryTerm nulldate "tag:a" @?= Right (Left $ Tag (toRegexCI' "a") Nothing)
parseQueryTerm nulldate "tag:a=some value" @?= Right (Left $ Tag (toRegexCI' "a") (Just $ toRegexCI' "some value"))
@ -899,18 +899,18 @@ tests_Query = testGroup "Query" [
,testCase "queryStartDate" $ do
let small = Just $ fromGregorian 2000 01 01
big = Just $ fromGregorian 2000 01 02
queryStartDate False (And [Date $ DateSpan small Nothing, Date $ DateSpan big Nothing]) @?= big
queryStartDate False (And [Date $ DateSpan small Nothing, Date $ DateSpan Nothing Nothing]) @?= small
queryStartDate False (Or [Date $ DateSpan small Nothing, Date $ DateSpan big Nothing]) @?= small
queryStartDate False (Or [Date $ DateSpan small Nothing, Date $ DateSpan Nothing Nothing]) @?= Nothing
queryStartDate False (And [Date $ DateSpan (Exact <$> small) Nothing, Date $ DateSpan (Exact <$> big) Nothing]) @?= big
queryStartDate False (And [Date $ DateSpan (Exact <$> small) Nothing, Date $ DateSpan Nothing Nothing]) @?= small
queryStartDate False (Or [Date $ DateSpan (Exact <$> small) Nothing, Date $ DateSpan (Exact <$> big) Nothing]) @?= small
queryStartDate False (Or [Date $ DateSpan (Exact <$> small) Nothing, Date $ DateSpan Nothing Nothing]) @?= Nothing
,testCase "queryEndDate" $ do
let small = Just $ fromGregorian 2000 01 01
big = Just $ fromGregorian 2000 01 02
queryEndDate False (And [Date $ DateSpan Nothing small, Date $ DateSpan Nothing big]) @?= small
queryEndDate False (And [Date $ DateSpan Nothing small, Date $ DateSpan Nothing Nothing]) @?= small
queryEndDate False (Or [Date $ DateSpan Nothing small, Date $ DateSpan Nothing big]) @?= big
queryEndDate False (Or [Date $ DateSpan Nothing small, Date $ DateSpan Nothing Nothing]) @?= Nothing
queryEndDate False (And [Date $ DateSpan Nothing (Exact <$> small), Date $ DateSpan Nothing (Exact <$> big)]) @?= small
queryEndDate False (And [Date $ DateSpan Nothing (Exact <$> small), Date $ DateSpan Nothing Nothing]) @?= small
queryEndDate False (Or [Date $ DateSpan Nothing (Exact <$> small), Date $ DateSpan Nothing (Exact <$> big)]) @?= big
queryEndDate False (Or [Date $ DateSpan Nothing (Exact <$> small), Date $ DateSpan Nothing Nothing]) @?= Nothing
,testCase "matchesAccount" $ do
assertBool "" $ (Acct $ toRegex' "b:c") `matchesAccount` "a:bb:c:d"

View File

@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ rawOptsToInputOpts day rawopts =
,new_save_ = True
,pivot_ = stringopt "pivot" rawopts
,forecast_ = forecastPeriodFromRawOpts day rawopts
,reportspan_ = DateSpan (queryStartDate False datequery) (queryEndDate False datequery)
,reportspan_ = DateSpan (Exact <$> queryStartDate False datequery) (Exact <$> queryEndDate False datequery)
,auto_ = boolopt "auto" rawopts
,infer_equity_ = boolopt "infer-equity" rawopts && conversionop_ ropts /= Just ToCost
,infer_costs_ = boolopt "infer-costs" rawopts

