;imp:doc:manuals: consolidate, update BUGS sections

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2023-05-25 14:45:07 -10:00
parent a717cbd300
commit fda15f808c
5 changed files with 96 additions and 128 deletions

View File

@ -239,7 +239,6 @@ m4_define({{_inputfileswithptr_}},
(See hledger(1) -> Input for details.)}} )m4_dnl
m4_dnl A standard description of the LEDGER_FILE environment variable.
m4_define({{_LEDGER_FILE_}}, {{
@ -278,6 +277,11 @@ Or, change it in settings: see <https://www.java.com/en/download/help/path.html>
}} )m4_dnl
m4_dnl BUGS boilerplate
{{We welcome bug reports in the hledger issue tracker (shortcut: <http://bugs.hledger.org>),
or on the #hledger chat or hledger mail list (<https://hledger.org/support>).}} )m4_dnl
m4_dnl The _FLAGS marker is used in generating command help (see
m4_dnl CliOptions.parseCommandDoc), but should be removed when generating manuals.
m4_dnl Just one underscore here, so pandoc doesn't strip them

View File

@ -18,10 +18,6 @@ $for(include-after)$
Report bugs at http://bugs.hledger.org
(or on the #hledger chat or hledger mail list)
$for(author)$$author$$sep$; $endfor$.

View File

@ -345,19 +345,23 @@ This leaves more mental bandwidth for your accounting.
Of course you can still interact with hledger-ui when needed,
eg to toggle cleared mode, or to explore the history.
Here are some current limitations to be aware of:
There are currently some limitations with `--watch`:
Changes might not be detected with certain editors, possibly including
Jetbrains IDEs, `gedit`, other Gnome applications; or on certain unusual filesystems.
To work around, reload manually by pressing `g` in the hledger-ui window.
(Or see #1617 for another workaround, and let us know if it works for you.)
It may not work correctly for you, depending on platform or system configuration.
(Eg [#836](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/836).)
CPU and memory usage can sometimes gradually increase, if `hledger-ui --watch` is left running for days.
(Possibly correlated with certain platforms, many transactions, and/or large numbers of other files present).
To work around, `q`uit and restart it,
or (where supported) suspend (`CTRL-z`) and restart it (`fg`).
At least on mac, there can be a slow build-up of CPU usage over time,
until the program is restarted (or, suspending and restarting with
`CTRL-z` `fg` may be enough).
It will not detect file changes made
by certain editors, such as Jetbrains IDEs or `gedit`,
or on certain less common filesystems.
(To work around, press `g` to reload manually,
or try [#1617](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/1617)'s `fs.inotify.max_user_watches` workaround and let us know.)
If you are viewing files mounted from another machine, the system
clocks on both machines should be roughly in agreement.
## Debug output
@ -379,21 +383,15 @@ It _inputfileswithptr_
Some known issues:
`-f-` doesn't work (hledger-ui can't read from stdin).
`-V` affects only the accounts screen.
If you press `g` with large files, there could be a noticeable pause.
When you press `g`, the current and all previous screens are
regenerated, which may cause a noticeable pause with large files.
Also there is no visual indication that this is in progress.
The Transaction screen does not update from file changes
until you exit and re-endter it (see SCREENS > Transaction above).
`--watch` is not yet fully robust. It works well for normal usage, but
many file changes in a short time (eg saving the file thousands of
times with an editor macro) can cause problems at least on OSX.
Symptoms include: unresponsive UI, periodic resetting of the cursor
position, momentary display of parse errors, high CPU usage eventually
subsiding, and possibly a small but persistent build-up of CPU usage
until the program is restarted.
Also, if you are viewing files mounted from another machine, `-w/--watch`
requires that both machine clocks are roughly in step.
`--watch` is not yet fully robust on all platforms (see Watch mode above).

View File

@ -425,10 +425,8 @@ It _inputfileswithptr_
`-f-` doesn't work (hledger-web can't read from stdin).
Query arguments and some hledger options are ignored.
Some known issues:
Does not work in text-mode browsers.
Does not work well on small screens.
Does not work well on small screens, or in text-mode browsers.

