Miscellaneous hledger add-ons, bash scripts, example make rules, etc. Things in this directory can be unfinished or out of date. ## hledger scripts The hledger-*.hs scripts here are example/experimental hledger [add-on commands]. See for more about this. They are mostly implemented as [stack] runghc scripts. See the comments in hledger-check-fancyassertions.hs for more about how to run or compile them. Short version: run bin/compile.sh to compile all scripts, and add this directory to your $PATH so they show up in hledger's command list. Scripts overview, simplest first: - hledger-check-tagfiles.hs - check that all tag values containing / exist as file paths - hledger-check-tagfiles.cabal.hs - the above as a cabal script - hledger-swap-dates.hs - print transactions with their date and date2 fields swapped - hledger-print-location.hs - add file path/line number tags to the print command - hledger-balance-as-budget.hs - use one balance report as budget goals for another one - hledger-combine-balances.hs - show balance reports for two different periods side by side - hledger-smooth.hs - incomplete attempt at automatically splitting infrequent/irregular transactions - hledger-check-fancyassertions.hs - check more complex account balance assertions [add-on commands]: http://hledger.org/hledger.html#add-on-commands [stack]: https://www.fpcomplete.com/haskell/get-started [cabal]: https://www.haskell.org/cabal How to: ### Install all scripts as add-on commands $ git clone https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger $ hledger/bin/compile.sh $ export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/hledger/bin $ hledger # scripts now appear in commands list $ hledger-print-location --help # run a script directly $ hledger print-location -- --help # or run it via hledger. -- is needed before script options ### Create a new script The example scripts follow a template that implements hledger's standard command line options and help, so it's a good idea to use one as your starting point. The hledger- naming is not required, but it causes scripts to show up in the hledger commands list. On unix, your new script should be marked executable. This should do it: $ cd hledger $ cp bin/hledger-swap-dates.hs bin/hledger-foo.hs # and edit, at least the command name and help $ stack install string-qq # ensure any extra script deps are installed $ bin/hledger-cmd.hs --help foo [OPTIONS] My new foo command. ... $ stack ghc bin/hledger-cmd.hs $ hledger foo -- --help foo [OPTIONS] My new foo command. ... ### Run ghcid on a script $ stack install string-qq # ensure any extra script deps are installed $ stack exec -- ghcid bin/hledger-foo.hs ... Ok, one module loaded. All good (1 module, at 10:50:48) ### Run ghci on a script $ stack install string-qq # ensure any extra script deps are installed $ stack ghci bin/hledger-foo.hs ... Ok, one module loaded. ... ghci>