{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} module Hledger.Utils.Parse ( SimpleStringParser, SimpleTextParser, TextParser, JournalParser, ErroringJournalParser, choice', choiceInState, surroundedBy, parsewith, parsewithString, parseWithState, parseWithState', fromparse, parseerror, showDateParseError, nonspace, isNonNewlineSpace, spacenonewline, restofline, eolof, -- * re-exports CustomErr ) where import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT) import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT, evalStateT) import Data.Char import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..)) import Data.List import Data.Text (Text) import Text.Megaparsec import Text.Megaparsec.Char import Text.Megaparsec.Custom import Text.Printf import Hledger.Data.Types import Hledger.Utils.UTF8IOCompat (error') -- | A parser of string to some type. type SimpleStringParser a = Parsec CustomErr String a -- | A parser of strict text to some type. type SimpleTextParser = Parsec CustomErr Text -- XXX an "a" argument breaks the CsvRulesParser declaration somehow -- | A parser of text that runs in some monad. type TextParser m a = ParsecT CustomErr Text m a -- | A parser of text that runs in some monad, keeping a Journal as state. type JournalParser m a = StateT Journal (ParsecT CustomErr Text m) a -- | A parser of text that runs in some monad, keeping a Journal as -- state, that can throw an exception to end parsing, preventing -- further parser backtracking. type ErroringJournalParser m a = StateT Journal (ParsecT CustomErr Text (ExceptT FinalParseError m)) a -- | Backtracking choice, use this when alternatives share a prefix. -- Consumes no input if all choices fail. choice' :: [TextParser m a] -> TextParser m a choice' = choice . map try -- | Backtracking choice, use this when alternatives share a prefix. -- Consumes no input if all choices fail. choiceInState :: [StateT s (ParsecT CustomErr Text m) a] -> StateT s (ParsecT CustomErr Text m) a choiceInState = choice . map try surroundedBy :: Applicative m => m openclose -> m a -> m a surroundedBy p = between p p parsewith :: Parsec e Text a -> Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle Text e) a parsewith p = runParser p "" parsewithString :: Parsec e String a -> String -> Either (ParseErrorBundle String e) a parsewithString p = runParser p "" -- | Run a stateful parser with some initial state on a text. -- See also: runTextParser, runJournalParser. parseWithState :: Monad m => st -> StateT st (ParsecT CustomErr Text m) a -> Text -> m (Either (ParseErrorBundle Text CustomErr) a) parseWithState ctx p s = runParserT (evalStateT p ctx) "" s parseWithState' :: (Stream s) => st -> StateT st (ParsecT e s Identity) a -> s -> (Either (ParseErrorBundle s e) a) parseWithState' ctx p s = runParser (evalStateT p ctx) "" s fromparse :: (Show t, Show (Token t), Show e) => Either (ParseErrorBundle t e) a -> a fromparse = either parseerror id parseerror :: (Show t, Show (Token t), Show e) => ParseErrorBundle t e -> a parseerror e = error' $ showParseError e showParseError :: (Show t, Show (Token t), Show e) => ParseErrorBundle t e -> String showParseError e = "parse error at " ++ show e showDateParseError :: (Show t, Show (Token t), Show e) => ParseErrorBundle t e -> String showDateParseError e = printf "date parse error (%s)" (intercalate ", " $ tail $ lines $ show e) nonspace :: TextParser m Char nonspace = satisfy (not . isSpace) isNonNewlineSpace :: Char -> Bool isNonNewlineSpace c = c /= '\n' && isSpace c -- XXX support \r\n ? -- isNonNewlineSpace c = c /= '\n' && c /= '\r' && isSpace c spacenonewline :: (Stream s, Char ~ Token s) => ParsecT CustomErr s m Char spacenonewline = satisfy isNonNewlineSpace restofline :: TextParser m String restofline = anySingle `manyTill` newline eolof :: TextParser m () eolof = (newline >> return ()) <|> eof