#!/usr/bin/env just # * Project scripts, using https://github.com/casey/just (last tested with 1.25) # Usage: alias j=just, run j to list available scripts. # # After many years with make and plain shell and haskell for # scripting, just is better enough, and the goal of clean consolidated # efficient project automation is so valuable, that I am relying on it # even though it's not installed by default. # # All of Makefile has been absorbed below; uncomment/update/drop # remaining bits when needed. Makefile will be removed some time soon. # # just currently lacks make-style file dependency tracking. When that # is needed for efficiency, or when more powerful code is needed, use # Shake.hs instead of just. # # # Lines beginning with "# * ", "# ** ", etc are section headings, # foldable in Emacs outshine-mode. Here's some more highlighting you can add # for readability: # (add-hook 'just-mode-hook (lambda () # (display-line-numbers-mode 1) # (highlight-lines-matching-regexp "^# \\*\\*? " 'hi-yellow) ; level 1-2 outshine headings # (highlight-lines-matching-regexp "^@?\\w.*\\w:$" 'hi-pink) ; recipe headings (misses recipes with dependencies) # )) # # This file is formatted by `just format`, which currently eats blank lines a bit. # (It also commits.) # # 'set export' below makes constants and arguments available as $VAR as well as {{ VAR }}. # $ makes just code more like shell code. # {{ }} handles multi-word values better and is fully evaluated in -n/--dry-run output. # # Reference: # https://docs.rs/regex/1.5.4/regex/#syntax Regexps # https://just.systems/man/en/chapter_31.html Functions # https://cheatography.com/linux-china/cheat-sheets/justfile Cheatsheet # https://github.com/casey/just/discussions # # Other tools used below include: # - stack (http://haskell-lang.org/get-started, installs libs and runs ghc) # - shelltestrunner (hackage, runs functional tests) # - quickbench (hackage/stackage, runs benchmarks) # - ghcid (hackage/stackage, recompiles and optionally runs tests on file change) # - hasktags (hackage, generates tag files for code navigation) # - profiterole (hackage/stackage, simplifies profiles) # - profiteur (hackage/stackage, renders profiles as html) # - dateround (from dateutils) # ** Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------ HELPERS: help set export := true # and/or: -q --bell --stop-timeout=1 WATCHEXEC := 'watchexec --timings' # grep-like rg #RG_ := 'rg --sort=path --no-heading -i' #TODAY := `date +%Y-%m-%d` # just := "just -f " + justfile() # Use this justfile from within its directory, otherwise we must write {{ just }} everywhere. # list this justfile's recipes, optionally filtered by REGEX @help *REGEX: if [[ '{{ REGEX }}' =~ '' ]]; then just -ul; else just -ul | rg -i '{{ REGEX }}'; true; fi alias h := help # check this justfile for errors and non-standard format @check: just --fmt --unstable --check # if this justfile is error free but in non-standard format, reformat it, and if it has changes, commit it @format: just -q chk || just -q --fmt --unstable && git diff --quiet || git commit -m ';just: format' -- {{ justfile() }} # rerun RECIPE when any watched-by-default file changes watch RECIPE *JOPTS: #!/usr/bin/env bash $WATCHEXEC -r --filter-file <(git ls-files) -- just $RECIPE {{ JOPTS }} # rerun RECIPE when any git-committed file changes watchgit RECIPE *JOPTS: #!/usr/bin/env bash $WATCHEXEC -r --filter-file <(git ls-files) -- just $RECIPE {{ JOPTS }} # show watchexec env vars when any file changes, printing events and ignoring nothing _watchdbg *WOPTS: $WATCHEXEC --ignore-nothing --print-events {{ WOPTS }} -- 'env | rg "WATCHEXEC\w*"; true' # show watchexec env vars when any git-committed file changes _watchgitdbg *WOPTS: #!/usr/bin/env bash $WATCHEXEC -r --filter-file <(git ls-files) {{ WOPTS }} -- 'env | rg "WATCHEXEC\w*"; true' # ** Constants ------------------------------------------------------------ BROWSE := 'open' # XXX These often don't work well interpolated as $CMD or {{ CMD }}, not sure why # find GNU tools, eg on mac GDATE := `type -P gdate || echo date` GTAR := `type -P gtar || echo tar` #GNUTAR := `which gtar >/dev/null && echo gtar || echo tar` # make ghc usable for scripting with -e GHC := 'ghc -package-env - -ignore-dot-ghci -Wno-x-partial' GHCI := 'ghci' # GHCPKG := 'ghc-pkg' # HADDOCK := 'haddock' # CABAL := 'cabal' # CABALINSTALL := 'cabal install -w {{ GHC }}' # GHC-compiled executables require a locale (and not just C) or they # will die on encountering non-ascii data. Set LANG to something if not already set. # export LANG? := 'en_US.UTF-8' # command to run during profiling (time and heap) # command to run when profiling PROFCMD := 'bin/hledgerprof balance -f examples/10000x1000x10.journal >/dev/null' PROFRTSFLAGS := '-P' # # command to run when checking test coverage # COVCMD := 'test' # COVCMD := '-f test-wf.csv print' # Which stack command (and in particular, stack yaml/GHC version) to use for building etc. ? STACK := 'stack' #STACK := 'stack --stack-yaml=stack8.10.yaml' # Or override temporarily with an env var: # STACK := '"stack --stack-yaml=stack8.10.yaml" make functest' # if using an unreleased stack with a newer hpack than the one mentioned in */*.cabal, # it will give warnings. To silence these, put the old hpack-X.Y in $PATH and uncomment: #STACK := 'stack --with-hpack=hpack-0.20' # --threads := '16 sometimes gives "commitAndReleaseBuffer: resource vanished (Broken pipe)" but seems harmless' # --timeout := 'N is not much use here - can be defeated by multiple threads, unoptimised builds, ' # slow hackage index or compiler setup on first build, etc. # Which stack command (stack yaml, GHC version) to use for ghci[d] operations ? STACKGHCI := STACK #STACKGHCI := 'stack --stack-yaml=stack9.2.yaml' PACKAGES := ' hledger-lib hledger hledger-ui hledger-web ' # BINARIES := ' # hledger # hledger-ui # hledger-web # ' INCLUDEPATHS := ' -ihledger-lib -ihledger -ihledger-ui -ihledger-web -ihledger-web/app ' MAIN := 'hledger/app/hledger-cli.hs' # All source files in the project (plus a few strays like Setup.hs & hlint.hs). # Used eg for building tags. Doesn't reliably catch all source files. SOURCEFILES := ' dev.hs hledger/*hs hledger/app/*hs hledger/bench/*hs hledger/test/*hs hledger/Hledger/*hs hledger/Hledger/*/*hs hledger/Hledger/*/*/*hs hledger-*/*hs hledger-*/app/*hs hledger-*/test/*hs hledger-*/Hledger/*hs hledger-*/Hledger/*/*hs hledger-*/Hledger/*/*/*hs hledger-lib/Text/*/*hs ' HPACKFILES := ' hledger/*package.yaml hledger-*/*package.yaml ' CABALFILES := ' hledger/hledger.cabal hledger-*/*.cabal ' MANUALSOURCEFILES := ' doc/common.m4 */*.m4.md ' # MANUALGENFILES := ' # hledger*/hledger*.