{-| Functions for ensuring transactions and journals are balanced. -} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Hledger.Data.Balancing ( -- * BalancingOpts BalancingOpts(..) , HasBalancingOpts(..) , defbalancingopts -- * transaction balancing , isTransactionBalanced , balanceTransaction , balanceTransactionHelper , annotateErrorWithTransaction -- * journal balancing , journalBalanceTransactions , journalCheckBalanceAssertions -- * tests , tests_Balancing ) where import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT(..), runExceptT, throwError) import "extra" Control.Monad.Extra (whenM) import Control.Monad.Reader as R import Control.Monad.ST (ST, runST) import Data.Array.ST (STArray, getElems, newListArray, writeArray) import Data.Foldable (asum) import Data.Function ((&)) import qualified Data.HashTable.Class as H (toList) import qualified Data.HashTable.ST.Cuckoo as H import Data.List (intercalate, partition, sortOn) import Data.List.Extra (nubSort) import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing, mapMaybe) import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time.Calendar (fromGregorian) import qualified Data.Map as M import Safe (headDef) import Text.Printf (printf) import Hledger.Utils import Hledger.Data.Types import Hledger.Data.AccountName (isAccountNamePrefixOf) import Hledger.Data.Amount import Hledger.Data.Dates (showDate) import Hledger.Data.Journal import Hledger.Data.Posting import Hledger.Data.Transaction data BalancingOpts = BalancingOpts { ignore_assertions_ :: Bool -- ^ Ignore balance assertions , infer_transaction_prices_ :: Bool -- ^ Infer prices in unbalanced multicommodity amounts , commodity_styles_ :: Maybe (M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle) -- ^ commodity display styles } deriving (Show) defbalancingopts :: BalancingOpts defbalancingopts = BalancingOpts { ignore_assertions_ = False , infer_transaction_prices_ = True , commodity_styles_ = Nothing } -- | Check that this transaction would appear balanced to a human when displayed. -- On success, returns the empty list, otherwise one or more error messages. -- -- In more detail: -- For the real postings, and separately for the balanced virtual postings: -- -- 1. Convert amounts to cost where possible -- -- 2. When there are two or more non-zero amounts -- (appearing non-zero when displayed, using the given display styles if provided), -- are they a mix of positives and negatives ? -- This is checked separately to give a clearer error message. -- (Best effort; could be confused by postings with multicommodity amounts.) -- -- 3. Does the amounts' sum appear non-zero when displayed ? -- (using the given display styles if provided) -- transactionCheckBalanced :: BalancingOpts -> Transaction -> [String] transactionCheckBalanced BalancingOpts{commodity_styles_} t = errs where (rps, bvps) = foldr partitionPosting ([], []) $ tpostings t where partitionPosting p ~(l, r) = case ptype p of RegularPosting -> (p:l, r) BalancedVirtualPosting -> (l, p:r) VirtualPosting -> (l, r) -- check for mixed signs, detecting nonzeros at display precision canonicalise = maybe id canonicaliseMixedAmount commodity_styles_ signsOk ps = case filter (not.mixedAmountLooksZero) $ map (canonicalise.mixedAmountCost.pamount) ps of nonzeros | length nonzeros >= 2 -> length (nubSort $ mapMaybe isNegativeMixedAmount nonzeros) > 1 _ -> True (rsignsok, bvsignsok) = (signsOk rps, signsOk bvps) -- check for zero sum, at display precision (rsum, bvsum) = (sumPostings rps, sumPostings bvps) (rsumcost, bvsumcost) = (mixedAmountCost rsum, mixedAmountCost bvsum) (rsumdisplay, bvsumdisplay) = (canonicalise rsumcost, canonicalise bvsumcost) (rsumok, bvsumok) = (mixedAmountLooksZero rsumdisplay, mixedAmountLooksZero bvsumdisplay) -- generate error messages, showing amounts with their original precision errs = filter (not.null) [rmsg, bvmsg] where rmsg | rsumok = "" | not rsignsok = "real postings all have the same sign" | otherwise = "real postings' sum should be 0 but is: " ++ showMixedAmount rsumcost bvmsg | bvsumok = "" | not bvsignsok = "balanced virtual postings all have the same sign" | otherwise = "balanced virtual postings' sum should be 0 but is: " ++ showMixedAmount bvsumcost -- | Legacy form of transactionCheckBalanced. isTransactionBalanced :: BalancingOpts -> Transaction -> Bool isTransactionBalanced bopts = null . transactionCheckBalanced bopts -- | Balance this transaction, ensuring that its postings -- (and its balanced virtual postings) sum to 0, -- by inferring a missing amount or conversion price(s) if needed. -- Or if balancing is not possible, because the amounts don't sum to 0 or -- because there's more than one missing amount, return an error message. -- -- Transactions with balance assignments can have more