lib: Write.Spreadsheet.Cell: add cellClass field for HTML style class

cmd: Commands.Balance.multiBalanceRowAsCellBuilders: add HTML style class attributes here
This way we do not need to dissect table rows in
multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow, multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow, multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow
Eventually removed these three functions.
This commit is contained in:
Henning Thielemann 2024-09-05 09:51:20 +02:00 committed by Simon Michael
parent 2fcf793221
commit ff397f79cc
4 changed files with 159 additions and 142 deletions

View File

@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ This is derived from <
module Hledger.Write.Html (
) where
import qualified Hledger.Write.Spreadsheet as Spr
@ -15,7 +17,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Lucid.Base as LucidBase
import qualified Lucid
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Foldable (for_)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
printHtml :: (Lines border) => [[Cell border (Lucid.Html ())]] -> Lucid.Html ()
@ -26,9 +28,10 @@ printHtml table = do
"th, td {padding-left:1em}" :
"th.account, td.account {padding-left:0;}" :
Lucid.table_ $ for_ table $ \row ->
Lucid.tr_ $ for_ row $ \cell ->
formatCell cell
Lucid.table_ $ traverse_ formatRow table
formatRow:: (Lines border) => [Cell border (Lucid.Html ())] -> Lucid.Html ()
formatRow = Lucid.tr_ . traverse_ formatCell
formatCell :: (Lines border) => Cell border (Lucid.Html ()) -> Lucid.Html ()
formatCell cell =
@ -43,8 +46,11 @@ formatCell cell =
case leftBorder++rightBorder++topBorder++bottomBorder of
[] -> []
ss -> [Lucid.style_ $ Text.intercalate "; " ss] in
let class_ =
map Lucid.class_ $
filter (not . Text.null) [Spr.textFromClass $ cellClass cell] in
case cellStyle cell of
Head -> Lucid.th_ style str
Head -> Lucid.th_ (style++class_) str
Body emph ->
let align =
case cellType cell of
@ -55,7 +61,7 @@ formatCell cell =
case emph of
Item -> id
Total -> Lucid.b_
in Lucid.td_ (style++align) $ withEmph str
in Lucid.td_ (style++align++class_) $ withEmph str
class (Spr.Lines border) => Lines border where

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Hledger.Write.Spreadsheet (
Class(Class), textFromClass,
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ module Hledger.Write.Spreadsheet (
import Hledger.Data.Types (Amount)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Text (Text)
data Type =
@ -75,17 +77,23 @@ transposeBorder (Border left right top bottom) =
Border top bottom left right
newtype Class = Class Text
textFromClass :: Class -> Text
textFromClass (Class cls) = cls
data Cell border text =
Cell {
cellType :: Type,
cellBorder :: Border border,
cellStyle :: Style,
cellClass :: Class,
cellContent :: text
instance Functor (Cell border) where
fmap f (Cell typ border style content) =
Cell typ border style $ f content
fmap f (Cell typ border style class_ content) =
Cell typ border style class_ $ f content
defaultCell :: (Lines border) => text -> Cell border text
defaultCell text =
@ -93,6 +101,7 @@ defaultCell text =
cellType = TypeString,
cellBorder = noBorder,
cellStyle = Body Item,
cellClass = Class mempty,
cellContent = text

View File

@ -250,16 +250,18 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance (
-- ** HTML output helpers
@ -279,14 +281,14 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance (
) where
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Arrow (second, (***))
import Data.Decimal (roundTo)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (find, transpose, foldl')
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromMaybe)
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -308,6 +310,7 @@ import Hledger.Cli.Utils
import Hledger.Write.Csv (CSV, printCSV, printTSV)
import Hledger.Write.Ods (printFods)
import Hledger.Write.Html (printHtml)
import qualified Hledger.Write.Html as Html
import qualified Hledger.Write.Spreadsheet as Ods
@ -427,6 +430,39 @@ balance opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec} j = case balancecalc_ of
-- Rendering
data RowClass = Value | Total
deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Show)
amountClass :: RowClass -> Ods.Class
amountClass rc =
Ods.Class $
case rc of Value -> "amount"; Total -> "amount coltotal"
budgetClass :: RowClass -> Ods.Class
budgetClass rc =
Ods.Class $
case rc of Value -> "budget"; Total -> "budget coltotal"
rowTotalClass :: RowClass -> Ods.Class
rowTotalClass rc =
Ods.Class $
case rc of Value -> "amount rowtotal"; Total -> "amount coltotal"
rowAverageClass :: RowClass -> Ods.Class
rowAverageClass rc =
Ods.Class $
case rc of Value -> "amount rowaverage"; Total -> "amount colaverage"
budgetTotalClass :: RowClass -> Ods.Class
budgetTotalClass rc =
Ods.Class $
case rc of Value -> "budget rowtotal"; Total -> "budget coltotal"
budgetAverageClass :: RowClass -> Ods.Class
budgetAverageClass rc =
Ods.Class $
case rc of Value -> "budget rowaverage"; Total -> "budget colaverage"
-- What to show as heading for the totals row in balance reports ?