View File

@ -76,11 +76,11 @@ definputopts = InputOpts
forecastPeriod :: InputOpts -> Journal -> Maybe DateSpan
forecastPeriod iopts j = do
DateSpan requestedStart requestedEnd <- forecast_ iopts
let forecastStart = requestedStart <|> max mjournalend reportStart <|> Just (_ioDay iopts)
forecastEnd = requestedEnd <|> reportEnd <|> Just (addDays 180 $ _ioDay iopts)
let forecastStart = fromEFDay <$> requestedStart <|> max mjournalend (fromEFDay <$> reportStart) <|> Just (_ioDay iopts)
forecastEnd = fromEFDay <$> requestedEnd <|> fromEFDay <$> reportEnd <|> (Just $ addDays 180 $ _ioDay iopts)
mjournalend = dbg2 "journalEndDate" $ journalEndDate False j -- ignore secondary dates
DateSpan reportStart reportEnd = reportspan_ iopts
return . dbg2 "forecastspan" $ DateSpan forecastStart forecastEnd
return . dbg2 "forecastspan" $ DateSpan (Exact <$> forecastStart) (Exact <$> forecastEnd)
-- ** Lenses

View File

@ -898,7 +898,7 @@ tests_JournalReader = testGroup "JournalReader" [
nullperiodictransaction {
ptperiodexpr = "monthly from 2018/6"
,ptinterval = Months 1
,ptspan = DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 6 1) Nothing
,ptspan = DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 6 1) Nothing
,ptsourcepos = (SourcePos "" (mkPos 1) (mkPos 1), SourcePos "" (mkPos 2) (mkPos 1))
,ptdescription = ""
,ptcomment = "In 2019 we will change this\n"
@ -909,7 +909,7 @@ tests_JournalReader = testGroup "JournalReader" [
nullperiodictransaction {
ptperiodexpr = "monthly from 2018/6"
,ptinterval = Months 1
,ptspan = DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2018 6 1) Nothing
,ptspan = DateSpan (Just $ Flex $ fromGregorian 2018 6 1) Nothing
,ptsourcepos = (SourcePos "" (mkPos 1) (mkPos 1), SourcePos "" (mkPos 2) (mkPos 1))
,ptdescription = "In 2019 we will change this"
,ptcomment = ""
@ -931,7 +931,7 @@ tests_JournalReader = testGroup "JournalReader" [
nullperiodictransaction {
ptperiodexpr = "2019-01-04"
,ptinterval = NoInterval
,ptspan = DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2019 1 4) (Just $ fromGregorian 2019 1 5)
,ptspan = DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2019 1 4) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2019 1 5)
,ptsourcepos = (SourcePos "" (mkPos 1) (mkPos 1), SourcePos "" (mkPos 2) (mkPos 1))
,ptdescription = ""
,ptcomment = ""

View File

@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ accountTransactionsReport rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts} j thisacctq = it
priorq = dbg5 "priorq" $ And [thisacctq, tostartdateq, datelessreportq]
tostartdateq =
case mstartdate of
Just _ -> Date (DateSpan Nothing mstartdate)
Just _ -> Date (DateSpan Nothing (Exact <$> mstartdate))
Nothing -> None -- no start date specified, there are no prior postings
mstartdate = queryStartDate (date2_ ropts) reportq
datelessreportq = filterQuery (not . queryIsDateOrDate2) reportq

View File

@ -162,11 +162,11 @@ tests_BalanceReport = testGroup "BalanceReport" [
mixedAmount (usd 0))
,testCase "with date:" $
(defreportspec{_rsQuery=Date $ DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2009 01 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2010 01 01)}, samplejournal2) `gives`
(defreportspec{_rsQuery=Date $ DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2009 01 01) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2010 01 01)}, samplejournal2) `gives`
([], nullmixedamt)
,testCase "with date2:" $
(defreportspec{_rsQuery=Date2 $ DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2009 01 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2010 01 01)}, samplejournal2) `gives`
(defreportspec{_rsQuery=Date2 $ DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2009 01 01) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2010 01 01)}, samplejournal2) `gives`
("assets:bank:checking","assets:bank:checking",0,mixedAmount (usd 1))
,("income:salary","income:salary",0,mixedAmount (usd (-1)))

View File

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ journalAddBudgetGoalTransactions bopts ropts reportspan j =
either error' id $ -- PARTIAL:
(journalApplyCommodityStyles >=> journalBalanceTransactions bopts) j{ jtxns = budgetts }
budgetspan = dbg3 "budget span" $ DateSpan mbudgetgoalsstartdate (spanEnd reportspan)
budgetspan = dbg3 "budget span" $ DateSpan (Exact <$> mbudgetgoalsstartdate) (Exact <$> spanEnd reportspan)
mbudgetgoalsstartdate =
-- We want to also generate budget goal txns before the report start date, in case -H is used.

