# 1. read CSV to hledger journal format < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50 RULES fields date, description, amount date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 assets:myacct $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co assets:myacct $50 income:unknown $-50 >=0 # 2. reading CSV with in-field and out-field < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co🎅,50, 11/2009/09,Flubber Co🎅,,50 RULES account1 Assets:MyAccount date %1 date-format %d/%Y/%m description %2 amount-in %3 amount-out %4 currency $ $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co🎅 Assets:MyAccount $50 income:unknown $-50 2009-09-11 Flubber Co🎅 Assets:MyAccount $-50 expenses:unknown $50 >=0 # 3. handle conditions assigning multiple fields < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50 RULES fields date, description, amount date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 assets:myacct if Flubber account2 acct comment cmt $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co ; cmt assets:myacct $50 acct $-50 >=0 # 4. read CSV with balance field < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50,123 RULES fields date, description, amount, balance date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 assets:myacct $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co assets:myacct $50 = $123 income:unknown $-50 >=0 # 5. read CSV with empty balance field < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50,123 11/2009/09,Blubber Co,60, RULES fields date, description, amount, balance date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 assets:myacct $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co assets:myacct $50 = $123 income:unknown $-50 2009-09-11 Blubber Co assets:myacct $60 income:unknown $-60 >=0 # 6. read CSV with only whitespace in balance field < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50,123 11/2009/09,Blubber Co,60, RULES fields date, description, amount, balance date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 assets:myacct $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co assets:myacct $50 = $123 income:unknown $-50 2009-09-11 Blubber Co assets:myacct $60 income:unknown $-60 >=0 # 7. read CSV with rule double-negating column < date,payee,amount 2009/10/9,Flubber Co,50 2009/11/09,Merchant Credit,-60 RULES skip 1 currency $ fields date, payee, payment amount -%payment account1 liabilities:bank account2 expense:other $ ./hledger-csv 2009-10-09 liabilities:bank $-50 expense:other $50 2009-11-09 liabilities:bank $60 expense:other $-60 >=0 # 8. reading with custom separator: SSV (semicolon-separated) < 10/2009/09;Flubber Co🎅;50; 11/2009/09;Flubber Co🎅;;50 RULES account1 Assets:MyAccount date %1 separator ; date-format %d/%Y/%m description %2 amount-in %3 amount-out %4 currency $ $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co🎅 Assets:MyAccount $50 income:unknown $-50 2009-09-11 Flubber Co🎅 Assets:MyAccount $-50 expenses:unknown $50 >=0 # 9. read CSV with balance2 field < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50,123 RULES fields date, description, amount, balance2 date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 assets:myacct $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co assets:myacct $50 income:unknown $-50 = $123 >=0 # 10. read CSV with balance1 and balance2 fields < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50,321,123 RULES fields date, description, amount, balance1, balance2 date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 assets:myacct $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co assets:myacct $50 = $321 income:unknown $-50 = $123 >=0 # 11. More than two postings < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50,321,123,0.234,VAT RULES fields date, description, amount, balance1, balance2, amount3,comment3 date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 assets:myacct account3 expenses:tax account4 the:remainder $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co assets:myacct $50.000 = $321.000 expenses:unknown = $123.000 expenses:tax $0.234 ; VAT the:remainder >=0 # 12. More than two postings and different currencies < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50,321,123,£,0.234,VAT RULES fields date, description, amount, balance1, balance2, currency3, amount3,comment3 date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 assets:myacct account3 expenses:tax account4 the:remainder $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co assets:myacct $50 = $321 expenses:unknown = $123 expenses:tax £0.234 ; VAT the:remainder >=0 # 13. reading CSV with in-field and out-field, where one could be zero < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co🎅,50,0 11/2009/09,Flubber Co🎅,0.00,50 RULES account1 Assets:MyAccount date %1 date-format %d/%Y/%m description %2 amount-in %3 amount-out %4 currency $ $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co🎅 Assets:MyAccount $50 income:unknown $-50 2009-09-11 Flubber Co🎅 Assets:MyAccount $-50 expenses:unknown $50 >=0 # 14. multiline descriptions < 10/2009/09,"Flubber Co Co Co ",50 RULES fields date, description, amount date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 assets:myacct $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co Co Co assets:myacct $50 income:unknown $-50 >=0 # 15. recursive interpolation < myacct,10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50, RULES fields account1, date, description, amount-in, amount-out date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ if Flubber account1 assets:%account1 amount-in (%amount-in) $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co assets:myacct $-50 expenses:unknown $50 >=0 # 16. Real life-ish paypal parsing example < "12/22/2018","06:22:50","PST","Someone","Subscription Payment","Completed","USD","10.00","-0.59","9.41","someone@some.where","simon@joyful.com","123456789","Joyful Systems","","9KCXINCOME:UNKNOWNZXXAX","","57.60","" RULES fields date, time, timezone, description, type, status_, currency, grossamount, feeamount, netamount, fromemail, toemail, code, itemtitle, itemid, referencetxnid, receiptid, balance, note account1 sm:assets:online:paypal amount1 %netamount account2 sm:expenses:unknown account3 JS:expenses:banking:paypal amount3 %feeamount balance %18 code %13 currency $ date %1 date-format %m/%d/%Y description %description for %itemtitle $ ./hledger-csv 2018-12-22 (123456789) Someone for Joyful Systems sm:assets:online:paypal $9.41 = $57.60 sm:expenses:unknown JS:expenses:banking:paypal $-0.59 >=0 # 17. Show that #415 is fixed < "2016/01/01","$1" "2016/02/02","$1,000.00" RULES account1 unknown amount %2 date %1 date-format %Y/%m/%d $ ./hledger-csv | hledger balance -f - --no-total $-1,001.00 income:unknown $1,001.00 unknown >=0 # 18. Conditional skips < HEADER 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50 MIDDLE SKIP THIS LINE AND THIS AND THIS ONE 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50 *** END OF FILE *** More lines of the trailer here They all should be ignored RULES fields date, description, amount date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 assets:myacct if HEADER skip if END OF FILE end if MIDDLE skip 3 $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co assets:myacct $50 income:unknown $-50 2009-09-10 Flubber Co assets:myacct $50 income:unknown $-50 >=0 # 19. Lines with just balance, no amount (#1000) < 2018-10-15,100 2018-10-16,200 2018-10-17,300 RULES fields date,bal balance EUR %bal date-format %Y-%m-%d description Assets Update account1 assets account2 income $ ./hledger-csv 2018-10-15 Assets Update assets = EUR 100 income 2018-10-16 Assets Update assets = EUR 200 income 2018-10-17 Assets Update assets = EUR 300 income >=0 # 20. Test for #1001 - empty assignment to amount show not eat next line < 2018-10-15,1 RULES fields date,amount amount comment x $ ./hledger-csv 2018-10-15 ; x >=0 # 21. Amountless postings and conditional third posting < "12/22/2018","06:22:50","PST","Someone","Subscription Payment","Completed","USD","10.00","-0.59","9.41","someone@some.where","simon@joyful.com","123456789","Joyful Systems","","9KCXINCOME:UNKNOWNZXXAX","","57.60","" "12/22/2018","06:22:50","PST","Someone","Empty fee","Completed","USD","10.00","","6.66","someone@some.where","simon@joyful.com","987654321","Joyful Systems","","9KCXINCOME:UNKNOWNZXXAX","","99.60","" "12/22/2018","06:22:50","PST","Someone","Conditional Empty fee","Completed","USD","10.00","-1.23","7.77","someone@some.where","simon@joyful.com","10101010101","Joyful Systems","","9KCXINCOME:UNKNOWNZXXAX","","88.66","" RULES fields date, time, timezone, description, type, status_, currency, grossamount, feeamount, netamount, fromemail, toemail, code, itemtitle, itemid, referencetxnid, receiptid, balance, note account1 sm:assets:online:paypal amount1 %netamount account2 sm:expenses:unknown account3 JS:expenses:banking:paypal amount3 %feeamount balance %18 code %13 currency $ date %1 date-format %m/%d/%Y description %description for %itemtitle if Conditional Empty Fee account3 # XXX skip this one for now, not sure what should be done # 2018/12/22 (987654321) Someone for Joyful Systems # sm:assets:online:paypal $6.66 = $99.60 # sm:expenses:unknown # JS:expenses:banking:paypal if ,Empty fee skip $ ./hledger-csv 2018-12-22 (123456789) Someone for Joyful Systems sm:assets:online:paypal $9.41 = $57.60 sm:expenses:unknown JS:expenses:banking:paypal $-0.59 2018-12-22 (10101010101) Someone for Joyful Systems sm:assets:online:paypal $7.77 = $88.66 sm:expenses:unknown $-7.77 >=0 # 22. read CSV with balance-type directive < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50,123 RULES fields date, description, amount, balance date-format %d/%Y/%m balance-type ==* currency $ account1 assets:myacct $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co assets:myacct $50 ==* $123 income:unknown $-50 >=0 # 23. create unbalanced virtual posting < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50,123 RULES fields date, description, amount, balance date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 (assets:myacct) $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co (assets:myacct) $50 = $123 >=0 # 24. create balanced virtual posting < 10/2009/09,Flubber Co,50,-50 RULES fields date, description, amount1, amount2 date-format %d/%Y/%m currency $ account1 [assets:myacct] account2 [assets:another-acct] $ ./hledger-csv 2009-09-10 Flubber Co [assets:myacct] $50 [assets:another-acct] $-50 >=0 # 25. specify reserved word whitespace separator in rules < 2009/10/01 Flubber Co 50 123 RULES fields date, description, amount, balance currency $ account1 (assets:myacct) separator TAB $ ./hledger-csv 2009-10-01 Flubber Co (assets:myacct) $50 = $123 >=0 # 26. manually setting hledger's default "expenses:unknown"/"income:unknown" names works (#1192) < 2020-01-01,5 RULES fields date, amount account1 a account2 expenses:unknown $ ./hledger-csv 2020-01-01 a 5 expenses:unknown -5 >=0 # 27. match a specific field < 2020-01-01, 1 2020-01-01, 2 RULES fields date, desc if %desc 1 description one $ ./hledger-csv desc:one 2020-01-01 one >=0 # 28. choose unknown account names correctly when no account name is set # and backwards-compatibly generating two postings. < 2020-01-01, 1, RULES fields date, amount, $ ./hledger-csv 2020-01-01 expenses:unknown 1 income:unknown -1 >=0 # 29. choose unknown account name correctly when only account1 is set # and backwards-compatibly generating second posting. < 2020-01-01, 1, a RULES fields date, amount, account1 $ ./hledger-csv 2020-01-01 a 1 income:unknown -1 >=0 # 30. leave unknown account name as-is when explicitly set by user (#1192). < 2020-01-01, 1, a RULES fields date, amount, account1 account2 expenses:unknown $ ./hledger-csv 2020-01-01 a 1 expenses:unknown -1 >=0 ## . #< #$ ./hledger-csv #>=0 ## . A single unbalanced posting with number other than 1 also should not generate a balancing posting. #< #2019-01-01,1 # #RULES #fields date,amount #account2 (a) # #$ ./hledger-csv #2019-01-01 # (a) 1 # #>=0 # ## . A single posting that's zero also should not generate a balancing posting. #< #2019-01-01,0 # #RULES #fields date,amount #account1 a # #$ ./hledger-csv #2019/01/01 # a 0 # #>=0 ## . With a bracketed account name, the auto-generated second posting should also be bracketed. #< #2019-01-01,1 # #RULES #fields date,amount #account1 [a] # #$ ./hledger-csv #2019/01/01 # [a] 1 # [income:unknown] -1 # #>=0 # . TODO: without --separator gives obscure error # | # 1 | 10/2009/09;Flubber Co🎅;50; # | ^^^^^^^^^^ # well-formed but invalid date: 10/2009/9 # < # 10/2009/09;Flubber Co🎅;50; # 11/2009/09;Flubber Co🎅;;50 # RULES # account1 Assets:MyAccount # date %1 # date-format %d/%Y/%m # description %2 # amount-in %3 # amount-out %4 # currency $ # $ ./hledger-csv # 2009/09/10 Flubber Co🎅 # Assets:MyAccount $50 # expenses:unknown $-50 # # 2009/09/11 Flubber Co🎅 # Assets:MyAccount $-50 # expenses:unknown $50 # # >=0 # . reading TSV (tab-separated) TODO user error (CSV record ["10/2009/09\tFlubber Co\127877\t50\t"] has less than two fields) # < # 10/2009/09 Flubber Co🎅 50 # 11/2009/09 Flubber Co🎅 50 # RULES # account1 Assets:MyAccount # date %1 # date-format %d/%Y/%m # description %2 # amount-in %3 # amount-out %4 # currency $ # $ ./hledger-csv # 2009/09/10 Flubber Co🎅 # Assets:MyAccount $50 # expenses:unknown $-50 # # 2009/09/11 Flubber Co🎅 # Assets:MyAccount $-50 # expenses:unknown $50 # # >=0