-- Currently nothing in terminal, Total: in html and xSV output.
totalRowHeadingText = ""
@ -581,9 +617,9 @@ balanceReportAsSpreadsheet ::
balanceReportAsSpreadsheet opts (items, total) =
(if transpose_ opts then Ods.transpose else id) $
headers :
concatMap (\(a, _, _, b) -> rows a b) items ++
concatMap (\(a, _, _, b) -> rows Value a b) items ++
if no_total_ opts then []
else addTotalBorders $ rows totalRowHeadingCsv total
else addTotalBorders $ rows Total totalRowHeadingCsv total
cell = Ods.defaultCell
headers =
@ -591,18 +627,21 @@ balanceReportAsSpreadsheet opts (items, total) =
"account" : case layout_ opts of
LayoutBare -> ["commodity", "balance"]
_ -> ["balance"]
rows :: AccountName -> MixedAmount -> [[Ods.Cell Ods.NumLines Text]]
rows name ma = case layout_ opts of
rows ::
RowClass -> AccountName ->
MixedAmount -> [[Ods.Cell Ods.NumLines Text]]
rows rc name ma = case layout_ opts of
LayoutBare ->
map (\a ->
[showName name,
cell $ acommodity a,
renderAmount $ mixedAmount a])
renderAmount rc $ mixedAmount a])
. amounts $ mixedAmountStripCosts ma
_ -> [[showName name, renderAmount ma]]
_ -> [[showName name, renderAmount rc ma]]
showName = cell . accountNameDrop (drop_ opts)
renderAmount mixedAmt = wbToText <$> cellFromMixedAmount bopts mixedAmt
renderAmount rc mixedAmt =
wbToText <$> cellFromMixedAmount bopts (amountClass rc, mixedAmt)
bopts = machineFmt{displayCommodity=showcomm, displayCommodityOrder = commorder}
(showcomm, commorder)
@ -611,9 +650,10 @@ balanceReportAsSpreadsheet opts (items, total) =
cellFromMixedAmount ::
(Ods.Lines border) =>
AmountFormat -> MixedAmount -> Ods.Cell border WideBuilder
cellFromMixedAmount bopts mixedAmt =
AmountFormat -> (Ods.Class, MixedAmount) -> Ods.Cell border WideBuilder
cellFromMixedAmount bopts (cls, mixedAmt) =
(Ods.defaultCell $ showMixedAmountB bopts mixedAmt) {
Ods.cellClass = cls,
Ods.cellType =
case unifyMixedAmount mixedAmt of
Just amt -> amountType bopts amt
@ -622,11 +662,14 @@ cellFromMixedAmount bopts mixedAmt =
cellsFromMixedAmount ::
(Ods.Lines border) =>
AmountFormat -> MixedAmount -> [Ods.Cell border WideBuilder]
cellsFromMixedAmount bopts mixedAmt =
AmountFormat -> (Ods.Class, MixedAmount) -> [Ods.Cell border WideBuilder]
cellsFromMixedAmount bopts (cls, mixedAmt) =
(\(str,amt) ->
(Ods.defaultCell str) {Ods.cellType = amountType bopts amt})
(Ods.defaultCell str) {
Ods.cellClass = cls,
Ods.cellType = amountType bopts amt
(showMixedAmountLinesPartsB bopts mixedAmt)
amountType :: AmountFormat -> Amount -> Ods.Type
@ -665,33 +708,42 @@ multiBalanceReportAsSpreadsheetHelper ::
multiBalanceReportAsSpreadsheetHelper ishtml opts@ReportOpts{..} (PeriodicReport colspans items tr) =
(headers : concatMap fullRowAsTexts items, addTotalBorders totalrows)
cell = Ods.defaultCell
accountCell label =
(Ods.defaultCell label) {Ods.cellClass = Ods.Class "account"}
