cache: - "%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Programs\\stack" - "c:\\project\\.stack-work" - "c:\\sr" # -> appveyor.yml # to force cache deletion: browse ui, open inspector, # $.ajax({url: '',type: 'DELETE'}) build: off # # Add [skip ci] or [ci skip] anywhere to commit message and build won’t # be triggered by AppVeyor for that commit. Or explicitly skip AppVeyor only # with [skip appveyor] and still allow any other CI to build the commit # (eg. Travis CI). #uncomment once to cache latest stack before_test: - curl -L --insecure - 7z x stack.exe clone_folder: "c:\\project" environment: global: STACK_ROOT: "c:\\sr" # set in UI, can we set here ? # APPVEYOR_SAVE_CACHE_ON_ERROR: "true" test_script: #the j1 flag is a temporary workaround for, - stack --local-bin-path . -j1 --install-ghc build --test --copy-bins hledger hledger-web hledger-api # --bench benchmark doesn't run on windows yet #- hledger-install/ #- make stacktest artifacts: - path: hledger.exe - path: hledger-web.exe - path: hledger-api.exe #deployment stuff for later # #- cmd: for /f %%i in ('.\\hledger --version') do set HLEDGER_VERSION=%%i #- cmd: for /f %%i in ('.\\hledger-web --version') do set HLEDGER_WEB_VERSION=%%i #- cmd: for /f %%i in ('.\\hledger-api --version') do set HLEDGER_API_VERSION=%%i # #skip_tags: true # #deploy: # - provider: GitHub # tag: 'hledger-$(HLEDGER_VERSION)' # release: 'Release hledger-$(HLEDGER_VERSION)' # auth_token: # secure: #FZXhwa1ucQwyFtswv/XNUJkclAxoz4YGGu69dSOEEkwG7Rlh/Gho66SJtOUJ57kN # artifact: hledger.exe # on: # branch: master # cf