#!/usr/bin/env stack -- stack runghc --verbosity info --package hledger -- Run from inside the hledger source tree, or compile with compile.sh. -- See hledger-check-fancyassertions.hs. {- hledger-check-tagfiles stack script. Read the default journal and give an error if any tag values containing '/' do not exist as file paths. Usage: $ hledger-check-tagfiles.hs # compiles if needed or: $ hledger check-tagfiles # compiles if there's no compiled version -} import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Text as T import Hledger.Cli import System.Directory import System.Exit main = withJournalDo defcliopts $ \j -> do let filetags = [ (t,v) | (t',v') <- concatMap transactionAllTags $ jtxns j , let t = T.unpack t' , let v = T.unpack v' , '/' `elem` v ] forM_ filetags $ \(t,f) -> do exists <- doesFileExist f when (not exists) $ do putStrLn $ "file not found in tag: " ++ t ++ ": " ++ f exitFailure