name: hledger-web version: 0.16.6 category: Finance synopsis: A web interface for the hledger accounting tool. description: hledger is a library and set of user tools for working with financial data (or anything that can be tracked in a double-entry accounting ledger.) It is a haskell port and friendly fork of John Wiegley's Ledger. hledger provides command-line, curses and web interfaces, and aims to be a reliable, practical tool for daily use. license: GPL license-file: LICENSE author: Simon Michael maintainer: Simon Michael homepage: bug-reports: stability: beta tested-with: GHC==7.0, GHC==7.2 cabal-version: >= 1.6 build-type: Simple extra-tmp-files: extra-source-files: models routes static/style.css static/hledger.js static/jquery.js static/jquery.url.js static/jquery.flot.js static/dhtmlxcommon.js static/dhtmlxcombo.js static/excanvas.min.js static/combo_select.gif static/favicon.ico source-repository head type: darcs location: Flag production Description: Build fully optimised and with web files embedded (not loaded from ./static/) Default: True flag threaded Description: Build with support for multithreaded execution Default: True Flag devel Description: Build for auto-recompiling by "yesod devel" Default: False executable hledger-web main-is: hledger-web.hs if flag(devel) Buildable: False if flag(production) cpp-options: -DPRODUCTION ghc-options: -O2 else ghc-options: -Wall if flag(threaded) ghc-options: -threaded other-modules: Hledger.Web Hledger.Web.Foundation Hledger.Web.Application Hledger.Web.Options Hledger.Web.Settings Hledger.Web.Settings.StaticFiles Hledger.Web.Handlers build-depends: hledger == 0.16.2 ,hledger-lib == 0.16.2 ,HUnit ,base >= 4 && < 5 ,bytestring ,cabal-file-th ,cmdargs >= 0.8 && < 0.9 ,directory ,filepath ,old-locale ,parsec ,regexpr >= 0.5.1 ,safe >= 0.2 ,text ,time ,io-storage >= 0.3 && < 0.4 ,failure >= 0.1 && < 0.2 ,file-embed == 0.0.* ,template-haskell >= 2.4 && < 2.6 ,yesod >= && < 0.10 ,yesod-core ,yesod-form ,yesod-json ,yesod-static >= 0.3 ,aeson-native >= ,blaze-html ,clientsession ,data-object ,data-object-yaml ,hamlet ,shakespeare-css ,shakespeare-js ,shakespeare-text ,transformers ,wai ,wai-extra ,warp library if flag(devel) Buildable: True else Buildable: False exposed-modules: Hledger.Web.Application other-modules: Hledger.Web Hledger.Web.Foundation Hledger.Web.Options Hledger.Web.Settings Hledger.Web.Settings.StaticFiles Hledger.Web.Handlers