than one -- missing amount; to balance those you should use the more powerful -- journalBalanceTransactions. -- -- The "sum to 0" test is done using commodity display precisions, -- if provided, so that the result agrees with the numbers users can see. -- balanceTransaction :: BalancingOpts -> Transaction -> Either String Transaction balanceTransaction bopts = fmap fst . balanceTransactionHelper bopts -- | Helper used by balanceTransaction and balanceTransactionWithBalanceAssignmentAndCheckAssertionsB; -- use one of those instead. It also returns a list of accounts -- and amounts that were inferred. balanceTransactionHelper :: BalancingOpts -> Transaction -> Either String (Transaction, [(AccountName, MixedAmount)]) balanceTransactionHelper bopts t = do (t', inferredamtsandaccts) <- inferBalancingAmount (fromMaybe M.empty $ commodity_styles_ bopts) $ if infer_transaction_prices_ bopts then inferBalancingPrices t else t case transactionCheckBalanced bopts t' of [] -> Right (txnTieKnot t', inferredamtsandaccts) errs -> Left $ transactionBalanceError t' errs -- | Generate a transaction balancing error message, given the transaction -- and one or more suberror messages. transactionBalanceError :: Transaction -> [String] -> String transactionBalanceError t errs = annotateErrorWithTransaction t $ intercalate "\n" $ "could not balance this transaction:" : errs annotateErrorWithTransaction :: Transaction -> String -> String annotateErrorWithTransaction t s = unlines [ showSourcePosPair $ tsourcepos t, s , T.unpack . T.stripEnd $ showTransaction t ] -- | Infer up to one missing amount for this transactions's real postings, and -- likewise for its balanced virtual postings, if needed; or return an error -- message if we can't. Returns the updated transaction and any inferred posting amounts, -- with the corresponding accounts, in order). -- -- We can infer a missing amount when there are multiple postings and exactly -- one of them is amountless. If the amounts had price(s) the inferred amount -- have the same price(s), and will be converted to the price commodity. inferBalancingAmount :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -- ^ commodity display styles -> Transaction -> Either String (Transaction, [(AccountName, MixedAmount)]) inferBalancingAmount styles t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} | length amountlessrealps > 1 = Left $ transactionBalanceError t ["can't have more than one real posting with no amount" ,"(remember to put two or more spaces between account and amount)"] | length amountlessbvps > 1 = Left $ transactionBalanceError t ["can't have more than one balanced virtual posting with no amount" ,"(remember to put two or more spaces between account and amount)"] | otherwise = let psandinferredamts = map inferamount ps inferredacctsandamts = [(paccount p, amt) | (p, Just amt) <- psandinferredamts] in Right (t{tpostings=map fst psandinferredamts}, inferredacctsandamts) where (amountfulrealps, amountlessrealps) = partition hasAmount (realPostings t) realsum = sumPostings amountfulrealps (amountfulbvps, amountlessbvps) = partition hasAmount (balancedVirtualPostings t) bvsum = sumPostings amountfulbvps inferamount :: Posting -> (Posting, Maybe MixedAmount) inferamount p = let minferredamt = case ptype p of RegularPosting | not (hasAmount p) -> Just realsum BalancedVirtualPosting | not (hasAmount p) -> Just bvsum _ -> Nothing in case minferredamt of Nothing -> (p, Nothing) Just a -> (p{pamount=a', poriginal=Just $ originalPosting p}, Just a') where -- Inferred amounts are converted to cost. -- Also ensure the new amount has the standard style for its commodity -- (since the main amount styling pass happened before this balancing pass); a' = styleMixedAmount styles . mixedAmountCost $ maNegate a -- | Infer prices for this transaction's posting amounts, if needed to make -- the postings balance, and if possible. This is done once for the real -- postings and again (separately) for the balanced virtual postings. When -- it's not possible, the transaction is left unchanged. -- -- The simplest example is a transaction with two postings, each in a -- different commodity, with no prices specified. In this case we'll add a -- price to the first posting such that it can be converted to the commodity -- of the second posting (with -B), and such that the postings balance. -- -- In general, we can infer a conversion price when the sum of posting amounts -- contains exactly two different commodities and no explicit prices. Also -- all postings are expected to contain an explicit amount (no missing -- amounts) in a single commodity. Otherwise no price inferring is attempted. -- -- The transaction itself could contain more than two commodities, and/or -- prices, if they cancel out; what matters is