;doc: update command help

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Simon Michael 2023-12-15 13:59:12 -10:00
parent ac50d8c5a6
commit fccaf0d35a

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@ -498,137 +498,121 @@ valuation show:
Budget report
The --budget report type activates extra columns showing any budget
goals for each account and period. The budget goals are defined by
periodic transactions. This is useful for comparing planned and actual
income, expenses, time usage, etc.
The --budget report type is like a regular balance report, but with two
main differences:
For example, you can take average monthly expenses in the common expense
categories to construct a minimal monthly budget:
- Budget goals and performance percentages are also shown, in brackets
- Accounts which don't have budget goals are hidden by default.
This is useful for comparing planned and actual income, expenses, time
usage, etc.
Periodic transaction rules are used to define budget goals. For example,
here's a periodic rule defining monthly goals for bus travel and food
;; Budget
~ monthly
income $2000
expenses:food $400
expenses:bus $50
expenses:movies $30
(expenses:bus) $30
(expenses:food) $400
After recording some actual expenses,
;; Two months worth of expenses
income $1950
expenses:food $396
expenses:bus $49
expenses:movies $30
expenses:supplies $20
income $-1950
expenses:bus $35
expenses:food:groceries $310
expenses:food:dining $42
expenses:movies $38
income $2100
expenses:food $412
expenses:bus $53
expenses:gifts $100
income $-2100
expenses:bus $53
expenses:food:groceries $380
expenses:food:dining $32
expenses:gifts $100
You can now see a monthly budget report:
we can see a budget report like this:
$ hledger balance -M --budget
Budget performance in 2017/11/01-2017/12/31:
$ hledger bal -M --budget
Budget performance in 2017-11-01..2017-12-31:
|| Nov Dec
assets || $-2445 [ 99% of $-2480] $-2665 [ 107% of $-2480]
assets:bank || $-2445 [ 99% of $-2480] $-2665 [ 107% of $-2480]
assets:bank:checking || $-2445 [ 99% of $-2480] $-2665 [ 107% of $-2480]
expenses || $495 [ 103% of $480] $565 [ 118% of $480]
expenses:bus || $49 [ 98% of $50] $53 [ 106% of $50]
expenses:food || $396 [ 99% of $400] $412 [ 103% of $400]
expenses:movies || $30 [ 100% of $30] 0 [ 0% of $30]
income || $1950 [ 98% of $2000] $2100 [ 105% of $2000]
|| 0 [ 0] 0 [ 0]
|| Nov Dec
<unbudgeted> || $-425 $-565
expenses || $425 [ 99% of $430] $565 [131% of $430]
expenses:bus || $35 [117% of $30] $53 [177% of $30]
expenses:food || $352 [ 88% of $400] $412 [103% of $400]
|| 0 [ 0% of $430] 0 [ 0% of $430]
This is different from a normal balance report in several ways.
This is "goal-based budgeting"; you define goals for accounts and
periods, often recurring, and hledger shows performance relative to the
goals. This contrasts with "envelope budgeting", which is more detailed
and strict - useful when cash is tight, but also quite a bit more work.
https://plaintextaccounting.org/Budgeting has more on this topic.
- Accounts with budget goals during the report period, and their
parents, are shown.
- Their subaccounts are not shown (regardless of the depth setting).
- Accounts without budget goals, if any, are aggregated and shown as
- Amounts are always inclusive (subaccount-including), even in list
- After each actual amount, the corresponding goal amount and
percentage of goal reached are also shown, in square brackets.
Using the budget report
This means that the numbers displayed will not always add up! Eg above,
the expenses actual amount includes the gifts and supplies transactions,
but the expenses:gifts and expenses:supplies accounts are not shown, as
they have no budget amounts declared.
Historically this report has been confusing and fragile. hledger's
version should be relatively robust and intuitive, but you may still
find surprises. Here are more notes to help with learning and
This can be confusing. When you need to make things clearer, use the
-E/--empty flag, which will reveal all accounts including unbudgeted
ones, giving the full picture. Eg:
- In the above example, expenses:bus and expenses:food are shown
because they have budget goals during the report period.
$ hledger balance -M --budget --empty
Budget performance in 2017/11/01-2017/12/31:
- Their parent expenses is also shown, with budget goals aggregated
from the children.
|| Nov Dec
assets || $-2445 [ 99% of $-2480] $-2665 [ 107% of $-2480]
assets:bank || $-2445 [ 99% of $-2480] $-2665 [ 107% of $-2480]
assets:bank:checking || $-2445 [ 99% of $-2480] $-2665 [ 107% of $-2480]
expenses || $495 [ 103% of $480] $565 [ 118% of $480]
expenses:bus || $49 [ 98% of $50] $53 [ 106% of $50]
expenses:food || $396 [ 99% of $400] $412 [ 103% of $400]
expenses:gifts || 0 $100
expenses:movies || $30 [ 100% of $30] 0 [ 0% of $30]
expenses:supplies || $20 0
income || $1950 [ 98% of $2000] $2100 [ 105% of $2000]
|| 0 [ 0] 0 [ 0]
- The subaccounts expenses:food:groceries and expenses:food:dining are
not shown since they have no budget goal of their own, but they
contribute to expenses:food's actual amount.