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ entriesReport rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts} =
tests_EntriesReport = testGroup "EntriesReport" [
testGroup "entriesReport" [
testCase "not acct" $ (length $ entriesReport defreportspec{_rsQuery=Not . Acct $ toRegex' "bank"} samplejournal) @?= 1
,testCase "date" $ (length $ entriesReport defreportspec{_rsQuery=Date $ DateSpan (Just $ fromGregorian 2008 06 01) (Just $ fromGregorian 2008 07 01)} samplejournal) @?= 3
,testCase "date" $ (length $ entriesReport defreportspec{_rsQuery=Date $ DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2008 06 01) (Just $ Exact $ fromGregorian 2008 07 01)} samplejournal) @?= 3

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@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ startingPostings rspec@ReportSpec{_rsQuery=query,_rsReportOpts=ropts} j priceora
precedingperiod = dateSpanAsPeriod . spanIntersect precedingspan .
periodAsDateSpan $ period_ ropts
precedingspan = DateSpan Nothing $ spanStart reportspan
precedingspan = DateSpan Nothing (Exact <$> spanStart reportspan)
precedingspanq = (if date2_ ropts then Date2 else Date) $ case precedingspan of
DateSpan Nothing Nothing -> emptydatespan
a -> a
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ calculateReportMatrix rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts} j priceoracle startb
-- since this is a cumulative sum of valued amounts, it should not be valued again
cumulative = cumulativeSum nullacct changes
startingBalance = HM.lookupDefault nullacct name startbals
valuedStart = avalue (DateSpan Nothing historicalDate) startingBalance
valuedStart = avalue (DateSpan Nothing (Exact <$> historicalDate)) startingBalance
-- In each column, get each account's balance changes
colacctchanges = dbg5 "colacctchanges" $ map (second $ acctChanges rspec j) colps :: [(DateSpan, HashMap ClippedAccountName Account)]

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@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ where
import Data.List (nub, sortOn)
import Data.List.Extra (nubSort)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Safe (headMay)
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ matchedPostingsBeforeAndDuring :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> DateSpan -> ([Posting
matchedPostingsBeforeAndDuring rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts,_rsQuery=q} j reportspan =
dbg5 "beforeps, duringps" $ span (beforestartq `matchesPosting`) beforeandduringps
beforestartq = dbg3 "beforestartq" $ dateqtype $ DateSpan Nothing $ spanStart reportspan
beforestartq = dbg3 "beforestartq" $ dateqtype $ DateSpan Nothing (Exact <$> spanStart reportspan)
beforeandduringps =
sortOn (postingDateOrDate2 (whichDate ropts)) -- sort postings by date or date2
. (if invert_ ropts then map negatePostingAmount else id) -- with --invert, invert amounts
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ matchedPostingsBeforeAndDuring rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts,_rsQuery=q}
depthless = filterQuery (not . queryIsDepth)
dateless = filterQuery (not . queryIsDateOrDate2)
beforeendq = dateqtype $ DateSpan Nothing $ spanEnd reportspan
beforeendq = dateqtype $ DateSpan Nothing (Exact <$> spanEnd reportspan)
dateqtype = if queryIsDate2 dateq || (queryIsDate dateq && date2_ ropts) then Date2 else Date
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ summarisePostingsInDateSpan spn@(DateSpan b e) wd mdepth showempty ps
| otherwise = summarypes
postingdate = if wd == PrimaryDate then postingDate else postingDate2
b' = fromMaybe (maybe nulldate postingdate $ headMay ps) b
b' = maybe (maybe nulldate postingdate $ headMay ps) fromEFDay b
summaryp = nullposting{pdate=Just b'}
clippedanames = nub $ map (clipAccountName mdepth) anames
summaryps | mdepth == Just 0 = [summaryp{paccount="...",pamount=sumPostings ps}]