that the sum of posting amounts -- contains exactly two commodities and zero prices. -- -- There can also be more than two postings in either of the commodities. -- -- We want to avoid excessive display of digits when the calculated price is -- an irrational number, while hopefully also ensuring the displayed numbers -- make sense if the user does a manual calculation. This is (mostly) achieved -- in two ways: -- -- - when there is only one posting in the "from" commodity, a total price -- (@@) is used, and all available decimal digits are shown -- -- - otherwise, a suitable averaged unit price (@) is applied to the relevant -- postings, with display precision equal to the summed display precisions -- of the two commodities being converted between, or 2, whichever is larger. -- -- (We don't always calculate a good-looking display precision for unit prices -- when the commodity display precisions are low, eg when a journal doesn't -- use any decimal places. The minimum of 2 helps make the prices shown by the -- print command a bit less surprising in this case. Could do better.) -- inferBalancingPrices :: Transaction -> Transaction inferBalancingPrices t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=ps'} where ps' = map (priceInferrerFor t BalancedVirtualPosting . priceInferrerFor t RegularPosting) ps -- | Generate a posting update function which assigns a suitable balancing -- price to the posting, if and as appropriate for the given transaction and -- posting type (real or balanced virtual). If we cannot or should not infer -- prices, just act as the identity on postings. priceInferrerFor :: Transaction -> PostingType -> (Posting -> Posting) priceInferrerFor t pt = maybe id inferprice inferFromAndTo where postings = filter ((==pt).ptype) $ tpostings t pcommodities = map acommodity $ concatMap (amounts . pamount) postings sumamounts = amounts $ sumPostings postings -- amounts normalises to one amount per commodity & price -- We can infer prices if there are no prices given, exactly two commodities in the normalised -- sum of postings in this transaction, and these two have opposite signs. The amount we are -- converting from is the first commodity to appear in the ordered list of postings, and the -- commodity we are converting to is the other. If we cannot infer prices, return Nothing. inferFromAndTo = case sumamounts of [a,b] | noprices, oppositesigns -> asum $ map orderIfMatches pcommodities where noprices = all (isNothing . aprice) sumamounts oppositesigns = signum (aquantity a) /= signum (aquantity b) orderIfMatches x | x == acommodity a = Just (a,b) | x == acommodity b = Just (b,a) | otherwise = Nothing _ -> Nothing -- For each posting, if the posting type matches, there is only a single amount in the posting, -- and the commodity of the amount matches the amount we're converting from, -- then set its price based on the ratio between fromamount and toamount. inferprice (fromamount, toamount) posting | [a] <- amounts (pamount posting), ptype posting == pt, acommodity a == acommodity fromamount = posting{ pamount = mixedAmount a{aprice=Just conversionprice} , poriginal = Just $ originalPosting posting } | otherwise = posting where -- If only one Amount in the posting list matches fromamount we can use TotalPrice. -- Otherwise divide the conversion equally among the Amounts by using a unit price. conversionprice = case filter (== acommodity fromamount) pcommodities of [_] -> TotalPrice $ negate toamount _ -> UnitPrice $ negate unitprice `withPrecision` unitprecision unitprice = aquantity fromamount `divideAmount` toamount unitprecision = case (asprecision $ astyle fromamount, asprecision $ astyle toamount) of (Precision a, Precision b) -> Precision . max 2 $ saturatedAdd a b _ -> NaturalPrecision saturatedAdd a b = if maxBound - a < b then maxBound else a + b -- | Check any balance assertions in the journal and return an error message -- if any of them fail (or if the transaction balancing they require fails). journalCheckBalanceAssertions :: Journal -> Maybe String journalCheckBalanceAssertions = either Just (const Nothing) . journalBalanceTransactions defbalancingopts -- "Transaction balancing", including: inferring missing amounts, -- applying balance assignments, checking transaction balancedness, -- checking balance assertions, respecting posting dates. These things -- are all interdependent. -- WARN tricky algorithm and code ahead. -- -- Code overview as of 20190219, this could/should be simplified/documented more: -- parseAndFinaliseJournal['] (Cli/Utils.hs), journalAddForecast (Common.hs), journalAddBudgetGoalTransactions (BudgetReport.hs), tests (BalanceReport.hs) -- journalBalanceTransactions -- runST -- runExceptT -- balanceTransaction (Transaction.hs) -- balanceTransactionHelper -- runReaderT -- balanceTransactionAndCheckAssertionsB -- addAmountAndCheckAssertionB -- addOrAssignAmountAndCheckAssertionB -- balanceTransactionHelper (Transaction.hs) -- uiCheckBalanceAssertions d ui@UIState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=copts}, ajournal=j} (ErrorScreen.hs) -- journalCheckBalanceAssertions -- journalBalanceTransactions -- transactionWizard, postingsBalanced (Add.hs), tests (Transaction.hs) -- balanceTransaction (Transaction.hs) XXX hledger add won't allow balance assignments + missing amount ? -- | Monad used for statefully balancing/amount-inferring/assertion-checking -- a sequence of transactions. -- Perhaps can be simplified, or would a different ordering of layers make sense ? -- If you see a way, let us know. type Balancing s = ReaderT (BalancingState s) (ExceptT String (ST s)) -- | The state used while balancing a sequence of transactions. data BalancingState s = BalancingState { -- read only bsStyles :: Maybe (M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle) -- ^ commodity display styles ,bsUnassignable :: S.Set AccountName -- ^ accounts in which balance assignments may not be used ,bsAssrt :: Bool -- ^ whether to check balance assertions -- mutable ,bsBalances :: H.HashTable s AccountName MixedAmount -- ^ running account balances, initially empty ,bsTransactions :: STArray s Integer Transaction -- ^ a mutable array of the transactions being balanced -- (for efficiency ? journalBalanceTransactions says: not strictly necessary but avoids a sort at the end I think) } -- | Access the current balancing state, and possibly modify the mutable bits, -- lifting through the Except and Reader layers into the Balancing monad. withRunningBalance :: (BalancingState s -> ST s a) -> Balancing s a withRunningBalance f = ask >>= lift . lift . f -- | Get this account's current exclusive running balance. getRunningBalanceB :: AccountName -> Balancing s MixedAmount getRunningBalanceB acc = withRunningBalance $ \BalancingState{bsBalances} -> do fromMaybe nullmixedamt <$> H.lookup bsBalances acc -- | Add this amount to this account's exclusive running balance. -- Returns the new running balance. addToRunningBalanceB :: AccountName -> MixedAmount -> Balancing s MixedAmount addToRunningBalanceB acc amt = withRunningBalance $ \BalancingState{bsBalances} -> do old <- fromMaybe nullmixedamt <$> H.lookup bsBalances acc let new = maPlus old amt H.insert bsBalances acc new return new -- | Set this account's exclusive running balance to this amount. -- Returns the change in exclusive running balance. setRunningBalanceB :: AccountName -> MixedAmount -> Balancing s MixedAmount setRunningBalanceB acc amt = withRunningBalance $ \BalancingState{bsBalances} -> do old <- fromMaybe nullmixedamt <$> H.lookup bsBalances acc H.insert bsBalances acc amt return $ maMinus amt old -- | Set this account's exclusive running balance to whatever amount -- makes its *inclusive* running balance (the sum of exclusive running -- balances of this account and any subaccounts) be the given amount. -- Returns the change in exclusive running balance. setInclusiveRunningBalanceB :: AccountName -> MixedAmount -> Balancing s MixedAmount setInclusiveRunningBalanceB acc newibal = withRunningBalance $ \BalancingState{bsBalances} -> do oldebal <- fromMaybe nullmixedamt <$> H.lookup bsBalances acc allebals <- H.toList bsBalances let subsibal = -- sum of any subaccounts' running balances maSum . map snd $ filter ((acc `isAccountNamePrefixOf`).fst) allebals let newebal = maMinus newibal subsibal H.insert bsBalances acc newebal return $ maMinus newebal oldebal -- | Update (overwrite) this transaction in the balancing state. updateTransactionB :: Transaction -> Balancing s () updateTransactionB t = withRunningBalance $ \BalancingState{bsTransactions} -> void $ writeArray bsTransactions (tindex t) t -- | Infer any missing amounts (to satisfy balance assignments and -- to balance transactions) and check that all transactions balance -- and (optional) all balance assertions pass. Or return an error message -- (just the first error encountered). -- -- Assumes journalInferCommodityStyles has been called, since those -- affect transaction balancing. -- -- This does multiple things at once because amount inferring, balance -- assignments, balance assertions and posting dates are interdependent. journalBalanceTransactions :: BalancingOpts -> Journal -> Either String Journal journalBalanceTransactions bopts' j' = let -- ensure transactions are numbered, so we can store them by number j@Journal{jtxns=ts} = journalNumberTransactions j' -- display precisions used in balanced checking styles = Just $ journalCommodityStyles j bopts = bopts'{commodity_styles_=styles} -- balance assignments will not be allowed on these txnmodifieraccts = S.fromList . map (paccount . tmprPosting) . concatMap tmpostingrules $ jtxnmodifiers j in runST $ do -- We'll update a mutable array of transactions as we balance them, -- not strictly necessary but avoids a sort at the end I think. balancedtxns <- newListArray (1, toInteger $ length ts) ts -- Infer missing posting amounts, check transactions are balanced, -- and check balance assertions. This is done in two passes: runExceptT $ do -- 1. Step through the transactions, balancing the ones which don't have balance assignments -- and leaving the others for later. The balanced ones are split into their postings. -- The postings and not-yet-balanced transactions remain in the same relative order. psandts :: [Either Posting Transaction] <- fmap concat $ forM ts $ \case t | null $ assignmentPostings t -> case balanceTransaction bopts t of Left e -> throwError e Right t' -> do lift $ writeArray balancedtxns (tindex t') t' return $ map Left $ tpostings t' t -> return [Right t] -- 2. Sort these items by date, preserving the order of same-day items, -- and step through them while keeping running account balances, runningbals <- lift $ H.newSized (length $ journalAccountNamesUsed j) flip runReaderT (BalancingState styles txnmodifieraccts (not $ ignore_assertions_ bopts) runningbals balancedtxns) $ do -- performing balance assignments in, and balancing, the remaining transactions, -- and checking balance assertions as each posting is processed. void $ mapM' balanceTransactionAndCheckAssertionsB $ sortOn (either postingDate tdate) psandts ts' <- lift $ getElems balancedtxns return j{jtxns=ts'} -- | This function is called statefully on each of a date-ordered sequence of -- 1. fully explicit postings from already-balanced transactions and -- 2. not-yet-balanced transactions containing balance assignments. -- It executes balance assignments and finishes balancing the transactions, -- and checks balance assertions on each posting as it goes. -- An error will be thrown if a transaction can't be balanced -- or if an illegal balance assignment is found (cf checkIllegalBalanceAssignment). -- Transaction prices are removed, which helps eg balance-assertions.test: 15. Mix different commodities and assignments. -- This stores the balanced transactions in case 2 but not in case 1. balanceTransactionAndCheckAssertionsB :: Either Posting Transaction -> Balancing s () balanceTransactionAndCheckAssertionsB (Left p@Posting{}) = -- update the account's running balance and check the balance assertion if any void . addAmountAndCheckAssertionB $ postingStripPrices p balanceTransactionAndCheckAssertionsB (Right t@Transaction{tpostings=ps}) = do -- make sure we can handle the balance assignments mapM_ checkIllegalBalanceAssignmentB ps -- for each posting, infer its amount from the balance assignment if applicable, -- update the account's running balance and check the balance assertion if any ps' <- mapM (addOrAssignAmountAndCheckAssertionB . postingStripPrices) ps -- infer any remaining missing amounts, and make sure the transaction is now fully balanced styles <- R.reader bsStyles case balanceTransactionHelper defbalancingopts{commodity_styles_=styles} t{tpostings=ps'} of Left err -> throwError err Right (t', inferredacctsandamts) -> do -- for each amount just inferred, update the running balance mapM_ (uncurry addToRunningBalanceB) inferredacctsandamts -- and save the balanced transaction. updateTransactionB t' -- | If this posting has an explicit amount, add it to the account's running balance. -- If it has a missing amount and a balance assignment, infer the amount from, and -- reset the running balance to, the assigned balance. -- If it has a missing amount and no balance assignment, leave it for later. -- Then test the balance assertion if any. addOrAssignAmountAndCheckAssertionB :: Posting -> Balancing s Posting addOrAssignAmountAndCheckAssertionB p@Posting{paccount=acc, pamount=amt, pbalanceassertion=mba} -- an explicit posting amount | hasAmount p = do newbal <- addToRunningBalanceB acc amt whenM (R.reader bsAssrt) $ checkBalanceAssertionB p newbal return p -- no explicit posting amount, but there is a balance assignment | Just BalanceAssertion{baamount,batotal,bainclusive} <- mba = do newbal <- if batotal -- a total balance assignment (==, all commodities) then return $ mixedAmount baamount -- a partial balance assignment (=, one commodity) else do oldbalothercommodities <- filterMixedAmount ((acommodity baamount /=) . acommodity) <$> getRunningBalanceB acc return $ maAddAmount oldbalothercommodities baamount diff <- (if bainclusive then setInclusiveRunningBalanceB else setRunningBalanceB) acc newbal let p' = p{pamount=filterMixedAmount (not . amountIsZero) diff, poriginal=Just $ originalPosting p} whenM (R.reader bsAssrt) $ checkBalanceAssertionB