{1,5,info,txt} # ' COMMANDHELPFILES := ' hledger/Hledger/Cli/Commands/*.md ' WEBTEMPLATEFILES := ' hledger-web/templates/* ' WEBCODEFILES := ' hledger-web/static/*.js hledger-web/static/*.css ' DOCSOURCEFILES := ' README.md CONTRIBUTING.md ' + MANUALSOURCEFILES + COMMANDHELPFILES TESTFILES := `fd '\.test$' --exclude ledger-compat` # XXX it's fd-find on gnu/linux ? # # file(s) which require recompilation for a build to have an up-to-date version string # VERSIONSOURCEFILE := 'hledger/Hledger/Cli/Version.hs' # Two or three-part version string, set as program version in builds made by this makefile. # We use hledger CLI's current version (XXX for all packages, which isn't quite right). export VERSION := `cat hledger/.version` # Flags for ghc builds. # Warnings to see during dev tasks like make ghci*. See also the warnings in package.yamls. # XXX redundant with package.yamls ? WARNINGS := ' -Wall -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns -Wno-missing-signatures -Wno-orphans -Wno-type-defaults -Wno-unused-do-bind ' # if you have need to try building in less memory GHCLOWMEMFLAGS := '' # ghc-only builds need the macro definitions generated by cabal # from cabal's dist or dist-sandbox dir, hopefully there's just one: #CABALMACROSFLAGS := '-optP-include -optP hledger/dist*/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h' # or from stack's dist dir: #CABALMACROSFLAGS := '-optP-include -optP hledger/.stack-work/dist/*/*/build/autogen/cabal_macros.h' CABALMACROSFLAGS := '' BUILDFLAGS := '-rtsopts ' + WARNINGS + GHCLOWMEMFLAGS + CABALMACROSFLAGS + ' -DDEVELOPMENT' + ' -DVERSION="' + VERSION + '"' + INCLUDEPATHS # -fplugin Debug.Breakpoint \ # -fhide-source-paths \ # PROFBUILDFLAGS := '-prof -fprof-auto -osuf hs_p' TIME := "{{ shell date +'%Y%m%d%H%M' }}" MONTHYEAR := "{{ shell date +'%B %Y' }}" # ** Building ------------------------------------------------------------ BUILDING: # build the hledger package showing ghc codegen times/allocations @buildtimes: time ($STACK build hledger --force-dirty --ghc-options='-fforce-recomp -ddump-timings' 2>&1 | grep -E '\bCodeGen \[.*time=') # # build an unoptimised hledger at bin/hledger.EXT.unopt (default: git describe) # build-unopt *EXT: # #!/usr/bin/env bash # ext={{ if EXT == '' { `git describe --tags` } else { EXT } }} # exe="bin/hledger.$ext.unopt" # $STACK --verbosity=error install --ghc-options=-O0 hledger --local-bin-path=bin # mv bin/hledger "$exe" # echo "$exe" # build hledger with profiling enabled at bin/hledgerprof hledgerprof: @echo "building bin/hledgerprof..." {{ STACK }} install --profile --local-bin-path=bin hledger && mv bin/hledger{,prof} @echo "to profile, use $STACK exec --profile -- hledger ..." # # build "bin/hledgercov" for coverage reports (with ghc) # hledgercov: # $STACK ghc {{ MAIN }} -fhpc -o bin/hledgercov -outputdir .hledgercovobjs $BUILDFLAGS # run ghcid on hledger-lib + hledger @ghcid: ghcid -c 'just ghci' # run ghcid autobuilder on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-ui @ghcid-ui: ghcid -c 'just ghci-ui' # run ghcid autobuilder on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-web @ghcid-web: ghcid -c 'just ghci-web' # run ghcid autobuilding and running hledger-web with sample journal on port 5001 @ghcid-web-run: ghcid -c 'just ghci-web' --test ':main -f examples/sample.journal --port 5001 --serve' # # run ghcid autobuilding and running the test command # ghcid-test: # ghcid -c 'just ghci' --test ':main test -- --color=always' # # run ghcid autobuilding and running the test command with this TESTPATTERN # ghcid-test-%: # ghcid -c 'just ghci' --test ':main test -- --color=always -p$*' # run ghcid autobuilding and running hledger-lib doctests @ghcid-doctest: ghcid -c 'cd hledger-lib; $STACK ghci hledger-lib:test:doctest' --test ':main' --reload hledger-lib GHCIDRESTART := '--restart Makefile --restart Makefile.local' GHCIDRELOAD := '--reload t.j --reload t.timedot' GHCIDCMD := ':main -f t.j bal date:today -S' # # run ghcid autobuilding and running a custom GHCI command with reload/restart on certain files - customise this # ghcid-watch watch: # ghcid -c 'just ghci' --test '{{ GHCIDCMD }}' {{ GHCIDRELOAD }} {{ GHCIDRESTART }} # keep synced with Shake.hs header SHAKEDEPS := '\ --package base-prelude \ --package directory \ --package extra \ --package process \ --package regex \ --package safe \ --package shake \ --package time \ ' # --package hledger-lib \ # for Hledger.Utils.Debug # run ghcid autobuilder on Shake.hs ghcid-shake: stack exec {{ SHAKEDEPS }} -- ghcid Shake.hs # ** Testing ------------------------------------------------------------ TESTING: # run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger @ghci *GHCIARGS: $STACKGHCI exec -- $GHCI $BUILDFLAGS {{ GHCIARGS }} hledger/Hledger/Cli.hs # run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger with profiling/call stack information @ghci-prof *GHCIARGS: stack build --profile hledger --only-dependencies $STACKGHCI exec -- $GHCI $BUILDFLAGS -fexternal-interpreter -prof -fprof-auto {{ GHCIARGS }} hledger/Hledger/Cli.hs # # run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger + dev.hs script # @ghci-dev: # $STACKGHCI exec -- $GHCI $BUILDFLAGS -fno-warn-unused-imports -fno-warn-unused-binds dev.hs # run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-ui @ghci-ui *GHCIARGS: $STACKGHCI exec -- $GHCI $BUILDFLAGS {{ GHCIARGS }} hledger-ui/Hledger/UI/Main.hs # run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-web @ghci-web *GHCIARGS: $STACKGHCI exec -- $GHCI $BUILDFLAGS {{ GHCIARGS }} hledger-web/app/main.hs # run ghci on hledger-lib + hledger + hledger-web + hledger-web test suite @ghci-web-test *GHCIARGS: $STACKGHCI exec -- $GHCI $BUILDFLAGS {{ GHCIARGS }} hledger-web/test/test.hs # # better than stack exec ? # # XXX does not see changes to files # # run ghci on hledger-lib + test runner # ghci-lib-test: # $STACKGHCI ghci --ghc-options="\'-rtsopts {{ WARNINGS }} -ihledger-lib -DDEVELOPMENT -DVERSION=\"1.26.99\"\'" hledger-lib/test/unittest.hs # run ghci on all the hledger # ghci-all: # $STACK exec -- $GHCI $BUILDFLAGS \ # hledger-ui/Hledger/UI/Main.hs \ # hledger-web/app/main.hs \ # run ghci on hledger-lib doctests @ghci-doctest: cd hledger-lib; $STACKGHCI ghci hledger-lib:test:doctest # run ghci on Shake.hs @ghci-shake: $STACK exec {{ SHAKEDEPS }} -- ghci Shake.hs # # hledger-lib/Hledger/Read/TimeclockReaderPP.hs # # build the dev.hs script for quick experiments (with ghc) # dev: # $STACK ghc -- {{ CABALMACROSFLAGS }} -ihledger-lib dev.hs \ # # to get profiling deps installed, first do something like: # # stack build --library-profiling hledger-lib timeit criterion # # build the dev.hs script with profiling support # devprof: # $STACK ghc -- {{ CABALMACROSFLAGS }} -ihledger-lib dev.hs -rtsopts -prof -fprof-auto -osuf p_o -o devprof # # get a time & space profile of the dev.hs script # dev-profile: # time ./devprof +RTS -P \ # && cp devprof.prof devprof.prof.{{ TIME }} \ # && profiterole devprof.prof # # get heap profiles of the dev.hs script # dev-heap: # time ./devprof +RTS -hc -L1000 && cp devprof.hp devprof-hc.hp && hp2ps devprof-hc.hp # time ./devprof +RTS -hr -L1000 && cp devprof.hp devprof-hr.hp && hp2ps devprof-hr.hp # dev-heap-upload: # curl -F "file=@devprof-hc.hp" -F "title='hledger parser'" http://heap.ezyang.com/upload # curl -F "file=@devprof-hr.hp" -F "title='hledger parser'" http://heap.ezyang.com/upload # run tests that are reasonably quick (files, unit, functional) and benchmarks test: embedtest functest # For quieter tests add --silent. It may hide troubleshooting info. # For very verbose tests add --verbosity=debug. It seems hard to get something in between. STACKTEST := STACK + ' test --fast' # # When doing build testing, save a little time and output noise by not # # running tests & benchmarks. Comment this out if you want to run them. # SKIPTESTSBENCHS := '--no-run-tests --no-run-benchmarks' # check all files embedded with file-embed are declared in extra-source-files @embedtest: tools/checkembeddedfiles # # stack build --dry-run all hledger packages ensuring an install plan with default snapshot) # buildplantest: # buildplantest-stack.yaml # # stack