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@ -382,14 +382,14 @@ periodFromRawOpts d rawopts =
mlastb = case beginDatesFromRawOpts d rawopts of
[] -> Nothing
bs -> Just $ last bs
bs -> Just $ fromEFDay $ last bs
mlaste = case endDatesFromRawOpts d rawopts of
[] -> Nothing
es -> Just $ last es
es -> Just $ fromEFDay $ last es
-- Get all begin dates specified by -b/--begin or -p/--period options, in order,
-- using the given date to interpret relative date expressions.
beginDatesFromRawOpts :: Day -> RawOpts -> [Day]
beginDatesFromRawOpts :: Day -> RawOpts -> [EFDay]
beginDatesFromRawOpts d = collectopts (begindatefromrawopt d)
begindatefromrawopt d' (n,v)
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ beginDatesFromRawOpts d = collectopts (begindatefromrawopt d)
-- Get all end dates specified by -e/--end or -p/--period options, in order,
-- using the given date to interpret relative date expressions.
endDatesFromRawOpts :: Day -> RawOpts -> [Day]
endDatesFromRawOpts :: Day -> RawOpts -> [EFDay]
endDatesFromRawOpts d = collectopts (enddatefromrawopt d)
enddatefromrawopt d' (n,v)
@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ journalApplyValuationFromOptsWith rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts} j priceo
mPeriodEnd = case interval_ ropts of
NoInterval -> const . spanEnd . fst $ reportSpan j rspec
_ -> spanEnd <=< latestSpanContaining (historical : spans)
historical = DateSpan Nothing $ spanStart =<< headMay spans
historical = DateSpan Nothing $ (fmap Exact . spanStart) =<< headMay spans
spans = snd $ reportSpanBothDates j rspec
styles = journalCommodityStyles j
err = error "journalApplyValuationFromOpts: expected all spans to have an end date"
@ -676,7 +676,7 @@ reportSpanHelper bothdates j ReportSpec{_rsQuery=query, _rsReportOpts=ropts} =
-- include price directives after the last transaction
journalspan = dbg3 "journalspan" $ if bothdates then journalDateSpanBothDates j else journalDateSpan (date2_ ropts) j
pricespan = dbg3 "pricespan" . DateSpan Nothing $ case value_ ropts of
Just (AtEnd _) -> fmap (addDays 1) . maximumMay . map pddate $ jpricedirectives j
Just (AtEnd _) -> fmap (Exact . addDays 1) . maximumMay . map pddate $ jpricedirectives j
_ -> Nothing
-- If the requested span is open-ended, close it using the journal's start and end dates.
-- This can still be the null (open) span if the journal is empty.
@ -692,8 +692,8 @@ reportSpanHelper bothdates j ReportSpec{_rsQuery=query, _rsReportOpts=ropts} =
adjust = isNothing $ spanStart requestedspan
-- The requested span enlarged to enclose a whole number of intervals.
-- This can be the null span if there were no intervals.
reportspan = dbg3 "reportspan" $ DateSpan (spanStart =<< headMay intervalspans)
(spanEnd =<< lastMay intervalspans)
reportspan = dbg3 "reportspan" $ DateSpan (fmap Exact . spanStart =<< headMay intervalspans)
(fmap Exact . spanEnd =<< lastMay intervalspans)
reportStartDate :: Journal -> ReportSpec -> Maybe Day
reportStartDate j = spanStart . fst . reportSpan j

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@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ zipWithPadded _ [] bs = bs
-- | Figure out the overall date span of a PeriodicReport
periodicReportSpan :: PeriodicReport a b -> DateSpan
periodicReportSpan (PeriodicReport [] _ _) = DateSpan Nothing Nothing
periodicReportSpan (PeriodicReport colspans _ _) = DateSpan (spanStart $ head colspans) (spanEnd $ last colspans)
periodicReportSpan (PeriodicReport colspans _ _) = DateSpan (fmap Exact . spanStart $ head colspans) (fmap Exact . spanEnd $ last colspans)
-- | Map a function over the row names.
prMapName :: (a -> b) -> PeriodicReport a c -> PeriodicReport b c

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@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ reportSpecSetFutureAndForecast fcast rspec =
excludeforecastq (Just _) = Any
excludeforecastq Nothing = -- not:date:tomorrow- not:tag:generated-transaction
And [
Not (Date $ DateSpan (Just $ addDays 1 $ _rsDay rspec) Nothing)
Not (Date $ DateSpan (Just $ Exact $ addDays 1 $ _rsDay rspec) Nothing)
,Not generatedTransactionTag