p' newbal return p' -- no explicit posting amount, no balance assignment | otherwise = return p -- | Add the posting's amount to its account's running balance, and -- optionally check the posting's balance assertion if any. -- The posting is expected to have an explicit amount (otherwise this does nothing). -- Adding and checking balance assertions are tightly paired because we -- need to see the balance as it stands after each individual posting. addAmountAndCheckAssertionB :: Posting -> Balancing s Posting addAmountAndCheckAssertionB p | hasAmount p = do newbal <- addToRunningBalanceB (paccount p) $ pamount p whenM (R.reader bsAssrt) $ checkBalanceAssertionB p newbal return p addAmountAndCheckAssertionB p = return p -- | Check a posting's balance assertion against the given actual balance, and -- return an error if the assertion is not satisfied. -- If the assertion is partial, unasserted commodities in the actual balance -- are ignored; if it is total, they will cause the assertion to fail. checkBalanceAssertionB :: Posting -> MixedAmount -> Balancing s () checkBalanceAssertionB p@Posting{pbalanceassertion=Just (BalanceAssertion{baamount,batotal})} actualbal = forM_ (baamount : otheramts) $ \amt -> checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB p amt actualbal where assertedcomm = acommodity baamount otheramts | batotal = map (\a -> a{aquantity=0}) . amountsRaw $ filterMixedAmount ((/=assertedcomm).acommodity) actualbal | otherwise = [] checkBalanceAssertionB _ _ = return () -- | Does this (single commodity) expected balance match the amount of that -- commodity in the given (multicommodity) actual balance ? If not, returns a -- balance assertion failure message based on the provided posting. To match, -- the amounts must be exactly equal (display precision is ignored here). -- If the assertion is inclusive, the expected amount is compared with the account's -- subaccount-inclusive balance; otherwise, with the subaccount-exclusive balance. checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB :: Posting -> Amount -> MixedAmount -> Balancing s () checkBalanceAssertionOneCommodityB p@Posting{paccount=assertedacct} assertedamt actualbal = do let isinclusive = maybe False bainclusive $ pbalanceassertion p actualbal' <- if isinclusive then -- sum the running balances of this account and any of its subaccounts seen so far withRunningBalance $ \BalancingState{bsBalances} -> H.foldM (\ibal (acc, amt) -> return $ if assertedacct==acc || assertedacct `isAccountNamePrefixOf` acc then maPlus ibal amt else ibal) nullmixedamt bsBalances else return actualbal let assertedcomm = acommodity assertedamt actualbalincomm = headDef nullamt . amountsRaw . filterMixedAmountByCommodity assertedcomm $ actualbal' pass = aquantity -- traceWith (("asserted:"++).showAmountDebug) assertedamt == aquantity -- traceWith (("actual:"++).showAmountDebug) actualbalincomm errmsg = printf (unlines [ "balance assertion: %s", "\nassertion details:", "date: %s", "account: %s%s", "commodity: %s", -- "display precision: %d", "calculated: %s", -- (at display precision: %s)", "asserted: %s", -- (at display precision: %s)", "difference: %s" ]) (case ptransaction p of Nothing -> "?" -- shouldn't happen Just t -> printf "%s\ntransaction:\n%s" (showSourcePos pos) (textChomp $ showTransaction t) :: String where pos = baposition $ fromJust $ pbalanceassertion p ) (showDate $ postingDate p) (T.unpack $ paccount p) -- XXX pack (if isinclusive then " (and subs)" else "" :: String) assertedcomm -- (asprecision $ astyle actualbalincommodity) -- should be the standard display precision I think (show $ aquantity actualbalincomm) -- (showAmount actualbalincommodity) (show $ aquantity assertedamt) -- (showAmount assertedamt) (show $ aquantity assertedamt - aquantity actualbalincomm) unless pass $ throwError errmsg -- | Throw an error if this posting is trying to do an illegal balance assignment. checkIllegalBalanceAssignmentB :: Posting -> Balancing s () checkIllegalBalanceAssignmentB p = do checkBalanceAssignmentPostingDateB p checkBalanceAssignmentUnassignableAccountB p -- XXX these should show position. annotateErrorWithTransaction t ? -- | Throw an error if this posting is trying to do a balance assignment and -- has a custom posting date (which makes amount inference too hard/impossible). checkBalanceAssignmentPostingDateB :: Posting -> Balancing s () checkBalanceAssignmentPostingDateB p = when (hasBalanceAssignment p && isJust (pdate p)) $ throwError . T.unpack $ T.unlines ["postings which are balance assignments may not have a custom date." ,"Please write the posting amount explicitly, or remove the posting date:" ,"" ,maybe (T.unlines $ showPostingLines p) showTransaction $ ptransaction p ] -- | Throw an error if this posting is trying to do a balance