build --dry-run all hledger packages ensuring an install plan with each ghc version/stackage snapshot # buildplantest-all: # for F in stack*.yaml; do make --no-print-directory buildplantest-$F; done # # stack build --dry-run all hledger packages ensuring an install plan with the given stack yaml file; eg make buildplantest-stack8.2.yaml # buildplantest-%: # $STACK build --dry-run --test --bench --stack-yaml=$* # # force-rebuild all hledger packages/modules quickly ensuring no warnings with default snapshot) # buildtest: # buildtest-stack.yaml # # force-rebuild all hledger packages/modules quickly ensuring no warnings with each ghc version/stackage snapshot # buildtest-all: # for F in stack*.yaml; do make --no-print-directory buildtest-$F; done # # force-rebuild all hledger packages/modules quickly ensuring no warnings with the given stack yaml file; eg make buildtest-stack8.2.yaml # buildtest-%: # $STACK build --test --bench {{ SKIPTESTSBENCHS }} --fast --force-dirty --ghc-options=-fforce-recomp --ghc-options=-Werror --stack-yaml=$* # # build any outdated hledger packages/modules quickly ensuring no warnings with default snapshot. Wont detect warnings in up-to-date modules.) # incr-buildtest: # incr-buildtest-stack.yaml # # build any outdated hledger packages/modules quickly ensuring no warnings with each ghc version/stackage snapshot. Wont detect warnings in up-to-date modules. # incr-buildtest-all: # for F in stack*.yaml; do make --no-print-directory incr-buildtest-$F; done # # build any outdated hledger packages/modules quickly ensuring no warnings with the stack yaml file; eg make buildtest-stack8.2.yaml. Wont detect warnings in up-to-date modules. # incr-buildtest-%: # $STACK build --test --bench {{ SKIPTESTSBENCHS }} --fast --ghc-options=-Werror --stack-yaml=$* # # do a stack clean --full with all ghc versions for paranoia/troubleshooting # stack-clean-all: # for F in stack*.yaml; do $STACK clean --full --stack-yaml=$F; done # run all test suites in the hledger packages @pkgtest: ($STACKTEST && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false) # doctest with ghc 8.4 on mac requires a workaround, see hledger-lib/package.yaml. # Or, could run it with ghc 8.2: # @($STACKTEST --stack-yaml stack8.2.yaml hledger-lib:test:doctest && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false) # run the doctests in hledger-lib module/function docs @doctest: ($STACKTEST --ghc-options=-fobject-code hledger-lib:test:doctest && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false) # # run the unit tests in hledger-lib # unittest: # @($STACKTEST hledger-lib:test:unittest && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false) # run hledger & hledger-lib unit tests (do a stack build hledger first). @unittest: ($STACK exec hledger test && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false) SHELLTEST := 'COLUMNS=80 ' + STACK + ' exec -- shelltest --execdir --exclude=/_ --threads=32' # --hide-successes # build hledger quickly and run functional tests, with any shelltest OPTS (requires mktestaddons) @functest *OPTS: $STACK build hledger time (({{ SHELLTEST }} {{ if OPTS == '' { '' } else { OPTS } }} \ hledger/test/ bin/ \ -x ledger-compat/ledger-baseline -x ledger-compat/ledger-regress -x ledger-compat/ledger-extra \ && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false)) ADDONEXTS := 'pl py rb sh hs lhs rkt exe com bat' ADDONSDIR := 'hledger/test/cli/addons' # generate dummy add-ons for testing the CLI mktestaddons: #!/usr/bin/env sh rm -rf $ADDONSDIR mkdir -p $ADDONSDIR $ADDONSDIR/hledger-addondir cd $ADDONSDIR printf '#!/bin/sh\necho add-on: $0\necho args: $@\n' > hledger-addon for E in '' {{ ADDONEXTS }}; do cp hledger-addon hledger-addon.$E; done for F in addon. addon2 addon2.hs addon3.exe addon3.lhs addon4.exe add reg; do cp hledger-addon hledger-$F; done chmod +x hledger-* # compare hledger's and ledger's balance report compare-balance: #!/usr/bin/env bash for f in examples/1txns-1accts.journal \ examples/10txns-10accts.journal \ ; do \ (export f=$f; \ printf "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"; \ echo "comparing hledger -f $f balance and ledger -f $f balance --flat"; \ difft --color=always --display side-by-side-show-both <(hledger -f $f balance) <(ledger -f $f balance --flat) ) | tail +2; \ done # generate a hlint report hlinttest hlint: hlint --hint=hlint --report=hlint.html {{ SOURCEFILES }} # check that haddock can generate docs without dying @haddocktest: (just -q haddock && echo haddocktest PASSED) || (echo haddocktest FAILED; false) # check cabal files' syntax @cabalfilestest: just cabalfiles (for p in $PACKAGES; do (cd $p && printf "\nchecking $p.cabal:\n" && cabal check); done \ && echo $@ PASSED) || (echo $@ FAILED; false) # test-stack%yaml: # $STACK --stack-yaml stack$*yaml clean # $STACK --stack-yaml stack$*yaml build --ghc-options="{{ WARNINGS }} -Werror" --test --bench --haddock --no-haddock-deps # # releasetest: Clean unittest functest fullcabaltest haddocktest #buildtest doctest \ # {{ call def-help,releasetest,pre-release tests }} # run hledger-install.sh not from inside a haskell project installtest: cd; {{ justfile_directory() }}/hledger-install/hledger-install.sh # ** Installing ------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLING: # # copy the current ~/.local/bin/hledger to bin/old/hledger-VER # @copy-as VER: # cp ~/.local/bin/hledger bin/old/hledger-{{ VER }}; echo "bin/hledger-{{ VER }}" # install hledger as bin/old/hledger-VER @installas VER: $STACK install --local-bin-path bin/old hledger for e in hledger ; do mv bin/old/$e bin/old/$e-{{ VER }}; echo "bin/old/$e-{{ VER }}"; done # install all hledger executables as bin/old/hledger*-VER @installallas VER: $STACK install --local-bin-path bin/old for e in hledger hledger-ui hledger-web ; do mv bin/old/$e bin/old/$e-{{ VER }}; echo "bin/old/$e-{{ VER }}"; done # install hledger with ghc-debug support as bin/hledger*-dbg @installasdbg *STACKARGS: $STACK install --local-bin-path bin --flag '*:ghcdebug' {{ STACKARGS }} hledger for e in hledger ; do mv bin/$e bin/$e-dbg; echo "bin/$e-dbg"; done # install all hledger executables with ghc-debug support as bin/hledger*-dbg @installallasdbg *STACKARGS: $STACK install --local-bin-path bin --flag '*:ghcdebug' {{ STACKARGS }} for e in hledger hledger-ui hledger-web ; do mv bin/$e bin/$e-dbg; echo "bin/$e-dbg"; done # # make must be GNU Make 4.3+ # .PHONY: shellcompletions # # update shell completions in hledger package # shellcompletions: # make -C hledger/shell-completion/ clean-all all # On gnu/linux: can't interpolate GTAR here for some reason, and need the shebang line. # linux / mac only for now, does not handle the windows zip file. # download github release VER binaries for OS (linux, mac) and ARCH (x64, arm64) to bin/old/hledger*-VER @installrel VER OS ARCH: #!/usr/bin/env bash # if [[ "$OS" == "windows" ]]; then # cd bin/old && curl -L https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases/download/{{ VER }}/hledger-{{ OS }}-{{ ARCH }}.zip | funzip | `type -P gtar || echo tar` xf - --transform 's/$/-{{ VER }}/' # else # fi cd bin/old && curl -L https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases/download/{{ VER }}/hledger-{{ OS }}-{{ ARCH }}.tar.gz | `type -P gtar || echo tar` xzf - --transform 's/$/-{{ VER }}/' # # download recent versions of the hledger executables from github to bin/hledger*-VER # get-recent-binaries: # for V in 1.32.2 1.31 1.30 1.29.2 1.28 1.27.1; do just get-binaries $OS x64 $V; done # just symlink-binaries # # add easier symlinks for all the minor hledger releases downloaded by get-binaries. # symlink-binaries: # just symlink-binary 1.32.2 # just symlink-binary 1.29.2 # just symlink-binary 1.27.1 # add an easier symlink for this minor hledger release (hledger-1.29 -> hledger-1.29.2, etc.) @symlink-binary MINORVER: cd bin && ln -sf hledger-$MINORVER hledger-`echo $MINORVER | sed -E 's/\.[0-9]+$//'` # sym-link some directories required by hledger-web dev builds symlink-web-dirs: echo "#ln -sf hledger-web/config # disabled, causes makeinfo warnings" ln -sf hledger-web/messages ln -sf hledger-web/static ln -sf hledger-web/templates # update shell completions in hledger package shell-completions: make -C hledger/shell-completion/ clean-all all # ** Benchmarking ------------------------------------------------------------ BENCHMARKING: # generate standard sample journals in examples/ samplejournals: # small journals tools/generatejournal 3 5 5 > examples/ascii.journal tools/generatejournal 3 5 5 --mixed > examples/mixed.journal tools/generatejournal 1 1 10 > examples/1txns-1accts.journal tools/generatejournal 10 10 10 > examples/10txns-10accts.journal tools/generatejournal 100 100 10 > examples/100txns-100accts.journal # many transactions tools/generatejournal 1000 1000 10 > examples/1ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 2000 1000 10 > examples/2ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 3000 1000 10 > examples/3ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 4000 1000 10 > examples/4ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 5000 1000 10 > examples/5ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 6000 1000 10 > examples/6ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 7000 1000 10 > examples/7ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 8000 1000 10 > examples/8ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 9000 1000 10 > examples/9ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 1000 10 > examples/10ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 20000 1000 10 > examples/20ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 30000 1000 10 > examples/30ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 40000 1000 10 > examples/40ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 50000 1000 10 > examples/50ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 60000 1000 10 > examples/60ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 70000 1000 10 > examples/70ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 80000 1000 10 > examples/80ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 90000 1000 10 > examples/90ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 100000 1000 10 > examples/100ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 1000000 1000 10 > examples/1Mtxns-1kaccts.journal # many accounts tools/generatejournal 1000 1 10 > examples/1ktxns-1accts.journal tools/generatejournal 1000 10 10 > examples/1ktxns-10accts.journal tools/generatejournal 1000 100 10 > examples/1ktxns-100accts.journal #tools/generatejournal 1000 1000 10 > examples/1ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 1000 10000 10 > examples/1ktxns-10kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 1000 100000 10 > examples/1ktxns-100kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 1000 1000000 10 > examples/1ktxns-1maccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 1 10 > examples/10ktxns-1accts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 10 10 > examples/10ktxns-10accts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 100 10 > examples/10ktxns-100accts.journal #tools/generatejournal 10000 1000 10 > examples/10ktxns-1kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 10000 10 > examples/10ktxns-10kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 20000 10 > examples/10ktxns-20kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 30000 10 > examples/10ktxns-30kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 40000 10 > examples/10ktxns-40kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 50000 10 > examples/10ktxns-50kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 60000 10 > examples/10ktxns-60kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 70000 10 > examples/10ktxns-70kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 80000 10 > examples/10ktxns-80kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 90000 10 > examples/10ktxns-90kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 100000 10 > examples/10ktxns-100kaccts.journal tools/generatejournal 10000 1000000 10 > examples/10ktxns-1maccts.journal # The current OS name, in the form used for hledger release binaries: linux, mac, windows or other. # can't use $GHC or {{GHC}} here for some reason OS := `ghc -ignore-dot-ghci -package-env - -e 'import System.Info' -e 'putStrLn $ case os of "darwin"->"mac"; "mingw32"->"windows"; "linux"->"linux"; _->"other"'` # tools/generatejournal.hs 3 5 5 --chinese > examples/chinese.journal # don't regenerate, keep the simple version # $ just --set BENCHEXES ledger,hledger bench # run the benchmark commands in bench.sh with quickbench. Eg: just bench -h; just bench -f bench10k.sh -w hledger-1.30,hledger-1.31,hledger-1.32 -n2 -N2 @bench *ARGS: printf "Running quick benchmarks (times are approximate, can be skewed):\n" which quickbench >/dev/null && quickbench {{ ARGS }} || echo "quickbench not installed (see bench.sh), skipping" # @bench-gtime: # for args in '-f examples/10ktxns-1kaccts.journal print' '-f examples/100ktxns-1kaccts.journal register' '-f examples/100ktxns-1kaccts.journal balance'; do \ # echo; \ # for app in hledger-1.26 hledger-21ad ledger; do \ # echo; echo $app $args:; \ # gtime $app $args >/dev/null; \ # done; \ # done # show throughput at various data sizes with the given hledger executable (requires samplejournals) @bench-throughput EXE: echo date: `date` echo system: `uname -a` echo executable: {{ EXE }} echo version: `{{ EXE }} --version` for n in 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 100000 ; do \ printf "%6d txns: " $n; {{ EXE }} stats -f examples/${n}x1000x10.journal | tail -1; \ done date # show throughput at various data sizes with the latest hledger dev build, optimised or not (requires samplejournals) @bench-throughput-dev: stack build hledger stack exec -- just throughput hledger # show throughput of recent hledger versions (requires samplejournals) @bench-throughput-recent: for v in 1.25 1.28 1.29 1.32 1.32.3; do printf "\nhledger-$v:\n"; for i in `seq 1 3`; do hledger-$v -f examples/10ktxns-10kaccts.journal stats | grep throughput; done; done # @bench-balance-many-accts: # quickbench -w hledger-1.26,hledger-21ad,ledger -f bench-many-accts.sh -N2 # #quickbench -w hledger-1.25,hledger-1.28,hledger-1.29,hledger-1.30,hledger-1.31,hledger-1.32,hledger-21ad,ledger -f bench-many-accts.sh -N2 # @bench-balance-many-txns: # quickbench -w hledger-21ad,ledger -f bench-many-txns.sh -N2 # samplejournals bench.sh # bench: samplejournals tests/bench.tests tools/simplebench \ # $(call def-help,bench,\ # run simple performance benchmarks and archive results\ # Requires some commands defined in tests/bench.tests and some BENCHEXES defined above.\ # ) # tools/simplebench -v -ftests/bench.tests $(BENCHEXES) | tee doc/profs/$(TIME).bench # @rm -f benchresults.* # @(cd doc/profs; rm -f latest.bench; ln -s $(TIME).bench latest.bench) # criterionbench: samplejournals tools/criterionbench \ # $(call def-help,criterionbench,\ # run criterion benchmark tests and save graphical results\ # ) # tools/criterionbench -t png -k png # progressionbench: samplejournals tools/progressionbench \ # $(call def-help,progressionbench,\ # run progression benchmark tests and save graphical results\ # ) # tools/progressionbench -- -t png -k png # # prof: samplejournals \ # # $(call def-help,prof,\ # # generate and archive an execution profile\ # # ) #bin/hledgerprof # # @echo "Profiling: $(PROFCMD)" # # -$(PROFCMD) +RTS $(PROFRTSFLAGS) -RTS # # mv hledgerprof.prof doc/profs/$(TIME).prof # # (cd doc/profs; rm -f latest*.prof; ln -s $(TIME).prof latest.prof) # # viewprof: prof \ # # $(call def-help,viewprof,\ # # generate, archive, simplify and display an execution profile\ # # ) # # tools/simplifyprof.hs doc/profs/latest.prof #{{ STACK }} exec --profile -- hledger +RTS {{ PROFRTSFLAGS }} -RTS -f examples/1000x1000x10.journal {{ CMD }} #>/dev/null # run a hledger CMD against a sample journal and display the execution profile (build hledgerprof first) quickprof CMD: #hledgerprof #samplejournals hledgerprof +RTS {{ PROFRTSFLAGS }} -RTS -f examples/10ktxns-1kaccts.journal {{ CMD }} #>/dev/null @profiterole hledger.prof @echo @head -20 hledger.prof @echo ... @echo @head -20 hledger.profiterole.txt @echo ... @echo @echo "See hledger.prof, hledger.profiterole.txt, hledger.profiterole.html for more." # generate and archive a graphical heap profile @heap: hledgerprof #samplejournals echo "Profiling heap with: $PROFCMD" {{ PROFCMD }} +RTS -hc -RTS mv hledgerprof.hp doc/profs/$(TIME).hp (cd doc/profs; rm -f latest.hp; ln -s {{ TIME }}.hp latest.hp; \ hp2ps {{ TIME }}.hp; rm -f latest.ps; ln -s {{ TIME }}.ps latest.ps; rm -f *.aux) # # viewheap: heap \ # # $(call def-help,viewheap,\ # # \ # # ) # # $(VIEWPS) doc/profs/latest.ps # quickheap-%: hledgerprof samplejournals \ # $(call def-help,quickheap-"CMD", run some command against a sample journal and display the heap profile ) # $(STACK) exec -- hledgerprof +RTS -hc -RTS $* -f examples/10000x1000x10.journal >/dev/null # hp2ps hledgerprof.hp # @echo generated hledgerprof.ps # $(VIEWPS) hledgerprof.ps # # quickcoverage: hledgercov \ # # $(call def-help,quickcoverage,\ # # display a code coverage text report from running hledger COVCMD\ # # ) # # @echo "Generating code coverage text report for hledger command: $(COVCMD)" # # tools/runhledgercov "report" $(COVCMD) # # coverage: samplejournals hledgercov \ # # $(call def-help,coverage,\ # # generate a code coverage html report from running hledger COVCMD\ # # ) # # @echo "Generating code coverage html report for hledger command: $(COVCMD)" # # tools/runhledgercov "markup --destdir=doc/profs/coverage" $(COVCMD) # # cd doc/profs/coverage; rm -f index.html; ln -s hpc_index.html index.html # # viewcoverage: \ # # $(call def-help,viewcoverage,\ # # view the last html code coverage report\ # # ) # # $(VIEWHTML) doc/profs/coverage/index.html # ** Documenting ------------------------------------------------------------ DOCUMENTING: # see also Shake.hs # http://www.haskell.org/haddock/doc/html/invoking.html # update the website (the live one if run on hledger.org) site: #Shake ./Shake -V site 2>&1 | tee -a site.log # Use the existing Shake executable without recompiling it, so as not to automatially run unreviewed code by hook ? I think this no longer applies. # site: $(call def-help,site-build, update the hledger.org website (run this on hledger.org, or run "make hledgerorg" elsewhere) ) # @[ ! -x Shake ] \ # && echo 'Please run "make Shake" first (manual compilation required for safety)' \ # || ( \ # echo; \ # ./Shake -V site; \ # ) 2>&1 | tee -a site.log BROWSEDELAY := '5' #LOCALSITEURL := 'http://localhost:3000/dev/hledger.html' LOCALSITEURL := 'http://localhost:3000/index.html' # open a browser on the website (in ./site) and rerender when docs or web pages change @site-watch: #Shake (printf "\nbrowser will open in {{ BROWSEDELAY }}s (adjust BROWSE if needed)...\n\n"; sleep $BROWSEDELAY; $BROWSE "$LOCALSITEURL" ) & $WATCHEXEC --print-events -e md,m4 -i hledger.md -i hledger-ui.md -i hledger-web.md -r './Shake webmanuals && ./Shake orgfiles && make -sC site serve' STACKHADDOCK := 'time ' + STACK + ' --verbosity=error haddock --fast --no-keep-going \ --only-locals --no-haddock-deps --no-haddock-hyperlink-source \ --haddock-arguments="--no-warnings" \ ' # -ghc-options='-optP-P' # workaround for http://trac.haskell.org/haddock/ticket/284 HADDOCKPKGS := 'hledger-lib' # regenerate haddock docs for the hledger packages haddock: {{ STACKHADDOCK }} {{ HADDOCKPKGS }} # regenerate haddock docs for the hledger packages and open them @haddock-and-open: just haddock just haddock-open # # Rerenders all hledger packages. Run make haddock-open to open contents page. # haddock-watch1: \ # $(call def-help,haddock-watch, regenerate haddock docs when files change ) # $(STACKHADDOCK) $(HADDOCK_PKGS) --file-watch --exec='echo done' # # Rerenders hledger-lib modules, opens hledger-lib contents page. # haddock-watch2: \ # $(call def-help,haddock-watch2, regenerate hledger-lib haddock docs when files change ) # watchexec -r -e yaml,cabal,hs --print-events -- \ # $(STACKHADDOCK) --verbosity=info $(HADDOCK_PKGS) --exec="'echo done'" hledger-lib --open # # Rerenders/reopens the Hledger module, without submodules. (Fastest) # haddock-watch: \ # $(call def-help,haddock-watch3, quickly regenerate & reload Hledger.hs haddock when files change ) # watchexec -r -e yaml,cabal,hs --print-events --shell=none -- bash -c 'mkdir -p tmp && rm -f tmp/Hledger.html && haddock -h -o tmp hledger-lib/Hledger.hs --no-warnings --no-print-missing-docs 2>&1 | grep -v "Could not find documentation" && open tmp/Hledger.html' # open the haddock packages contents page in a browser haddock-open: {{ BROWSE }} `$STACK path --local-install-root`/doc/index.html # hoogle-setup: $(call def-help,hoogle-setup, install hoogle then build haddocks and a hoogle db for the project and all deps ) # stack hoogle --rebuild # HOOGLEBROWSER="/Applications/Firefox Dev.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox" # safari not supported # hoogle-serve: $(call def-help,hoogle-serve, run hoogle web app and open in browser after doing setup if needed ) # $(HOOGLEBROWSER) http://localhost:8080 & # stack --verbosity=warn hoogle --server # # sourcegraph: \ # # $(call def-help,sourcegraph,\ # # \ # # ) # # for p in $(PACKAGES); do (cd $$p; SourceGraph $$p.cabal); done # manuals-watch: Shake \ # $(call def-help,manuals-watch, rerender manuals when their source files change ) # ls $(DOCSOURCEFILES) | entr ./Shake -VV manuals # man-watch: man-watch-hledger \ # $(call def-help,man-watch, run man on the hledger man page when its source file changes ) # man-watch-%: Shake \ # $(call def-help,man-watch-PROG, run man on the given man page when its source file changes. Eg make man-watch-hledger-web ) # $(WATCHEXEC) -r -w $*/$*.m4.md './Shake $*/$*.1 && man $*/$*.1' # shakehelp-watch: \ # $(call def-help,shakehelp-watch, rerender Shake.hs's help when it changes) # ls Shake.hs | entr -c ./Shake.hs # # The following rule, for updating the website, gets called on hledger.org by: # # 1. github-post-receive (github webhook handler), when something is pushed # # to the main or wiki repos on Github. Config: # # /etc/supervisord.conf -> [program:github-post-receive] # # /etc/github-post-receive.conf # # 2. cron, nightly. Config: /etc/crontab # # 3. manually: "make site" on hledger.org, or "make hledgerorg" elsewhere (cf Makefile.local). # optimise and commit RELEASING value map diagram @releasediag: pngquant doc/HledgerReleaseValueMap.png -f -o doc/HledgerReleaseValueMap.png git add doc/HledgerReleaseValueMap.png git commit -m ';doc: RELEASING: update value map' -- doc/HledgerReleaseValueMap.png CHANGELOGS := 'CHANGES.md hledger/CHANGES.md hledger-ui/CHANGES.md hledger-web/CHANGES.md hledger-lib/CHANGES.md' # Show changes since last release in the given CHANGES.md file or all of them. (Run after ./Shake changelogs.) unreleased *CHANGELOG: #!/usr/bin/env osh if [[ -z $CHANGELOG ]]; then for CHANGELOG in $CHANGELOGS; do printf "** $CHANGELOG\n\n" just unreleased $CHANGELOG echo done else awk '/^#+ /{p=1};/^#+ +[0-9]+\.[0-9].*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})/{exit};p' $CHANGELOG fi # Commit and push FAQ edits. pushfaq: (cd ~/src/hledger/site; git commit -m 'faq' src/faq.md; git push) # ** News ------------------------------------------------------------ NEWS: # # Convert DATEARG to an ISO date. It can be an ISO date, number of recent days, or nothing (meaning last release date). # @_datearg *DATEARG: # echo {{ if DATEARG == '' { `just reldate` } else { if DATEARG =~ '^\d+$' { `dateadd $(date +%Y-%m-%d) -$DATEARG` } else { DATEARG } } }} #dateround := 'dateround -n' dateround := 'dateround' # If DATE is provided, return it, otherwise the date two fridays ago. @_dateorsecondlatestfriday *DATE: echo {{ if DATE == '' { `gdate -I -d "$($dateround today -- -fri) - 1 week"` } else { DATE } }} # If DATE is provided, return today's date, otherwise the most recent friday's (possibly today). @_todayorlatestfriday *DATE: echo {{ if DATE == '' { `$dateround today -- -fri` } else { `$GDATE -I` } }} # If DATE is provided, return tomorrow's date, otherwise last friday's. @_tomorroworlatestfriday *DATE: echo {{ if DATE == '' { `$dateround today -- -fri` } else { `$GDATE -I -d tomorrow` } }} # Show a draft This Week In Hledger post, with activity between the last two fridays (by default) twih: # *DATE: #!/usr/bin/env osh #BEG=`just _dateorsecondlatestfriday $DATE` END=`just _todayorlatestfriday $DATE` cat < **Quotes** - ** - ** EOS ) | tee /dev/tty | pbcopy GITSHORTFMT := "--format='%ad %s' --date=short" # Show commits briefly in the three hledger repos between the last two fridays or since this date commitlog *DATE: #!/usr/bin/env osh BEG=`just _dateorsecondlatestfriday $DATE` END=`just _todayorlatestfriday $DATE` printf "** commits in $BEG..$END\n" printf "** hledger\n" git log {{ GITSHORTFMT }} --since $BEG --until $END --reverse | sed -E -e 's/ ;/ /' printf "** site\n" git -C site log {{ GITSHORTFMT }} --since $BEG --until $END --reverse | sed -E -e 's/ ;/ /' printf "** finance\n" git -C finance log {{ GITSHORTFMT }} --since $BEG --until $END --reverse | sed -E -e 's/ ;/ /' printf "** plaintextaccounting.org\n" git -C ../plaintextaccounting.org log {{ GITSHORTFMT }} --since $BEG --until $END --reverse | sed -E -e 's/ ;/ /' echo WORKLOG := "../../notes/CLOUD/hledger log.md" # Show dates logged in hledger work log. @worklogdates: rg '^#+ (\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})' -or '$1' "$WORKLOG" # Show hledger work logged since this date or days ago or last release worklog *DATE: #!/usr/bin/env osh BEG=`just _dateorsecondlatestfriday $DATE` END=`just _todayorlatestfriday $DATE` # LOGGEDDATES=`just worklogdates` BEGLOGGED=`just worklogdates | $GHC -e "getContents >>= putStrLn . head . dropWhile (< \"$BEG\") . (++[\"9999-99-99\"]) . lines"` # ENDLOGGED=`just worklogdates | $GHC -e "getContents >>= putStrLn . head . takeWhile (< \"$END\") . (++[\"9999-99-99\"]) . dropWhile (< \"$BEG\") . (++[\"9999-99-99\"]) . lines"` printf "hledger work log in $BEG..:\n" # printf "hledger work log in $BEGLOGGED..$ENDLOGGED:\n" awk "/^#### $BEGLOGGED/{p=1;print;next}; /^## /{p=0}; p" "$WORKLOG" # awk "/^#### $BEGLOGGED/{p=1;print;next}; /#### $ENDLOGGED/{p=0}; /^## /{p=0}; p" "$WORKLOG" echo # Show hledger-related time logged between the last two fridays or since this date timelog *DATE: #!/usr/bin/env osh BEG=`just _dateorsecondlatestfriday $DATE` END=`just _todayorlatestfriday $DATE` END1=`just _tomorroworlatestfriday $DATE` printf "hledger time logged in $BEG..$END:\n\n" hledger -f $TIMELOG bal -S --format '%-20(account) %12(total)' hledger -b $BEG -e $END1 echo hledger -f $TIMELOG print hledger -b $BEG -e $END1 | rg '^2|hledger' echo # Copy some text to the system clipboard if possible @_clip TEXT: type -P pbcopy >/dev/null && (printf "$TEXT" | pbcopy) # Show matrix chat since this date or days ago or last release chatlog *DATE: #!/usr/bin/env osh DATE=`just _dateorsecondlatestfriday $DATE` JUMP="/jumptodate $DATE" just _clip "$JUMP" echo "** matrix: https://matrix.hledger.org, $JUMP" echo # Show mail list discussion since this date or days ago or last release maillog *DATE: #!/usr/bin/env osh DATE=`just _dateorsecondlatestfriday $DATE` DATE2=`$GDATE -d $DATE +"%b %-d"` echo "** mail list: https://list.hledger.org, since $DATE2 ($DATE)" echo # Show /r/plaintextaccounting posts since this date or days ago or last release redditlog *DATE: #!/usr/bin/env osh DATE=`just _dateorsecondlatestfriday $DATE` DAYS=`datediff $DATE now` echo "** reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/plaintextaccounting/new, since $DAYS days ago ($DATE)" echo # Show #hledger-tagged mastodon toots since this date or days ago or last release tootlog *DATE: #!/usr/bin/env osh DATE=`just _dateorsecondlatestfriday $DATE` just _clip "#hledger after:$DATE" echo "** mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/search, #hledger after:$DATE , #plaintextaccounting after:$DATE" echo # Show recent PTA blog posts added on plaintextaccounting.org bloglog: #!/usr/bin/env osh echo "** pta.o: https://plaintextaccounting.org/#`date +%Y`" echo # # Some evil works against this.. # # echo "open https://www.reddit.com/r/plaintextaccounting/new, copy links since $DAYS days ago ($DATE), paste into obsidian, select, cut, and paste here for cleaning (in emacs shell use C-c C-d, C-c C-r)" # # just redditclean > $$.tmp # # printf "\n\n\n\n\n" # # cat $$.tmp # # rm -f $$.tmp # # # # Clean links copied from old.reddit.com. # @redditclean: # rg '^(\[.*?]\([^\)]+\)).*self.plaintextaccounting' -or '- $1\n' - # ** Releasing ------------------------------------------------------------ RELEASING: # Prepare to release today, creating/switching to release branch and doing routine updates - versions, dates, manuals, command helps relprep VER: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail [[ -z {{ VER }} ]] && usage BRANCH=$(just _versionReleaseBranch {{ VER }}) COMMIT="-c" echo "Switching to $BRANCH, auto-creating it if needed..." just _gitSwitchAutoCreate "$BRANCH" echo "Bumping all version strings to {{ VER }} ..." ./Shake setversion {{ VER }} $COMMIT echo "Updating all command help texts for embedding..." ./Shake cmddocs $COMMIT echo "Updating all dates in man pages..." ./Shake mandates echo "Generating all the manuals in all formats...." ./Shake manuals $COMMIT # echo "Updating CHANGES.md files with latest commits..." # ./Shake changelogs $COMMIT # Push the current branch to github to generate release binaries. @relbin: # assumes the github remote is named "github" git push -f github HEAD:binaries # Show last release date (of hledger package). @reldate: awk '/^#+ +[0-9]+\.