hCell cls label = (headerCell label) {Ods.cellClass = Ods.Class cls}
headers =
map headerCell $
"account" :
hCell "account" "account" :
case layout_ of
LayoutTidy -> ["period", "start_date", "end_date", "commodity", "value"]
LayoutBare -> "commodity" : dateHeaders
LayoutTidy ->
map headerCell
["period", "start_date", "end_date", "commodity", "value"]
LayoutBare -> headerCell "commodity" : dateHeaders
_ -> dateHeaders
dateHeaders = map showDateSpan colspans ++ ["total" | row_total_] ++ ["average" | average_]
fullRowAsTexts row = map (cell (showName row) :) $ rowAsText row
dateHeaders =
map (headerCell . showDateSpan) colspans ++
[hCell "rowtotal" "total" | row_total_] ++
[hCell "rowaverage" "average" | average_]
fullRowAsTexts row =
map (accountCell (showName row) :) $ rowAsText Value row
where showName = accountNameDrop drop_ . prrFullName
| no_total_ = []
| ishtml = zipWith (:) (cell totalRowHeadingHtml : repeat Ods.emptyCell) $ rowAsText tr
| otherwise = map (cell totalRowHeadingCsv :) $ rowAsText tr
rowAsText =
| ishtml = zipWith (:) (accountCell totalRowHeadingHtml : repeat Ods.emptyCell) $ rowAsText Total tr
| otherwise = map (accountCell totalRowHeadingCsv :) $ rowAsText Total tr
rowAsText rc =
let fmt = if ishtml then oneLineNoCostFmt else machineFmt
in map (map (fmap wbToText)) . multiBalanceRowAsCellBuilders fmt opts colspans
in map (map (fmap wbToText)) . multiBalanceRowAsCellBuilders fmt opts colspans rc
-- Helpers and CSS styles for HTML output.
stylesheet_ elstyles = style_ $ T.unlines $ "" : [el<>" {"<>styles<>"}" | (el,styles) <- elstyles]
styles_ :: [Text] -> L.Attribute
styles_ = style_ . T.intercalate "; "
bold = "font-weight:bold"
doubleborder = "double black"
topdoubleborder = "border-top:"<>doubleborder
bottomdoubleborder = "border-bottom:"<>doubleborder
alignright, alignleft, aligncenter :: Text
alignright = "text-align:right"
alignleft = "text-align:left"
aligncenter = "text-align:center"
@ -721,92 +773,21 @@ multiBalanceReportHtmlRows ropts mbr =
-- TODO: should the commodity_column be displayed as a subaccount in this case as well?
(headingsrow:bodyrows, mtotalsrows)
| transpose_ ropts = error' "Sorry, --transpose with HTML output is not yet supported" -- PARTIAL:
| otherwise = multiBalanceReportAsCsvHelper True ropts mbr
| otherwise = multiBalanceReportAsSpreadsheetHelper True ropts mbr
formatRow = Html.formatRow . map (fmap L.toHtml)
(multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow ropts headingsrow
,map (multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow ropts) bodyrows
,zipWith3 ($)
(repeat (multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow ropts))
(True : repeat False) -- mark the first html table row for special styling
(formatRow headingsrow
,map formatRow bodyrows
,map formatRow mtotalsrows
-- TODO pad totals row with zeros when there are
-- | Render one MultiBalanceReport heading row as a HTML table row.
multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow :: ReportOpts -> [T.Text] -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow _ [] = mempty -- shouldn't happen
multiBalanceReportHtmlHeadRow ropts (acct:cells) =
| row_total_ ropts && average_ ropts = (ini2, sndlst2, lst2)
| row_total_ ropts = (ini1, lst1, [])
| average_ ropts = (ini1, [], lst1)
| otherwise = (cells, [], [])
n = length cells
(ini1,lst1) = splitAt (n-1) cells
(ini2, rest) = splitAt (n-2) cells
(sndlst2,lst2) = splitAt 1 rest
tr_ $ mconcat $
th_ [styles_ [bottomdoubleborder,alignleft], class_ "account"] (toHtml acct)
: [th_ [styles_ [bottomdoubleborder,alignright], class_ ""] (toHtml a) | a <- amts]
++ [th_ [styles_ [bottomdoubleborder,alignright], class_ "rowtotal"] (toHtml a) | a <- tot]
++ [th_ [styles_ [bottomdoubleborder,alignright], class_ "rowaverage"] (toHtml a) | a <- avg]
-- | Render one MultiBalanceReport data row as a HTML table row.
multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow :: ReportOpts -> [T.Text] -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow _ [] = mempty -- shouldn't happen
multiBalanceReportHtmlBodyRow ropts (label:cells) =
| row_total_ ropts && average_ ropts = (ini2, sndlst2, lst2)
| row_total_ ropts = (ini1, lst1, [])
| average_ ropts = (ini1, [], lst1)
| otherwise = (cells, [], [])
n = length cells
(ini1,lst1) = splitAt (n-1) cells
(ini2, rest) = splitAt (n-2) cells
(sndlst2,lst2) = splitAt 1 rest
tr_ $ mconcat $
td_ [styles_ [], class_ "account"] (toHtml label)
: [td_ [styles_ [alignright], class_ "amount"] (toHtml a) | a <- amts]
++ [td_ [styles_ [alignright], class_ "amount rowtotal"] (toHtml a) | a <- tot]
++ [td_ [styles_ [alignright], class_ "amount rowaverage"] (toHtml a) | a <- avg]
-- | Render one MultiBalanceReport totals row as a HTML table row.
multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow :: ReportOpts -> Bool -> [T.Text] -> Html ()
multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow _ _ [] = mempty
-- TODO pad totals row with zeros when subreport is empty
-- multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow ropts $
-- ""
-- : repeat nullmixedamt zeros
-- ++ (if row_total_ ropts then [nullmixedamt] else [])
-- ++ (if average_ ropts then [nullmixedamt] else [])
multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow ropts isfirstline (hdr:cells) =
| row_total_ ropts && average_ ropts = (ini2, sndlst2, lst2)
| row_total_ ropts = (ini1, lst1, [])
| average_ ropts = (ini1, [], lst1)
| otherwise = (cells, [], [])
n = length cells
(ini1,lst1) = splitAt (n-1) cells
(ini2, rest) = splitAt (n-2) cells
(sndlst2,lst2) = splitAt 1 rest
tr_ $ mconcat $
td_ [styles_ $ [topdoubleborder | isfirstline] ++ [bold], class_ "account"] (toHtml hdr)
: [td_ [styles_ $ [topdoubleborder | isfirstline] ++ [alignright], class_ "amount coltotal"] (toHtml a) | a <- amts]
++ [td_ [styles_ $ [topdoubleborder | isfirstline] ++ [alignright], class_ "amount coltotal"] (toHtml a) | a <- tot]
++ [td_ [styles_ $ [topdoubleborder | isfirstline] ++ [alignright], class_ "amount colaverage"] (toHtml a) | a <- avg]
--thRow :: [String] -> Html ()
--thRow = tr_ . mconcat . map (th_ . toHtml)
-- | Render the ODS table rows for a MultiBalanceReport.
