name: hledger -- Version is set by the makefile version: 0.7.0 category: Finance synopsis: A command-line (or curses or web-based) double-entry accounting tool. description: hledger reads a plain text ledger file or timelog describing your transactions and displays precise balance and register reports via command-line, curses or web interface. It is a remix, in haskell, of John Wiegley's excellent c++ ledger. hledger aims to be a practical, accessible tool for end users and a useful library for finance-minded haskell programmers. license: GPL license-file: LICENSE author: Simon Michael maintainer: Simon Michael homepage: bug-reports: stability: experimental tested-with: GHC==6.8, GHC==6.10 cabal-version: >= 1.2 build-type: Custom extra-tmp-files: extra-source-files: README sample.ledger sample.timelog flag vty description: enable the curses ui default: False flag web description: enable the web ui default: False library exposed-modules: Ledger Ledger.Account Ledger.AccountName Ledger.Amount Ledger.Commodity Ledger.Dates Ledger.IO Ledger.LedgerTransaction Ledger.RawLedger Ledger.Ledger Ledger.Posting Ledger.Parse Ledger.TimeLog Ledger.Transaction Ledger.Types Ledger.Utils Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5 ,containers ,directory ,filepath ,haskell98 ,old-time ,parsec ,time ,utf8-string >= 0.3 && < 0.4 ,HUnit executable hledger main-is: hledger.hs other-modules: Commands.Add Commands.All Commands.Balance Commands.Convert Commands.Histogram Commands.Print Commands.Register Commands.Stats Ledger Ledger.Account Ledger.AccountName Ledger.Amount Ledger.Commodity Ledger.Dates Ledger.IO Ledger.LedgerTransaction Ledger.Ledger Ledger.Parse Ledger.RawLedger Ledger.Posting Ledger.TimeLog Ledger.Transaction Ledger.Types Ledger.Utils Options Tests Utils Version build-depends: base >= 3 && < 5 ,bytestring ,containers ,csv ,directory ,filepath ,haskell98 ,mtl ,old-time ,parsec ,process ,regexpr >= 0.5.1 ,split ,testpack ,time ,utf8-string >= 0.3 && < 0.4 ,HUnit -- should set patchlevel here as in Makefile cpp-options: -DPATCHLEVEL=0 if flag(vty) cpp-options: -DVTY other-modules:Commands.UI build-depends: vty >= && < 4.1 if flag(web) cpp-options: -DWEB other-modules:Commands.Web build-depends: hsp ,hsx ,xhtml >= 3000.2 && < 3000.3 ,loli ,io-storage ,hack-contrib ,hack ,hack-handler-happstack ,happstack >= 0.3 && < 0.4 ,happstack-data >= 0.3 && < 0.4 ,happstack-server >= 0.3 && < 0.4 ,happstack-state >= 0.3 && < 0.4 ,HTTP >= 4000.0 && < 4000.1 ,applicative-extras -- source-repository head -- type: darcs -- location: -- disabled for now due to: -- The 'source-repository' section is new in Cabal-1.6. Unfortunately it messes -- up the parser in earlier Cabal versions so you need to specify 'cabal-version: -- >= 1.6'. -- cf