;shake: cleanups

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2020-03-18 15:40:39 -07:00
parent 1e2e83ab7e
commit fe0253eddb

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
--package base-prelude
--package directory
--package extra
--package process
--package regex
--package safe
--package shake
@ -12,36 +13,26 @@
One of two project scripts files (Makefile, Shake.hs). This one
provides a stronger programming language and more platform
independence than Make. It requires stack and will auto-install the
haskell packages above when needed (on first run or when a new
resolver is configured in stack.yaml). Some rules below use additional
tools, including:
This is one of two collections of maintainer/developer scripts; Makefile is the other.
This one, based on shake, provides a stronger programming language and
more platform independence. It requires stack and will auto-install
the haskell packages above when needed.
Some of the commands below require additional command-line tools, including:
- GNU date (on mac: brew install coreutils)
- groff
- m4
- makeinfo
- pandoc
- sed
- GNU date (on mac: brew install coreutils)
Compiling this script is recommended, to ensure required packages are
installed, minimise startup delay, and reduce sensitivity to the
current git state (eg when bisecting). To compile, run "./Shake.hs".
(Or "make Shake", or any other make rule depending on Shake).
Once compiled, run ./Shake without any arguments to list commands and
targets (see below).
When developing/troubleshooting this script, these are useful:
watch Shake.hs for compile errors: make ghcid-shake
load Shake.hs in GHCI: make ghci-shake
rebuild things when files change with entr (file watcher), eg:
find hledger-lib hledger | entr ./Shake manuals
view rule dependency graph:
./Shake --report, open report.html?mode=rule-graph&query=!name(/(doc%7Cimages%7Cjs%7Ccss%7Cfonts%7Ctime%7Capi%7Cui%7Ccsv)/)
Some things that may be useful when working on these scripts:
- watch Shake.hs for compile errors: make ghcid-shake
- load Shake.hs in GHCI: make ghci-shake
- rebuild things when files change with entr (file watcher), eg:
find hledger-lib hledger | entr ./Shake manuals
- view rule dependency graph:
./Shake --report, open report.html?mode=rule-graph&query=!name(/(doc%7Cimages%7Cjs%7Ccss%7Cfonts%7Ctime%7Capi%7Cui%7Ccsv)/)
@ -66,10 +57,17 @@ import "shake" Development.Shake.FilePath
import "time" Data.Time
-- import "hledger-lib" Hledger.Utils.Debug
usage = unlines
usage =
let scriptname = "Shake" in replaceRe [re|/Shake|] ('/':scriptname) $
,"./Shake.hs (re)compile this script"
["hledger developer's helper. See also: make help"
,"./Shake.hs [CMD] run this script, compiling it first if needed"
,"./Shake [CMD] run the compiled version of this script directly"
,"./Shake list commands"
,"./Shake --help list Shake options (--color, --rebuild, ...)"
,"./Shake commandhelp build help texts for the hledger CLI"
,"./Shake manuals build txt/man/info/web manuals for all packages"
,"./Shake webmanuals build web manuals (in site/) for all packages"
@ -80,7 +78,6 @@ usage = unlines
-- ,"./Shake website-all build the website and all web manual versions"
,"./Shake all build all the above"
-- ,"./Shake hledgerorg update the hledger.org website (when run on prod)"
-- ,"./Shake mainpages build the web pages from the main repo"
-- ,"./Shake site/index.md update wiki links on the website home page"
,"./Shake FILE build any individual file"
@ -89,13 +86,8 @@ usage = unlines
,"./Shake [PKG/]CHANGES.md[-dry] update or preview this changelog"
,"./Shake [PKG/]CHANGES.md-finalise set final release heading in this changelog"
-- ,"./Shake site/doc/VERSION/.snapshot save current web manuals as this snapshot"
,"./Shake clean clean help texts, manuals, staged site content"
,"./Shake Clean also clean rendered site, object files, Shake's cache"
,"./Shake [help] show these commands"
,"./Shake --help show Shake options (--color, --rebuild, ...)"
,"See also: make help"
-- groff = "groff -c" ++ " -Wall" -- see "groff" below
@ -755,9 +747,13 @@ pageNameToUri = (++".html") . intercalate "-" . words
fileNameToPageName = unwords . splitOn "-"
-- | Easier regex replace helper. Replaces each occurrence of a
-- regular expression in src, by transforming each matched text with
-- the given function.
-- | Replace each occurrence of a regular expression by this string.
replaceRe :: RE -> String -> String -> String
replaceRe re repl = replaceBy re (\_ _ _ -> Just repl)
-- | Replace each occurrence of a regular expression, by transforming
-- each matched text with the given function.
replaceBy :: RE -> (Match String -> RELocation -> Capture String -> Maybe String) -> String -> String
replaceBy re f src = replaceAllCaptures TOP f $ src *=~ re
-- not powerful enough, saved for reference: