# Cody.journal from http://prudent.me # Hi, this is Coby 🐿 and this is my journal of # prudence...😱✌️ # Let's start with what I have 2018/01/01 *Opening balances Assets:Savings $30000 Assets:Property:MiCasa $180000 Equity # As I am saving this, the report on my right 👉 # will auto-refresh to reflect my latest changes # I can define exchange rates for any commodity P 2018/01/02 15:50:00 USD $1.36 # This is in relations to my base currency, $, # although you can define any currency as base # Everything that has a value can be defined P 2018/01/02 16:23:00 BTC $10800 # I can also use anything to define a commodity P 2018/01/02 17:35:00 🐑 $1080 # I bought 2 sheeps for my farm 2018/01/03 *Poe & Mary Assets:Farm 2 Assets:Savings $-600 ;Report considers transactions in all currencies ;and commodity but shows totals in a base currency. # Prudent also points me to where I made a mistake # and tell me what this mistake is about ;Yabapalooza ; uncomment to show error ;There are other ;% ways ;|of *commenting ;Here's my salary for 2018 2018/01/25 *Manatee Subs Co. Assets:Current $7300 Income:Salary 2018/02/25 Assets:Current $7300 Income:Salary 2018/03/25 Assets:Current $10000 Income:Salary 2018/04/25 Assets:Current $7300 Income:Salary 2018/05/25 Assets:Current $7300 Income:Salary 2018/06/25 Assets:Current $7800 Income:Salary 2018/07/25 Assets:Current $7800 Income:Salary 2018/08/25 Assets:Current $7800 Income:Salary 2018/09/25 Assets:Current $7800 Income:Salary 2018/10/25 Assets:Current $7800 Income:Salary 2018/11/25 Assets:Current $7800 Income:Salary 2018/12/25 Assets:Current $7800 Income:Salary ;%At this point, I'll like to introduce you to ;%search (and replace). ;%Let's say you want to replace all instances of ;%Assets:Current with Assets:Savings, press ;%Command-F, followed by the + sign ;Here's a few of my monthly expenses 2018/01/27 *Banco Leoporidad Expenses:Mortgage:Interest $1200 Assets:Current 2018/02/27 Expenses:Mortgage:Interest $1200 Assets:Current 2018/03/27 Expenses:Mortgage:Interest $1200 Assets:Current 2018/04/27 Expenses:Mortgage:Interest $1200 Assets:Current 2018/05/27 Expenses:Mortgage:Interest $1200 Assets:Current 2018/06/27 Expenses:Mortgage:Interest $1200 Assets:Current 2018/07/27 Expenses:Mortgage:Interest $1200 Assets:Current 2018/08/27 Expenses:Mortgage:Interest $1200 Assets:Current 2018/09/27 Expenses:Mortgage:Interest $1200 Assets:Current 2018/10/27 Expenses:Mortgage:Interest $1200 Assets:Current 2018/11/27 Expenses:Mortgage:Interest $1200 Assets:Current 2018/12/27 Expenses:Mortgage:Interest $1200 Assets:Current ;Let's buy some shares #You can either declare the price of a share #like this P 2018/01/02 15:50:00 APPL $2300 #And you can buy a share like this 2018/01/05 Assets:Shares 5 APPL@$2000 Assets:Savings #Shares can be purchased at different prices. #(Also, another way to specify purchase price) 2018/01/06 Assets:Shares 5 APPL Assets:Savings -$3000 #But the report will be based on the latest #available price of the share, which in this case #is the price of the purchase above. The right #amount (the purchased price) is dedcuted from #the account where payment for the purchase is made. ;When you use savings to buy a share, you can see ;your Ca - De go down on the report 👉 ;Ca - De denotes Cash - Debt ;As shares are not considered cash, your total ;Ca - De will decrease naturally ;This simply means you have less liquid cash ;now. Shares, although quite liquid, is riskier ;than cash in most situation. If you have a ;mortgage at a certain amount, you can be sure that ;a certain amount of cash can be used to pay back ;the debt provided that the currency of cash is ;similar to the currency of the debt. You cannot ;be sure of the price of shares as it is in a ;different denomination than the mortgage. #Ah, speaking of mortgage, I shouldn't forget #that amount I owe to the bank 2018/01/01 Liabilities:Mortgage -$28000 Equity:Opening ;You may had noticed by now that I am using an ;earlier date in this transaction. The order of ;the date doesn't matter in this journal. #You can use any kind of sub-accounts you #want but these root accounts matters: # #Assets #Assets:Savings #Assets:Current #Liabilities #Equity #Income #Expenses # #These are the basis of how Prudent produces #the report #Let's have a few random expenses to illustrate #this point, 2018/01/21 *Yay mart Assets:Savings -$230 Expenses:Groceries 2018/02/21 Assets:Savings -$135 Expenses:Utilities:ElectricCompany 2018/03/21 Assets:Savings -$186 Expenses:Clothes 2018/04/21 Assets:Savings -$863 Expenses:Travel 2018/05/21 Assets:Savings -$210 Expenses:Car:Maintenance 2018/06/21 Assets:Savings -$900 Expenses:Insurance 2018/07/21 Assets:Savings -$150 Expenses:Utilities:Broadband 2018/08/21 Assets:Savings -$550 Expenses:Gift 2018/09/21 Assets:Savings -$318 Expenses:Shoes 2018/10/21 Assets:Savings -$1600 Expenses:Children:School 2018/11/21 Assets:Savings -$7938 Expenses:Taxes 2018/12/21 Assets:Savings -$6800 Expenses:Hotel #Oh, look! I won the lotteries! Wow... what a #windfall... 2018/10/11 Assets:Savings $18,000,000 Income:Gift #Wow, look at what 18M in the bank gives me #in interest 2018/11/03 Assets:Savings $75000 Income:Interest 2018/12/03 Assets:Savings $75316 Income:Interest #Life is good with Prudent!