View File

@ -697,99 +697,6 @@ To capture debug output in a log file instead, you can usually redirect stderr,
hledger bal --debug=3 2>hledger.log
# Limitations
The need to precede add-on command options with `--` when invoked from hledger is awkward.
When input data contains non-ascii characters, a suitable system locale must be configured (or there will be an unhelpful error).
Eg on POSIX, set LANG to something other than C.
In a Microsoft Windows CMD window, non-ascii characters and colours are not supported.
On Windows, non-ascii characters may not display correctly when running a hledger built
in CMD in MSYS/CYGWIN, or vice-versa.
In a Cygwin/MSYS/Mintty window, the tab key is not supported in hledger add.
Not all of Ledger's journal file syntax is supported.
See [hledger and Ledger > Differences > journal format](/ledger.html#journal-format).
On large data files, hledger is slower and uses more memory than Ledger.
# Troubleshooting
Here are some issues you might encounter when you run hledger
(and remember you can also seek help from the
[IRC channel](http://irc.hledger.org),
[mail list](http://list.hledger.org) or
[bug tracker](http://bugs.hledger.org)):
**Successfully installed, but "No command 'hledger' found"**\
stack and cabal install binaries into a special directory, which
should be added to your PATH environment variable. Eg on unix-like
systems, that is ~/.local/bin and ~/.cabal/bin respectively.
**I set a custom LEDGER_FILE, but hledger is still using the default file**\
`LEDGER_FILE` should be a real environment variable, not just a shell variable.
The command `env | grep LEDGER_FILE` should show it.
You may need to use `export`. Here's an [explanation](http://stackoverflow.com/a/7411509).
**Getting errors like "Illegal byte sequence" or "Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character" or "commitAndReleaseBuffer: invalid argument (invalid character)"**\
Programs compiled with GHC (hledger, haskell build tools, etc.)
need to have a UTF-8-aware locale configured in the environment,
otherwise they will fail with these kinds of errors when they encounter non-ascii characters.
To fix it, set the LANG environment variable to some locale which supports UTF-8.
The locale you choose must be installed on your system.
Here's an example of setting LANG temporarily, on Ubuntu GNU/Linux:
$ file my.journal
my.journal: UTF-8 Unicode text # the file is UTF8-encoded
$ echo $LANG
C # LANG is set to the default locale, which does not support UTF8
$ locale -a # which locales are installed ?
en_US.utf8 # here's a UTF8-aware one we can use
$ LANG=en_US.utf8 hledger -f my.journal print # ensure it is used for this command
If available, `C.UTF-8` will also work.
If your preferred locale isn't listed by `locale -a`, you might need to install it. Eg on Ubuntu/Debian:
$ apt-get install language-pack-fr
$ locale -a
$ LANG=fr_FR.utf8 hledger -f my.journal print
Here's how you could set it permanently, if you use a bash shell:
$ echo "export LANG=en_US.utf8" >>~/.bash_profile
$ bash --login
Exact spelling and capitalisation may be important. Note the difference on MacOS (`UTF-8`, not `utf8`).
Some platforms (eg ubuntu) allow variant spellings, but others (eg macos) require it to be exact:
$ locale -a | grep -iE en_us.*utf
$ LANG=en_US.UTF-8 hledger -f my.journal print
<a name="journal-format"></a>
@ -6314,6 +6221,71 @@ See the [close command](#close).
If using version control, don't forget to `git add` the new file.
Some known issues and limitations:
The need to precede add-on command options with `--` when invoked from hledger is awkward.
(See Command options, Constructing command lines.)
A UTF-8-aware system locale must be configured to work with non-ascii data.
(See Unicode characters, Troubleshooting.)
On Microsoft Windows, depending whether you are running in a CMD window or a Cygwin/MSYS/Mintty window
and how you installed hledger,
non-ascii characters and colours may not be supported,
and the tab key may not be supported by `hledger add`.
(Running in a WSL window should resolve these.)
When processing large data files, hledger uses more memory than Ledger.
## Troubleshooting
Here are some common issues you might encounter when you run hledger,
and how to resolve them
(and remember also you can usually get quick [Support](support.md)):
**PATH issues: I get an error like "No command 'hledger' found"**\
Depending how you installed hledger, the executables may not be in your shell's PATH.
Eg on unix systems, stack installs hledger in `~/.local/bin`
and cabal installs it in `~/.cabal/bin`.
You may need to add one of these directories to your shell's PATH,
and/or open a new terminal window.
**LEDGER_FILE issues: I configured LEDGER_FILE but hledger is not using it**\
- `LEDGER_FILE` should be a real environment variable, not just a shell variable.
Eg on unix, the command `env | grep LEDGER_FILE` should show it.
You may need to use `export` (see <https://stackoverflow.com/a/7411509>).
- You may need to force your shell to see the new configuration.
A simple way is to close your terminal window and open a new one.
**LANG issues: I get errors like "Illegal byte sequence" or "Invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character" or "commitAndReleaseBuffer: invalid argument (invalid character)"**\
Programs compiled with GHC (hledger, haskell build tools, etc.) need the system locale to be UTF-8-aware,
or they will fail when they encounter non-ascii characters.
To fix it, set the LANG environment variable to a locale which supports UTF-8
and which is installed on your system.
On unix, `locale -a` lists the installed locales.
Look for one which mentions `utf8`, `UTF-8` or similar.
Some examples: `C.UTF-8`, `en_US.utf-8`, `fr_FR.utf8`.
If necessary, use your system package manager to install one.
Then select it by setting the `LANG` environment variable.
Note, exact spelling and capitalisation of the locale name may be important:
Here's one common way to configure this permanently for your shell:
$ echo "export LANG=en_US.utf8" >>~/.profile
# close and re-open terminal window
**COMPATIBILITY ISSUES: hledger gives an error with my Ledger file**\
Not all of Ledger's journal file syntax or feature set is supported.
See [hledger and Ledger](ledger.md) for full details.
m4_dnl Some common markdown links.
m4_dnl These are also usable in hledger/Hledger/Cli/Commands/*.md.
m4_dnl Some are defined there also - don't remove, they are needed there for Shake cmdhelp eg.