[0-9].*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})/{print $3;exit}' hledger/CHANGES.md # show commit author names since last release @relauthors: echo "Commit authors since last release:" git shortlog -sn `git tag --sort=-creatordate -l '[0-9]*' | head -1`.. # Show last release date and version (of hledger package). @rel: just rels | head -1 # Show all release dates and versions (of hledger package). @rels: awk '/^#+ +[0-9]+\.[0-9].*([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})/{printf "%s %s\n",$3,$2}' hledger/CHANGES.md # *** hledger version number helpers # (as hidden recipes, since just doesn't support global custom functions) # See doc/RELEASING.md > Glossary. # First 0-2 parts of a dotted version number. @_versionMajorPart VER: echo {{ replace_regex(VER, '(\d+(\.\d+)?).*', '$1') }} # Third part of a dotted version number, if any. @_versionMinorPart VER: echo {{ if VER =~ '\d+(\.\d+){2,}' { replace_regex(VER, '\d+\.\d+\.(\d+).*', '$1') } else { '' } }} # Fourth part of a dotted version number, if any. @_versionFourthPart VER: echo {{ if VER =~ '\d+(\.\d+){3,}' { replace_regex(VER, '\d+(\.\d+){2}\.(\d+).*', '$2') } else { '' } }} # Does this dotted version number have a .99 third part and no fourth part ? @_versionIsDev VER: echo {{ if VER =~ '(\d+\.){2}99$' { 'y' } else { '' } }} # Does this dotted version number have a .99 third part and a fourth part ? @_versionIsPreview VER: echo {{ if VER =~ '(\d+\.){2}99\.\d+' { 'y' } else { '' } }} # Increment a major version number to the next. # @majorVersionIncrement MAJORVER: # python3 -c "print({{MAJORVER}} + 0.01)" # Appropriate release branch name for the given version number. _versionReleaseBranch VER: #!/usr/bin/env bash MAJOR=$(just _versionMajorPart {{ VER }}) if [[ $(just _versionIsDev {{ VER }}) == y ]] then echo "{{ VER }} is not a releasable version" >&2 exit 1 elif [[ $(just _versionIsPreview {{ VER }}) == y ]] then # echo "$(just majorVersionIncrement "$MAJOR")-branch" echo "{{ VER }} is not a releasable version" >&2 exit 1 else echo "$MAJOR-branch" fi # *** git helpers # Does the named branch exist in this git repo ? @_gitBranchExists BRANCH: git branch -l {{ BRANCH }} | grep -q {{ BRANCH }} # Switch to the named git branch, creating it if it doesn't exist. _gitSwitchAutoCreate BRANCH: #!/usr/bin/env bash if just _gitBranchExists {{ BRANCH }}; then git switch {{ BRANCH }} else git switch -c {{ BRANCH }} fi # # old/desired release process: # # a normal release: echo 0.7 >.version; make release # # a bugfix release: echo 0.7.1 >.version; make release # #release: releasetest bumpversion tagrelease $(call def-help,release, prepare and test a release and tag the repo ) # #publish: hackageupload pushtags $(call def-help,upload, publish latest hackage packages and push tags to github ) # #releaseandpublish: release upload $(call def-help,releaseandpublish, release and upload and publish updated docs ) # ISCLEAN=git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- # # stop if the working directory has uncommitted changes # iscleanwd: # @$(ISCLEAN) || (echo "please clean the working directory first"; false) # # stop if the given file(s) have uncommitted changes # isclean-%: # @$(ISCLEAN) $* || (echo "please clean these files first: $*"; false) # # Update all cabal files based on latest package.yaml files using a specific hpack version. # # To avoid warnings, this should be the same version as stack's built-in hpack. # cabal-with-hpack-%: # $(STACK) build --with-hpack hpack-$* --dry-run --silent # # updatecabal: gencabal $(call def-help,updatecabal, regenerate cabal files and commit ) # # @read -p "please review changes then press enter to commit $(shell ls */*.cabal)" # # git commit -m "update cabal files" $(shell ls */*.cabal) # # we use shake for this job; so dependencies aren't checked here # manuals: Shake $(call def-help,manuals, regenerate and commit CLI help and manuals (might need -B) ) # ./Shake manuals # git commit -m ";doc: regen manuals" -m "[ci skip]" hledger*/hledger*.{1,5,info,txt} hledger/Hledger/Cli/Commands/*.txt # tag: $(call def-help,tag, make git release tags for the project and all packages ) # @for p in $(PACKAGES); do make tag-$$p; done # @make tag-project # tag-%: $(call def-help,tag-PKG, make a git release tag for PKG ) # git tag -fs $*-`cat $*/.version` -m "Release $*-`cat $*/.version`" # tag-project: $(call def-help,tag-project, make a git release tag for the project as a whole ) # git tag -fs `cat .version` -m "Release `cat .version`, https://hledger.org/release-notes.html#hledger-`cat .version | sed -e 's/\./-/g'`" # @printf "if tagging a major release, please also review and run this command:\n" # @printf " git tag -fs `cat .version`.99 master -m \"Start of next release cycle. This tag influences git describe and dev builds' version strings.\"\n" # # hackageupload-dry: \ # # $(call def-help,hackageupload-dry,\ # # upload all packages to hackage; dry run\ # # ) # # for p in $(PACKAGES); do cabal upload $$p/dist/$$p-$(VERSION).tar.gz -v2 --check; done # hackageupload: \ # $(call def-help,hackageupload, upload all packages to hackage from a release branch) # tools/hackageupload $(PACKAGES) # # showreleasestats stats: \ # # showreleasedays \ # # showunreleasedchangecount \ # # showloc \ # # showtestcount \ # # showunittestcoverage \ # # showreleaseauthors \ # # showunreleasedcodechanges \ # # showunpushedchanges \ # # $(call def-help,showreleasestats stats,\ # # show project stats useful for release notes\ # # ) # # # showerrors # # FROMTAG=. # # showreleasedays: \ # # $(call def-help,showreleasedays,\ # # \ # # ) # # @echo Days since last release: # # @tools/dayssincetag.hs $(FROMTAG) | head -1 | cut -d' ' -f-1 # # @echo # # # XXX # # showunreleasedchangecount: \ # # $(call def-help,showunreleasedchangecount,\ # # \ # # ) # # @echo Commits since last release: # # @darcs changes --from-tag $(FROMTAG) --count # # @echo # show a precise git-describe version string @describe: git describe --tags --match 'hledger-[0-9]*' --dirty # show all commit author names @authors: echo "Commit authors ($(git shortlog -sn | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'))": git shortlog -sn # show all commit author names and emails @authorsv: echo "Commit authors ($(git shortlog -sn | wc -l | awk '{print $1}'))": git shortlog -sne SCC := 'scc -z --cocomo-project-type semi-detached -f wide -s code' # count lines of code with scc scc: echo "Lines of code including tests:" {{ SCC }} -i hs,sh,m4,hamlet # count lines of code with scc, showing all files sccv: echo "Lines of code including tests:" {{ SCC }} -i hs,sh,m4,hamlet --by-file # # `ls $(SOURCEFILES)` # # sloc: \ # # $(call def-help,sloc,\ # # \ # # ) # # @sloccount hledger-lib hledger hledger-web # # cloc: \ # # $(call def-help,cloc,\ # # \ # # ) # # @echo # # @echo "Lines of code as of `date`:" # # @echo # # @echo "hledger-lib, hledger" # # @cloc -q hledger-lib hledger 2>&1 | grep -v 'defined(' # # @echo # # @echo "hledger-web" # # @cloc -q hledger-web 2>&1 | grep -v 'defined(' # # @echo # # @echo "hledger-lib, hledger, hledger-web" # # @cloc -q hledger-lib hledger hledger-web 2>&1 | grep -v 'defined(' # # showtestcount: \ # # $(call def-help,showtestcount,\ # # \ # # ) # # @echo "Unit tests:" # # @hledger test 2>&1 | cut -d' ' -f2 # # @echo "Functional tests:" # # @make --no-print functest | egrep '^ Total' | awk '{print $$2}' # # @echo # # showunittestcoverage: \ # # $(call def-help,showunittestcoverage,\ # # \ # # ) # # @echo Unit test coverage: # # @make --no-print quickcoverage | grep 'expressions' # # @echo # # # showerrors: # # # @echo Known errors: # # # @awk '/^** errors/, /^** / && !