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import Hledger
import Hledger.Web.Foundation (App, Handler, Widget)
import Hledger.Web.Settings (widgetFile)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Control.Arrow (right)
addModal :: Route App -> Journal -> Day -> Widget
addModal addR j today = do
@ -61,7 +62,7 @@ addForm j today = identifyForm "add" $ \extra -> do
return (formRes, $(widgetFile "add-form"))
-- custom fields
dateField = textField & checkMMap (pure . validateDate) (T.pack . show)
dateField = textField & checkMMap (pure . right fromEFDay . validateDate) (T.pack . show)
validateDate s =
first (const ("Invalid date format" :: Text)) $

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@ -509,8 +509,8 @@ rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts = do
currentDay <- getCurrentDay
let day = case maybestringopt "today" rawopts of
Nothing -> currentDay
Just d -> fromRight (error' $ "Unable to parse date \"" ++ d ++ "\"") -- PARTIAL:
$ fixSmartDateStrEither' currentDay (T.pack d)
Just d -> fromRight (error' $ "Unable to parse date \"" ++ d ++ "\"") $ -- PARTIAL:
fromEFDay <$> fixSmartDateStrEither' currentDay (T.pack d)
let iopts = rawOptsToInputOpts day rawopts
rspec <- either error' pure $ rawOptsToReportSpec day rawopts -- PARTIAL:
mcolumns <- readMay <$> getEnvSafe "COLUMNS"

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@ -160,14 +160,15 @@ confirmedTransactionWizard :: PrevInput -> EntryState -> [AddingStage] -> Wizard
confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es [] = confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es [EnterDateAndCode]
confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es@EntryState{..} stack@(currentStage : _) = case currentStage of
EnterDateAndCode -> dateAndCodeWizard prevInput es >>= \case
Just (date, code) -> do
let es' = es
{ esArgs = drop 1 esArgs
, esDefDate = date
dateAndCodeString = formatTime defaultTimeLocale yyyymmddFormat date
Just (efd, code) -> do
date = fromEFDay efd
es' = es{ esArgs = drop 1 esArgs
, esDefDate = date
dateAndCodeString = formatTime defaultTimeLocale yyyymmddFormat date
++ T.unpack (if T.null code then "" else " (" <> code <> ")")
yyyymmddFormat = "%Y-%m-%d"
yyyymmddFormat = "%Y-%m-%d"
confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput{prevDateAndCode=Just dateAndCodeString} es' (EnterDescAndComment (date, code) : stack)
Nothing ->
confirmedTransactionWizard prevInput es stack

View File

@ -739,8 +739,8 @@ multiBalanceRowAsWbs bopts ReportOpts{..} colspans (PeriodicReportRow _ as rowto
cs = if all mixedAmountLooksZero allamts then [""] else S.toList $ foldMap maCommodities allamts
allamts = as ++ [rowtot | totalscolumn && not (null as)] ++ [rowavg | average_ && not (null as)]
addDateColumns spn@(DateSpan s e) = (wbFromText (showDateSpan spn) :)
. (wbFromText (maybe "" showDate s) :)
. (wbFromText (maybe "" (showDate . addDays (-1)) e) :)
. (wbFromText (maybe "" showEFDate s) :)
. (wbFromText (maybe "" (showEFDate . modifyEFDay (addDays (-1))) e) :)
paddedTranspose :: a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
paddedTranspose _ [] = [[]]

