#!/bin/sh # Update website(s): hledger.org # # Called via github webhook (on push to main repo or wiki) # /etc/supervisord.conf -> [program:github-post-receive] # /etc/github-post-receive.conf # and via cron (nightly) # /etc/crontab # or manually (make deploy) (\ # timestamp echo && date --rfc-3339=seconds && \ # fetch latest code & website - sometimes already done by webhook, not always git pull && \ # fetch latest wiki content printf "wiki: " && git -C wiki pull && \ # add latest wiki sidebar links to home page, and push right away so we can keep pulling make --no-print-directory site/index.md-push && \ # ensure GHC can handle non-ascii export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 && \ # ensure latest Shake is built ./Shake.hs \ # update website's generated content (eg manuals) and html ./Shake website \ # print and log to: ) 2>&1 | tee -a deploy.log