assignment and -- the account does not allow balance assignments (eg because it is referenced -- by a transaction modifier, which might generate additional postings to it). checkBalanceAssignmentUnassignableAccountB :: Posting -> Balancing s () checkBalanceAssignmentUnassignableAccountB p = do unassignable <- R.asks bsUnassignable when (hasBalanceAssignment p && paccount p `S.member` unassignable) $ throwError . T.unpack $ T.unlines ["balance assignments cannot be used with accounts which are" ,"posted to by transaction modifier rules (auto postings)." ,"Please write the posting amount explicitly, or remove the rule." ,"" ,"account: " <> paccount p ,"" ,"transaction:" ,"" ,maybe (T.unlines $ showPostingLines p) showTransaction $ ptransaction p ] -- lenses makeHledgerClassyLenses ''BalancingOpts -- tests tests_Balancing :: TestTree tests_Balancing = testGroup "Balancing" [ testCase "inferBalancingAmount" $ do (fst <$> inferBalancingAmount M.empty nulltransaction) @?= Right nulltransaction (fst <$> inferBalancingAmount M.empty nulltransaction{tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-5), "b" `post` missingamt]}) @?= Right nulltransaction{tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-5), "b" `post` usd 5]} (fst <$> inferBalancingAmount M.empty nulltransaction{tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-5), "b" `post` (eur 3 @@ usd 4), "c" `post` missingamt]}) @?= Right nulltransaction{tpostings = ["a" `post` usd (-5), "b" `post` (eur 3 @@ usd 4), "c" `post` usd 1]} , testGroup "balanceTransaction" [ testCase "detect unbalanced entry, sign error" $ assertLeft (balanceTransaction defbalancingopts (Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2007 01 28) Nothing Unmarked "" "test" "" [] [posting {paccount = "a", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 1)}, posting {paccount = "b", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 1)}])) ,testCase "detect unbalanced entry, multiple missing amounts" $ assertLeft $ balanceTransaction defbalancingopts (Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2007 01 28) Nothing Unmarked "" "test" "" [] [ posting {paccount = "a", pamount = missingmixedamt} , posting {paccount = "b", pamount = missingmixedamt} ]) ,testCase "one missing amount is inferred" $ (pamount . last . tpostings <$> balanceTransaction defbalancingopts (Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2007 01 28) Nothing Unmarked "" "" "" [] [posting {paccount = "a", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 1)}, posting {paccount = "b", pamount = missingmixedamt}])) @?= Right (mixedAmount $ usd (-1)) ,testCase "conversion price is inferred" $ (pamount . head . tpostings <$> balanceTransaction defbalancingopts (Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2007 01 28) Nothing Unmarked "" "" "" [] [ posting {paccount = "a", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 1.35)} , posting {paccount = "b", pamount = mixedAmount (eur (-1))} ])) @?= Right (mixedAmount $ usd 1.35 @@ eur 1) ,testCase "balanceTransaction balances based on cost if there are unit prices" $ assertRight $ balanceTransaction defbalancingopts (Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2011 01 01) Nothing Unmarked "" "" "" [] [ posting {paccount = "a", pamount = mixedAmount $ usd 1 `at` eur 2} , posting {paccount = "a", pamount = mixedAmount $ usd (-2) `at` eur 1} ]) ,testCase "balanceTransaction balances based on cost if there are total prices" $ assertRight $ balanceTransaction defbalancingopts (Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2011 01 01) Nothing Unmarked "" "" "" [] [ posting {paccount = "a", pamount = mixedAmount $ usd 1 @@ eur 1} , posting {paccount = "a", pamount = mixedAmount $ usd (-2) @@ eur (-1)} ]) ] , testGroup "isTransactionBalanced" [ testCase "detect balanced" $ assertBool "" $ isTransactionBalanced defbalancingopts $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2009 01 01) Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" [] [ posting {paccount = "b", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 1.00)} , posting {paccount = "c", pamount = mixedAmount (usd (-1.00))} ] ,testCase "detect unbalanced" $ assertBool "" $ not $ isTransactionBalanced defbalancingopts $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2009 01 01) Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" [] [ posting {paccount = "b", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 1.00)} , posting {paccount = "c", pamount = mixedAmount (usd (-1.01))} ] ,testCase "detect unbalanced, one posting" $ assertBool "" $ not $ isTransactionBalanced defbalancingopts $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2009 01 01) Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" [] [posting {paccount = "b", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 1.00)}] ,testCase "one zero posting is considered balanced for now" $ assertBool "" $ isTransactionBalanced defbalancingopts $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2009 01 01) Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" [] [posting {paccount = "b", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 0)}] ,testCase "virtual postings don't need to balance" $ assertBool "" $ isTransactionBalanced defbalancingopts $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2009 01 01) Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" [] [ posting {paccount = "b", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 1.00)} , posting {paccount = "c", pamount = mixedAmount (usd (-1.00))} , posting {paccount = "d", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 100), ptype = VirtualPosting} ] ,testCase "balanced virtual postings need to balance among themselves" $ assertBool "" $ not $ isTransactionBalanced defbalancingopts $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2009 01 01) Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" [] [ posting {paccount = "b", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 1.00)} , posting {paccount = "c", pamount = mixedAmount (usd (-1.00))} , posting {paccount = "d", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 100), ptype = BalancedVirtualPosting} ] ,testCase "balanced virtual postings need to balance among themselves (2)" $ assertBool "" $ isTransactionBalanced defbalancingopts $ Transaction 0 "" nullsourcepos (fromGregorian 2009 01 01) Nothing Unmarked "" "a" "" [] [ posting {paccount = "b", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 1.00)} , posting {paccount = "c", pamount = mixedAmount (usd (-1.00))} , posting {paccount = "d", pamount = mixedAmount (usd 100), ptype = BalancedVirtualPosting} , posting {paccount = "3", pamount = mixedAmount (usd (-100)), ptype = BalancedVirtualPosting} ] ] ,testGroup "journalBalanceTransactions" [ testCase "missing-amounts" $ do let ej = journalBalanceTransactions defbalancingopts $ samplejournalMaybeExplicit False assertRight ej journalPostings <$> ej @?= Right (journalPostings samplejournal) ,testCase "balance-assignment" $ do let ej = journalBalanceTransactions defbalancingopts $ --2019/01/01 -- (a) = 1 nulljournal{ jtxns = [ transaction (fromGregorian 2019 01 01) [ vpost' "a" missingamt (balassert (num 1)) ] ]} assertRight ej case ej of Right j -> (jtxns j & head & tpostings & head & pamount & amountsRaw) @?= [num 1] Left _ -> error' "balance-assignment test: shouldn't happen" ,testCase "same-day-1" $ do assertRight $ journalBalanceTransactions defbalancingopts $ --2019/01/01 -- (a) = 1 --2019/01/01 -- (a) 1 = 2 nulljournal{ jtxns = [ transaction (fromGregorian 2019 01 01) [ vpost' "a" missingamt (balassert (num 1)) ] ,transaction (fromGregorian 2019 01 01) [ vpost' "a" (num 1) (balassert (num 2)) ] ]} ,testCase "same-day-2" $ do assertRight $ journalBalanceTransactions defbalancingopts $ --2019/01/01 -- (a) 2 = 2 --2019/01/01 -- b 1 -- a --2019/01/01 -- a 0 = 1 nulljournal{ jtxns = [ transaction (fromGregorian 2019 01 01) [ vpost' "a" (num 2) (balassert (num 2)) ] ,transaction (fromGregorian 2019 01 01) [ post' "b" (num 1) Nothing ,post' "a" missingamt Nothing ] ,transaction (fromGregorian 2019 01 01) [ post' "a" (num 0) (balassert (num 1)) ] ]} ,testCase "out-of-order" $ do assertRight $ journalBalanceTransactions defbalancingopts $ --2019/1/2 -- (a) 1 = 2 --2019/1/1 -- (a) 1 = 1 nulljournal{ jtxns = [ transaction (fromGregorian 2019 01 02) [ vpost' "a" (num 1) (balassert (num 2)) ] ,transaction (fromGregorian 2019 01 01) [ vpost' "a" (num 1) (balassert (num 1)) ] ]} ] ,testGroup "commodityStylesFromAmounts" $ [ -- Journal similar to the one on #1091: -- 2019/09/24 -- (a) 1,000.00 -- -- 2019/09/26 -- (a) 1000,000 -- testCase "1091a" $ do commodityStylesFromAmounts [ nullamt{aquantity=1000, astyle=AmountStyle L False (Precision 3) (Just ',') Nothing} ,nullamt{aquantity=1000, astyle=AmountStyle L False (Precision 2) (Just '.') (Just (DigitGroups ',' [3]))} ] @?= -- The commodity style should have period as decimal mark -- and comma as digit group mark. Right (M.fromList [ ("", AmountStyle L False (Precision 3) (Just '.') (Just (DigitGroups ',' [3]))) ]) -- same journal, entries in reverse order ,testCase "1091b" $ do commodityStylesFromAmounts [ nullamt{aquantity=1000, astyle=AmountStyle L False (Precision 2) (Just '.') (Just (DigitGroups ',' [3]))} ,nullamt{aquantity=1000, astyle=AmountStyle L False (Precision 3) (Just ',') Nothing} ] @?= -- The commodity style should have period as decimal mark -- and comma as digit group mark. Right (M.fromList [ ("", AmountStyle L False (Precision 3) (Just '.') (Just (DigitGroups ',' [3]))) ]) ] ]