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
The @roi@ command prints internal rate of return and time-weighted rate of return for and investment.
@ -95,15 +96,17 @@ roi CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ReportO
tableBody <- forM spans $ \spn@(DateSpan (Just begin) (Just end)) -> do
-- Spans are [begin,end), and end is 1 day after the actual end date we are interested in
cashFlowApplyCostValue = map (\(d,amt) -> (d,mixedAmountValue end d amt))
b = fromEFDay begin
e = fromEFDay end
cashFlowApplyCostValue = map (\(d,amt) -> (d,mixedAmountValue e d amt))
valueBefore =
mixedAmountValue end begin $
mixedAmountValue e b $
total trans (And [ investmentsQuery
, Date (DateSpan Nothing (Just begin))])
valueAfter =
mixedAmountValue end end $
mixedAmountValue e e $
total trans (And [investmentsQuery
, Date (DateSpan Nothing (Just end))])
@ -123,14 +126,14 @@ roi CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ReportO
, Date spn ] )
thisSpan = dbg3 "processing span" $
OneSpan begin end valueBefore valueAfter cashFlow pnl
OneSpan b e valueBefore valueAfter cashFlow pnl
irr <- internalRateOfReturn showCashFlow prettyTables thisSpan
twr <- timeWeightedReturn showCashFlow prettyTables investmentsQuery trans mixedAmountValue thisSpan
let cashFlowAmt = maNegate . maSum $ map snd cashFlow
let smallIsZero x = if abs x < 0.01 then 0.0 else x
return [ showDate begin
, showDate (addDays (-1) end)
return [ showDate b
, showDate (addDays (-1) e)
, T.pack $ showMixedAmount valueBefore
, T.pack $ showMixedAmount cashFlowAmt
, T.pack $ showMixedAmount valueAfter
@ -198,7 +201,7 @@ timeWeightedReturn showCashFlow prettyTables investmentsQuery trans mixedAmountV
tail $
(\(_, _, unitPrice, unitBalance) (date, amt) ->
let valueOnDate = unMix $ mixedAmountValue end date $ total trans (And [investmentsQuery, Date (DateSpan Nothing (Just date))])
let valueOnDate = unMix $ mixedAmountValue end date $ total trans (And [investmentsQuery, Date (DateSpan Nothing (Just $ Exact date))])
case amt of
Right amt' ->

