User-visible changes in hledger-ui. See also hledger's change log. 0.27 (unreleased) - hledger-ui is a new curses-style UI, intended to be a standard part of the hledger toolset for all users (except on native MS Windows, where vty is not supported yet). The UI is currently very simple, allowing just browsing of accounts and transactions, but it has a number of improvements over the old hledger-vty, which it replaces: - adapts to screen size - handles wide characters - manages cursor and scroll position better - shows multi-commodity amounts on one line - shows transactions rather than postings, like hledger-web - allows depth adjustment - allows tree/flat mode toggle - allows journal reloading - color-codes posting amounts - offers multiple color themes - includes built-in help hledger-ui is built with brick, a new higher-level UI library based on vty, making it relatively easy to grow and maintain.