/^** errors/' NOTES.org | grep '^\*\*\* ' | tail +1 # # # @echo # # # XXX # # showunpushedchanges showunpushed: \ # # $(call def-help,showunpushedchanges showunpushed,\ # # \ # # ) # # @echo "Changes not yet pushed upstream (to `darcs show repo | grep 'Default Remote' | cut -c 17-`):" # # @-darcs push simon@joyful.com:/repos/hledger --dry-run | grep '*' | tac # # @echo # # # XXX # # showunreleasedcodechanges showunreleased showchanges: \ # # $(call def-help,showunreleasedcodechanges showunreleased showchanges,\ # # \ # # ) # # @echo "hledger code changes since last release:" # # @darcs changes --from-tag $(FROMTAG) --matches "not (name docs: or name doc: or name site: or name tools:)" | grep '*' # # @echo # # # XXX # # showcodechanges: \ # # $(call def-help,showcodechanges,\ # # \ # # ) # # @echo "hledger code changes:" # # @darcs changes --matches "not (name docs: or name site: or name tools:)" | egrep '^ +(\*|tagged)' # # @echo # nix-hledger-version: $(call def-help,nix-hledger-version, show which version of hledger has reached nixpkgs) # @curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix | grep -A1 'pname = "hledger"' # nix-hledger-versions: $(call def-help,nix-hledger-versions, show versions of all hledger packages in nixpkgs) # @curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix | grep -A1 'pname = "hledger' # nix-view-commits: $(call def-help,nix-view-commits, show recent haskell commits in nixpkgs) # @open 'https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commits/master/pkgs/development/haskell-modules/hackage-packages.nix' # list-commits: $(call def-help,list-commits, list all commits chronologically and numbered) # @git log --format='%ad %h %s (%an)' --date=short --reverse | cat -n # Make git release tags for the hledger packages and project, assuming a complete single-version release. @reltag: for p in $PACKAGES; do just reltagpkg $p; done git tag -fs `cat .version` -m "Release `cat .version`, https://hledger.org/relnotes.html#hledger-`cat .version | sed -e 's/\./-/g'`" # Make a git release tag for the given hledger package. @reltagpkg PKG: git tag -fs $PKG-`cat $PKG/.version` -m "Release $PKG-`cat $PKG/.version`" # After a major release, also tag master to indicate start of release cycle and influence git describe and dev builds' --version output. # XXX Run this only after .version has been updated to NEWVER # @reltagmaster: # git tag -fs `cat .version`.99 master -m "start of next release cycle" # Upload all packages to hackage (run from release branch). @hackageupload: tools/hackageupload $PACKAGES # ** Misc ------------------------------------------------------------ MISC: # push to github CI, wait for tests to pass, refreshing every INTERVAL (default:10s), then push to master. @push *INTERVAL: tools/push {{ INTERVAL }} # run some tests to validate the development environment # check-setup: # run some tests to validate the development environment\ # ) # @echo sanity-checking developer environment: # @({{ SHELLTEST }} checks \ # && echo $@ PASSED) || echo $@ FAILED # Show activity over the last N days (eg 7), for This Week In Hledger. @_lastweek DAYS: echo "hledger time last $DAYS days including today (this should be run on a Friday):" tt bal hledger -DTS -b "$DAYS days ago" --drop 2 echo echo "By activity type, percentage:" tt bal hledger -DTS -b "$DAYS days ago" --pivot t -% -c 1% | tail +1 echo echo "Time log details:" tt print hledger -b "$DAYS days ago" | grep -E '^[^ ]|hledger' echo echo "main repo:" git log --format='%C(yellow)%cd %ad %Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an)%Creset%C(bold blue)%d%Creset' --date=short --since="$DAYS days ago" --reverse echo echo "site repo:" git -C site log --format='%C(yellow)%cd %ad %Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an)%Creset%C(bold blue)%d%Creset' --date=short --since="$DAYS days ago" --reverse echo echo "finance repo:" git -C finance log --format='%C(yellow)%cd %ad %Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%an)%Creset%C(bold blue)%d%Creset' --date=short --since="$DAYS days ago" --reverse echo # show the sorted, unique files matched by SOURCEFILES @_listsourcefiles: for f in $SOURCEFILES; do echo $f; done | sort | uniq # show the sorted, unique subdirectories containing hs files @_listsourcedirs: find . -name '*hs' | sed -e 's%[^/]*hs$%%' | sort | uniq # show the ghc versions used by all stack files @_listghcversions: for F in stack*.yaml; do $STACK --stack-yaml=$F --no-install-ghc exec -- ghc --version; done 2>&1 | grep -v 'To install the correct GHC' # Show a bunch of debug messages. @_dbgmsgs: rg --sort path -t hs 'dbg.*?(".*")' -r '$1' -o # # Extract Hledger.hs examples to jargon.j. # @_jargon: # rg '^ *> (.*)' -or '$1' hledger-lib/Hledger.hs > jargon.j # echo "wrote jargon.j" # Extract ledger/hledger/beancount commit stats to project-commits.j. @_projectcommits: # https://hledger.org/reporting-version-control-stats.html printf "account ledger\naccount hledger\naccount beancount\n\n" >project-commits.j for p in ledger hledger beancount; do git -C ../$p log --format="%cd (%h) %s%n ($p) 1%n" --date=short --reverse >> project-commits.j; done echo "wrote project-commits.j" # symlink tools/commitlint as .git/hooks/commit-msg installcommithook: ln -s ../../tools/commitlint .git/hooks/commit-msg # ensure the Shake script is compiled Shake: # Shake.hs ./Shake.hs # show some big directory sizes @usage: -du -sh .git bin data doc extra `find . -name '.stack*' -prune -o -name 'dist' -prune -o -name 'dist-newstyle' -prune` 2>/dev/null | sort -hr # Files to include in emacs TAGS file: # 1. haskell source files with hasktags -e (or ctags -aeR) # 2. other source files recognised by (exuberant) ctags and not excluded by .ctags. Keep .ctags up to date. # 3. some extra files missed by the above, as just their file names (for tags-search, tags-query-replace etc.) TAGFILES := WEBTEMPLATEFILES + DOCSOURCEFILES + TESTFILES + HPACKFILES + CABALFILES + 'Shake.hs' # generate emacs TAGS file for haskell source and other project files, and list the tagged files in TAGS.files @etags: hasktags -e $SOURCEFILES for f in $TAGFILES; do printf " \n$f,1\n" >>TAGS; done # list the files tagged in TAGS @etags-ls: rg -v '[  ]' TAGS | rg -r '$1' '^(.*?([0-9]+)?),[0-9,]+*' # remove TAGS files @etags-clean: rm -f TAGS # stackclean: \ # $(call def-help-hide,stackclean, remove .stack-work/ dirs ) # $(STACK) purge # cleanghco: \ # $(call def-help-hide,cleanghc, remove ghc build leftovers ) # rm -rf `find . -name "*.o" -o -name "*.hi" -o -name "*.dyn_o" -o -name "*.dyn_hi" -o -name "*~" | grep -vE '\.(stack-work|cabal-sandbox|virthualenv)'` # #rm -f `fd -I '\.(hi|o|dyn_hi|dyn_o)$'` # clean: cleanghco \ # $(call def-help,clean, default cleanup (ghc build leftovers) ) # Clean: stackclean cleanghco cleantags \ # $(call def-help,Clean, thorough cleanup (stack/ghc leftovers/tags) ) # # reverse = $(if $(wordlist 2,2,$(1)),$(call reverse,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))) $(firstword $(1)),$(1))