View File

@ -834,16 +834,7 @@ P 2022-01-01 AAAA $1.40
expenses:tax:us:2021 $500 ; plus means added to this account (debit)
; revenue/expense categories are also "accounts"
2022-01-01 Whole Foods | payee name and description can be separated by a pipe char ; tag1:
; Transaction or posting comments can contain searchable tags,
; written NAME: or NAME:VALUE (value ends at comma or end of line).
; There's tag1 above with an empty value, and here's tag2:with a five word value
expenses:food $50
assets:checking $-50
; A few tags have special meaning.
; A "date" tag on a posting adjusts its date. (Doesn't affect the transaction date).
; date:2022-01-03, the checking posting cleared two days later.
2022-01-01 ; The description is optional.
; Any currency/commodity symbols are allowed, on either side.
assets:cash:wallet GBP -10
@ -4360,7 +4351,7 @@ file.
## Report start & end date
By default, most hledger reports will show the full span of time represented by the journal data.
By default, most hledger reports will show the full span of time represented by the journal.
The report start date will be the earliest transaction or posting date,
and the report end date will be the latest transaction, posting, or market price date.
@ -4401,11 +4392,12 @@ Examples:
## Smart dates
hledger's user interfaces accept a flexible "smart date" syntax.
Smart dates allow some english words, can be relative to today's date,
and can have less-significant date parts omitted (defaulting to 1).
hledger's user interfaces accept a "smart date" syntax for added convenience.
Smart dates optionally can
be relative to today's date,
be written with english words,
and have less-significant parts omitted (missing parts are inferred as 1).
Some examples:
| | |
@ -4423,7 +4415,7 @@ Examples:
| `20181201` | 8 digit YYYYMMDD with valid year month and day |
| `201812` | 6 digit YYYYMM with valid year and month |
Counterexamples - malformed digit sequences might give surprising results:
Some counterexamples - malformed digit sequences might give surprising results:
| | |
@ -4432,16 +4424,17 @@ Counterexamples - malformed digit sequences might give surprising results:
| `20181232` | 8 digits with an invalid day gives an error |
| `201801012` | 9+ digits beginning with a valid YYYYMMDD gives an error |
Note "today's date" can be overridden with the `--today` option, in case it's
needed for testing or for recreating old reports. (Except for periodic
transaction rules; those are not affected by `--today`.)
"Today's date" can be overridden with the `--today` option, in case
it's needed for testing or for recreating old reports. (Except for
periodic transaction rules, which are not affected by `--today`.)
## Report intervals
A report interval can be specified so that commands like
[register](#register), [balance](#balance) and [activity](#activity)
A report interval can be specified so that reports like
[register](#register), [balance](#balance) or [activity](#activity)
become multi-period, showing each subperiod as a separate row or column.
These "standard" report intervals can be enabled by using the corresponding flag:
The following standard intervals can be enabled with command-line flags:
- `-D/--daily`
- `-W/--weekly`
@ -4449,42 +4442,49 @@ These "standard" report intervals can be enabled by using the corresponding flag
- `-Q/--quarterly`
- `-Y/--yearly`
More complex intervals can be specified using `-p/--period` (see below).
More complex intervals can be specified using `-p/--period`, described below.
Specifying a report interval other than daily can cause a report's
start date and end date to be adjusted in some cases:
## Date adjustment
- If the report start date is specified explicitly, periods will start exactly on that date.
Eg with `-M -b 2023/1/15',
periods will begin on the 15th day of each month, starting from 2023-01-15.
(Since hledger 1.29).
With a report interval (other than daily), report start / end dates which
have not been specified explicitly and in full (eg not `-b 2023-01-01`,
but `-b 2023-01` or `-b 2023` or unspecified) are considered flexible:
- If the report start date is inferred, eg from the journal,
it will be adjusted earlier if necessary to start on a natural interval boundary.
Eg with `-M` by itself, and if the journal's earliest transaction is on 2023-02-04,
periods will begin on the 1st of each month, starting from 2023-02-01.
- A flexible start date will be automatically adjusted earlier if needed to
fall on a natural interval boundary.
- Similarly, a flexible end date will be adjusted later if needed
to make the last period a whole interval (the same length as the others).
- The report end date will be adjusted later if necessary
so that the last period is a whole interval, the same length as the others.
Eg in the example above if the journal's latest transaction is on 2023-03-15,
the report end date will be adjusted to 2023-04-01.
This is convenient for producing clean periodic reports (this is traditional hledger behaviour).
By contrast, fully-specified exact dates will not be adjusted (this is new in hledger 1.29).
An example: with a journal whose first date is 2023-01-10 and last date is 2023-03-20:
- `hledger bal -M -b 2023/1/15 -e 2023/3/10`\
The report periods will begin on the 15th day of each month, starting from 2023-01-15,
and the last period's last day will be 2023-03-09.
(Exact start and end dates, neither is adjusted.)
- `hledger bal -M -b 2023-01 -e 2023-04` or `hledger bal -M`\
