/* hledger web ui javascript */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // STARTUP $(document).ready(function() { // add form helpers XXX move to addForm ? // date picker // http://bootstrap-datepicker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/options.html var dateEl = $('#dateWrap').datepicker({ showOnFocus: false, autoclose: true, format: 'yyyy-mm-dd', todayHighlight: true, weekStart: 1 // Monday });; // focus and pre-fill the add form whenever it is shown $('#addmodal') .on('shown.bs.modal', function() { addformFocus(); }) .on('hidden.bs.modal', function() { // close the date picker if open dateEl.datepicker('hide'); }); // ensure that the keypress listener on the final amount input is always active $('#addform') .on('focus', '.amount-input:last', function() { addformLastAmountBindKey(); }); // keyboard shortcuts // 'body' seems to hold focus better than document in FF $('body').bind('keydown', 'h', function(){ $('#helpmodal').modal('toggle'); return false; }); $('body').bind('keydown', 'shift+/', function(){ $('#helpmodal').modal('toggle'); return false; }); $('body').bind('keydown', 'j', function(){ location.href = document.hledgerWebBaseurl+'/journal'; return false; }); $('body').bind('keydown', 's', function(){ sidebarToggle(); return false; }); $('body').bind('keydown', 'e', function(){ emptyAccountsToggle(); return false; }); $('body').bind('keydown', 'a', function(){ addformShow(); return false; }); $('body').bind('keydown', 'n', function(){ addformShow(); return false; }); $('body').bind('keydown', 'f', function(){ $('#searchform input').focus(); return false; }); // highlight the entry from the url hash if (window.location.hash && $(window.location.hash)[0]) { $(window.location.hash).addClass('highlighted'); } $(window).on('hashchange', function() { $('.highlighted').removeClass('highlighted'); $(window.location.hash).addClass('highlighted'); }); $('[data-toggle="offcanvas"]').click(function () { $('.row-offcanvas').toggleClass('active'); }); }); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // REGISTER CHART //eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function registerChart($container, series) { // https://github.com/flot/flot/blob/master/API.md return $container.plot( series, { /* general chart options */ xaxis: { mode: "time", timeformat: "%Y/%m/%d", }, selection: { mode: "x" }, legend: { position: 'sw' }, grid: { markings: function () { var now = Date.now(); return [ { xaxis: { to: now }, // past yaxis: { to: 0 }, // <0 color: '#ffdddd', }, { xaxis: { from: now }, // future yaxis: { from: 0 }, // >0 color: '#e0e0e0', }, { xaxis: { from: now }, // future yaxis: { to: 0 }, // <0 color: '#e8c8c8', }, { yaxis: { from: 0, to: 0 }, // =0 color: '#bb0000', lineWidth:1 }, ]; }, hoverable: true, autoHighlight: true, clickable: true, }, /* https://github.com/krzysu/flot.tooltip */ tooltip: true, tooltipOpts: { xDateFormat: "%Y/%m/%d", content: function(label, x, y, flotitem) { var data = flotitem.series.data[flotitem.dataIndex]; return data[3]+" balance on %x after "+data[2]+" posted by transaction:
"; }, onHover: function(flotitem, $tooltipel) { $tooltipel.css('border-color',flotitem.series.color); }, }, } ).data("plot"); } function registerChartClick(ev, pos, item) { if (!item) { return; } var targetselector = '#' + item.series.data[item.dataIndex][5]; var $target = $(targetselector); if ($target.length) { window.location.hash = targetselector; $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $target.offset().top }, 1000); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // ADD FORM function addformShow(showmsg) { showmsg = typeof showmsg !== 'undefined' ? showmsg : false; addformReset(showmsg); $('#addmodal').modal('show'); } // Make sure the add form is empty and clean and has the default number of rows. function addformReset(showmsg) { showmsg = typeof showmsg !== 'undefined' ? showmsg : false; if ($('form#addform').length > 0) { if (!showmsg) $('div#message').html(''); $('#addform .account-group.added-row').remove(); addformLastAmountBindKey(); $('#addform')[0].reset(); // reset typehead state (though not fetched completions) $('.typeahead').typeahead('val', ''); $('.tt-dropdown-menu').hide(); } } // Set the add-new-row-on-keypress handler on the add form's current last amount field, only. // (NB: removes all other keypress handlers from all amount fields). function addformLastAmountBindKey() { $('.amount-input').off('keypress'); $('.amount-input:last').keypress(addformAddPosting); } // Pre-fill today's date and focus the description field in the add form. function addformFocus() { $('#addform input[name=date]').val(isoDate()); focus($('#addform input[name=description]')); } function isoDate() { return new Date().toLocaleDateString("sv"); // https://stackoverflow.com/a/58633651/84401 } // Focus a jquery-wrapped element, working around http://stackoverflow.com/a/7046837. function focus($el) { setTimeout(function (){ $el.focus(); }, 0); } // Insert another posting row in the add form. function addformAddPosting() { if (!$('#addform').is(':visible')) { return; } // Clone the old last row to make a new last row $('#addform .account-postings').append( $('#addform .account-group:last').clone().addClass('added-row') ); // renumber and clear the new last account and amount fields var n = $('#addform .account-group').length; $('.account-input:last').prop('placeholder', 'Account '+n).val(''); $('.amount-input:last').prop('placeholder','Amount '+n).val(''); // XXX Enable typehead on dynamically created inputs // and move the keypress handler to the new last amount field addformLastAmountBindKey(); } // Remove the add form's last posting row, if empty, keeping at least two. function addformDeletePosting() { if ($('#addform .account-group').length <= 2) { return; } // remember if the last row's field or button had focus var focuslost = $('.account-input:last').is(':focus') || $('.amount-input:last').is(':focus'); // delete last row $('#addform .account-group:last').remove(); if (focuslost) { focus($('.account-input:last')); } // move the keypress handler to the new last amount field addformLastAmountBindKey(); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // SIDEBAR function sidebarToggle() { $('#sidebar-menu').toggleClass('col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-any-0'); $('#main-content').toggleClass('col-md-8 col-sm-8 col-md-12 col-sm-12'); $('#spacer').toggleClass('col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-any-0'); $.cookie('showsidebar', $('#sidebar-menu').hasClass('col-any-0') ? '0' : '1'); } function emptyAccountsToggle() { $('.acct.empty').parent().toggleClass('hide'); $.cookie('hideemptyaccts', $.cookie('hideemptyaccts') === '1' ? '0' : '1') }