@ -912,37 +893,42 @@ multiBalanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{summary_only_, average_, row_total_, b
multiColumnTableInterColumnBorder = if pretty_ opts then SingleLine else NoLine
multiBalanceRowAsTextBuilders :: AmountFormat -> ReportOpts -> [DateSpan] -> PeriodicReportRow a MixedAmount -> [[WideBuilder]]
multiBalanceRowAsTextBuilders bopts ropts colspans row =
rawTableContent $
multiBalanceRowAsCellBuilders bopts ropts colspans row
multiBalanceRowAsTextBuilders bopts ropts colspans =
rawTableContent .
multiBalanceRowAsCellBuilders bopts ropts colspans Value
multiBalanceRowAsCellBuilders ::
AmountFormat -> ReportOpts -> [DateSpan] ->
PeriodicReportRow a MixedAmount -> [[Ods.Cell Ods.NumLines WideBuilder]]
multiBalanceRowAsCellBuilders bopts ReportOpts{..} colspans (PeriodicReportRow _ as rowtot rowavg) =
RowClass -> PeriodicReportRow a MixedAmount ->
[[Ods.Cell Ods.NumLines WideBuilder]]
multiBalanceRowAsCellBuilders bopts ReportOpts{..} colspans
rc (PeriodicReportRow _ as rowtot rowavg) =
case layout_ of
LayoutWide width -> [fmap (cellFromMixedAmount bopts{displayMaxWidth=width}) allamts]
LayoutWide width -> [fmap (cellFromMixedAmount bopts{displayMaxWidth=width}) clsamts]
LayoutTall -> paddedTranspose Ods.emptyCell
. fmap (cellsFromMixedAmount bopts{displayMaxWidth=Nothing})
$ allamts
. map (cellsFromMixedAmount bopts{displayMaxWidth=Nothing})
$ clsamts
LayoutBare -> zipWith (:) (map wbCell cs) -- add symbols
. transpose -- each row becomes a list of Text quantities
. fmap (cellsFromMixedAmount bopts{displayCommodity=False, displayCommodityOrder=Just cs, displayMinWidth=Nothing})
$ allamts
. map (cellsFromMixedAmount bopts{displayCommodity=False, displayCommodityOrder=Just cs, displayMinWidth=Nothing})
$ clsamts
LayoutTidy -> concat
. zipWith (map . addDateColumns) colspans
. fmap ( zipWith (\c a -> [wbCell c, a]) cs
. map ( zipWith (\c a -> [wbCell c, a]) cs
. cellsFromMixedAmount bopts{displayCommodity=False, displayCommodityOrder=Just cs, displayMinWidth=Nothing})
$ as -- Do not include totals column or average for tidy output, as this
$ classified
-- Do not include totals column or average for tidy output, as this
-- complicates the data representation and can be easily calculated
wbCell = Ods.defaultCell . wbFromText
wbDate content = (wbCell content) {Ods.cellType = Ods.TypeDate}
totalscolumn = row_total_ && balanceaccum_ `notElem` [Cumulative, Historical]
cs = if all mixedAmountLooksZero allamts then [""] else S.toList $ foldMap maCommodities allamts
allamts = (if not summary_only_ then as else []) ++
[rowtot | totalscolumn && not (null as)] ++
[rowavg | average_ && not (null as)]
classified = map ((,) (amountClass rc)) as
allamts = map snd clsamts
clsamts = (if not summary_only_ then classified else []) ++
[(rowTotalClass rc, rowtot) | totalscolumn && not (null as)] ++
[(rowAverageClass rc, rowavg) | average_ && not (null as)]
addDateColumns spn@(DateSpan s e) = (wbCell (showDateSpan spn) :)
. (wbDate (maybe "" showEFDate s) :)
. (wbDate (maybe "" (showEFDate . modifyEFDay (addDays (-1))) e) :)
@ -1242,33 +1228,45 @@ budgetReportAsSpreadsheet
) :
-- account rows
concatMap (rowAsTexts prrFullName) items
concatMap (rowAsTexts Value prrFullName) items
-- totals row
++ addTotalBorders
(concat [ rowAsTexts (const totalRowHeadingBudgetCsv) totrow | not no_total_ ])
(concat [ rowAsTexts Total (const totalRowHeadingBudgetCsv) totrow | not no_total_ ])
cell = Ods.defaultCell
flattentuples tups = concat [[a,b] | (a,b) <- tups]
showNorm = maybe Ods.emptyCell (fmap wbToText . cellFromMixedAmount oneLineNoCostFmt)
ToDo: The chosen HTML cell class names are not put in stone.