The report periods will begin on the 1st of each month, starting from 2023-01-01,
and the last period's last day will be 2023-03-31.
(Flexible start and end dates, both are adjusted.)
## Period expressions
The `-p/--period` option accepts period expressions, a shorthand way
of expressing a start date, end date, and/or report interval all at
The `-p/--period` option specifies a period expression, which is a compact way
of expressing a start date, end date, and/or report interval.
Here's a basic period expression specifying the first quarter of 2009. Note,
hledger always treats start dates as inclusive and end dates as exclusive:
Here's a period expression with a start and end date (specifying the first quarter of 2009):
| |
| `-p "from 2009/1/1 to 2009/4/1"` |
Keywords like "from" and "to" are optional, and so are the spaces, as long
as you don't run two dates together. "to" can also be written as ".." or "-".
These are equivalent to the above:
Several keywords like "from" and "to" are supported for readability; these are optional.
"to" can also be written as ".." or "-".
The spaces are also optional, as long as you don't run two dates together.
So the following are equivalent to the above:
| |
@ -4492,17 +4492,17 @@ These are equivalent to the above:
| `-p2009/1/1to2009/4/1` |
| `-p2009/1/1..2009/4/1` |
Dates are [smart dates](#smart-dates), so if the current year is 2009, the
above can also be written as:
Dates are [smart dates](#smart-dates), so if the current year is 2009,
these are also equivalent to the above:
| |
| `-p "1/1 4/1"` |
| `-p "january-apr"` |
| `-p "jan-apr"` |
| `-p "this year to 4/1"` |
If you specify only one date, the missing start or end date will be the
earliest or latest transaction in your journal:
earliest or latest transaction date in the journal:
| | |
@ -4511,16 +4511,15 @@ earliest or latest transaction in your journal:
| `-p "from 2009"` | the same |
| `-p "to 2009"` | everything before january 1, 2009 |
A single date with no "from" or "to" defines both the start and end date
like so:
You can also specify a period by writing a single partial or full date:
| | |
| `-p "2009"` | the year 2009; equivalent to “2009/1/1 to 2010/1/1” |
| `-p "2009/1"` | the month of jan; equivalent to “2009/1/1 to 2009/2/1” |
| `-p "2009/1/1"` | just that day; equivalent to “2009/1/1 to 2009/1/2” |
| | |
| `-p "2009"` | the year 2009; equivalent to “2009/1/1 to 2010/1/1” |
| `-p "2009/1"` | the month of january 2009; equivalent to “2009/1/1 to 2009/2/1” |
| `-p "2009/1/1"` | the first day of 2009; equivalent to “2009/1/1 to 2009/1/2” |
Or you can specify a single quarter like so:
or by using the "Q" quarter-year syntax (case insensitive):
| | |
@ -4529,10 +4528,8 @@ Or you can specify a single quarter like so:
### Period expressions with a report interval
`-p/--period`'s argument can also begin with, or entirely consist of,
a [report interval](#report-intervals).
This should be separated from the start/end dates (if any) by a space, or the word `in`.
Some examples:
A period expression can also begin with a [report interval](#report-intervals),
separated from the start/end dates (if any) by a space or the word `in`:
| |
@ -4540,38 +4537,27 @@ Some examples:
| `-p "monthly in 2008"` |
| `-p "quarterly"` |
Note a report interval can cause the report start/end dates to be adjusted in some cases,
as described above in [Report intervals](#report-intervals).
### More complex report intervals
Period expressions allow some more complex kinds of interval to be specified, including:
Some more complex intervals can be specified within period expressions, such as:
- `biweekly`
- `biweekly` (every two weeks)
- `fortnightly`
- `bimonthly`
- `bimonthly` (every two months)
- `every day|week|month|quarter|year`
- `every N days|weeks|months|quarters|years`
| |
| `-p "bimonthly from 2008"` |
| `-p "every 2 weeks"` |
| `-p "every 5 months from 2009/03"` |
Weekly on custom day:
Weekly on a custom day:
- `every Nth day of week` (`th`, `nd`, `rd`, or `st` are all accepted after the number)
- `every WEEKDAYNAME` (full or three-letter english weekday name, case insensitive)
Monthly on custom day:
Monthly on a custom day:
- `every Nth day [of month]`
- `every Nth WEEKDAYNAME [of month]`
Yearly on custom day:
Yearly on a custom day:
- `every MM/DD [of year]` (month number and day of month number)
- `every MONTHNAME DDth [of year]` (full or three-letter english month name, case insensitive, and day of month number)
@ -4579,15 +4565,18 @@ Yearly on custom day:
| | |
| `-p "every 2nd day of week"` | periods will go from Tue to Tue |
| `-p "every Tue"` | same |
| `-p "every 15th day"` | period boundaries will be on 15th of each month |
| `-p "every 2nd Monday"` | period boundaries will be on second Monday of each month |
| `-p "every 11/05"` | yearly periods with boundaries on 5th of November |
| `-p "every 5th November"` | same |
| `-p "every Nov 5th"` | same |
| | |
| `-p "bimonthly from 2008"` | |
| `-p "every 2 weeks"` | |
| `-p "every 5 months from 2009/03"` | |
| `-p "every 2nd day of week"` | periods will go from Tue to Tue |
| `-p "every Tue"` | same |
| `-p "every 15th day"` | period boundaries will be on 15th of each month |
| `-p "every 2nd Monday"` | period boundaries will be on second Monday of each month |
| `-p "every 11/05"` | yearly periods with boundaries on 5th of November |
| `-p "every 5th November"` | same |
| `-p "every Nov 5th"` | same |
Show historical balances at end of the 15th day of each month (N is an end date, exclusive as always):