You can roll over unspent budgets to next period with --cumulative:
- Unbudgeted accounts expenses:movies and expenses:gifts are also not
shown, but they contribute to expenses's actual amount.
$ hledger balance -M --budget --cumulative
Budget performance in 2017/11/01-2017/12/31:
- The other unbudgeted accounts income and assets:bank:checking are
grouped as <unbudgeted>.
|| Nov Dec
assets || $-2445 [ 99% of $-2480] $-5110 [ 103% of $-4960]
assets:bank || $-2445 [ 99% of $-2480] $-5110 [ 103% of $-4960]
assets:bank:checking || $-2445 [ 99% of $-2480] $-5110 [ 103% of $-4960]
expenses || $495 [ 103% of $480] $1060 [ 110% of $960]
expenses:bus || $49 [ 98% of $50] $102 [ 102% of $100]
expenses:food || $396 [ 99% of $400] $808 [ 101% of $800]
expenses:movies || $30 [ 100% of $30] $30 [ 50% of $60]
income || $1950 [ 98% of $2000] $4050 [ 101% of $4000]
|| 0 [ 0] 0 [ 0]
- --depth or depth: can be used to limit report depth in the usual way
(but will not reveal unbudgeted subaccounts).
It's common to limit budgets/budget reports to just expenses
- Amounts are always inclusive of subaccounts (even in -l/--list
hledger bal -M --budget expenses
- Numbers displayed in a --budget report will not always agree with
the totals, because of hidden unbudgeted accounts; this is normal.
-E/--empty can be used to reveal the hidden accounts.
or just revenues and expenses (eg, using account types):
- In the periodic rules used for setting budget goals, unbalanced
postings are convenient.
hledger bal -M --budget type:rx
- You can filter budget reports with the usual queries, eg to focus on
particular accounts. It's common to restrict them to just expenses.
(The <unbudgeted> account is occasionally hard to exclude; this is
because of date surprises, discussed below.)
It's also common to limit or convert them to a single currency (cur:COMM
or -X COMM [--infer-market-prices]). If showing multiple currencies,
--layout bare or --layout tall can help.
- When you have multiple currencies, you may want to convert them to
one (-X COMM --infer-market-prices) and/or show just one at a time
(cur:COMM). If you do need to show multiple currencies at once,
--layout bare can be helpful.
For more examples and notes, see Budgeting.
- You can "roll over" amounts (actual and budgeted) to the next period
with --cumulative.
Budget report start date
See also: https://hledger.org/budgeting.html.
This might be a bug, but for now: when making budget reports, it's a
good idea to explicitly set the report's start date to the first day of
a reporting period, because a periodic rule like ~ monthly generates its
transactions on the 1st of each month, and if your journal has no
regular transactions on the 1st, the default report start date could
exclude that budget goal, which can be a little surprising. Eg here the
default report period is just the day of 2020-01-15:
Budget date surprises
With small data, or when starting out, some of the generated budget goal
transaction dates might fall outside the report periods. Eg with the
following journal and report, the first period appears to have no
expenses:food budget. (Also the <unbudgeted> account should be excluded
by the expenses query, but isn't.):
~ monthly in 2020
(expenses:food) $500
@ -637,123 +621,28 @@ default report period is just the day of 2020-01-15:
expenses:food $400
$ hledger bal expenses --budget
$ hledger bal --budget expenses
Budget performance in 2020-01-15:
|| 2020-01-15
<unbudgeted> || $400
|| $400
|| 2020-01-15
<unbudgeted> || $400
expenses:food || 0 [ 0% of $500]
|| $400 [80% of $500]
To avoid this, specify the budget report's period, or at least the start
date, with -b/-e/-p/date:, to ensure it includes the budget goal
transactions (periodic transactions) that you want. Eg, adding
-b 2020/1/1 to the above:
In this case, the budget goal transactions are generated on first days
of of month (this can be seen with
hledger print --forecast tag:generated expenses). Whereas the report
period defaults to just the 15th day of january (this can be seen from
the report table's column headings).
$ hledger bal expenses --budget -b 2020/1/1
Budget performance in 2020-01-01..2020-01-15:
|| 2020-01-01..2020-01-15
expenses:food || $400 [80% of $500]
|| $400 [80% of $500]
Budgets and subaccounts
You can add budgets to any account in your account hierarchy. If you
have budgets on both parent account and some of its children, then
budget(s) of the child account(s) would be added to the budget of their
parent, much like account balances behave.
In the most simple case this means that once you add a budget to any
account, all its parents would have budget as well.
To illustrate this, consider the following budget:
~ monthly from 2019/01
expenses:personal $1,000.00
expenses:personal:electronics $100.00
With this, monthly budget for electronics is defined to be $100 and
budget for personal expenses is an additional $1000, which implicitly
means that budget for both expenses:personal and expenses is $1100.
Transactions in expenses:personal:electronics will be counted both
towards its $100 budget and $1100 of expenses:personal , and
transactions in any other subaccount of expenses:personal would be
counted towards only towards the budget of expenses:personal.
For example, let's consider these transactions:
~ monthly from 2019/01
expenses:personal $1,000.00
expenses:personal:electronics $100.00
2019/01/01 Google home hub
expenses:personal:electronics $90.00
liabilities $-90.00
2019/01/02 Phone screen protector
expenses:personal:electronics:upgrades $10.00
2019/01/02 Weekly train ticket
expenses:personal:train tickets $153.00
2019/01/03 Flowers
expenses:personal $30.00
As you can see, we have transactions in
expenses:personal:electronics:upgrades and
expenses:personal:train tickets, and since both of these accounts are
without explicitly defined budget, these transactions would be counted
towards budgets of expenses:personal:electronics and expenses:personal
$ hledger balance --budget -M
Budget performance in 2019/01:
|| Jan
expenses || $283.00 [ 26% of $1100.00]
expenses:personal || $283.00 [ 26% of $1100.00]
expenses:personal:electronics || $100.00 [ 100% of $100.00]
liabilities || $-283.00 [ 26% of $-1100.00]
|| 0 [ 0]
And with --empty, we can get a better picture of budget allocation and
$ hledger balance --budget -M --empty
Budget performance in 2019/01:
|| Jan
expenses || $283.00 [ 26% of $1100.00]
expenses:personal || $283.00 [ 26% of $1100.00]
expenses:personal:electronics || $100.00 [ 100% of $100.00]
expenses:personal:electronics:upgrades || $10.00
expenses:personal:train tickets || $153.00
liabilities || $-283.00 [ 26% of $-1100.00]
|| 0 [ 0]
To fix this kind of thing, be more explicit about the report period
(and/or the periodic rules' dates). In this case, adding -b 2020 does
the trick.
Selecting budget goals
The budget report evaluates periodic transaction rules to generate
special "goal transactions", which generate the goal amounts for each
account in each report subperiod. When troubleshooting, you can use
print --forecast to show these as forecasted transactions:
$ hledger print --forecast=BUDGETREPORTPERIOD tag:generated
By default, the budget report uses all available periodic transaction
rules to generate goals. This includes rules with a different report
interval from your report. Eg if you have daily, weekly and monthly
@ -764,49 +653,41 @@ You can select a subset of periodic rules by providing an argument to
the --budget flag. --budget=DESCPAT will match all periodic rules whose
description contains DESCPAT, a case-insensitive substring (not a
regular expression or query). This means you can give your periodic
rules descriptions (remember that two spaces are needed), and then
select from multiple budgets defined in your journal.
rules descriptions (remember that two spaces are needed between period
expression and description), and then select from multiple budgets
defined in your journal.
Budget vs forecast
Budgeting vs forecasting
hledger --forecast ... and hledger balance --budget ... are separate
features, though both of them use the periodic transaction rules defined
in the journal, and both of them generate temporary transactions for
reporting purposes ("forecast transactions" and "budget goal
transactions", respectively). You can use both features at the same time
if you want. Here are some differences between them, as of hledger 1.29:
--budget and --forecast both use the periodic transaction rules in the
journal to generate temporary transactions for reporting purposes.
However they are separate features - though you can use both at the same
time if you want. Here are some differences between them:
1. --budget is a command-specific option; it selects the budget report.
- --forecast is a general hledger option, usable with any command
- --budget is a balance command option, usable only with that command.
--forecast is a general option; forecasting works with all reports.
Visibility of generated transactions:
2. --budget uses all periodic rules; --budget=DESCPAT uses just the
rules matched by DESCPAT.
- forecast transactions are visible in any report, like ordinary
- budget goal transactions are invisible except for the goal amounts
they produce in --budget reports.
--forecast uses all periodic rules.
Periodic transaction rules:
3. --budget's budget goal transactions are invisible, except that they
produce goal amounts.
- --forecast uses all available periodic transaction rules
- --budget uses all periodic rules (--budget) or a selected subset
--forecast's forecast transactions are visible, and appear in
Period of generated transactions:
4. --budget generates budget goal transactions throughout the report
period, optionally restricted by periods specified in the periodic
transaction rules.
- --forecast generates forecast transactions
- from after the last regular transaction to the end of the report
period (--forecast)
- or, during a specified period (--forecast=PERIODEXPR)
- possibly further restricted by a period specified in the
periodic transaction rule
- and always restricted within the bounds of the report period
- --budget generates budget goal transactions
- throughout the report period
- possibly restricted by a period specified in the periodic
transaction rule.
--forecast generates forecast transactions from after the last
regular transaction, to the end of the report period; while
--forecast=PERIODEXPR generates them throughout the specified
period; both optionally restricted by periods specified in the
periodic transaction rules.
Balance report layout