-- The transaction screen, showing a single transaction's general journal entry. {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-record-updates #-} module Hledger.UI.TransactionScreen ( transactionScreen ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Except (liftIO) import Data.List import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Calendar (Day) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Graphics.Vty (Event(..),Key(..),Modifier(..), Button (BLeft)) import Lens.Micro ((^.)) import Brick import Brick.Widgets.List (listElementsL, listMoveTo, listSelectedElement) import Hledger import Hledger.Cli hiding (progname,prognameandversion) import Hledger.UI.UIOptions -- import Hledger.UI.Theme import Hledger.UI.UITypes import Hledger.UI.UIState import Hledger.UI.UIUtils import Hledger.UI.Editor import Hledger.UI.ErrorScreen import Brick.Widgets.Edit (editorText, renderEditor) transactionScreen :: Screen transactionScreen = TransactionScreen{ sInit = tsInit ,sDraw = tsDraw ,sHandle = tsHandle ,tsTransaction = (1,nulltransaction) ,tsTransactions = [(1,nulltransaction)] ,tsAccount = "" } tsInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState tsInit _d _reset ui@UIState{aopts=UIOpts{} ,ajournal=_j ,aScreen=s@TransactionScreen{tsTransaction=(_,t),tsTransactions=nts} ,aPrevScreens=prevscreens } = ui{aScreen=s{tsTransaction=(i',t'),tsTransactions=nts'}} where i' = maybe 0 (toInteger . (+1)) . elemIndex t' $ map snd nts' -- If the previous screen was RegisterScreen, use the listed and selected items as -- the transactions. Otherwise, use the provided transaction and list. (t',nts') = case prevscreens of RegisterScreen{rsList=xs}:_ -> (seltxn, zip [1..] $ map rsItemTransaction nonblanks) where seltxn = maybe nulltransaction (rsItemTransaction . snd) $ listSelectedElement xs nonblanks = V.toList . V.takeWhile (not . T.null . rsItemDate) $ xs ^. listElementsL _ -> (t, nts) tsInit _ _ _ = error "init function called with wrong screen type, should not happen" -- PARTIAL: -- Render a transaction suitably for the transaction screen. showTxn :: ReportOpts -> ReportSpec -> Journal -> Transaction -> T.Text showTxn ropts rspec j t = showTransactionOneLineAmounts $ maybe id (transactionApplyValuation prices styles periodlast (_rsDay rspec)) (value_ ropts) $ maybe id (transactionToCost styles) (conversionop_ ropts) t -- (if real_ ropts then filterTransactionPostings (Real True) else id) -- filter postings by --real where prices = journalPriceOracle (infer_prices_ ropts) j styles = journalCommodityStyles j periodlast = fromMaybe (error' "TransactionScreen: expected a non-empty journal") $ -- PARTIAL: shouldn't happen reportPeriodOrJournalLastDay rspec j tsDraw :: UIState -> [Widget Name] tsDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts}}} ,ajournal=j ,aScreen=TransactionScreen{tsTransaction=(i,t') ,tsTransactions=nts ,tsAccount=acct } ,aMode=mode } = case mode of Help -> [helpDialog copts, maincontent] -- Minibuffer e -> [minibuffer e, maincontent] _ -> [maincontent] where maincontent = Widget Greedy Greedy $ render $ defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel txneditor where -- as with print, show amounts with all of their decimal places t = transactionMapPostingAmounts mixedAmountSetFullPrecision t' -- XXX would like to shrink the editor to the size of the entry, -- so handler can more easily detect clicks below it txneditor = renderEditor (vBox . map txt) False $ editorText TransactionEditor Nothing $ showTxn ropts rspec j t toplabel = str "Transaction " -- <+> withAttr ("border" <> "bold") (str $ "#" ++ show (tindex t)) -- <+> str (" ("++show i++" of "++show (length nts)++" in "++acct++")") <+> (str $ "#" ++ show (tindex t)) <+> str " (" <+> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "bold") (str $ show i) <+> str (" of "++show (length nts)) <+> togglefilters <+> borderQueryStr (unwords . map (quoteIfNeeded . T.unpack) $ querystring_ ropts) <+> str (" in "++T.unpack (replaceHiddenAccountsNameWith "All" acct)++")") <+> (if ignore_assertions_ . balancingopts_ $ inputopts_ copts then withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str " ignoring balance assertions") else str "") where togglefilters = case concat [ uiShowStatus copts $ statuses_ ropts ,if real_ ropts then ["real"] else [] ,if empty_ ropts then [] else ["nonzero"] ] of [] -> str "" fs -> withAttr (attrName "border" <> attrName "query") (str $ " " ++ intercalate ", " fs) bottomlabel = quickhelp -- case mode of -- Minibuffer ed -> minibuffer ed -- _ -> quickhelp where quickhelp = borderKeysStr [ ("?", "help") ,("LEFT", "back") ,("UP/DOWN", "prev/next") --,("ESC", "cancel/top") -- ,("a", "add") ,("E", "editor") ,("g", "reload") ,("q", "quit") ] tsDraw _ = error "draw function called with wrong screen type, should not happen" -- PARTIAL: tsHandle :: BrickEvent Name AppEvent -> EventM Name UIState () tsHandle ev = do ui@UIState{aScreen=TransactionScreen{tsTransaction=(i,t), tsTransactions=nts} ,aopts=UIOpts{uoCliOpts=copts@CliOpts{reportspec_=rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts}}} ,ajournal=j ,aMode=mode } <- get case mode of Help -> case ev of -- VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui _ -> helpHandle ev _ -> do let d = copts^.rsDay (iprev,tprev) = maybe (i,t) ((i-1),) $ lookup (i-1) nts (inext,tnext) = maybe (i,t) ((i+1),) $ lookup (i+1) nts case ev of VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'q') []) -> halt VtyEvent (EvKey KEsc []) -> put $ resetScreens d ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar c) []) | c == '?' -> put $ setMode Help ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'E') []) -> suspendAndResume $ void (runEditor pos f) >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui where (pos,f) = case tsourcepos t of (SourcePos f l1 c1,_) -> (Just (unPos l1, Just $ unPos c1),f) AppEvent (DateChange old _) | isStandardPeriod p && p `periodContainsDate` old -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ setReportPeriod (DayPeriod d) ui where p = reportPeriod ui e | e `elem` [VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'g') []), AppEvent FileChange] -> do -- plog (if e == AppEvent FileChange then "file change" else "manual reload") "" `seq` return () ej <- liftIO . runExceptT $ journalReload copts case ej of Left err -> put $ screenEnter d errorScreen{esError=err} ui Right j' -> put $ regenerateScreens j' d ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'I') []) -> put $ uiCheckBalanceAssertions d (toggleIgnoreBalanceAssertions ui) -- for toggles that may change the current/prev/next transactions, -- we must regenerate the transaction list, like the g handler above ? with regenerateTransactions ? TODO WIP -- EvKey (KChar 'E') [] -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleEmpty ui -- EvKey (KChar 'C') [] -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleCleared ui -- EvKey (KChar 'R') [] -> put $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleReal ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'B') []) -> put . regenerateScreens j d $ toggleConversionOp ui VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'V') []) -> put . regenerateScreens j d $ toggleValue ui VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveUpEvents -> put $ tsSelect iprev tprev ui VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveDownEvents -> put $ tsSelect inext tnext ui -- exit screen on LEFT VtyEvent e | e `elem` moveLeftEvents -> put . popScreen $ tsSelect i t ui -- Probably not necessary to tsSelect here, but it's safe. -- or on a click in the app's left margin. VtyEvent (EvMouseUp x _y (Just BLeft)) | x==0 -> put . popScreen $ tsSelect i t ui -- or on clicking the blank area below the transaction. MouseUp _ (Just BLeft) Location{loc=(_,y)} | y+1 > numentrylines -> put . popScreen $ tsSelect i t ui where numentrylines = length (T.lines $ showTxn ropts rspec j t) - 1 VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl]) -> redraw VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar 'z') [MCtrl]) -> suspend ui _ -> return () -- | Select a new transaction and update the previous register screen tsSelect i t ui@UIState{aScreen=s@TransactionScreen{}} = case aPrevScreens ui of x:xs -> ui'{aPrevScreens=rsSelect i x : xs} [] -> ui' where ui' = ui{aScreen=s{tsTransaction=(i,t)}} tsSelect _ _ ui = ui -- | Select the nth item on the register screen. rsSelect i scr@RegisterScreen{..} = scr{rsList=listMoveTo (fromInteger $ i-1) rsList} rsSelect _ scr = scr