[Unit] Description=hledger-web -- plain text accounting, made easy Documentation=https://hledger.org/index.html After=network.target [Service] # Your account environment is not available if you are not logged # in--e.g., on system startup. This sets the variables you need. Environment="LANG=en_US.UTF-8" Environment="LEDGER_FILE=/fully/qualified/path/to/your/journal" Environment="BASE_URL=--base-url=https://your.domain" # The default of 'view,add' is a good starting point, but if you need # to, this is where you would set these capabilities. # Environment="CAPABILITIES=--capabilities=view,add,manage" Environment="PORT=--port=6001" ExecStart=/usr/bin/hledger-web --serve --strict $BASE_URL $PORT $CAPABILITIES Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=default.target