If you find you need more systematic names,
feel free to develop a more sophisticated scheme.
flattentuples rc tups =
concat [[(amountClass rc, a),(budgetClass rc, b)] | (a,b) <- tups]
showNorm (cls,mval) =
maybe Ods.emptyCell (fmap wbToText . curry (cellFromMixedAmount oneLineNoCostFmt) cls) mval
rowAsTexts :: (PeriodicReportRow a BudgetCell -> Text)
rowAsTexts :: RowClass
-> (PeriodicReportRow a BudgetCell -> Text)
-> PeriodicReportRow a BudgetCell
-> [[Ods.Cell Ods.NumLines Text]]
rowAsTexts render row@(PeriodicReportRow _ as (rowtot,budgettot) (rowavg, budgetavg))
rowAsTexts rc render row@(PeriodicReportRow _ as (rowtot,budgettot) (rowavg, budgetavg))
| layout_ /= LayoutBare = [cell (render row) : map showNorm vals]
| otherwise =
joinNames . zipWith (:) (map cell cs) -- add symbols and names
. transpose -- each row becomes a list of Text quantities
. map (map (fmap wbToText) . cellsFromMixedAmount dopts . fromMaybe nullmixedamt)
. map (map (fmap wbToText) . cellsFromMixedAmount dopts . second (fromMaybe nullmixedamt))
$ vals
cs = S.toList . mconcat . map maCommodities $ catMaybes vals
cs = S.toList . mconcat . map maCommodities $ mapMaybe snd vals
dopts = oneLineNoCostFmt{displayCommodity=layout_ /= LayoutBare, displayCommodityOrder=Just cs, displayMinWidth=Nothing}
vals = flattentuples as
++ concat [[rowtot, budgettot] | row_total_]
++ concat [[rowavg, budgetavg] | average_]
vals = flattentuples rc as
++ concat [[(rowTotalClass rc, rowtot),
(budgetTotalClass rc, budgettot)]
| row_total_]
++ concat [[(rowAverageClass rc, rowavg),
(budgetAverageClass rc, budgetavg)]
| average_]
joinNames = map (cell (render row) :)

View File

@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, addDays)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C (Mode, flagNone, flagReq)
import Hledger.Write.Csv (CSV, printCSV, printTSV)
import qualified Hledger.Write.Html as Html
import qualified Hledger.Write.Spreadsheet as Spr
import Lucid as L hiding (value_)
import Safe (tailDef)
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide as Tabular hiding (render)
@ -362,12 +364,14 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsHtml ropts cbr =
totalrows =
if no_total_ ropts || length subreports == 1 then []
multiBalanceRowAsCsvText ropts colspans totalrow -- make a table of rendered lines of the report totals row
& zipWith (:) ("Net:":repeat "") -- insert a headings column, with Net: on the first line only
& zipWith3 -- convert to a list of HTML totals rows, marking the first for special styling
(\f isfirstline r -> f isfirstline r)
(repeat (multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow ropts))
(True : repeat False)
multiBalanceRowAsCellBuilders machineFmt ropts colspans Total totalrow
-- make a table of rendered lines of the report totals row
& map (map (fmap wbToText))
& zipWith (:) (Spr.defaultCell "Net:" : repeat Spr.emptyCell)
-- insert a headings column, with Net: on the first line only
& addTotalBorders -- marking the first for special styling
& map (Html.formatRow . map (fmap L.toHtml))
-- convert to a list of HTML totals rows
in do
link_ [rel_ "stylesheet", href_ "hledger.css"]